How To Manage Anger: 8 Strategies To Calm Your Mind
Have you ever experienced conflict when navigating anger? When challenges arise in life, there are often an array of emotions that come about. Of those emotions, many tend to experience anger when they encounter a stressful life circumstance. Several attitudes exist regarding the expression of anger which are commonly demonstrated during one’s upbringing. Contrary to popular belief, anger is actually a neutral emotion, although many tend to assign a positive or negative connotation to it. With this in mind, anger can be a more volatile emotion which requires mindful awareness. Emotions have the potentials to influence favorable change when we respond to them proactively and not reactively. Finding effective ways to regulate emotions like anger can assist you in expressing it in more meaningful and fostering ways. Read more surrounding effective ways to cope with and regulate emotions like anger.
Reframe your thoughts and feelings
Glass half empty or glass half full? Taking the time to view a situation with a renewed perspective can change the emotional responses we have. Like changing a lens, the concept of re-framing allows for a renewed perspective on examining the evidence of what’s occurring in the present moment. Re-framing is also known as cognitive restructuring: a way to teach the brain to view a situation and more reasonable and grounded manner to increase the likelihood of seeking resolution vs experiencing a plethora of emotion.
Avoid absolute statements
“Always” and “never” can overdramatize situations and prevent you from forming rational thoughts about a situation. Telling yourself “I always have to eat last” or “this printer never works” may make you feel like your anger is justified and prevent you from seeking a solution.
Thinking in absolutes, such as within the lens of “always” or “never” can further veil what’s actually occurring in a given situation. In the case of anger, it tends to heighten a reactive response, and in turn, reduce likelihood of remaining rational. Building mindful awareness to the potentials emotions like anger brings reduces the likelihood of responding volatility. Furthermore, it enhances your ability to build awareness as to what may be contributing to your anger in the first place. Modalities like Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) teach individuals how to pay attention to their emotions, and in turn, how they may influence absolute statements.
Consider what is worth being angry about
Anger provides the opportunity to distinguish between two options: whether or not you have the ability to influence change or if the change is outside of your control. Therapists often refer to this strategy as balancing both acceptance and change. When we take the time to consider what we’re angry about it not only allow us to gauge more mindful awareness as to the emotions influence, but also, that there is often more than one way to view a particular situation. For instance, if you were to forget to pack your favorite shoes for a vacation, there’s nothing you can do to change this situation. On the other hand, if you’re experiencing anger because a colleague at work didn’t complete their part of a project, you can make changes to ensure this doesn’t happen again via use of boundaries and assertive communication.
Avoid ruminating
Rumination is a process that involves a cyclical nature to our thinking. It is typically regarding something negative that doesn’t warrant a particular solution. Think of rumination as a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn’t actually get you anywhere. Similarly, rumination is much like a car being stuck in a rut. Directing your mind towards awareness of rumination can not only assist in establishing rational perspectives, but also allows you to focus on distraction techniques. Whether it’s reading a book or calling a friend, taking time to pause when rumination arises ensures you remain in control of your anger.
Consider the role your mental health plays
Mental health can correlate with experiences of anger. Anger is commonly referred to by professionals as a secondary emotion. Of note, empirical research suggests that anger is an integral criterion in diagnosing certain mental health conditions such as borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder, as well as oppositional defiant disorder. Furthermore, there are correlations of anger manifesting with other mental health conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, as well as depression. Mental health therapy can be of benefit to learn useful strategies to cope with anger should you find your mental health contributing to these anger reactions.
Use exercise to control anger
You may benefit from having a physical outlet for your angry feelings. Regular physical activity can help you reduce stress and release tension caused by your frustrations. Many people may think of activities like running or boxing as a way to release your anger. However, researchers suggest that low-arousal activities may be even more effective in helping to manage your anger. In one meta-analysis, yoga was shown to significantly reduce anger, while jogging and stair climbing significantly increased anger. Ball sports and aerobic exercise also helped to decrease anger in participants.
Recognize and avoid your anger triggers
Think about what events affect your anger levels the most. You may experience less anger if you look for solutions to prevent you from encountering those scenarios. For example, if you notice you often yell at your kids during the chaos of school mornings, you might implement strategies to make mornings run more smoothly, such as packing the car the night before or getting up 20 minutes earlier so you can have breakfast ready.
Anger is often influenced and accompanied by triggers. A trigger is any situation that influences an unfavorable emotion. Whether it’s getting the kids ready for the school day or encountering a disgruntled driver on the road, triggers for anger can vary. Recognizing trends that contribute to your anger allow you to either avoid such instances when in a stressed state or to take actionable steps to reduce these stressors. For instance, packing the car the night prior or getting up 20-30 minutes earlier to prepare a meal can substantially reduce your susceptibility to anger triggers.
Practice deep breathing
Research suggests that deep breathing provides the benefit of lowering resting blood pressure, while also reducing stress and anxiety. These strategies are useful to implement during moments of anger, as anger causes blood pressure to rise. There are a variate of breathing techniques worth considering.
The 4-7-8 deep breathing technique
The 4-7-8 deep breathing technique has the potential to promote relaxation, while also alleviating stress. To participate in this breathing exercise, inhale for at least four seconds, hold your breath for at least seven seconds, then focus on purse-lip exhaling (as if you’re blowing a kiss) for eight seconds.
Box breathing
4-4-4-4 breathing, more commonly known as either box breathing or square breathing, involves a cycle of inhalation, exhalation, as well as pauses. You can participate in box breathing by breathing in for four seconds, holding your breath for four seconds, breathing out for four seconds, then holding for four seconds. This type of breathing can be repeated as often as necessary to reduce feelings of anxiety and stress.
Diaphragmatic breathing
For those that prefer to not keep count while they’re breathing, diaphragmatic breathing may serve as a useful option. To participate in diaphragmatic breathing, it is suggested to lie on your back, preferably on a flat service with your knees bent. It this isn’t possible; you can also utilize either standing or sitting in a chair. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your upper chest. Inhale slowly through your nose; pushing the air deep towards your stomach. You should feel the hand on your stomach rise. Then, tighten your abdominal muscles and exhale through pursed lips, recognizing the hand on your stomach lowering.
Utilize the 5-4-3-2-1 technique
The 5-4-3-2-1 technique has a wide array of purposes. While its main purpose is to calm anxiety, it’s functions can also make the technique useful for managing anger. When you sense yourself experiencing anger, engaging the senses by naming 5 things you can see, four things that you can touch, three things that you can hear, two things that you can smell, and one thing that you can taste allows for grounding and immersion in the moment vs having a sole focus on what’s contributing to your anger. Incorporating deep breathing into this strategy can also enhance the exercise.
Sharpen your communication skills
Focusing on effective communication reduces the likelihood of there being misunderstands that lead to or further increase your levels of anger. Taking time to learn how to communicate both before and when you become angry reduces the likelihood of you saying things that you may regret. Communication techniques like assertive communication can teach you ways to take ownership of your feelings, while explaining them calmly and factually to those around you.
Anger management involves expressing anger, not avoiding it
Repressing your anger has been shown to result in health issues. In a longitudinal study over several studies, researchers found that people who didn’t voice their anger were more likely to develop bronchitis or experience a heart attack, and they were also more likely to experience premature death compared to others who expressed their anger. It may be tempting to stay quiet or engage in passive aggressive behavior when you’re feeling angry, but the healthiest option is to calmly say how you’re feeling.
A common reaction to anger is no reaction at all. Repressing anger is understandable; however, it has been shown in longitudinal studies to have repercussions. Of note, individuals that repressed their anger were more likely to develop bronchitis, certain heart conditions, and in severe cases, heart attack. The temptation is high to repress anger, however, being open and assertive surrounding feelings of anger promotes health and increases satisfaction in relationships. Furthermore, it allows you a safe, expressive outlet to both understand how you’re feeling, while communicating these feelings simultaneously with others.
Control anger before before communicating
Healthy expression of anger involves doing so when you’re in a balanced state. Expressing your feelings during a heightened state of unease may influence temptations to yell or say things that you don’t truly mean. Taking a moment of pause when angry allows the opportunity to regulate your emotions, while also gauging how you’re feeling in the moment. This decreases the likelihood of an unfavorable or volatile response.
Use “I” statements to express your feelings
Using “I” statements provides an opportunity to be assertive surrounding your feelings vs temptations to tell others what exactly they’ve done wrong. When someone has caused you to feel angry, considering statements like, “I feel you don’t help me with the dishes”, vs, “You never help me with the dishes” allows for solution-focused language vs focusing on problems language. People tend to respond favorably to “I” statements as they allow ownership of your feelings instead of placing the blame for them onto someone else.
Practice anger management before you’re angry
Adopting more of a mindful awareness of anger triggers reduces the likelihood that you’re not attempting to cope in the moment you’re upset with someone. With this in mind, it’s more effective to not practice anger management during an initial overwhelm. Instead, consider adopting exercises like the 5-4-3-2-1 technique when you’re encountering calm so that this translates well during moments of anger.
It is also beneficial to consider maintaining a list of certain anger management strategies that benefit you on your device or a list. You can utilize this list when you’re encountering anger to determine what strategies will work best for you.
Seek professional mental health support
Research suggests that 7.8% of US adults experience challenge in association with controlling aspects of their anger. This translates to about 26 million Americans. In considering this prevalence, therapy can be a great option to explore effective anger management strategies in conjunction with what’s called cognitive restructuring exercises that essentially reduce the prevalence of anger reactions.
Online therapy platforms such as BetterHelp provide solution to a variate of access to care challenges. Whether it’s being in a rural area or access to transportation, therapy services like BetterHelp mitigate common access to care concerns, while also allowing more immediacy and access to care in days versus weeks to months. Furthermore, BetterHelp works with your schedule, providing convenient options surrounding when you would like to meet with your therapist.
Research conducted in a Swedish study indicates that online therapy can show promise with improving anger control. Participants were led through therapy sessions designed to assist individuals with navigating maladaptive anger responses. Participants noted markable decreases in their expression of anger, while also reporting less rumination of their anger cues.
Anger is actually a common emotion. While many may assign a negative connotation to it, having anger doesn’t necessarily indicate maladaptive behavior. Furthermore, having strategies to assist in managing and expressing your anger in healthy ways is key. Deep breathing, cognitive restructuring, as well as exercise are common tools utilized for the management of anger. Therapy can also be an effective tool in learning strategies to cope with anger responses in a healthy manner.
How can I stop being angry?
Multiple strategies exist to manage uncontrolled anger. Reframing your thoughts and feelings can help you gain a new perspective and view a situation more reasonably. Some research has determined that regular physical activity can also help reduce stress and tension, which can help you release your anger.
Recognizing warning signs and avoiding triggers can also help you experience less anger. Everyone’s triggers are different, but recognizing what contributes to your anger can help you find solutions before your emotions start to rise.
When you feel yourself getting angry, taking some deep breaths can help you slow down your physiological response, which can help you stay calm. Another thing to try is to engage your senses using the 5-4-3-2-1 technique by naming five things you can see, four things you can touch, three you can hear, two you can smell, and one you can taste. This technique helps you be in the moment without focusing solely on your anger.
Sharpening your communication skills can help reduce the likelihood of you saying something you don’t mean in anger and learn how to listen carefully to what the other person is saying. It can also help you explain yourself calmly and rationally and may help you avoid heated arguments from occurring in the first place.
To use these techniques effectively, it can be beneficial to practice them before you’re angry so you have strategies to turn to that you know will work.
If you are having trouble controlling your anger or noticing that you are getting angry more often, working with a mental health professional can help you learn how to stay calm and better manage your anger.
Why do I get angry so easily?
Anger can be a positive emotion. It can motivate us, keep us safe, or make us aware of areas of our lives to which we need to pay more attention. However, if you get angry at daily inconveniences, like a traffic jam, or experience more than mild irritation when you have to wait in a long line at the grocery store, you may be experiencing problem anger.
Anger can come from a variety of places. It can be a secondary emotion that stems from sadness, embarrassment, or stress, or it can be a sign of certain mental health conditions, like bipolar disorder or intermittent explosive disorder. If you need help determining where your anger is coming from, consider working with a therapist online.
What are the 5 keys to controlling anger?
There are many approaches to controlling anger. Five keys that you can focus on to help are as follows:
- Recognize how you respond to anger. Do you grind your teeth, raise your voice, or clench your fists? If you can recognize your early responses to anger, you may be able to prevent it from escalating.
- If possible, remove yourself from the situation to calm down. For example, if you are arguing with your spouse and feel your anger growing, excuse yourself and walk around the block or go to another room to try to calm down.
- Identify your triggers. If you can determine what happened to make you feel agitated, you can either avoid it in the future or work to understand why it triggered you.
- After you calm down, ask yourself, did you overreact to the situation? Was there something you misunderstood? Is there a better way to respond?
- Learn from your experience. Take time to think about how you responded the last time you were angry. What would you do the same way? What would you change? Was there a better way to handle the situation? What can you do differently next time?
What emotion is behind anger?
A variety of emotions can be behind anger. Part of understanding anger is understanding where it is coming from. Some experts may use the metaphor of an anger iceberg to explain how emotions hidden beneath the surface, like fear, sadness, or disgust, may lead to anger coming to the surface.
How to calm down anger?
There are some relaxation techniques that can help you calm down when you feel tensions start to rise. For example, progressive muscle relaxation may be an effective tool for some people. This technique involves systematically tensing and relaxing each muscle group one at a time to become more aware of how your body feels when it is tense versus relaxed.
Another relaxation strategy that may help calm down anger is to breathe deeply and repeat a calming word. For example, you may repeat “relax” or “just breathe” slowly while practicing a deep breathing technique.
Are anger issues a mental illness?
Anger can be a healthy emotion that can motivate us to change or encourage us to stand up for ourselves. It can also be a negative emotion when it is uncontrolled and out of proportion to the situation. The physiological arousal caused by anger can contribute to making someone physically ill as it can affect physical health, including causing high blood pressure and gastrointestinal problems.
When anger gets difficult to control or starts to impact someone’s daily life negatively, it may be a sign of a mental illness. Some of the most common mental illnesses related to anger include borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder, disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, intermittent explosive disorder, and oppositional defiant disorder. There is also some evidence that people with anger issues are more likely to engage in substance abuse.
Can anger issues be cured?
There is no cure for anger problems, but people can learn to manage them. Treatment will depend on the cause, but it may consist of medication, psychotherapy, and anger management support.
What is at the root of anger?
Anger is a complex emotion, and the root of it can be different for everyone. Many factors can contribute to anger, including feeling threatened, powerless, or stuck in a challenging situation, like dealing with a chronic illness, losing a job, or ending a relationship. Anger can also result from childhood experiences, like trauma, abuse, neglect, or bullying.
What is the number one cause of anger?
Anger can be caused by any number of things, including both internal and external factors. You may get angry at another person, like your boss or spouse, or a situation that you can’t control, like a canceled flight or a chronic illness. Anger can also arise from remembering traumatic or challenging events of the past.
What are the 7 steps to defuse anger?
There are multiple approaches you can try to diffuse anger. Here are seven steps you might take to regain control when you start to get angry.
- If you feel yourself starting to get angry, take a moment to think before you speak. Doing so can help prevent you from lashing out and doing or saying something that you will regret later.
- After you have calmed down, you think about what it was that made you react in anger. Address the issue with the person you are feeling angry toward using “I” statements. For example, you might say, “I feel unappreciated when you don’t help me clean the house,” or, “I am upset that you expect me to work after hours.”
- Attempt to use humor. Using humor may help you face what’s making you angry, or it can help you diffuse a tense situation.
- Take a timeout. Knowing when to walk away and take a break can help you keep your stress levels manageable and give you quiet time to prepare for what’s ahead.
- Start an exercise routine. Getting regular physical activity can help you improve your mood. The endorphins that are produced during exercise can improve your mood and reduce stress, which can help you better manage your anger.
- Learn relaxation techniques. Try breathing deeply while you slowly repeat a calm word, or try guided imagery, yoga, mindfulness meditation, and the 5-4-3-2-1 technique can all be effective tools to help you stay calm and manage your anger.
- Let it go. Holding onto grudges can mean holding onto your anger. When you learn to forgive those who have hurt you, you can leave some anger behind and start to look forward.
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