What To Expect During An Adolescent Growth Spurt
As the human life cycle unfolds and children turn into adolescents, a whirlwind of physical and emotional changes begins to occur. One of the most noticeable changes during this time comes by way of growth spurts. As adolescents undergo rapid growth and development, navigating the vastness of these changes can be challenging for both parents and adolescents. In this article, we’ll explore what to expect during an adolescent growth spurt and how parents can effectively support their children through the different stages of adolescent growth.
What happens during an adolescent growth spurt?
The majority of human growth occurs during the adolescent or teenage years. This crucial point of development, often referred to as puberty, is characterized by a multitude of simultaneous changes that include growth acceleration, alteration in body composition, and appearance of secondary sex characteristics.
A sudden increase in height
One of the most evident signs of the growth spurt is a sudden increase in height. During this phase, adolescents typically reach peak growth rates between the ages of 10 to 14. This increase in skeletal growth velocity usually results in the addition of several inches to their stature within a short period.
Hormonal fluctuations
Additionally, hormones play a significant role in adolescent sexual development. Adolescents typically experience hormonal fluctuations, which cause the development of secondary sexual characteristics, such as breasts, facial hair, and pubic hair distribution. During this time, those with a gynecological reproductive system typically face the onset of menstruation, while people with an androgynal reproductive system may notice the enlargement of their testicles and the deepening of their voices.
Temporary challenges
This process of maturation tends to be dynamic and may be influenced by a variety of genetic and environmental factors. Growth spurts can vary widely among individuals, occurring at different ages and at various rates. Adolescents may also encounter temporary challenges, such as clumsiness, mood swings, and changes in appetite.
Parent and guardian support during an adolescent growth spurt is essential
As teenagers reach sexual maturation and experience an increase in height, weight, and muscle mass, it can be important for parents and caregivers to provide them with support by way of proper nutrition, regular physical activity, and emotional support. Having a general understanding of this transformative phase is often helpful for parents and caregivers working to guide adolescents toward overall well-being and healthy development. Keeping the lines of communication open about these changes may help ensure adolescents view them in a positive light.
Emotional and psychological challenges of child growth spurts
The rapid changes that occur during the adolescent growth spurt can often have profound effects on the emotional well-being of both parent and child. During this period, adolescents may experience mood swings, heightened sensitivity, and increased self-consciousness as their bodies grow and change. Adolescents may find that their emotions are stronger than before or that they’re having feelings they’ve never had in the past.
It can be vital for parents and caregivers to practice patience as an adolescent experiences these rapidly shifting moods. Ensuring an adolescent that what they’re experiencing is normal may help them accept the changes with more ease.
At what ages do child and adolescent growth spurts occur?
On average, adolescents typically experience growth spurts anywhere from the ages of 10 through 16. However, girls usually experience growth spurts between the ages of 8 and 13, while boys tend to go through them when they’re 10 to 15. The duration can range from several months to a few years, with growth rates varying during different stages and among various adolescents.
In some cases, adolescents may experience slow growth or an absent growth spurt. While this can be common due to a wide range of factors that affect adolescent growth, parents or caregivers may want to consult a physician with questions or concerns.
Online therapy for parents and adolescents navigating puberty
In many cases, therapy can be a valuable resource for parents looking to help their child navigate adolescence, including the growth spurts that come along with it. With therapy, parents can gain a deeper understanding of their adolescent’s needs and emotions while also receiving personal guidance and professional support. For busy parents, online therapy through a platform like BetterHelp can offer a more flexible and affordable option for receiving specialized care. Additionally, teens can find virtual counseling options through TeenCounseling, a platform offering services to those aged 13-19.
Online therapy operates with the client in mind, which means sessions can be scheduled around complex availabilities, and participants can use video chats, phone calls, or in-app messaging to speak with their therapist. The convenience and freedom of online therapy may make it a viable alternative to traditional therapy.
The efficacy of online therapy during puberty
Along with ease, convenience, and cost-effectiveness, online therapy has proven to be as effective as in person options. In one study, researchers found that a digital cognitive behavioral therapy intervention reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety and that these results were maintained at 6- and 9-month follow-ups. In a study assessing adolescent perceptions of online therapy for mental health concerns, researchers discovered that adolescents valued its stigma reduction. Further, 72% of them reported they would use online therapy if they needed support.
Parents helping their child navigate adolescence may benefit from getting professional support through therapy. Those facing barriers to care, such as financial constraints, scheduling complexities, or geographical concerns, may find that online therapy more effectively meets their unique preferences and needs. Take the first step toward getting support as a parent of an adolescent and contact BetterHelp today.
When is the average adolescent growth spurt?
Every person experiences the stage of adolescence. On average, adolescent growth spurt in girls begins at 10 years of age and 12 years for boys.
What are the first signs of a growth spurt during adolescence?
Some of the first signs of a growth spurt in an adolescent are an increase in height, a change in moods, longer sleep time, and an increase in appetite. The first sign of puberty change in a male’s body is the enlargement of the testicles. For girls, it is the development of breast buds.
What triggers the adolescent growth spurt?
Adolescent growth spurt is a normal occurrence during adolescence and is triggered by natural hormonal changes in the body. Along with these hormonal changes, growth spurts in teens include the development of emotional, mental, and social changes as well.
What is an adolescent growth spurt?
An adolescent growth spurt is a fast increase in height and weight among adolescents. Other signs that arise when a child experiences puberty include:
The appearance of secondary sex characteristics such as the development of pubic hair (pubic hair appears as sparse and soft hair at first, and grows slowly into more wiry adult hair), breast development, voice changes, and in adolescent boys the testicles begin to grow larger as the body begins producing sperm.
Oily skin
Bone growth, which leads to linear growth; you may be able to predict adult height
Body composition begins to change
The appearance of wet dreams
Mental and emotional changes take place during a pubertal growth spurt as well. While children are mainly influenced by their parents, peer influence becomes more important as teenage boys and girls grow into young adults. They start thinking about long-term commitment to partners, and begin to think more abstractly.
Do growth spurts hurt?
There is no evidence that a child's growth is painful. However, they can be emotionally difficult as this period of time is one of tumultuous change. In fact, a longitudinal assessment of teens was published in the Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychology in 2024 to determine risk for suicidal behavior, as puberty increases emotional reaction and depressive symptoms.
When is the adolescent growth spurt?
Physical maturation in adolescent years can encompass a broad range of time, with adolescent male puberty typically starting after girls. Girls reach maturity sooner, because they start puberty between 8-13 years old. Adolescent males get started between 9 ½ -14 years old. Boys tend to experience periods of quick growth followed by periods of very slow growth over a comparatively longer period of time, some not reaching their final adult height until 19 years old.
What are the first signs of the adolescent growth spurt?
For girls it is the development of breast buds, while boys may notice enlargement of the testicles. Around this time, they may also experience hair growth under the arms and around the genitals. This hair begins soft and sparse, but grows thicker and coarser over time.
What are the ages for growth spurts?
For girls anywhere from 8 to 13, boys start around 10 to 14. During this time, it can be important to support growth with a hearty, well-balanced diet for proper development. Young adults reach peak bone mass around age 25, and this can be an indicator of bone health for their entire lives. Other important body composition changes take place during this time as well as puberty changes body size, including lean body mass and body fat. Proper hydration is also important during this time, as there is an increase in other bodily fluids, and teens require higher fluid intake than adults.
How long do adolescent growth spurts last?
Normal growth in the period called adolescence can occur gradually, then fast. Often, in early adolescence a child will shoot up a few inches, then slow down for a long period of time before gaining another inch. This may keep happening until they reach early adulthood.
What year is the biggest growth spurt?
Adolescents increase in height at different rates and at different ages. Typically this growth (especially in males) occurs in spurts and slow downs over years.
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