What Is Covert Narcissistic Abuse? Recognizing Manipulation Tactics
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What is covert narcissism?
When many people think of narcissistic abuse, they often think of excessive arrogance, blatant demands for attention, and conspicuous manipulation tactics like love bombing. In some cases, however, narcissistic behavior can be less obvious and potentially more damaging. Covert narcissism refers to the passive, subtle expression of harmful narcissistic traits.
Many of the forms of manipulation used by covert narcissists rise to the level of emotional abuse, or covert narcissistic abuse. They can often cause substantial harm not only to their partners but also to family members in abusive relationships. If you’re in a relationship with someone who has covert narcissism, it can be helpful to know how they may attempt to control or influence you. Below, we’re going to discuss covert narcissistic abuse—its definition, signs, and associated manipulation tactics.
Covert narcissistic abuse or "vulnerable narcissism"
Narcissistic personality disorder is typically marked by an outsized sense of self-importance, the desire for attention and admiration, and trouble empathizing with others. Those with NPD or those with a narcissistic personality can, however, express these common traits differently—and possess varying ancillary traits—depending on whether they have overt or covert narcissism. Overt narcissism, also called grandiose narcissism, is the presentation that many people think of when they imagine this personality disorder. Overt narcissists are often more extroverted, and their need to feel superior is typically shown through grandiose behavior that reinforces their abilities and positive qualities. Someone with grandiose narcissism will often show overt behaviors to try to control others and get their way through more transparent guilt trips or appeals to emotion.
Covert narcissism, on the other hand, is often expressed through subtle ways of manipulation.
Though someone with covert narcissism, also called vulnerable narcissism, will likely have a sense of superiority, they may simultaneously have low self-esteem, which can cause them to frequently seek validation or make other people feel inferior.
Passive aggressive behavior and control
Covert narcissists are easily hurt by criticism, which is called a narcissistic injury, and are more prone to certain mental health challenges. Studies suggest that vulnerable narcissists experience a greater risk of anxiety and depression than grandiose narcissists. While people with overt narcissism often seem charming, well-spoken, brusque, or judgmental, someone with covert narcissism can appear distressed, shy, aloof, or cold.
Introverted passive agressive tendencies in a cover narcissist
Some signs of covert narcissistic tendencies are if they are more introverted, with a need for admiration that may be displayed more subtly through passive-aggressive statements or self-deprecation. They may also use different manipulation tactics than overt narcissists, attempting to control others by feigning helplessness or playing the victim. Covert narcissism, a more subtle form of narcissism, is often less blatant than overt narcissism and can be hard to detect. Therefore, it can be key to set clear boundaries from the beginning.
Covert narcissistic abuse and narcissistic personality disorder
Narcissistic personality disorder, or NPD, is a mental health condition experienced by many who may show overt and covert forms of narcissism. The condition is characterized by a lack of empathy, an inflated sense of importance, and an excessive need for admiration. NPD can lead to serious challenges, often affecting an individual’s personal relationships, ability to work, and overall quality of life. Not every person who displays covert narcissistic tendencies has NPD, though—some people’s narcissistic traits do not meet the criteria for NPD, despite their significant impacts. To distinguish NPD from other personality disorders, such as bipolar disorder, there are several specific symptoms or signs that professionals look out for.
Cover narcissists: Signs to look for
Common signs of narcissistic personality disorder related to covert narcissism include:
- Unreasonably high sense of self-importance
- A desire for regular, excessive admiration
- The belief that they deserve special privileges or treatment
- A lack of empathy
- Sense of superiority and desire to be recognized as superior
- Preoccupation with fantasies about success, power, beauty, or brilliance
- Overly critical of people they feel are not important
- Expecting special favors
- Expecting others to do what they ask without question
- Taking advantage of other people to get what they want
- Hypersensitivity to criticism
- Envy of others and a belief that others envy them
- Strongly opposed to change
Covert narcissists can have varying behaviors
Not everyone with NPD will exhibit abusive behaviors, and with proper support, many individuals with NPD or narcissistic tendencies can lead fulfilling lives with healthy relationships. However, if someone you know is exhibiting abusive or aggressive behavior, such as by manipulating you, giving you the “silent treatment,” or otherwise being harmful, you may wish to seek support yourself.
Covert narcissistic manipulation tactics
Psychological manipulation, often a form of covert abuse, is typically intended to exert control, exploit, or otherwise influence another person for one’s own gain. Manipulation, a clear sign of abusive behavior, is often used by people with covert narcissistic traits to put others down, get what they want, or avoid taking responsibility for their actions.
A covert narcissist’s need for admiration, superiority, and attention, combined with their introversion and low self-esteem, can cause them to utilize passive-aggressive or indirect tactics as well as abusive behaviors to manipulate others and make themselves feel better. Common manifestations of this type of covert narcissistic abuse include gaslighting, deflection, and intimidation. Below, we’re going to review these methods of manipulation so that you may better recognize them if they’re used in one of your relationships.
The term gaslighting refers to efforts to make another person feel as though they cannot trust their reality. For those with covert narcissism, it may be used to preserve a sense of superiority and keep others from questioning their narcissistic behaviors. For example, if someone with covert narcissism makes a self-deprecating remark—another common manipulation tactic—that you later bring up, they may deny ever having said it. They might respond with something like, “I didn’t say that. Are you sure you weren’t just tired?” in order to make you question yourself. This can be a frustrating and emotionally taxing form of covert narcissistic abuse, often tailored to the narcissist’s own perception of reality.
People who are vulnerable narcissists usually become defensive, often showing passive-aggressive behavior when confronted about their manipulative behaviors. In order to avoid damage to their often fragile emotional state, they will frequently place blame on others. This can also connect with a covert narcissist’s desire to play the victim in various situations, such as in business or romantic relationships. For example, a covert narcissist may make an error that results in you both losing money. Instead of admitting to their mistake, they might make you feel guilty while using the negative financial effects of the error to elicit sympathy for themselves.
A covert narcissist will often go to great lengths to defend themselves from information that challenges their sense of self-importance. They will sometimes accomplish this by avoiding being confronted about their behavior. For example, if you talk to your partner about their lack of effort in your relationship, they may use tactics like stonewalling or simply leaving the room. Vulnerable narcissists may also quit certain pursuits or avoid social settings as a strategy to maintain control over how they are perceived. Often, avoidance manifests in a covert narcissist’s isolation from others.
While someone with covert narcissism may experience feelings of insecurity, they may also use this lack of self-esteem to play on the emotions of others. Self-deprecation can be used to elicit validation; for example, a covert narcissist may repeatedly talk about how bad a meal is so that you’ll praise their cooking. This can help build them up while also manipulating your emotions. They might also use self-effacing remarks to get what they want; for example, if you note that a covert narcissist is ignoring your wishes in a relationship, they may respond by talking about what a bad person they are.
Research suggests that covert narcissists are more likely than overt narcissists to experience narcissistic rage. Narcissistic rage refers to intense anger and hostility in response to situations where a narcissist is challenged, such as when someone is reinforcing or setting boundaries. According to one study, covert narcissistic rage is thought to be the result of “underlying feelings of shame and inferiority”. When an individual with vulnerable narcissism is challenged, they may attempt to control the situation by raising their voice, adopting an aggressive stance, and using other tactics meant to intimidate and inflict self-doubt.
For example, if your partner is a covert narcissist, and you express disappointment because they have not been contributing to housework, they may attempt to push you down until you take back your criticism. This can be one of the more recognizable signs of covert narcissistic abuse, often affecting the self-worth of the victim.
Therapy to help navigate covert narcissists
Studies show that online therapy may help those who are living with mental health challenges that may have arisen out of covert narcissistic abuse. For example, in a study published in the journal BMC Psychiatry, researchers found that online therapy can effectively reduce trauma symptoms in participants. The study also mentions that online therapy can help reduce depression and anxiety—common comorbid conditions of post-traumatic stress disorder—and improve overall treatment outcomes.
If you’re experiencing trauma or emotional pain due to covert narcissistic abuse, know that help and support groups are available. With an online therapy platform like BetterHelp, you can participate in therapy remotely, which can be helpful if you’re not comfortable discussing traumatic experiences in person. BetterHelp works with thousands of therapists who are trained in a range of specialties, so you’ll have a good chance of matching with someone who can help you learn the right coping skills and process your emotions related to covert narcissistic abuse or similar concerns.
Because covert narcissism is often more difficult to detect, covert narcissistic abuse can be an even more harmful presence in relationships. For those with narcissistic partners, it is important to understand how a narcissist thinks. Understanding common phrases and tactics that vulnerable narcissists use to control others—including gaslighting and self-deprecation—can help you avoid engaging with their behavior and maintain a healthy distance. If you’d like to address the emotional challenges of a relationship with a vulnerable narcissist, consider reaching out to a licensed mental health professional online. With the emotional support and guidance of a therapist, you can nurture healthy relationships, improve your emotional well-being, and take the next steps on your mental health journey.
What is an example of a covert narcissist's behavior?
“Covert narcissism” refers to someone who may have narcissistic personality disorder or narcissistic traits, but the signs may be less overt and difficult to identify than overt narcissism.
Signs of a covert narcissist include social anxiety, passive aggression, self-deprecating behavior, internalizing behavior, superficial relationships, lack of empathy, entitlement, taking advantage of others for personal gain, revenge-seeking behavior, and an inflated sense of self-importance.
What sneaky things do covert narcissists do?
Some difficult-to-spot signs of a covert narcissistic personality include:
- Emotional manipulation that is more subtle, such as creating confusion and causing others to second-guess themselves (gaslighting)
- Giving back-handed compliments
- Self-deprecating comments intended to gain confirmation of self-importance from others
- Looking for constant reassurance
- There are strings attached when they give
If you know someone with signs of narcissistic personality disorder, it’s a good idea to take some steps to protect your mental health. For example, it may be helpful to develop coping skills, set firm boundaries, join a support group, or distance yourself from them.
What are the red flags of a covert narcissist?
Some red flags of a covert narcissist include:
- Double standard for what is acceptable behavior
- Gaslighting
- Blaming others for their own mistakes
- They mirror your behaviors
- Constantly looking for reassurance or praise
- Self-deprecating comments
- There’s a discrepancy between what they say and how they behave
- Empty promises
- Heightened sensitivity to criticism
- Entitlement
- Willing to take advantage of others for personal gain
People with covert narcissistic traits may benefit from talk therapy, which may help them boost their internal sense of self-worth and self-esteem. This can alleviate anxiety and the reliance on external validation.
What mental illness does a covert narcissist have?
Narcissism can refer to a personality trait or a mental disorder called “narcissistic personality disorder.” While many people have some narcissistic traits, narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a disruptive disorder that affects around 0.5-5% of the population. NPD can affect quality of life, daily functioning, and interpersonal relationships.
How do covert narcissists punish you?
Some ways a covert narcissist may punish or manipulate others include:
- Gaslighting
- Disregard for things that are important to others
- Deliberate inconveniences
- Creating confusion to avoid accountability or place blame on others
- Passive aggressive behaviors, such as intentionally not wishing you a happy birthday
- Talking poorly about you behind your back
- Backhanded compliments
- Silent treatments
These behaviors are often done to gain control, avoid responsibility, manipulate, indirectly communicate dissatisfaction, or create dependency. Individuals at the receiving end of this treatment may experience harm to their emotional well-being and self-esteem.
What are the hidden habits of a covert narcissist?
The signs of covert narcissism are more difficult to spot than overt narcissism. However, hidden behaviors to look for include self-deprecating comments, self-pity, high sensitivity to criticism, guilt-tripping, sulking, and social isolation.
What annoys a covert narcissist?
Some things that might annoy a covert narcissist include maintaining healthy boundaries, embarrassing them, indifference to manipulative behavior, spending time with others, or confrontation.
What is a covert narcissist's biggest fear?
Some of the most common fears of covert narcissists include criticism, having their true intentions “found out,” negative emotions, rejection, losing external markers of success, and abandonment.
What triggers a covert narcissist?
Some risk factors for narcissism include genetic factors, adverse childhood experiences, inconsistent parenting styles (such as excessive praise or ridicule), brain differences, and rejection.
How do you test if someone is a covert narcissist?
Some signs that can help you gauge whether someone is a covert narcissist include:
- They’re highly sensitive to criticism
- Passive aggressive behavior
- Talking poorly about people behind their back
- Holding grudges
- Self-deprecating comments intended to gain external validation
- They’re always the victim in situations
- Gaslighting
- Withdrawn
- Sulking
- Envy of others
- Grandiose fantasies
Covert narcissists often disguise their true intentions, lack of empathy, and self-importance. These signs can be difficult to identify, but you may notice that they make you question your reality, feel insecure, or feel unsupported emotionally.
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