Understanding The Stages Of The Adolescent Age Range
Adolescence is a period of life often marked by significant changes. Teens may experience physical, emotional, and hormonal adjustments as they go through puberty, life changes, and the navigation of social challenges. The adolescent age range refers to the span of years during which individuals transition from childhood to adulthood, encompassing ages 10 up to 24, as some experts may vary on the exact duration. There are several stages of adolescence, and each one may carry with it different adjustment periods.
When teens turn 16, they are legally allowed to drive, drop out of school, or declare emancipation from their parents in the US. However, they cannot rent a car until they are 25. Young people are allowed to vote at 18 but may not legally drink until they are 21. For some parents and teens, this may cause uncertainty about when adolescence begins and ends. Some experts state the late adolescence period ends only at age 24.
The stages of adolescence
Adolescence is often broken into three stages: early, middle, and late adolescence. The age ranges for these three stages may be debated, however. Experts often believe that adolescence begins with puberty, or around ages 10 to 14.
By middle adolescence (ages 15 to 18), symptoms of puberty may subside, and teens might be closer to their adult height, weight, and size if they are in good health.
Puberty in modern teens may occur earlier than in the past with adolescent development, often beginning from seven to ten years of age. Adolescence may also be prolonged. Adolescents or young adults might attend university for longer or wait to get married and have families. Additionally, scientific discoveries about brain development reveal that the prefrontal cortex (the part of the brain responsible for rational decision-making) is not fully developed until age 25.
Learning about adolescence and its accompanying stages can help parents and teens understand why specific changes occur, and it can promote adolescent health, both physical and mental.
Early adolescence (ages 10-14)
Early adolescence often accompanies puberty and rapid growth, and this is often a crucial part of human development. A young person going through this stage may notice their height and weight changing. For those assigned males at birth, a change in voice, a more prominent Adam's apple, and genital changes may occur. For those assigned females at birth, menstruation often begins, and breasts may develop. All teens may notice more hair growth around their bodies.
Puberty often accompanies hormonal changes, which may make teens feel that their parents are acting unfairly. They might also feel overwhelmed by responsibilities, relationships, and home life. In some cases, mood disorders begin to develop around this time, such as teenage depression. If you believe your child may be experiencing any kind of mental health risk, please reach out for medical care. There are many child and adolescent therapists who may help.
Middle adolescence (ages 15-18)
In the middle adolescent stage, symptoms of puberty for those assigned females at birth might subside. However, many individuals assigned male at birth will experience growth spurts, deeper voices, and higher testosterone levels. For some adolescents, sexual activity may begin during this stage, so it can be helpful to speak to your child about the potential risks associated with unsafe sex.
During this stage, teens may engage in abstract and relativist thinking, which could help them form their own identities. They might often think about the future and set clear goals. In middle adolescence, many teens have their first romantic relationships. They might also establish long-term friend groups or close connections with others. These social relationships can be important for young people’s health.
Late adolescence (ages 19-24)
At this stage, adolescents may demonstrate concern and compassion for others. They might have developed a sense of self separate from their parents or peer group, although relationships often continue to be an essential part of their lives. Their upbringing and cultural traditions may become values as they move into adulthood.
Those in late adolescence may often experience "firsts," such as getting their first car, enrolling in university, or having their first serious relationship. These years of development may be essential for learning lessons they will carry into adulthood.
When does adolescence end and early adulthood begin?
Until recent years, scientists believed adolescence might end around 18 or 19. In many cultures, this coincided with the end of secondary education and the beginning of a young person's encounter with the full-time working world. However, these changes may be more cultural than physical.
Since the brain is not fully developed until the mid-twenties and many young adults still live with their parents or require emotional and financial support, many individuals feel that 24 is a better estimate. Once adults reach 25, they may be more situated in the career world and have a better idea of what they want their future in society to look like.
Counseling for adolescents and adults
Many cultural, physical, emotional, and hormonal changes may occur in a teen's life, even past 18. As a parent or an adolescent experiencing these transitions, stress, anxiety, or depression may occur. Therapy and other mental health services can be highly beneficial tools for young girls and boys dealing with any difficulties during adolescence.
As parenting and being a teen are both busy life stages, it may be tricky to find a counselor to undertake an adolescent psychology appointment that meets your scheduling needs. If that is the case for you, online counseling for child health could be beneficial. Online counseling allows you to meet with a counselor from a location that feels safe to you, such as your home or office. Additionally, it is often more affordable than in-person therapy.
Adolescence can feel confusing, complex, and scary for many. Learning the varying stages of adolescence and what they could mean for you may be rewarding. If you're a teen or adult dealing with the impact of any adolescence stage, consider reaching out for further professional guidance from a counselor.
What are the different phases of the adolescent age range?
Adolescence is considered the bridge between childhood and adulthood. However, within this period are three subcategories called the stages of adolescence. These include:
Early adolescence: Occurring between ages 10 to 13, teens at this stage start to grow more quickly, with some girls starting their period and beginning to develop breasts. Caught between childhood and the burgeoning teens, this transition can be confusing and stressful.
Middle adolescence: Ages 14 to 17, most males will also begin to grow quickly during this period, with enlargement of the testes and penis, and both boys and girls will notice growth of pubic, axillary, and facial hair. They may begin to argue more with parents as they attempt to establish independence. Sexual and reproductive health are important discussion topics during this time as many teens become sexually active.
Late adolescence: Between ages 18-21, teens have typically reached their full adult height and body type. Their impulse control has improved (and may continue to improve into their twenties) as their frontal lobe completes development. Research shows that during middle and late adolescence, there is higher risk of unintentional injury due to a tendency toward risky behaviors including substance use, and interpersonal violence. Adolescent mortality and mental health is a common subject for study by health organizations.
Is a 20-year-old an adolescent?
Some may be surprised to hear that, yes, a 20 year old can be considered an adolescent. While the World Health Organization defines adolescence as ages 10 to 19, many other experts expand the definition through age 21 and even a little beyond.
The final area of the brain to develop is the prefrontal cortex, and this is not typically complete until the early to mid-twenties.
What stage of adolescence is someone 13 to 18 years considered?
This is considered middle adolescence, and it is a time of great change and upheaval. Children are learning to think more like adults, and brain development is in a place where these teens may be at risk for impulsive behaviors, mental health issues, and self-esteem challenges. Low self-worth during this time is one of the leading causes of eating disorders for many teen girls (and a smaller percentage of teen boys), and can also lead to self-harm.
While a lot of research is conducted to find solutions for the challenges regarding child and adolescent health, there are a lot of great things about this age too. Teens at this stage are often passionate, engaged, and finding themselves and their place in the world.
Is a 16-year-old considered a child or adolescent?
Yes, sixteen-year-olds lands firmly into the middle adolescent stage. At this age, they are beginning to think more like adults, though there may still be times when they feel like children in the greater world.
Adolescence can be a time of great stress due to significant changes in the brain and body, so teaching stress-management skills can be helpful. Creating habits like moderate physical activity, balanced eating, and mindfulness exercises can both manage stress in the moment and also set them up to safeguard their mental health in the future.
What are the ages of the three stages of adulthood?
The three stages of adulthood include early adulthood, which occurs between ages 21 to around age 40. Middle age is around 40 to 60 years of age, and then old age begins around 60.
Is a 19-year-old considered to be in late adolescence?
Yes, late adolescence occurs between the ages of 18 and 21. The body has often reached full growth by 19, (although for some men growth can continue for another year or two), and the frontal lobe of the brain is still developing. The brain will continue to refine executive functions until the early to mid-twenties for most people.
Related questions on childhood, adolescence, and puberty
When does childhood end psychologically?
Everyone develops at their own rate, so it can vary from one child to the next. Still, most children enter adolescence between the ages of 12 and 13.
How can I support my adolescent child during puberty?
There could be many ways to support your teen as they hit puberty. Some suggestions include:
Learn about the changes puberty triggers, including physical development, cognitive development, and emotional issues.
Be a safe space where your teen can talk about challenges and ask questions.
Model a healthy lifestyle, including good nutrition and regular exercise.
Gradually offer more freedom and responsibility during the teen years and allow your child to set healthy boundaries.
What major psychological changes occur in the adolescent age range?
As the teen brain develops, major psychological changes take place during the teen years, including:
Teens move past concrete thinking (i.e., separate, order, and transform objects and actions) and begin to demonstrate abstract thinking.
The adolescent brain is capable of more complex thinking processes. New cognitive abilities include critical thinking and metacognition.
New cognitive skills and cognitive development means teens become capable of well-thought-out decisions and might begin making their own plans.
Cognitive growth allows teens to develop their own new ideas, and they may begin forming their own identity. This could cause them to question authority (including parental rules), engage in risk taking, and develop their own code for future behavior.
What are the differences between late adolescence and early adulthood?
Late adolescence occurs through the ages of 17-19. This period of development involves:
Advanced reasoning skills that go beyond concrete operations to more global concepts
Continued identity exploration as individuals weigh the different possibilities
Continued development enables personal decision making
The process of developing future goals and plans begins.
Early adulthood spans the ages of 18-25 and is marked by these milestones and characteristics:
The process of making career decisions begins.
Individuals may move out on their own and become financially independent.
Young adults begin to develop more serious relationships and might start to think about planning a family.
The brain and body become fully formed.
What happens to a child in the early stages of puberty?
Cognitive changes during early puberty may include:
Changes in brain structure
Brain growth in certain regions allows for higher-level cognition.
Young teens become capable of formal logical operations, a higher level of thinking.
Improved social cognition may improve relationships.
Tendency to focus thinking on less self-centered concepts
What changes occur in the brain when transitioning from childhood to adulthood?
From the period of early childhood to young adulthood, the brain changes in many complex ways. Some of these cognitive changes include:
Development of the prefrontal cortex enables higher-level thought processes
The ability to debate ideas and opposing views begins, due to concrete changes in the brain.
Improved ability to identify and reflect on one’s own thoughts
Enhanced capacity to predict future consequences and make logical decisions (i.e., cold cognition)
Increased awareness of social rewards
The brain changes in concrete ways that allow young adults to develop their own view of the world.
Why are adolescents so moody?
Children and teens in this age group can be moody, possibly because there are so many different changes occurring at once, including physical, emotional, and cognitive changes. Some explanations for mood swings might include:
Hormone fluctuations due to puberty
Reduced capacity for “hot cognition”, or making decisions under pressure
Futuristic concerns like careers and relationships
Personal problems in their family or social circle
Children with a learning disability or mental health condition may have a particularly challenging time navigating adolescence. Caring adults should intervene if they see high school students or even younger children struggling with issues related to development.
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