Sex And ADHD: Can My Love Life Be Affected?
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ADHD is much better understood than it once was, but that doesn't make the symptoms any easier to live with. Many changes occur in the brain for people that have ADHD which causes them to act in ways that they can't control and aren't happy with.
Though these symptoms may first present in childhood, ADHD is a lifelong condition. People living with ADHD often act in ways that are impulsive and hyperactive, and make it difficult to pay attention to. Such actions can trigger emotional responses such as feelings of poor self-image, problems in relationships, and unstable behavior in the work environment.
How does ADHD relate to the bedroom?
The symptoms of ADHD can impair a person’s sexual function and cause some sexual complications, depending on the person’s sex drive and their exact ADHD symptomatology. Both partners can be affected in romantic and marriage relationships as well. ADHD can affect sexual behavior as well as relationships, and it can affect it in several different and unexpected ways.
What are the effects of ADHD on physical intimacy?
The effects of ADHD on sexuality are highly individual and subjective, making sexual symptoms difficult to measure. People who live with ADHD often struggle to keep their lives purposeful and orderly. The exhaustion that often accompanies ADHD leaves many individuals depleted of their energy.
Many of the symptoms of ADHD have a subsequent and secondary negative effect on sexual interest and functioning, which can add to the stress that may already be present in a romantic or marriage relationship. Some symptoms can be severe enough to cause sexual dysfunction.
An online survey done in 2022 involving the participation of adolescents up to college students found that, even when not paired with other sexual disorders, ADHD symptoms led to an increased risk of potentially harmful sexual behavior. This unnamed online survey also found that ADHD participants were at an increased risk for relationship dissatisfaction related to sexual performance concerns, especially when it came to trouble paying attention during and around intercourse. The online survey noted that this particular effect of ADHD reported was relatively evenly split between men and women.
By understanding how ADHD affects sexuality, in people of any sexual orientation, both partners can more readily deal with the stress that it causes.
The sexual symptoms that accompany ADHD generally fall into two separate categories-hypersexuality and hyposexuality.
The prefix hyper means excess or exaggeration. When we combine the prefix with sexuality, it means an unusually high sex drive. Sexual stimulation causes the brain to release endorphins which send neurotransmitters into action. The brain then sends signals to the body to respond by giving it a sense of calm and relaxation which relieves much of the feelings of restlessness that tend to accompany ADHD.
This is why sexual intercourse or masturbation can help to relieve tension and stress. One of the most common symptoms of ADHD reported is impulsivity. Individuals who give in to impulses of a sexual nature can cause additional problems within their personal or romantic relationships. Sexual impulses can lead to risky behaviors such as sexual promiscuity, habitual desires for pornography, the desire for multiple partners or more sexual partners overall, or unprotected sex. This riskier sexual behavior can lead to some sexual problems including addiction or an increased risk of sexually transmitted infection. This increased risk of sexually transmitted disease may lead to further health issues.
People who live with ADHD are also at risk for substance use disorders which can increase the chance for poor decision-making and give in to sexual impulses and sexual risk-taking behavior.
The prefix hypo refers to being underactive. Combining the prefix with sexuality means having difficulty achieving sexual arousal. Essentially, hyposexuality is the opposite of hypersexuality. Losing interest in sexual activity can be a direct side effect of ADHD in some individuals. For those who take medication to treat ADHD, hyposexuality can also be a side effect. This is particularly true for individuals who take antidepressants to treat their ADHD symptoms. People living with ADHD may experience irritability after orgasm and irritability may be accompanied by feelings of sadness or depression because the brain releases less dopamine at that time.
Just as people living with ADHD may lose interest in other types of activities, people with ADHD reported that they may also become distracted during sex, have trouble concentrating on the sensations, have trouble paying attention to their partner’s needs, or lose interest in physical intimacy altogether.
As a side note, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) doesn't recognize sexual symptoms as part of the diagnostic criteria for someone living with ADHD. Along the same lines, the APA doesn't consider issues of promiscuity or pornography as part of the diagnostic criteria for ADHD either. While they're not part of the criteria for a diagnosis, sexual symptoms can greatly impact well-being.
Understanding sexuality in your partner with ADHD symptoms
When sexual symptoms begin to emerge, they can greatly impact the partners of those who live with ADHD. It's common for partners to misperceive such issues as a distraction, lack of concentration, or loss of sexual interest and misinterpret them as signs of rejection. In reality, ADHD symptomatology can lead to issues with sexual development, especially if the symptoms go untreated during adolescence and early adulthood when sexual desire first manifests.
In better understanding ADHD, partners will learn that trouble concentrating is one of the main symptoms of ADHD. Lack of concentration can become evident in many aspects of an individual's life including their sexual experiences. The lack of focus before, during, or after sexual intercourse usually has nothing to do with the ADHD-affected person's interest or sexual desire in their partner. It's a matter of wanting to focus and not being able to.
It's not easy for people to live with untreated symptoms of ADHD. It's often even more difficult for their loved ones to be understanding about that associated anger, frustration, and forgetfulness, especially if similar symptoms presented at a significantly younger age and were just attributed to forgetfulness or laziness. These symptoms affect relationships. Failing relationships can lead to fighting and unrest with romantic partners and spouses, which can hurt sexuality. It can even lead to sexual anxiety.
Hypersexuality and hyposexuality
Some women with ADHD may not be able to easily achieve having an orgasm. Hypersexuality and hyposexuality come into play here. Some women may be hypersexual and be able to reach orgasm quickly and repeatedly. Other women struggle to reach orgasm even after intense, prolonged sexual stimulation.
Many individuals who live with ADHD find that they experience hypersensitivity in the bedroom. This means that they're highly affected by colors, sights, sounds, smells, and the overall environment. In addition to their surroundings, some of the things that their partner finds pleasurable and satisfying may feel irritating and uncomfortable for the person with ADHD. Sensory issues such as smells, textures, tastes, and visual images may cause someone with ADHD to feel annoyed or even repulsed and turned off. That shuts off the mood for both people and can lead to even further frustrations and a lack of intimacy.
When a person with ADHD is feeling the hyperactive symptoms of the disorder, they feel like they're constantly functioning in overdrive. On the one hand, the partner may be looking for a slow, gradual climax to sexual intercourse; whereas, someone who is in a hyperactive state may be equally satisfied with a swift sexual intercourse encounter. Essentially, both partners are operating on different speeds-one on high and one on low. The partner living with ADHD may find it extremely challenging to relax and calm their mind enough to meet their partner's speed and get into the mood for sex. This can lead to tension in a sexual or romantic relationship.
What are the treatment options for overcoming sexual challenges and sexual dysfunction?
Most people who live with ADHD can enjoy the benefits of a mutually enjoyable sexual relationship with those they love. It takes work and commitment on the part of both partners. Depending on the ADHD symptom severity, medication and therapy can improve the symptoms of the disorder which can enhance the couple's other strategies to improve their sexual relationship with each other and resolve some sexual problems. Here are some things to try that can help improve sexual satisfaction for both partners.
Mix things up a bit
Take some time to brainstorm things that you haven't tried before. Begin the conversation with a discussion of trying some new positions or new locations. Books on improving ideas for sexual intimacy may spark some ideas of how to get rid of boredom in the bedroom. Be careful in this area. Some people tend to be a little more sexually adventuresome than others. Be sure that both partners are on the same page with their sexual desire and the things they're willing to try and things that are out of the question.
Open up the communication
Some couples converse little, if at all, before, during, or after sex. If you're a person who lives with ADHD, open up about how your ADHD symptoms may affect how you express your sexual interest and level of intimacy. If you're a partner without ADHD, let your partner know that you're willing to listen to what they need and that you're willing to change your responses to make things comfortable and satisfying for both of you. For example, keeping the lights on or off can heat the level of intimacy or cool it off. Lotions and perfumes can be an enhancement or a detraction. Having solid communication skills can help to limit sexual problems created by frustration.
Practice mindfulness for mutually satisfying pleasure
People who live with ADHD may not be in a position to wait until they're in the mood for sex or may experience sexual anxiety with sudden propositions. This may mean making a date and time to have sex and be willing to keep your appointment. Be excited in anticipation of it and look forward to it. When the time comes, do some calming exercises as part of your foreplay. Do some yoga, meditate, or listen to the sound of ocean waves. Practice mindfulness as sexual activity begins. Focus on your partner and work on staying in the moment.
Seek professional help
Couples who deal with ADHD can improve their sex lives by seeking guidance and advice from a licensed counselor or therapist. The specialists at BetterHelp can help you find a licensed therapist who can help you navigate the relationship between ADHD and a sex drive. With convenient and discreet at-home therapy sessions, you can speak openly about your concerns. Simply fill out a brief online survey to be matched with a therapist who specializes in helping people just like you.
Do people with ADHD struggle with sex?
A person with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may become easily distracted during sex, making it more difficult to concentrate or focus, or may be hyperactive, making it more difficult for them to relax. People with ADHD can do a few things to help improve their experience during sex:
- Remove distractions: For some people with ADHD, hypersensitivity can make them more susceptible to getting distracted. For example, a scented candle or scented massage oil can be enough to distract someone with ADHD during sex.
- Practice mindfulness: Practicing mindfulness during sex may help people with ADHD be more present and have a more pleasurable experience. Certain ways people can practice mindfulness during sex are to focus on one’s breath and let thoughts go without judgment (not dwelling on thoughts that come up).
- Take ADHD medication as directed: ADHD medication that helps alleviate adult ADHD symptoms, such as distractability, may help improve sex for people with ADHD. When adult ADHD symptoms are properly managed, adults with ADHD may be able to improve focus and attention and may be less likely to get distracted during sex.
Yes. People with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are capable of having healthy sexual relationships and an enjoyable sex life.
Adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may engage in risky sexual behavior. One study shows that people with ADHD are more likely to engage in risky sexual encounters, such as not using birth control during sex, having multiple sexual partners, and having casual sex, compared to people without ADHD. These types of risky sexual behaviors may put people with ADHD at an increased risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
Hypersexuality also places people with ADHD at risk of problematic pornography use, as research shows that some people with ADHD use pornography as a form of “self-medication.”
It can. Certain symptoms of ADHD, such as distractability and hypersensitivity, may interfere with someone’s ability to have an enjoyable sex life or to maintain healthy sexual relationships.
Which biological sex is more likely to have ADHD?
- Distractibility: Difficulty focusing or sustaining attention may contribute to a person’s mind wandering during sex. For some people, difficulty focusing may make it more difficult to reach an orgasm.
- Hypersensitivity: Some people with ADHD experience hypersensitivity to physical stimuli (touch, smell, etc.), which may contribute to distractibility during sex. Certain stimulating touches may feel uncomfortable for someone with ADHD, while certain smells (like scented candles) may feel overwhelming.
- Hyperactivity: People with ADHD who are hyperactive may have difficulty relaxing enough or focusing enough in order to become aroused.
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