How To Fight Anxiety: Mental Health Tips To Manage Anxiety
Dealing with occasional feelings of stress or worry is natural. Many of us face moments when anxiety can escalate and may seem difficult (or even impossible) to fight. Fortunately, there are evidence-based practices that we can implement to help cope with anxiety. In this article, we discuss the difference between anxiety disorders and worry and investigate strategies that can help you relieve anxiety, including professional resources such as mental health therapy.
Worry or anxiety?
Occasional bouts of anxiousness are a natural component of human life that serves an evolutionary purpose in helping us prepare for or fight real danger or threats. However, for some individuals, anxious thoughts or feelings do not subside, interfering with their ability to accomplish simple tasks and enjoy life in general.
Anxiety disorder and other mental health conditions
Anxiety disorders (i.e., general anxiety disorder (GAD), social anxiety disorder, or panic disorder) can cause a variety of anxiety symptoms that may occur in everyday life and with no apparent reason. These anxiety symptoms can greatly impact a person’s life and can be unhealthy. In these cases, this anxiety may need to be addressed in partnership with a professional. Other mental health conditions can coincide with anxiety symptoms or may be comorbid with an anxiety disorder, such as depression or bipolar disorder. It can be helpful to determine if you’re experiencing an anxiety disorder on its own or if your anxiety symptoms may be connected to another disorder to receive the proper treatment.
Face your fear if you can
Anxiety can be debilitating. It can often lead to avoidance behaviors. Constantly avoiding the things or situations that make us anxious can lead to a cycle of avoidance. Understanding your fears and managing them can help build courage and confidence. Facing anxiety may not be very easy. However, there are helpful ways you can do to manage and face your anxiety. If fighting anxiety may seem so difficult to do on your own, seeking professional help can be a positive move.
How to fight anxiety: Recognizing symptoms and learning techniques to combat anxious thoughts
These symptoms show how anxiety can affect us:
- Sense of impending danger without a discernable cause
- Feeling nervous or helpless
- Trembling
- Sweating
- Shortness of breath
- Hyperfocus on a panic trigger
- Constant and/or irrational worry
9 strategies to fight and manage anxiety disorders: Exercise, mindfulness, & more
The following strategies to fight anxiety may be used by anyone, whether they’re for anxiety disorders, or simply dealing with a stressful situation. If you do find that you are dealing with an overwhelming amount of stress and worry, however, the final strategy (seeking the help of your primary care provider or a mental health professional) may be the best place to start.
1. Stay active and exercise
Physical activity can be a good way to reduce anxiety and stress and stay healthy. Staying active does not necessarily mean hitting the gym; it can be any kind of enjoyable exercise done on most days of the week. Take a walk outside, do a yoga routine in your living room, or sign up for a dance class. There is a connection between physical activity and improved mental health for conditions such as anxiety and depression, and exercise is a proven stress reliever in addition to providing other physical benefits. Exercise does not have to be unenjoyable. Try a new activity, like bowling or ballroom dancing, that is fun and raises your heart rate at the same time. Hiking through nature or beautiful spaces are alternative forms of exercise that can calm the nerves and produce a lingering effect of relaxation.
2. Mindfulness and relaxation techniques/breathing exercises
Research has suggested that relaxation techniques (including mindfulness, progressive muscle relaxation, breathing exercises, and visualization) can actively help to reduce anxiety and promote overall relaxation.
How to fight anxiety: Using 4-7-8 breathing for relaxation and relief
An example of one of these techniques to fight anxiety is 4-7-8 breathing, a relaxation practice based in the yoga tradition. To do this simple exercise, find a comfortable place to sit. Close your eyes and exhale until your lungs are completely empty. Next, take a deep breath in through your nose, counting to four. Hold that breath for seven seconds. Finally, exhale for eight seconds through your mouth. You may choose to do several rounds or block off a period of several minutes. This method of breathing has been shown in studies to help alleviate symptoms of sleep deprivation while lowering blood pressure and heart rate.
Mindfulness is a body-mind technique that was founded in Buddhist meditation traditions. Similar to other relaxation techniques (such as yoga, breathing exercises, or visualization), mindfulness meditation is designed to bring your mind into the moment. Practicing mindfulness has demonstrated a significant positive effect on stress and is often used in conjunction with cognitive behavioral therapy.
3. Eat healthy and balanced meals
Eating a whole-food and balanced diet can help improve your health and your mood. Research studies have shown that a poor diet can adversely affect your mood and increase symptoms of anxiety. For example, there have been some links found between eating foods like fish, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, and reduced anxiety symptoms. In some studies, magnesium deficiency has been shown to increase symptoms of anxiety. Therefore, eating magnesium-rich foods like leafy greens, nuts, and seeds may help.
A healthy diet typically involves avoiding processed and fast foods high in refined sugars, carbohydrates, and unhealthy oils. Alternatively, eat whole grains, fruits, and vegetables rich in healthy oils, such as essential fatty acids. In changing your eating habits, you may notice that you have more energy and an improved outlook on life.
4. Stay social
Psychology experts have long acknowledged the importance of having a solid, reliable support system for the maintenance of mental health and general well-being. Whether your support system consists of a spouse, loved ones, or close friends, this social reinforcement can help you to achieve health goals and build resilience against setbacks. Support groups can be a fantastic way to find people who know what you’re going through which may help you become more comfortable in social situations.
For most people, the more support, the better when they’re trying to overcome fear, anxiety, and panic attacks. Other individuals may have new suggestions for how to fight anxiety, too. For example, lifestyle changes that helped improve their self-confidence, mindfulness techniques that helped reduce their anxiety levels, and other things that help when they feel nervous.
However, when you are feeling anxious, there can be a tendency to isolate yourself from others. This type of behavior can exacerbate anxiety symptoms. If you feel you are avoiding social contact, try to stay active with your friend group or any hobbies you enjoy. Strong social connections can improve both your mental and physical health.
5. Avoid harmful self-medication for managing anxiety and stress
Many people who have mental health disorders will use substances to help cope with the associated symptoms that can often be difficult to manage. However, despite the apparent immediate effects of these substances (i.e., alcohol, cigarettes, or illicit drugs) to soothe anxiety, self-medicating can make anxiety worse. Concomitantly, substance use is typically associated with other negative impacts on health. If you currently believe you may have a substance use problem, you can reach out to your healthcare provider, or find a support group to help.
If you are struggling with substance use, contact the SAMHSA National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357) to receive support and resources. Support is available 24/7.
6. Keep a journal to manage anxious feelings
Journaling can be an excellent way to manage anxious feelings. You can gain greater insight into potential triggers by capturing your thoughts on paper (or on a digital platform). If you can identify triggers, you may even choose to discuss them with a licensed therapist to determine a course of action. Just the action of writing can be therapeutic.
How journaling can help manage anxiety disorders and mental health symptoms
For example, a current peer-reviewed article revealed that journaling is a beneficial non-pharmacological tool that can be useful in managing the symptoms of mental illnesses, including anxiety-related disorders. The two main types utilized as an adjunct to mental health therapy included expressive journaling and gratitude journaling. With expressive journaling, you can spend 10-20 minutes writing down your deepest thoughts and feelings to help you work through the complexities of your emotional journey. A gratitude journal is a positive addition to this method, as you spend the same amount of time recording the positive aspects of your life.
7. Identify what you need at this moment
When you are in the midst of overwhelming anxiety, you may find you are unable to reach a place of calm to try out mindfulness or find the energy to exercise. In these moments, forcing yourself to do something that does not serve you in that moment can be unhelpful. Instead, pay attention to what was happening before you were flooded with anxious feelings. You can come up with a plan ahead of time and determine which action may help in those moments. With this plan in motion, you can gain greater control over negative emotions.
There is no one-size-fits-all for when you are feeling anxious, but you can adapt certain strategies. For example, if you are experiencing anxiety and know you are unable to practice seated meditation, try a walking meditation instead. You can also call a close friend or write in your expressive journal to release the feelings.
8. Practice healthy sleep hygiene to improve mental health
Getting proper sleep (for most adults this will look like 7-9 hours of uninterrupted slumber), can be beneficial to mental health. However, one of the symptoms of anxiety is sleep issues, so effective sleep may not be the easiest to accomplish. In this case, consider the following to get better sleep:
- Avoid looking at close screens (like a tablet or phone) at least two hours before bed.
- Use your bedroom for sleeping and sex only; train your body not to think of it as a place to hang out or do other activities.
- Start dimming lights a couple of hours before bed.
- Avoid heavy meals.
- Avoid alcohol before bedtime.
- Avoid caffeine in the afternoon/evening hours.
If you have trouble sleeping even after incorporating better bedtime habits, you may want to seek assistance from a sleep specialist. Your primary care provider can refer you to one.
9. Talk to a mental health professional or counselor to manage anxiety and a panic attack
If your anxiety becomes overwhelming or begins to interfere with daily activities, it may be time to seek help from a mental health professional. While spending time with friends and family members can be helpful, a solid treatment plan may be the best option.
How to fight anxiety through therapy
Most people can manage and cope with their anxiety symptoms through psychotherapy. A licensed therapist can help you to identify your common anxiety triggers, work with you to find effective coping strategies, and help you to establish healthier lifestyle habits to manage symptoms.
Managing anxiety through online therapy with a mental health professional
For those managing anxiety, the idea of making appointments and going to a physical office may add to the emotional load. An individual may avoid reaching out for help because of this added stress. Online therapy is an increasingly popular choice for getting mental health care due to its availability and convenience. By using an online mental healthcare platform like BetterHelp, you can meet with a licensed therapist from the comfort of your own home or office. Further, any homework or follow-ups can be done through video chat, text, or online chat room, making it a convenient choice for those managing symptoms of anxiety.
How effective is it for treating anxiety disorders and panic attacks?
Research shows that online therapy can be just as effective as in-person therapy. For example, a current study examined the effectiveness of virtual cognitive behavior therapy for anxiety disorders in adults. Researchers found that therapist-led online CBT showed no significant difference in outcomes for anxiety than in-person therapy. In conclusion, the study authors reported online therapy to be an “efficacious treatment for anxiety in adults.”
What does anxiety feel like in anxiety disorders and how can you overcome it for better mental health?
In the context of an anxiety disorder, anxiety may manifest as persistently nervous energy, a sense of dread about otherwise innocuous tasks or events, difficulty getting a full breath, or chronic muscle tension. In an anxiety or panic attack, someone might feel like they’re having a heart attack, experience extreme fear all of a sudden, or be overcome by an overwhelming sense of doom.
Why do I feel anxious for no reason?
Even if you don’t have an anxiety disorder, you may feel anxious from time to time seemingly without a cause. In reality, your feelings of anxiety are possibly the result of:
- Skipping meals. Jitteriness and other physical symptoms of low blood sugar can mimic anxiety symptoms.
- Missing nutrients. When you do eat, perhaps you eat foods that make your blood sugar drop more rapidly than others.
- Not enough sleep. Insufficient sleep can predispose you to stress and can exacerbate preexisting anxiety.
However, while feeling anxious from time to time is a normal part of life, a lot of time spent worrying or feeling anxious may be a symptom of an anxiety disorder. If feeling anxious interferes with your ability to enjoy life and partake in daily activities, or leads you to avoid situations that may cause you to feel anxious, consider speaking to a doctor or mental health provider.
How can you fight anxiety?
Fighting anxiety starts with staying healthy—maintaining your energy levels through sufficient sleep, avoiding alcohol and other substances, and eating nutritious foods. Many people also benefit from practicing mindfulness to turn their attention to the present moment, doing relaxation exercises, and trying coping statements to reduce anxiety. Also known as positive affirmations, an example of a coping statement might be, "Anxiety does not define me," or "I don't have to believe my thoughts." Identifying anxiety triggers and working through them with the help of a therapist, psychiatrist, or other mental health worker can also ease anxiety over time.
Are there any foods that get rid of anxiety?
While there are no foods that will cure anxiety, regularly eating certain foods such as unrefined grains and vegetables may ease anxiety symptoms and reduce your risk of further anxiety. Fermented foods may reduce symptoms in those with social anxiety specifically.
What vitamins or supplements help with anxiety or anxious thoughts?
There is evidence that vitamin C, omega-3 fatty acids, and chamomile may alleviate generalized anxiety and other anxiety disorders, though more research is needed. Many people, however, can also benefit from additional approaches to counter anxiety and anxious thoughts. For example, those who are afraid to engage in situations that cause anxiety symptoms, such as social situations, may also benefit from speaking to a mental health provider to find individualized coping strategies.
Do probiotics have any effect on anxiety?
Given that generalized anxiety disorder demonstrably alters one’s gut microbiome—which produces the bulk of our serotonin—it’s little surprise that researchers have investigated probiotics as a potential treatment.
One study found that a course of probiotics in combination with an SSRI was more effective than the SSRI alone. Another found that probiotic supplementation can reduce depressive and anxious symptoms. However, more research is required before anyone can make a solid recommendation regarding which probiotics people should try.
Is exercise good for anxiety and panic attacks?
Exercise can help you regulate stress and improve your ability to manage it, which can be helpful in managing anxiety and its symptoms, including panic attacks. Exercise also relieves anxiety symptoms and muscle tension, among other benefits.
What can you do when you feel anxious and stressed?
Finding things that de-stress you — such as a fun hobby, a safe and quiet environment, or a supportive person or network of people — can help you reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety. Practicing mindfulness, progressive muscle relaxation, and journaling are all helpful ways to manage stress and anxiety. Some people also benefit from seeking professional help to manage anxiety symptoms and explore treatment options with the guidance of a healthcare professional.
How does exercise reduce anxiety and stress?
Exercise encourages heart health (which can help with the long-term effects of stress and anxiety) and causes the release of stress-reducing hormones, which can help you regulate stress. Findings indicate that exercise can also activate frontal regions of the brain and help control the amygdala, which prompts the fight-or-flight response.
How to let go of anxious thoughts?
Learning to recognize and challenge your anxious thoughts can help you release them in a healthy way. Many people also find it helpful to express their thoughts in writing through journaling and/or to practice mindfulness to gain better awareness of thoughts and emotions — a practice that can also help one cope with stress and anxiety. However, if you are finding it challenging to control anxious thoughts and this is interfering with your personal life, you may want to seek professional help.
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