Positive Affirmations For Anxiety: How To Reduce Stress And Anxiety
Anxiety often involves tension, worry, increased blood pressure, and other physical changes. However, anxiety usually differs from fear in that it's typically more future-oriented and can be a natural response that almost everyone experiences. Because anxiety can often have a future orientation, those experiencing it may focus on events that haven’t happened yet, or that may not happen at all. For those who experience frequent anxiety, affirmations may be one of many management strategies commonly recommended in therapy, and they can sometimes be the difference between feeling anxious and calm. To connect with a therapist, you can seek out one in your local area or join an online therapy platform.
Understanding stress and anxiety
Anxiety can be a natural response to stress, often experienced as a feeling of apprehension regarding something to come. For many, it feels like an intense, persistent stress that comes up for everyday situations. Anxiety can also manifest as a pathological worry about certain subjects, especially for those experiencing an anxiety disorder.
Some people experience anxiety before a test or public speaking event, while others may experience ongoing or chronic anxiety symptoms. For example, the persistent worry that your car will break down at any moment or that a slight change in your body signifies a health problem can be considered chronic symptoms of anxiety.
Common anxiety symptoms can include the following:
- Elevated heart rate
- Rapid breathing
- Nausea
- Sweating
- Fatigue
In addition, individuals who experience chronic anxiety may feel "like something bad is going to happen" without being able to name it.
According to the American Psychological Association, approximately 4% of adults and 6% of teens may have anxiety disorders classified as severe.
Anxiety disorders typically include generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and phobias. Each anxiety disorder may present a unique experience from person to person.
You might benefit from speaking with a mental health professional if you experience anxiety regularly or if your anxiety interferes with work, school, or relationships. A therapist can help you identify what type of anxiety you experience, acquire a greater sense of its potential causes, and teach you techniques to lessen the impact of anxiety on your life. Online therapy, which may be less anxiety-inducing, can be an effective treatment option that has helped many individuals.
How can positive affirmations for anxiety help?
Affirmations, or self-affirmations, are typically positive statements, declarations, or phrases designed to provide a reminder or motivation targeting a specific topic. You can use affirmations for anxiety to encourage positive self-talk. Positive affirmations may alleviate anxiety symptoms by pointing your negative thoughts in a positive direction.
Affirmations for anxiety can offer encouragement, emotional support, or reminders about an action you'd like to take when encountering a specific situation or feeling. One study indicated that people who used positive affirmations for anxiety relief were 83% more likely to decrease anxiety symptoms independently than those who don't.
Another study found that affirmations can increase activity in your brain’s reward system, including areas of the prefrontal cortex, posterior cingulate cortex, and ventral striatum. The results showed that the activity in these brain systems seemed to function as primary pathways associated with self-affirmation, the activation of which was generally associated with measured behavior change.
Examples of positive affirmations for anxiety
Keep reading to explore some affirmations for feeling anxious. It’s okay if one affirmation doesn't click or match your core values – move on to the next one until you find an affirmation that does work for you. If none of these affirmations sound helpful, an online therapist might be able to help you create your own affirmations for anxiety. Therapists can help you identify what makes you feel calm, and online sessions typically allow you to do this from the comfort of your home.
Many affirmations for anxiety, including some of the ones below, may be in the present tense. This can help you focus on manifesting the actions. In addition, the present tense may make it easier to believe the words you are saying. You can also choose to use affirmations that utilize the future tense, whichever works best for you. Overall, you usually want to find affirmations that feel natural for you.
“I am free of anything that weighs me down”
Although it may seem like the weight of the world is on your shoulders when you're feeling anxiety, the reality is usually less intense. This affirmation may help you look at things in a different light and shake off the sensation that anxiety is weighing you down. This may result in you experiencing a moment of joy instead.
”With each breath that I take, I am releasing the anxiety I feel”
Deep breathing often helps us feel calmer during times of anxiety, and this affirmation might help you focus on that goal. You might repeat, "With each breath that I take," as you inhale, and "I am releasing the anxiety I feel" as you exhale. You can repeat affirmations for anxiety like this silently in your mind or out loud, whatever feels more comfortable for you.
”I’m strong, and I can handle anything”
When you experience anxiety, you might feel incapable of getting through a situation. This affirmation for anxiety may lead you to reclaim your power and remind you of your inner strength. You might also look in the mirror and say something like, "I've got this, I'm strong, I can handle anything!"
”I control my thoughts; they do not control me”
Anxiety can be a normal human emotion in stressful situations, but when you experience anxiety persistently, it might feel like your thoughts control you. It can be okay to acknowledge those thoughts, but this affirmation can help you keep things in a first-person perspective and think positively when experiencing anxiety.
”Who I am and what I do matters”
This affirmation for anxiety might help you remember that you are important and matter to others, even when you don't feel productive or accomplished. When you feel anxious, reading or repeating this affirmation might help you replace negative, anxious thoughts. This may help you reclaim your sense of self-worth and appreciate what you do for yourself.
”I choose peace”
The experience might feel chaotic internally, but you can use this affirmation for anxiety to focus on sensations of inner peace in your daily life. You might even tell yourself, "I choose peace,” or “I deserve to feel peaceful,” in the mirror every day when you wake up or go to bed.
”I am an overcomer; I have the strength to overcome stress and anxiety”
An overcomer is defined as "a person who overcomes something; one who succeeds in dealing with or gaining control of some problem or difficulty." This affirmation for anxiety might remind you that you can overcome any difficulty, even if it seems the opposite. And, if you'd like, follow it up with the affirmation below.
”My challenges are my opportunities”
Almost everyone experiences challenges or negative thoughts, and part of being an overcomer (which we explored in the previous affirmation) can be facing those challenges so you might overcome them. This affirmation may help you see each challenge as an opportunity to practice overcoming things instead of viewing them as roadblocks. This affirmation can also help you forgive yourself and acknowledge what you may be able to achieve in the future.
Anxiety affirmations for a positive mindset
Your own affirmations can be personalized, so if these statements don't work, you can find ones that do. Anything uplifting that you can repeat to yourself can be an affirmation.
Making affirmations for anxiety a part of your daily life may help you positively affect your self-related processing and potentially reduce or overcome anxiety symptoms. If you feel comfortable speaking them out loud, you might look in the mirror and smile when you say them. Repeating them silently in your mind can also be a valid method of using affirmations for anxiety.
How to utilize positive affirmations for anxiety to improve mental health
When you find an affirmation you like or one that brings you happiness, consider keeping it on your phone or writing the affirmation on sticky notes where you'll see it each day. You can also memorize your favorite affirmations for anxiety to use anytime, anywhere, even if you don't have reminders.
Online therapy for anxiety
Anxiety can be natural, real, and valid. If you experience anxiety regularly or have an anxiety disorder, it can feel overwhelming. Positive affirmations for anxiety might not be enough to provide you relief, and that's okay – you're not alone, and help is available.
For example, BetterHelp is an online therapy platform that can connect you with a therapist based on your personal needs and preferences to assist you in understanding, working with, and treating your anxiety. Most people are matched within 24-48 hours, and you can schedule flexible appointments via phone, video, or online chat. In addition, therapy through BetterHelp may help curb anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses.
As this study explains, the efficacy of online therapy is generally equal to that of traditional face-to-face therapy. Please don’t hesitate to reach out for the help you deserve.
Do affirmations for anxiety work?
Daily affirmations for anxiety can work and tend to be very effective for people who are managing anxiety. Affirmations may lead to greater self-acceptance and help with improving self-esteem while navigating situations when someone might feel anxiety. Studies suggest that affirmations can restore a person's self-belief, increase psychological well-being, and release tension. Affirmations can also help one manage anxiety and panic attacks by offering uplifting statements that can serve as reminders that one can release fear by replacing worrisome thoughts with a more balanced, positive perspective. These statements may foster more self-assurance in one's abilities to manage stress and anxiety-inducing situations.
What are some positive affirmations for anxiety?
The following are some positive affirmations for anxiety relief:
I am strong.
I am in control.
This too shall pass.
Anxiety does not control me.
How do you say affirmations for anxiety?
Affirmations are usually spoken with conviction. You can repeat the affirmation in your mind or out loud. It may also be helpful to incorporate them into your daily routine. Consistent practice of affirmations can cultivate positive beliefs about oneself and one's abilities, promoting self-love.
How do I shut my anxious brain off?
There are many ways to decrease stress and anxiety. For example, a person may practice mindfulness or walking meditation in nature to become more attuned to the present moment and less focused on future-oriented thoughts. Mindfulness can also help a person navigate anxious thoughts and gain awareness of how the mind and body communicate. Sometimes distraction can be an effective way to shut down an anxious mind in the moment, but in regards to long-term relief, therapy is generally recommended.
What are words for affirmation?
Words of affirmation are generally positive phrases you can tell yourself or others. These words may lead to greater self-compassion and help a person end a cycle of negative thinking, which may lead to more positive outcomes in numerous areas of life.
What are affirmations good for?
Incorporating affirmations into your life can be comforting and promote a positive mindset. Affirmations can also help replace negative thoughts with more positive thinking, which can foster mental well-being and counter self-doubt. As part of self-care, affirmations can promote a positive outlook and counter low self-esteem by challenging negative thought patterns. For example, instead of dwelling on past mistakes, a person may use affirmations to inspire personal growth and motivate them to make changes, which can have a positive impact on their lives. A person may also use affirmations to remind themselves of their unique qualities, which can foster well-being and help them radiate confidence.
Why do affirmations work?
Affirmations may work because they use the power of words, which may help a person maintain a positive state of mind.
Can affirmations change your life?
Affirmations can have life-changing effects, especially if they are used regularly. You don’t have to wait for exactly the right time to use them. By using affirmations on a regular basis, you may notice that you experience more positive thoughts throughout the day.
Does positive affirmation help improve mental health?
These can work and are often very helpful. They can act as immediate first aid for anyone experiencing symptoms. Using positive affirmations may help people develop a more optimistic mindset and maintain their emotional health.
Do repeated affirmations work?
Affirmations can be a powerful tool in overcoming challenges and contribute positively to one's self-esteem. When used repeatedly, affirmations tend to work well. The more affirmations are used, the more effective they usually become at changing thought patterns. By repeating affirmations, you may begin to notice more positive energy and self-confidence. Using affirmations may also make it easier to stay in the present moment and maintain a more positive mental state.
How do I calm anxiety with affirmations?
To calm your anxious soul, you may use anxiety relief techniques like deep breathing, taking a walk, counting backward from 50, opening up to someone you trust about what you feel, or meditating. Working with a therapist can also relieve anxiety symptoms.
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