10 Important Things To Know About Alzheimer’s Progression
Alzheimer's disease is a form of dementia, a degenerative brain condition that causes loss of memory, cognitive function, and reasoning. Understanding how degenerative conditions progress can be essential if you or someone you love is at risk of Alzheimer's disease or has been diagnosed.
10 things to keep in mind about Alzheimer's progression
Approximately 33% of American adults are diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease by the time they reach 85 years old. With one-third of the population experiencing this disease, people may look to understand the condition better. If you have a loved one who is living with Alzheimer's or you have been diagnosed, you may have questions and concerns about this topic. Below are ten areas to keep in mind regarding this condition's progression.
1. There are many different cognitive symptoms of Alzheimer's disease
Because Alzheimer's most often affects older adults, it can often be misunderstood as a part of the aging process. It may be normal for your memory to decline slightly and to have difficulty with some daily activities. However, Alzheimer's can cause severe impairment and worsens with time. The cognitive symptoms of Alzheimer's include but are not limited to the following:
Memory loss that disrupts your daily life
Difficulty making plans
Difficulty solving problems or making decisions
Changes in mood and behavior
Getting lost in familiar places
Leaving items in strange places, like putting your keys in the refrigerator
Losing items daily
Taking longer to complete daily activities
Confusing words for specific items
Forgetting certain words
Asking the same questions repeatedly
2. Alzheimer's disease is more than forgetfulness
When you think of Alzheimer's disease, you may think of memory problems or forgetfulness. However, these symptoms reflect only one part of the disease's effects on the body and brain. Some individuals with Alzheimer's disease have trouble getting dressed, lose their agility, or lose the ability to swallow, especially as the condition progresses.
In the early stages of the disease, you may notice that minor tasks are more complicated. For example, you may make frequent errors in math computation, such as balancing a checkbook. You may require support driving or getting from one place to another. Setting the microwave to cook your food may be more confusing than usual, and recording a television program may become impossible.
Alzheimer's can also cause difficulty judging distances or figuring out the color of an item. You may experience poor judgment or make impulsive decisions. If you think the symptoms you're experiencing point to Alzheimer's disease, it may be beneficial to talk to your doctor about a neurological referral.
3. There are multiple stages of dementia and Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer's disease can develop slowly, and one may not see the signs of the disease until it has progressed. It can be best to catch Alzheimer's in the early stages so the individual can slow down the progress with medical support.
There are five stages of the disease, but each person is different, and some may progress differently than others. Some people may stay in the first stage for several years, while others may go from the first to the second stage within months. The typical stages of Alzheimer's disease include the following.
Preclinical Alzheimer's disease
The first stage of the disease primarily affects short-term memory, so it may go unnoticed. Because memory loss can be a regular part of getting older, individuals may ignore the following symptoms:
Slight difficulty with activities like work or getting dressed
Difficulty learning new topics
A lack of motivation
Misplacing items
Difficulty remembering names
Difficulty with abstract thinking
Slight difficulty paying attention
Loss of interest in some previously enjoyed activities
Alzheimer's disease with mild cognitive impairment
In the second stage of Alzheimer's, an individual's symptoms gradually worsen until they affect them at work and home. Loved ones may become concerned, while the individual may not notice the impairment themselves. The symptoms include:
Requiring more support with planning or finances
Bouts of anxiety, aggression, or depression
Struggling to find the right words in conversations
Impulsive behavior
Difficulty making positive judgment calls
Difficulty finding places on a map
Difficulty concentrating
Forgetting appointments
Not remembering recent conversations or events
Difficulty recalling details of significant events
Further lack of motivation and lack of interest
Alzheimer's disease with mild dementia
The third stage of Alzheimer's disease may be much more noticeable to others as the individual's memory worsens and they lose more cognitive ability. These symptoms may include the following:
Getting lost in unfamiliar places
Increased difficulty finding words when talking
Asking the same questions repeatedly
Further signs of depression and anxiety
Delusional thoughts
Inability to remember significant world events
An inability to manage finances and medication
Difficulty making meals
Frequent forgetful and confused behaviors
Increased lack of motivation and interest
Alzheimer's disease with moderate dementia
In the fourth stage, the individual's symptoms may become apparent to everyone around them and less to themselves. Their safety may become an issue as they stop being able to care for themselves. Their coordination worsens, and they may wander off and get lost. Symptoms can include the following:
More frequent bouts of delusion
Frequent disorientation
Not knowing the date or time
Wandering off
Getting lost at home
Making up words and stories when loss of memory occurs
Repeating stories and memories
Difficulty remembering phone numbers and addresses
Repetitive behavior, such as wringing their hands
Inability to fall asleep or stay asleep
Restlessness, agitation, and aggression
Difficulty remembering friends and family members
Mistaking strangers for friends and family members
Requiring support to get dressed
A lack of interest and motivation
Alzheimer's disease with severe dementia
In the final stage of Alzheimer's, an individual may require supervision and caregiving at all moments and struggle to get out of bed. They may not be able to dress or feed themselves, and some may not be able to swallow or move around. At this stage, caregivers often focus on keeping the individual comfortable. Symptoms can include:
Deteriorating muscle mass
Weight loss
Difficulty swallowing
Inability to hold up the head or smile
A requirement for assistance with daily activities like eating and dressing
Limited verbal ability to one or a few words
Chronic and extreme exhaustion
Difficulty sitting or walking
Stiffening of the muscles and lack of reflexes
Extreme apathy
The final stage of Alzheimer's ends in death, as Alzheimer's is a degenerative condition.
4. The cause of Alzheimer's disease is not fully understood
The cause of Alzheimer's disease is not entirely understood yet, but doctors have found some risk factors and know what occurs in the brain after death from Alzheimer's. The death of brain cells in the brain causes the symptoms of the disease, often caused by tangles of nerve cells and plaques made by a protein called beta-amyloid. Although the causes of the symptoms are known, it is unknown why these changes occur.
5. There are various treatments for Alzheimer's disease that may help some people
Whether you are an individual diagnosed with Alzheimer's or a loved one, finding the best treatment for Alzheimer's disease may be a priority for you. Treatment often focuses on preventing the progress of specific symptoms, such as memory loss and cognitive decline. A few treatment options available may include the following:
Cholinesterase inhibitors
NMDA antagonists
Sleep aids
Anti-anxiety medications
6. There are alternative treatments for Alzheimer's disease
Some alternative treatments have been used in treating the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. Medical experts and the FDA have not approved these treatments, and there is no significant evidence that they are effective. However, with medical guidance, individuals might try them as a last resort. Below are some options:
Coconut oil
Coral Calcium
Huperzine A,
Ginkgo biloba
Light therapy
Music therapy
Please consult your doctor before trying an alternative treatment, as some may interact poorly with medications or current medical treatment.
7. There is no cure for Alzheimer's progression and dementia, but clinical trials are ongoing
While there is no known cure for Alzheimer's disease, there are some treatments that experts believe may eventually be part of a cure in the future. New treatment options may include pimavanserin, AADvac1 (a vaccine that attacks abnormal proteins), and JNJ-54861911, a medication that targets the enzyme that makes beta-amyloid.
You can keep updated on current treatments for Alzheimer's on the Alzheimer's Association's website.
8. You may be able to prevent Alzheimer's disease or memory loss by reducing risk factors
Although there is no cure for Alzheimer's, individuals may be able to prevent the disease or prolong its onset. Since humans live longer than they used to and have better technology, the incidences of Alzheimer's disease have risen. However, there are also more ways to prevent the progression, including the following:
Treat anxiety or stress immediately
Work through traumatic stress
See your doctor regularly
Be social
Keep your mind active
Prevent head trauma
Do not smoke
Drink alcohol in moderation
Keep a regular sleep schedule
Eat healthily
Exercise and keep active
9. Games and activities may reduce Alzheimer's symptoms
Although there is no cure, there are games and activities that may reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, including but not limited to the following:
Social activities
Exercises like walking or stretching
Computer games
Board games
Card games
Memory exercises
10. Support is available for caregivers and those with Alzheimer’s
Mental health symptoms can accompany Alzheimer's, including anxiety and depression. In addition, being diagnosed with this condition or loving someone who has started progressing in their disease can be challenging. In these cases, working with a therapist may benefit caregivers and those they love with Alzheimer's.
Alzheimer's and caregiving can make it challenging to set up outside appointments. For this reason, some people prefer online therapy through a platform like BetterHelp, which allows you to attend therapy from home. Online therapy may also be more convenient, allowing individuals to choose between phone, video, or chat sessions and receive worksheets and journal prompts from home.
For caregivers, mental burnout can be a common symptom of caring for another individual. In these cases, studies show that online therapy can treat burnout as effectively as in-person counseling can. Being able to have sessions from home may also reduce the burnout or stress of having too many appointments.
What are the seven stages of Alzheimer's?
Alzheimer’s stages can follow a general pattern as the condition progresses in patients:
- Stage 1: Preclinical Alzheimer’s disease (before symptoms appear): This early stage of the disease can occur 10 to 15 years before any dementia symptoms are apparent.
- Stage 2: Basic forgetfulness: Occasional memory lapses occur to just about everyone, but as they become more frequent, it may be apparent that something else is going on. Someone might benefit from support groups or therapy at this stage.
- Stage 3: Noticeable memory issues: Stage three may seem like a turning point. At this point there may be significant personality changes. The patient may forget things they recently read or have trouble remembering the word for items. As mild Alzheimer’s disease sets in, family and friends may become keenly aware that something is changing.
- Stage 4: More than memory loss: Patients can remain in this stage of moderate Alzheimer’s disease for years. They may be able to remember significant details of their personal history, especially events that are further in the past, but they may not remember recent events. Their sleep patterns may change and they may struggle to select proper clothing for the season.
- Stage 5: Loss of independence: By now, the patient may struggle to remember close family and friends. They may experience hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia.
- Stage 6: Severe Alzheimer disease symptoms: Independent living is typically impossible at this point. The patient may undergo further personality changes and struggle with communication.
- Stage 7: Lack of physical control: Once a patient reaches late stage Alzheimer’s, they typically need round the clock care to assist in movement, eating, hygiene, and other personal care tasks. Eventually, hospice care may be necessary for people with severe Alzheimer’s disease.
How fast does Alzheimer's usually progress?
For most people with Alzheimer’s, the disease progresses slowly, with symptoms worsening over the span of a decade or longer. However, disease progression can be different in everyone. For those who practice healthy habits, attend therapy, and develop a strict treatment plan early on, there may be a higher chance of making early stage Alzheimer’s the longest stage in one’s journey. Gradual loss of cognitive function and other symptoms will still occur, as there is no cure for a person living with Alzheimer’s. However, symptoms may be slowed. In the later stages of the condition, one may continue to live for four to eight years, though this number is also different for everyone. Other infections of one’s overall health can speed up the progression of the three stages. At the end of one’s life, they may require respite care and extensive care to ensure they can continue with daily functioning.
How long do the seven stages of Alzheimer's last?
The Alzheimer’s stages have varying lengths and can overlap depending on treatment, personal medical history, and other factors. The first stage, preclinical Alzheimer’s disease, can last more than a decade. The stages that follow can also last a year or longer, possibly overlapping at times. You can learn more about Alzheimer’s through resources like the National Institute of Health (NIH).
What to expect as Alzheimer's progresses?
As Alzheimer’s progresses, you can expect a person’s cognitive and physical abilities to decline. At first, it may be as simple as the patient forgetting the name of a valuable object. Once they reach the middle stage, however, their memory loss may become more pronounced as they have trouble remembering recent events or the names of loved ones. Eventually, the patient will reach a point where they need round-the-clock care to meet all of their personal needs, such as choosing proper clothing and being able to eat and use the bathroom. Common difficulties associated with the end of the Alzheimer’s progression include illnesses (especially pneumonia) and difficulty swallowing.
How long before Alzheimer's is fatal?
Once someone is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, they live an average of three to 11 years. However, some patients can live up to 20 years. If early symptoms are treated and an individual takes steps to improve their mental function or slow progression, there may be a possibility of a longer lifespan. However, this factor can depend on a healthcare provider’s prognosis and an individual’s unique health status. For example, early-onset Alzheimer’s disease is associated with an increased risk of a quick progression and early onset death. Treatment during the preclinical stage of Alzheimer’s disease affects the disease progression by potentially maintaining one’s thinking ability for longer.
Can Alzheimer's suddenly get worse?
Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease, meaning it slowly worsens over time. If a patient experiences a sudden physical or mental decline, something else may be contributing to the change in their condition, such as an infection, dehydration, mini-stroke, sleep disruptions, or nutritional deficiencies.
What is the five-word memory test?
According to the Alzheimer’s Association, the five word memory test is part of the s-MoCA assessment. As part of the assessment, patients are told five words and asked to repeat as many as they can remember, then told and asked to repeat the words a second time. Other activities may also be recommended to assess whether a person is at one stage or another. For example, problem-solving games, complex tasks, and recall questions might be used to determine a specific stage alongside assessments.
What is the three-word memory test?
The Mini-Cog assessment is a memory test that has been proven to help determine if someone is in the early stages of Alzheimer’s. To begin, the administrator says three unrelated words in a clear voice, such as “Apple. Doll. Uncle.” They then ask the patient to draw a clock that shows a specific time. 10 past 11 is often the time that is used. Finally, the patient is asked to repeat the three words they were told at the beginning of the assessment.
At what stage do dementia patients forget family members?
Dementia patients often begin to forget family members when they reach stage five of Alzheimer’s. However, everyone within the general population of people with Alzheimer’s is different. A person’s age, health status, and genetic testing results may also impact their disease progression. Talk to a healthcare provider to learn more.
What is the most common cause of death in Alzheimer's patients?
Patients with Alzheimer’s have weakened immune systems and may struggle to perform basic functions like eating and swallowing. As a result, aspiration pneumonia is the most common cause of death in Alzheimer’s patients.
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