The Percent Of People With ADHD: What Is Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder?
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) seems to have gotten more attention from the media in the 2020s, with more people starting to receive resources for diagnosis and support. Because of this increase in representation, some people may be wondering what percentage of people in the US and worldwide have ADHD. Understanding these statistics may offer a sense of being less alone and could show areas where stigma may be contributing to disparities in diagnosis and support options. If you’re seeking professional support, reaching out to a therapist in your local area or online may be a place to start.
What is attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is usually defined as a neurodevelopmental condition and form of neurodivergence. ADHD typically causes symptoms related to inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.
There are three subtypes of ADHD listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), including the following:
- Primarily inattentive ADHD (ADHD-PI)
- Hyperactive-impulsive ADHD (ADHD-HI)
- Combined type ADHD
Attention deficit disorder (ADD) used to be a diagnosis in the DSM-III and DSM-IV, but has since been replaced with ADHD-PI, which tends to involve similar symptoms.
Primarily inattentive ADHD
According to the DSM-5, the diagnostic criteria for primarily inattentive ADHD can include the following:
- Difficulty paying close attention to details
- A tendency to make seemingly careless mistakes
- Difficulty sustaining attention on tasks
- Having trouble listening when spoken to directly
- Struggling to follow through with and finish tasks, usually due to lack of focus or distraction
- Challenges with organization
- Avoiding projects that require sustained focus
- Losing necessary items
- Being easily distracted
- Experiencing frequent forgetfulness
Hyperactive-impulsive ADHD
Hyperactive and impulsive symptoms of ADHD may include the following:
- Restlessness, often involving fidgeting behaviors and difficulty sitting still
- Having trouble with quietly taking part in activities
- Seeming to always be “on the go”
- Talking too much or too loudly
- A tendency to interrupt or intrude on others
- Challenges with waiting one’s turn
Combined type ADHD
Combined type ADHD can include symptoms from both of the categories discussed above. In general, to receive an official diagnosis, the following must be true:
- All symptoms have been present since before age 12.
- Symptoms must have been present for at least six months.
- Symptoms must be inconsistent with an individual’s developmental level.
- Symptoms must impact daily functioning.
- Symptoms cannot stem from other mental or physical health conditions, and they cannot be caused by substance use.
Understanding neurodiversity and mental health
Neurodiversity can showcase how conditions like autism spectrum disorder (ASD), ADHD, dyslexia, and others do not have a “cure,” but can instead be seen as different ways of being.
Percent of people with ADHD and neurodiversity
Neurodiversity may also highlight the strengths of people with these mental health conditions. For example, people with ADHD may have a heightened ability to be creative and focus on their passions. In addition, they may have unique ways of solving problems and seeing the world because of ADHD.
How many people have ADHD? The percentage of people with ADHD
It’s reported that 129 million children and adolescents worldwide are diagnosed with the condition, whereas 366 million adults are diagnosed. Rates of ADHD diagnoses seem to be increasing, potentially due to more coverage of the condition in the media, as well as more positive representation of neurodiversity being provided by influencers.
Breaking down the percent of people with ADHD
Some diagnostic barriers and disparities may remain, and the percentages of ADHD may not reflect certain communities accurately. Marginalized communities tend to be less likely to be diagnosed with ADHD and access support services.
ADHD diagnosis in women and girls
Women and girls are usually less likely to be diagnosed with ADHD, potentially due to societal stigmas and a lack of research on the presentation of symptoms in this population. Adult women who realize they might be living with ADHD may also have a difficult time receiving a diagnosis, as ADHD is often studied in young boys, and women may face stigma when seeking support.
ADHD population statistics
Below are some other ADHD population statistics that may be helpful when looking to understand this condition:
- According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), six out of 10 US children with ADHD may also live with another mental illness. The most common comorbidities typically include anxiety, depression, and autism.
- Mississippi may be the state with the highest prevalence of ADHD in children at 14.4%, whereas California seems to have the lowest rate of children diagnosed with ADHD at 5.3%.
- Approximately 3.3 million adolescents aged 12 to 17 are diagnosed with ADHD in the US.
Adults with ADHD and neurodiversity support options
If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with ADHD, or if you suspect you may be neurodivergent and are experiencing challenges in daily life, there are a few support options you might explore.
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medication
ADHD medication can sometimes reduce disruptive symptoms that may make it difficult to function at home, work, or school. These medications might decrease distraction and hyperactivity or relieve anxiety.
If you’re interested in this ADHD treatment option, it can be helpful to talk to your doctor about medications that may be helpful for you. In addition, always consult your doctor or psychiatrist before starting, changing, or stopping a medication for any condition. The information in this article is not a replacement for medical advice or an ADHD diagnosis.
Lifestyle changes and accommodations
- Putting clean clothes in organized bins instead of folding or hanging them
- Having a snack cart with healthy snacks that are quick and easy to eat or putting multiple snack carts around the house to remind yourself to eat
- Prepping meals at the start of the week so you have them ready when you’re stressed after a busy day
- Having a bin near the door for your wallet, keys, and other necessities
- Using an assisted-reading device that can read your school assignments or work instructions to you out loud
- Leaving brushless toothpaste capsules near your bed or keeping a toothbrush at every sink in the house to remind yourself to brush your teeth when you see it
Online therapy for mental health support
Studies generally support the effectiveness of online therapy. One study found that internet interventions for ADHD management could be beneficial, often improving social function and confidence in clients.
How common is ADHD really?
According to the World Health Organization, approximately 5% of children and 2.5% of adults worldwide have attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder. Research suggests ADHD rates have been rising in the United States, though.
Is ADHD overdiagnosed?
Maybe. Some experts, including those from the American Psychiatric Association, say that ADHD is not as common as health statistics suggest. Key findings from a 2021 study on ADHD prevalence found evidence of overdiagnosis. Authors of the study suggested that a false diagnosis could do more harm than good for those experiencing mild ADHD symptoms.
What is ADHD usually misdiagnosed as?
Symptoms of ADHD may overlap with several other mental health conditions, making misdiagnosis common. ADHD may be misdiagnosed in many children, adolescents, and adults as bipolar disorder, anxiety, disorder, learning disabilities, depression, and even sleep disorders.
Can ADHD be a spectrum?
Yes. ADHD exists on a spectrum, meaning symptoms can range from mild to severe ADHD symptoms. A healthcare provider can use diagnostic criteria to determine the severity of symptoms.
Is it worth it for adults with ADHD to get a formal diagnosis?
Yes. A diagnosis of adult ADHD can be validating and promote self-awareness. Moreover, with diagnosed ADHD, you may have a wider availability of treatment options, including behavioral therapy and medication.
What does an adult with ADHD behave like?
Adults with a neurodevelopmental disorder like ADHD could display many different symptoms. Some of these could include impulsivity, disruptive behavior, trouble completing tasks, and inattentiveness, for example. Without a current diagnosis and effective treatment, individuals could be at an increased risk of substance misuse (formerly substance abuse) in adulthood.
What percent of the human population has ADHD?
Overall prevalence of ADHD among adults is approximately 3%, and the percentage for childhood ADHD is higher. Some states in the U.S. have a higher prevalence of ADHD cases than others. For example, in South Carolina, 11.1 percent of the total population of children in the age group of 3 to 17 has been diagnosed with ADHD. In California, the percentage is only 5.3%, according to a data table released by the Centers for Disease Control. This disparity could be due to a number of factors, including environmental toxins that affect brain development in certain parts of the United States. Other factors could include better awareness of mental health conditions like ADHD in some parts of the country.
Do people with ADHD do well in life?
Yes. The condition affects many aspects of life and can result in functional impairment. With treatment, though, people with ADHD can be quite successful. According to a multimodal treatment study sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health, most people with ADHD benefit from a combination of medication and behavior therapy.
Why is ADHD so common now?
It may appear that ADHD is more common now than in the past, but some experts suggest that this is an illusion based on decreased stigma associated with the condition. Since more people are seeking mental health care in general, it makes sense that we would see more people with ADHD receive a formal diagnosis.
Who mostly gets ADHD?
There are differences in ADHD rates according to different gender and ethnic groups. A 2022 survey of parents of children in the age range of 3-17 showed that girls are less likely to be health care provider-diagnosed with ADHD than boys by nearly half. Moreover, white children and black children were more likely to be diagnosed with the condition than Asian children by more than half. The same survey showed that 6 out of 10 children from the total population studied had moderate ADHD or severe ADHD. Moreover, co-occurring conditions appeared to result in more severe cases of ADHD. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the average age of diagnosis is 7.
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