Is ADHD Hereditary?
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD is a common neurodevelopmental disorder that causes behavioral patterns of hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattentiveness. This condition typically presents itself during early childhood, with the average age of diagnosis being seven years old.
ADHD is a chronic condition, meaning that it affects people even as they age. Certain individuals are at higher risk for specific disorders, whether it be neurodevelopmental, medical, or mental health-related. For these conditions, many people wonder what they can do to lower their risk.
Is ADHD genetic? Since some disorders have a genetic component, it’s not always possible to prevent them, but it’s still helpful to understand the risk factors you or your child might have. We’ll be exploring the potential causes of ADHD, including how the disorder works and whether it could be hereditary.
Is attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) hereditary?
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder or ADHD is shown to run in families, with strong evidence that the disorder is hereditary. It is believed that inheritance is the primary cause of most diagnoses of the disorder. A parent with ADHD has a 77-88% chance of passing it down to their child. In fact, if a child is diagnosed with ADHD, there is a likelihood that one of their parents or relatives also has it, even though they may not be diagnosed. Researchers believe that many different candidate genes are responsible for ADHD. There is a special focus on studying genes that affect the neurotransmitter dopamine due to its role in the disorder.
Ongoing research
While ADHD may have a strong genetic component, scientists are still looking for answers as to how the disorder develops. Thousands of genetic studies have been conducted on people with ADHD. Studies involving families, twins, and adopted children have been done in search of finding the specific genes involved with inheriting the disorder. In one of these studies, hyperactive children resembled their biological parents more than their adopted parents, further supporting that ADHD is inherited.
While scientists have found multiple potential genes that could be linked to ADHD, no specific genes have been proven to cause the disorder. Because this is such a complex disorder, finding specific genetic links to ADHD could be revolutionary in helping to diagnose and treat those with it.
ADHD symptoms
How can you tell if you or your child might have ADHD? There are some symptoms and signs you can look out for. The signature symptoms of impulsive behavior, hyperactivity, and inattentiveness can all provide challenges when it comes to school and work performance, relationships, self-esteem, and overall daily functioning.
Some common symptoms of ADHD include:
- Difficulty sitting still
- Talking constantly, even when inappropriate
- Impulsive actions
- Impatience
- Difficulty concentrating
- Forgetfulness
- Disorganization
How ADHD works
Scientists know that ADHD affects the brain in various ways and in many different regions. The frontal cortex is believed to be heavily affected in those with the disorder. The frontal lobe of the brain has many responsibilities, with executive functioning being a key purpose. Executive functions are mental processes that allow us to plan for the future, make decisions, have inhibitions, and also affect our attention span. Many of the symptoms of ADHD involve difficulties with these executive functions.
Neurotransmitters and ADHD
Brain chemistry, particularly the neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, is believed to play a role in ADHD. These brain chemicals act as messengers, allowing the neurons in the brain to communicate, and this essentially enables normal brain function. Each of these is explored in more detail below:
Dopamine: Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that affects a wide variety of processes in the brain. Some of these processes include attention, mood, and movement. Research suggests that in people living with ADHD, their brains remove dopamine too quickly. This speedy removal results in overall lower levels of dopamine in the brain, which is believed to be responsible for some of the symptoms of the disorder.
Serotonin: Serotonin is another neurotransmitter, and it is believed to influence sleep, memory, and social behavior. When serotonin levels are low, these functions can be negatively impacted.
Norepinephrine: Norepinephrine is a neurotransmitter and a hormone. It is similar to adrenaline, and it is involved in the body's stress response and overall alertness. Norepinephrine affects a variety of processes, including attention and focus. Low levels of norepinephrine are believed to be, in part, responsible for some of the symptoms of ADHD.
It is important to understand that ADHD is affected by a large variety of brain processes and neurotransmitters, but dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine are believed to play major roles in the disorder.
Other causes of ADHD
ADHD develops very early in life and does not randomly form in an older child or adult. With that said, it is possible that people with ADHD can go undiagnosed for years and realize their condition later in life. In addition to genetics, there are many other known factors that are believed to contribute to the development of ADHD. Many of these factors are environmental, including exposure to toxins during pregnancy, premature birth, and head trauma, to name a few. There is a lot of ongoing research being done on ADHD and how it develops. Currently, there is still much about the disorder that we do not know.
Exposure to certain toxic materials during pregnancy or infancy is thought to be a possible cause of ADHD. When the fetus is in utero, it is extremely vulnerable to even the slightest amount of environmental toxins, which can affect brain development. Infants and very young children are also at risk. Toxins can be found in all sorts of everyday items and chemicals. Hygiene products, lawn care products, and food can all contain chemicals and additives that can harm the developing brain of a fetus, infant, or child. Another common toxin that young children are often exposed to is lead. People can be exposed to lead in multiple ways but lead paint and lead in drinking water are two of the most common ways that they enter the body.
Other factors may include substances ingested by the mother can also cause direct harm to the developing child during pregnancy. Prenatal exposure to smoke is associated with disruptive behavioral disorders in children, including ADHD, ODD, and CD. It is not yet clearly understood how smoking tobacco during pregnancy can contribute to ADHD, but the link is there. Alcohol and other drug use during pregnancy have also been associated with ADHD and other cognitive disorders in children.
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Emerging evidence shows that head trauma and traumatic brain injuries can also increase the risk of ADHD in children. Severe injuries to the brain, especially during the prime developmental years early in the child's life, can cause disruptions in cognitive functioning. Long-term issues with focus, impulses, and motor activity are all potential results of a severe head injury and subsequent brain damage.
If I have ADHD, will my kid have it too?
When having children, it is understandable to consider what possible genetic conditions you may pass down to your child. When discovering that a condition like ADHD is inheritable, they may feel guilty about the possibility of passing along their disorder. It's important to know that having ADHD does not guarantee that your child will also have it. It is true, though, that ADHD runs in families, and genetics can often be the primary cause of the disorder.
Understanding that there is a fair chance of passing along ADHD to your child is an important thing to consider. However, many children are born to a parent with ADHD, and they don't develop the disorder themselves. Passing along the condition is not a sure thing. Similarly, children can be diagnosed with ADHD even when they have no relatives with the disorder.
If you’re looking for additional resources and information about ADHD, the Child Mind Institute has a lot of information on its website.
Online therapy for ADHD with BetterHelp
Learning how to manage the symptoms of ADHD can be a process. If you or your child is experiencing problems in daily life because of this disorder, it can be helpful to seek the support of a professional. You can get matched with a licensed counselor who specializes in ADHD through BetterHelp, an online therapy platform.
The symptoms of ADHD can make time management difficult. Moving around one’s routine to accommodate therapy might feel too difficult, especially if there’s a lot of driving involved. With online therapy, you can meet with your therapist from the comfort of your home and on your own schedule. Whether you’d like to chat through a video call, phone call, or in-app messaging feature— the choice is yours. This allows you to take more control over your therapeutic experience and go at your own pace.
Online therapy can be beneficial to those living with ADHD, no matter what age they are. One study found that an online intervention was effective in “improving attention deficit and social function of adults and children with ADHD.” Compared to people on waiting lists for traditional, in-person therapy, researchers also concluded that participants utilizing the online intervention had more success.
There is still a lot of unknown information and unanswered questions about ADHD. However, researchers have been able to determine a genetic component to the disorder. While parents may not be able to prevent their children from developing ADHD, they can take steps to educate themselves about the disorder.
Learning about how to manage ADHD, exploring the various treatments available, and making treatment decisions can give parents more confidence if their child does have it. An online therapist who specializes in ADHD in their clinical practice may be able to help calm parents’ fears and provide helpful information to ease their concerns.
Is ADHD inherited from the mother or father?
Attention-deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) is polygenetic, meaning many genes are known to raise the risk of developing the condition, and many more may have yet to be discovered. The genes can be passed down from the mother, father, or both parents. While the underlying genetic factors of ADHD are still not fully understood, researchers all agree that there's a strong genetic component that can easily be passed from parents to their children. Evidence suggests that ADHD has an estimated heritability of 75% to 91%, meaning that genes play a critical role in how ADHD develops.
Can ADHD kids lead a normal life?
It's likely that children diagnosed with ADHD will be able to lead healthy, happy lives. However, outcomes are generally best when treatment and management are started as early as possible. While medication remains the gold standard for treating the symptoms of ADHD, children typically benefit when they are taught behavioral strategies to use along with their medication.
Children with ADHD can learn to manage the condition and use their treatment options effectively. Evidence suggests that around 50% of children will be below the diagnostic threshold for ADHD by the time they reach age 25, indicating that many experience partial or total remission of the disorder by the time they reach adulthood.
Is ADHD 100% genetic?
ADHD has a powerful genetic component, but environmental factors still play a role.
Information from twin studies indicates an average heritability of 74%, indicating that genetics play a stronger role than environmental factors. Despite this, the presence of one or more of the many genes that predict ADHD does not mean that a person's guaranteed to develop the condition, nor does a family history of ADHD. Environmental risk factors, such as low birth weight, exposure to toxins, and maternal stress during pregnancy, also contribute to the probability of being diagnosed with ADHD.
What is the root cause of ADHD?
The exact cause of ADHD isn't yet fully understood, but research shows that both genetic and environmental risk factors play a role, with genetics playing a stronger role. Scientists have known for a long time that ADHD involves genetics. If one or both parents have the condition, it increases the risk that their child will be diagnosed.
ADHD is polygenetic, which means many genes contribute to genetic risk. Many of those genes have been identified, as have the changes in brain function they likely cause, including dysregulated dopamine levels and disrupted connections between nerve cells. However, genetic testing for ADHD's still limited due to the complex genetic profile of the disorder.
While genes strongly influence whether a child will develop ADHD, environmental factors also play a role. ADHD's more common in children who grew up experiencing poverty. Adverse childhood experiences, such as a violent home or neglect, also contribute to the condition. Other risk factors include exposure to toxins like lead and pesticides, maternal tobacco or alcohol use while pregnant, or extreme maternal stress during pregnancy.
Should I have children if I have ADHD?
Whether or not you have children if you have ADHD is a personal decision that is likely best made after thoughtful consideration. Family history may be one of the best predictors of whether someone will develop the condition; if one or both parents have the disorder, it increases the likelihood that their child will also have it. However, an ADHD diagnosis does not doom a child to a life of difficulty and unhappiness. The medication used to treat ADHD is safe and effective, and if treatment's started early, many children learn how to manage the condition without experiencing intense adverse effects.
Is ADHD a part of autism?
ADHD and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are different conditions and diagnoses. However, there is significant comorbidity between the two disorders, meaning they frequently appear together. One study found that 50% to 70% of people on the spectrum also meet the criteria for a diagnosis of ADHD. The connection between ADHD and ASD is still poorly understood, but their high comorbidity indicates that they are likely related in some way despite being diagnostically separate conditions with unique presentations.
What happens if you leave ADHD untreated?
People with untreated ADHD often experience significant barriers to success in education, employment, and social relationships. Although the severity can vary, the effects can be profound and substantially decrease a person’s quality of life. ADHD is also associated with several comorbid conditions, which are disorders that occur alongside ADHD.
Common comorbid conditions include learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, depression, anxiety, and substance use problems. Leaving ADHD untreated likely has the potential to worsen the symptoms of comorbid conditions and increase the challenge of treating them effectively.
What age does ADHD start?
Researchers are uncertain at what age a child’s symptoms begin significantly impacting their life. The diagnostic criteria found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders require that symptoms appear before age 12 for a diagnosis to be made. Children are most commonly diagnosed between the ages of 6 and 12, but it is not uncommon for younger children and teens to receive the diagnosis if symptoms are significant. There's significant debate regarding how young a child can be diagnosed.
Common ADHD symptoms like distractability, impulsivity, and hyperactivity are typical behaviors for young children, concerning some experts that a diagnosis at that age may be inaccurate or harmful. When children are diagnosed under the age of six, clinicians often recommend behavioral therapy as a first-line treatment rather than medication. As the child grows, they can be reevaluated, allowing their parents and treatment team to determine the effects of the therapy and whether medication may be warranted.
At what age does ADHD peak?
The peak of ADHD symptoms can be different for everyone and probably depends on the progress of their treatment. As a brain-based condition, ADHD is highly sensitive to a person’s developmental state and typical functioning. For example, a 13-year-old with ADHD likely has better control over their symptoms than a 6-year-old with the condition, but they probably still experience differences in level of function compared to same-age peers. A person’s unique circumstances play a prominent role in how much the disorder will impact them, making it difficult to say when ADHD typically peaks.
Can ADHD be cured?
ADHD is considered a chronic condition that cannot be cured, but it can be treated and managed. Treatments for young children usually begin with behavioral therapy, and medication can be added as they age if symptoms cannot be controlled with behavioral strategies alone. For older children, teens, and adults, medication's usually the first-line treatment, but behavioral therapy is generally included to teach important coping and management skills.
Many people also rely on simple coping skills in addition to medication and therapy. For example, one of the most effective interventions for ADHD is likely regular physical activity. Moderate-intensity exercise is associated with long-term and short-term improvements, including reduced ADHD symptoms, increased executive function, and better academic performance. Other studies also indicate that exercise may help reduce the symptoms of many of ADHD’s comorbid conditions.
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