Anger Management Counseling: Elevate Your Mental Health Through Therapy
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When an adult experiences difficulty coping with anger and controlling their anger, resulting in outbursts, this can sometimes constitute an intermittent explosive disorder. Even if you don’t have this diagnosis, you may benefit from anger management therapy or learning anger management skills if you engage in physical aggressiveness or verbal abuse when angry.
Other signs that anger management classes or types of therapy that address anger could be helpful include racing thoughts, feelings of overwhelm, road rage, breaking things, and getting in trouble at work or school when you express anger. Getting anger management tips might also be effective in certain instances. Anger management therapy often uses cognitive-behavioral techniques to help you manage anger more healthily. You may find anger management services locally or through an online therapy platform.
This article explores how anger management counseling might help you learn to control anger through methods that address angry thought patterns, potential mental or physical health issues, and other causes of angry feelings.
Anger management counseling
Anger management counseling often includes approaches such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and psychodynamic therapy to address underlying issues and develop effective problem-solving skills.
According to the American Psychological Association, family therapy can also play a crucial role in helping individuals understand and manage their anger within the context of their relationships. Consulting with a qualified healthcare provider ensures appropriate therapeutic interventions tailored to individual needs.
Counting to ten: Techniques to control intense emotions
How many times have you heard someone say, "You need to learn to control your temper—stop and count to ten”? This is often stated to young children. When they throw a tantrum, their caretakers may suggest they count. You likely heard this yourself when you were young. It’s a technique frequently used around the world to restore calm when experiencing intense anger or frustration.
Though some may find it surprising, the counting method has the potential to help an angry person or an individual experiencing similar emotions find calm regardless of their age. Of course, when you become an adult, ten may not seem like enough. After all, adults generally have much larger problems than young children. However, there are some adults who react to situations in the same manner they did as children. The only difference is that an adult throwing a tantrum can create other challenges at home, with friendships, and in the workplace.
Intermittent explosive disorder
An adult living with anger challenges might not have learned how to deal with anger in their earlier years of life. The slightest thing may seem to set this individual off, potentially leaving those witnessing the blowup feeling uncomfortable and stressed. This person might be referred to as quick-tempered or hotheaded. A more accurate term for this individual might be someone who has an intermittent explosive disorder. This disorder generally affects about 13 million adults in the United States. For this individual, there is not a moment in which they can say, "I better count to ten." Before this thought can form, they usually have already reacted. This disorder can be genetic or stem from environmental causes. Some of the most common risk factors can include:
Substance misuse
Experiencing mental or physical trauma
Growing up with those who have explosive behaviors
Exposure to violence at an early age
Certain physical health conditions, such as Alzheimer's disease or a traumatic brain injury
Mental disorders, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), and conduct disorders
Coping with anger and stress
From reading anger quotes, we already know that anger itself can be a natural human emotion, and everyone may feel it once in a while. It is generally how you cope with feeling angry that matters the most. Some people take anger in stride and seem to barely feel it at all. We often refer to these people as mellow or even-tempered. We may all know people who are even-tempered. They usually seem to drift through their days with hardly any angst at all. They might spill milk or break a dish, and they simply smile, shrug their shoulders, clean up the mess, and move on about their day.
Anger management issues
Others may find it more difficult to calm down when something upsetting occurs. The individual with intermittent explosive disorder may throw a tantrum and continue yelling about the mishap. They might even break other things. The worst scenario could be if someone else spilled the milk or broke the dish, then the anger could be directed toward them and could result in violence.
People with personality disorders can also be more prone to angry outbursts. These individuals may seem to always be on edge. Keep in mind that few people enjoy being angry. At the same time, it can be hard to recognize your own problems. It can also be difficult or intimidating to seek help.
Help via anger therapy and counseling is not only available but it has been repeatedly shown to work. Researchers conducted a study in which participants attended just one weekly two-hour cognitive-behavioral therapy group session for 12 weeks. Following the treatment, participants reported a decrease in events that led to angry provocation. This decrease was confirmed after 16 weeks and again after 10 months.
Signs you may need anger management therapy
How do you know if you have intermittent explosive disorder or need anger management? You may have been handling anger the same way your whole life, so how are you supposed to know if it is out of control or not?
Here are some signs that you may need anger management therapy:
Physical aggressiveness, such as hitting or pushing others
Damaging property
You have been told that you need help more than once
Road rage
You have gotten in trouble at school or work for your angry outbursts
Engaging in verbal abuse
You break things, slam doors, throw things, or hit walls
You scream and yell
Racing thoughts
Powerful feelings of overwhelm
Thoughts of hurting yourself or someone else
You have lost friends or loved ones over your angry outbursts
You get physical symptoms, such as chest pain, headaches, high blood pressure, heart palpitations, tingling anywhere in the body
If you notice any of these signs, please consider reaching out to a mental health professional who can provide a diagnosis and determine the appropriate steps to take moving forward. Working with an anger management therapist can be very beneficial for learning to respond to stressors more constructively and preventing the consequences associated with uncontrolled anger.
Causes of anger management control issues
The root of anger varies from person to person. Here are challenging situations that may lead an individual to develop issues with controlling anger:
Witnessing emotional or physical abuse as a child
Being mentally, physically, or sexually abused*
Traumatic incidents and post-traumatic stress disorder
Being taught to ignore or hide your emotions
Difficulty sleeping
Low self-esteem
Certain medications
Physical or mental illnesses
Stress or anxiety
Benefits of anger management therapy for mental health
Anger management is a type of therapy that often uses cognitive-behavioral techniques so that an individual can learn to manage their anger. For example, if a person is prone to slamming doors, breaking things, or hitting walls when angry, a therapist might have them explore the mental processes taking place and connect them with the action itself. It can be fairly clear that when someone slams a door, they are generally closing someone out on the other side. The target is usually that individual, not the door itself.
As your self-awareness concerning your anger increases, you can also begin to learn that anger is not always certain. It might be considered a choice, even when it is difficult to control. In toxic relationships, in which the other party deliberately activates triggers, it can be the responsibility of the individual to keep their cool.
Learning techniques and coping skills to control intense emotions
One of the benefits of anger management therapy is that an individual may gain a stronger sense of what kinds of emotions, thoughts, or situations spur their feelings of anger. They can also learn tools that can help them respond to stressful situations in different ways. In many cases, anger management therapy teaches individuals to develop healthy coping strategies and manage their anger more constructively.
Anger management therapists
Processing these episodes with an anger management therapist may allow the individual to see how anger has taken a front seat in how they conduct their life. Once this happens, there will generally still be more work to do, and it may need to be done with conscious effort. There may or may not come a day when it will be easy. But it's possible that anger management therapy helps build an awareness that can empower the individual to think before acting, and that can mean improved relationships with friends and family, as well as enhanced well-being.
What can happen if you do not get help?
If unaddressed, intermittent explosive disorder can contribute to anxiety disorders and depression, among other mental health issues. There are many physical and emotional issues that can be aggravated by unresolved anger issues as well. Some of these can include:
Migraine or stress headaches
Muscle tension
Memory loss and difficulty concentrating
Heart disease and increased risk of stroke
Muscle pain
Chronic sleep disorders
Strained relationships with loved ones
Job loss
Legal problems
Chronic fatigue
Weight loss or gain
Depression or other mental disorders
Alcohol or drug abuse
Domestic or child abuse
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
It is usually not just you who is affected by your anger issues. If you have children who see you getting out of hand over situations that do not warrant it, they may have a higher-than-average chance of developing it as well. Those on the other end of your anger may be negatively impacted as well.
Getting help through anger management counseling sessions
There are treatments and medication for anger that can help and the number one treatment is anger management or therapy. It's possible that anger management therapy reduces some symptoms associated with anger-related issues. This type of treatment can be done one-on-one with a psychologist or therapist. Group counseling is also available. You can get help by going to an office to see a therapist or group, or you can even do anger management therapy at home through an online therapy platform. This can be extremely beneficial to you if you live in a rural area or do not have the time to search for a therapist or group near you.
It can also be great for those who are concerned that their anger may arise during a session. Being in the comfort of your own home can give you a more assured feeling, and this can make a big difference in the success of your treatment.
Effectiveness of online therapy for managing anger, stress, and mental health
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is often used for anger management, and this type of therapy can be effective when administered online. In fact, it can also treat many other mental health disorders and may be an excellent choice for addressing the underlying cause of your anger. Online anger management therapy is an excellent approach to developing relaxation techniques and peaceful communication techniques.
What is the best therapy for anger management?
The most common therapeutic approaches used to manage anger-related mental health issues include cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavioral therapy. A therapist may also use some aspects of psychodynamic theory and family therapy, as well.
How does anger management counseling work?
A therapist who specializes in anger management issues will often use different medically reviewed techniques to help a client deal with anger in a healthier way. They teach communication skills to better express anger, relaxation techniques that can be used to help you pause before reacting, and cognitive restructuring to allow you to approach big feelings in a more nuanced and positive way.
One common approach to anger problems is stress inoculation therapy. With this approach, a trained mental health professional will guide the person through certain techniques involved in stress inoculation training. Through a series of therapy sessions, individuals will develop coping skills such as visualization, relaxation techniques, and role-playing situations in which they’re faced with potential triggers. This can teach them how to solve problems in more constructive ways, even when they’re feeling angry.
What is a common root cause of anger?
Family dynamics in childhood are a common root cause of anger issues throughout life. This is why when a child or teen is being treated for anger issues, family members are often a part of the therapeutic process.
Are anger issues a mental illness?
Anger issues are not a clinical diagnosis, but rather a symptom of a number of mental health conditions including ADHD, bipolar disorder, depression, intermittent explosive disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and anxiety. People with co-occurring disorders may need to seek help from a mental health professional for treatment.
What medication is used for anger?
Certain patients may be prescribed anti-anxiety medications or antidepressants by their healthcare provider to manage symptoms related to anger issues.
Do anger issues ever go away?
Anger issues can be effectively treated with therapy. A therapist often works with a client by sharing how to shift the narrative of their thoughts when they feel angry, and offers coping skills that help them manage their anger.
Effective talk therapy for anger issues may require finding the right person and the right therapy type. There are several different therapies that can treat anger issues, including cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, and cognitive restructuring, for example. Even court-ordered anger management classes can help you focus your anger in a healthier direction and improve communication skills. If you're a young adult, some universities have counseling centers that provide anger management therapy for college students.
Why do I get angry so easily?
Anger is a normal emotion that is not inherently bad, but when someone experiences anger problems, uncontrolled anger can lead to both mental and physical health issues. There are a number of factors that can contribute to frequent attacks of anger, including genetics, environment, and the presence of other mental health conditions.
What happens if anger is left untreated?
Untreated anger management issues can lead to both mental health challenges and physical health issues. Someone experiencing frequent uncontrolled anger can have difficulty maintaining relationships with others, anxiety and depressive symptoms, and may develop high blood pressure and other cardiovascular issues.
How to reduce anger?
Anger management skills can be learned and can effectively reduce emotional and physical symptoms of rage. Anger is a natural emotion, and you can learn more helpful ways to express it. This may include learning how to manage physiological arousal so that you can respond to issues with the right degree of emotion and logic.
What is the psychology of angry people?
Angry people often have difficulty controlling their anger due to learned behaviors in their childhood. They may have grown up in a family that modeled unregulated emotions, neglected their emotional needs, or even engaged in verbal or physical abuse.
Still, the psychological roots of chronic anger issues can vary by individual. They might come from a past experience with parents, family members, or a romantic partner, for example, or they could be based on poor communication skills or an undiagnosed mental health condition. If you’re dealing with uncontrollable anger, it may be best to seek help from a mental healthcare provider with previous experience treating anger issues. A therapist can help you identify triggers and develop a treatment plan for dealing with anger episodes.
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