Repressed Anger: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatments
Anger can be seen as a basic human emotion that people may feel in response to encountering a threatening situation or witnessing injustice. Anger can range in terms of intensity. On one end of the scale is mild frustration or irritation, and on the other end is intense rage.
Sometimes, people suppress or repress anger. Suppressed anger generally involves a person feeling but consciously choosing not to express anger, while repressed anger usually occurs at a subconscious level and involves a person not realizing they feel angry at all. We explore potential signs of repressed anger, discuss why people repress anger, and share tips for identifying and expressing anger in healthy ways, including working with a licensed mental health professional.
Symptoms of repressed anger
Symptoms of repressed anger haven't yet been widely studied, so much of the conversation around repressed anger is considered speculation. People who repress anger may have the emotion come out in another form, such as through feelings of sadness or unintentional acts of passive-aggressiveness.
Anger is also thought to prompt sensation in the upper body, primarily the head, chest, and arms, although updated evidence may be needed. Many experts believe that repressed anger can manifest in physical ailments. There is some evidence to support this idea.
- Research has found that anger can increase inflammation in the body. Experiencing anger may also increase blood pressure and hormones linked to action and alertness. In the short term, these changes may lead a person to feel tense or ready to take some sort of action. In the long term, they may contribute to illness.
- Some experts believe that repressed anger can increase a person's risk of developing cancer. This topic hasn't been widely studied, and existing studies have returned mixed results.
- The suppression of emotions, including anger, has been linked to earlier death. Researchers who studied the topic surmised that suppressing emotions may lead to unhealthy patterns of behavior. However, more research is needed to clarify why emotional suppression may harm health.
Why would a person repress anger?
Although anger can be seen as a completely normal and natural emotion, many people are taught that it is "bad.” Parents, teachers, and religious leaders may reinforce this idea by punishing children for displaying anger instead of teaching them healthy ways to express it. As a result, people may learn to repress or suppress their anger instead of effectively coping with and responding to it.
How not to repress anger
There isn't a simple, universal set of steps a person can follow to stop repressing anger. Whether a person routinely represses anger or suppresses anger, the pattern of stuffing down this normal emotion is likely a long-standing habit that may take some time to reverse.
Dedicating time to reflect on one's emotions may help a person recognize when they are angry instead of repressing the feeling. Then, they can decide how to manage the anger and whether they want to express it. Emotion reflection may occur in therapy, interpersonal conversations with loved ones, journaling, or meditation.
Identifying feelings like anger
In some cases, a person doesn't repress or suppress anger. Instead, they simply don't recognize that they are experiencing it at all. Alexithymia is a term that can describe difficulty identifying and expressing feelings, and people with alexithymia might not always recognize when they feel angry. Alexithymia is a trait people can have, not a mental disorder in and of itself. That said, having the trait of alexithymia may impact a person's mental health.
Distinguishing anger from other feelings
There are a few ways a person struggling to identify feelings can distinguish anger from other emotions. As mentioned previously, the physical sensations associated with anger tend to occur in the head, shoulders, chest, and arms, whereas other emotions may show up differently in the body.
When a person feels angry, they may literally feel "hot," as if their body heat is increasing. Heart rate may also increase with anger. A person may be tempted to say something argumentative while angry, or they may sense that their muscles are tense, and their body is prepared to fight. Those who are more passive and less confrontational may notice an urge to engage in passive-aggressive behavior, or sadness or depressive symptoms could arise.
Reasons to express anger
Expressing anger can be useful in many ways when done in a healthy manner. When a person expresses their anger, it can help them create the life they desire instead of going along with plans they disagree with and smoldering beneath the surface.
Expressing anger can lead to more genuine and authentic relationships. Because anger often arises in response to a threat or injustice, expressing anger could protect a person or combat unfairness in the world. If repressing anger does indeed lead to physical illness, expressing it may help with physical health, too.
How to express anger in healthy ways
Many people are familiar with unhealthy ways of expressing anger, such as acting in passive-aggressive or directly aggressive ways. However, anger can be expressed in healthy ways, too. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), "expressing your angry feelings in an assertive — not aggressive — manner is the healthiest way to express anger."
In general, being assertive involves speaking directly and with clarity, rather than giving passive-aggressive hints or avoiding the situation altogether. When being assertive, you can both speak to others with respect and share what your needs or boundaries are. Experts often recommend using "I" statements in conversations that involve disagreement.
For example, instead of saying, "You made me angry," or putting blame on the other person, you can begin with, "I felt angry when…" The way you begin a conversation can determine how it goes, since people often match the communication style of the person with whom they're speaking.
Repressed anger and fear
Online, many inspirational quotes and blog posts suggest that anger is simply the result of repressed fear. If this were true, repressed anger could be considered a doubly repressed emotion.
However, there's evidence that anger is a basic or primary emotion, and it’s not always secondary to another emotion, like fear. When a person begins facing their angry emotions directly, that may be enough, despite what internet and social media wisdom suggests. They may not also need to look for "hidden" fear or another emotion behind the anger.
Anger and fear: Two threat responses
While anger is an emotion in its own right and not necessarily a sign of repressed fear, anger and fear can be linked. One set of researchers called anger and fear "two different faces of threat." When a person encounters a situation that seems threatening, whether physically or emotionally, they will likely respond with either anger or fear.
These two threat response emotions likely exist to help a person respond to threats in different ways. When a person feels anger in response to a threat, they may be primed to go on the offense and physically fight or engage in some other form of action. When a person feels fear in response to a threat, they may be primed to engage in protective behaviors, like running away or hiding. Both responses could be helpful in different threatening situations.
Repressed anger and mental health
Research suggests that repressing emotions may be linked to anxiety and depression, but more research is needed to understand how repressed emotions affect mental health. While experts seem to agree that people are more likely to repress emotions they perceive as negative, and that this repression may have negative effects, direct cause-and-effect connections haven't yet been made.
Anger management and mental health
While anger can be natural and normal, anger management problems can sometimes suggest a person has an underlying mental health disorder. Anger can play a large role in five mental illnesses: intermittent explosive disorder, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, and oppositional defiant disorder. In these cases, a person's anger may seem out of control or lead to aggressive behavior or interpersonal relationship conflict.
Therapy for anger management
Whether an underlying mental health disorder is present or not, people with anger management challenges may want to receive treatment to find peace. Therapy is one treatment option for anger management. With remote therapy, a person can learn anger management skills from the comfort of their home or the location of their choosing. BetterHelp is a remote therapy platform that may connect you with a therapist in under 48 hours.
Research on anger management therapy
In one systematic review, researchers found that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and mindfulness-based therapy are the two most common treatments used for anger. Several studies have tested a combination of the two, a mindfulness-based cognitive behavioral therapy. Mindfulness-based CBT may more effectively reduce anger than either therapy type on its own.
In addition, a 2023 study suggested that online therapy can effectively treat maladaptive anger, with mindful emotion awareness and cognitive reappraisal methods yielding the best results.
How to remove repressed anger?
To release repressed anger, you may benefit from exploring your feelings and experiences in in-person or online therapy. A trained mental health professional may be able to help you understand your reasons for repressing your anger, identify the message anger is sending you, and learn healthy strategies for expressing your feelings. You may also benefit from self-help strategies like:
- Giving yourself permission to feel your emotions
- Practicing mindfulness or meditation to build awareness of your emotions and learn to identify them
- Taking a few minutes each day to journal about your feelings
- Engaging in regular physical activity
- Practicing boundary-setting, active listening, and other healthy conflict-resolution strategies
- Using deep breathing or short bursts of exercise to manage situations that make you angry
What causes suppressed anger?
Different people may suppress their emotions for different reasons. Many people grow up being discouraged from expressing negative emotions, like anger, constructively, which can affect their behavior as adults. Suppressed anger can also be common for those who were never taught the difference between aggressive anger and assertive anger (which can be a healthy way to manage conflicts and communicate emotional needs). Trauma, parental relationships, mental health challenges, and other factors in childhood may also contribute to limited emotional intelligence in adulthood. People who struggle with emotional intelligence may have trouble identifying angry feelings and managing their own rage.
Struggling with boundaries may also lead to suppressed anger. If you have trouble enforcing boundaries in your relationships, you may begin to feel taken advantage of by the people around you, even if they aren’t intentionally trying to exploit you. This can lead to feelings of resentment and self-righteous anger that can be difficult to express.
How do you release anger from your body?
Several strategies may help you release feelings of anger from your body, reduce anger-related tension and pain, and process your emotions constructively. Some options include:
- Practicing progressive muscle relaxation to release tension from each muscle group
- Doing high-intensity workouts like running or circuit training
- Practicing yoga, tai chi, or another form of gentle movement
- Squeezing a stress ball
- Taking a cold shower or a hot bath
- Experimenting with deep breathing exercises like box breathing or diaphragmatic breathing
- Getting involved in martial arts like cardio kickboxing
What does the Bible say about repressed anger?
While the Bible doesn’t specifically discuss repressed anger, several verses discuss the importance of managing anger in a healthy way while avoiding holding onto feelings of anger. Some examples include:
- “Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.” (Ephesians 4:26)
- “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone.” (Colossians 3:13)
- “Fools give full vent to their rage, but the wise bring calm in the end.” (Proverbs 29:11)
- “See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.” (Hebrews 12:15)
How does repressed anger show?
Repressed anger can manifest in different ways. Some people may notice physical signs, while others might experience emotional or mental symptoms. For others, repressed anger turns into passive-aggressive behavior. Someone who holds passive-aggressive anger might express their feelings indirectly using sarcasm, their tone of voice, or other subtle cues. Signs you may be experiencing repressed anger include:
- Experiencing feelings of irritability, intense anxiety, or nervousness
- Frequently feeling stressed or overwhelmed
- Lashing out at others for seemingly no reason
- Experiencing an irrational fear of conflict, rejection, or abandonment
- Struggling to admit feeling resentful, angry, or hurt
- Withdrawing socially
- Feeling tense or on edge
- Viewing the world as a strange and dangerous place without knowing why
- Being frequently suspicious of others
- Using substances like alcohol or drugs to manage your emotions
Where is repressed anger stored in the body?
The physical symptoms of repressed anger can appear in different places for different people. That said, it can be common for people with suppressed anger to experience it in areas like:
- The head (as headaches or migraines)
- The neck and shoulders (as stiffness, tension, or pain)
- The jaw (as stiffness, clenching, or teeth-grinding)
- The chest (as tightness, pain, or heart palpitations)
- The digestive tract (as stomachaches or acid reflux)
- The back (as tension, pain, or stiffness)
What happens when you repress anger for too long?
Repressing anger for an extended period of time can negatively affect physical and mental health. Side effects of repressed anger may include:
- Unexplained aches, pains, or other physical symptoms
- Digestive issues
- High blood pressure, heart disease, or other cardiovascular issues
- Trouble sleeping
- Chronic stress
- Inflammation
- Poor self-esteem
- Intense inner conflict
- Poor emotional health
- Trouble in relationships
- Depression, anxiety, substance use disorders, and other mental health conditions
How to let go of anger from trauma?
Like repressed anger, anger from trauma may be easier to release with the help of a trained therapist or counselor. That said, it may help to recognize your feelings and remind yourself that what you’re experiencing is the result of trauma. Understanding that you aren’t defined by your experiences and giving yourself permission to feel angry may also be helpful. You may also benefit from:
- Connecting with other trauma survivors through support groups or meetups
- Finding a creative outlet to explore your feelings and experiences, such as writing, poetry, music, dance, or art
- Managing trauma-related anger with grounding techniques like deep breathing or mindfulness, which may help bring you back to the present moment
- Practicing self-compassion
- Using self-care strategies like getting regular exercise, eating a nutritious diet, and spending time with people you care about
What is the difference between repressed and suppressed anger?
You may hear the terms “repressed anger” and “suppressed anger” used interchangeably, but there are some subtle differences. Repressed feelings are feelings that you avoid unintentionally or subconsciously. Someone with repressed anger might experience symptoms like irritability, stress, or even physical symptoms without consciously knowing that they’re feeling angry.
Suppressed feelings are feelings that you intentionally push away or hold in. When someone is experiencing suppressed anger, they might be aware that they’re feeling angry but avoid expressing their anger openly. They may do this to avoid conflict, as a response to trauma, or because they aren’t sure how to manage their anger in a healthy way.
How to unblock emotional blockages?
Emotional blockages are responses to feelings that haven’t been fully expressed, released, or processed. Repressed anger is one type of emotional blockage that can lead to unpleasant physical, mental, or emotional symptoms. Working with a counselor may help you change your relationship with your thoughts and feelings and identify how repressed emotions are affecting your life. Other ways of unblocking repressed emotions may include:
- Using meditation or journaling to practice identifying your feelings based on sensations in your body
- Practicing accepting and feeling your emotions without judging them or pushing them away
- Finding healthy outlets for expressing your emotions, such as exercise or creative activities
- Practicing setting boundaries, being assertive, and looking after your emotional needs in relationships
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