What Is Altruistic Behavior? Altruism Psychology
The concept of altruistic behavior often refers to acting in a way that benefits another person, even if it does not benefit you or could even harm you. Research suggests that there may be different types of altruism, such as true altruism and reciprocal altruism. True altruism may occur when you act in a way that helps others but does not benefit you at all. Meanwhile, reciprocal altruism can happen when you act to help others with the belief that they will help you in return.
Below, we’ll discuss these types of altruism as well as theories about altruism in the context of our evolution as a species.
What is altruistic behavior?
What is altruistic behavior? Being generous or charitable—in other words, acting in an altruistic manner—can come with a cost, and some people with an altruistic personality may find themselves sacrificing for others.
Many animals can employ altruism in their interactions with one another, and this concept has been widely documented in both humans and non-human primates.
Some actions can have mixed motives and be viewed as self-interested, yet they may still greatly benefit others. For example, if a person is running late and must drive through a school zone, they may choose not to speed through the school zone, even though speeding may help them get to their destination on time.
There may be some drawbacks to this scenario (being late to the destination), but the benefits (not injuring anyone or getting a speeding ticket) may far outweigh them. Because the driver probably does not want to hit anyone with their car or face any repercussions, there may still be a degree of looking out for their own self interest.
On the other hand, people can engage in pure altruism, which generally does not rely on any additional motives aside from helping others, but it does not necessarily need to be self-sacrificing behavior.
An example of pure altruism might be if someone couldn’t see a concert because a more urgent engagement came up, and they called to notify the box office that they wouldn’t be able to attend, potentially opening the spot for someone else to go.
Caring for others, whether it be on World Kindness Day or not, is an act that can be highly desirable and beneficial.
What is the connection between evolution and altruistic behavior?
For altruism to be present in many species, it generally must have been beneficial for allowing earlier generations to continue to persist. Evolutionary scientists suggest altruism is often heavily connected to reproductive fitness and kin selection theory. Reproductive fitness generally refers to how many offspring are produced and survive, but in Darwinian theory, altruistic behavior may not improve a species’ reproductive fitness.
Reproductive fitness and altruistic behavior
Reproductive fitness generally refers to how many offspring are produced and survive, but in Darwinian theory, altruistic behavior may not improve a species’ reproductive fitness.
Darwin's theory of natural selection typically implies that species that ensure their own chances of reproducing and surviving will have their genes passed on. Therefore, one may expect that selfishness would be the dominant behavior trait because altruism may put an organism at a disadvantage. In Darwinian theory, when one of our ancestors behaved altruistically, they were thought to be reducing their reproductive fitness and increasing that of someone else.
Altruism and compassion in biology
In biology, altruistic behavior is generally not concerned with the intentions of animals but with the outcome. Animals are thought to behave altruistically when they do something that increases another animal’s reproductive fitness, regardless of their intentions.
Altruism, altruistic behavior, and kindness to relatives
One explanation for why altruism persists may be related to kin selection theory. Despite altruistic animals potentially reducing their own reproductive fitness, they may be improving the likelihood of others having offspring, especially if they are relatives.
Kin selection theory, psychology, and altruistic behavior
One aspect of kin-selection theory is that animals that are related may be more likely to display altruistic behaviors toward one another, instead of with those unrelated to them.
Based on this notion, if an animal divides food with only its kin, there may be a higher probability that those relatives will survive to pass on the family's genes.
Additionally, according to kin selection theory, the degree of altruism may increase with the degree of closeness between two relatives. This may influence how frequent and how helpful these behaviors may be.
Altruism, altruistic acts, and compassion for non-relatives
While displaying altruism toward relatives may play a role in allowing genes to survive, acts of altruism do not necessarily need to involve those related to you. One theory outside of kin selection that may explain this is reciprocal altruism.
Reciprocal altruism: Being charitable and giving
Reciprocal altruism typically aligns with social norms of cooperation, helping others while expecting the favor to be returned later. If one animal helps another, they may expect the favor to be returned at a later point in time.
In reciprocal altruism, animals may not have to be relatives and may not need to be from the same group or species. All that is usually required is for the organisms to interact more than once and be able to recognize each other. Groups that often interact may recognize and avoid individuals who prioritize selfish actions over cooperative behavior.
This refusal to assist selfish individuals can be seen as a form of altruistic punishment, discouraging selfish behaviors and promoting cooperation within the group. If a favor is given but not returned, group members may learn not to support that recipient in the future. Even though they may not incur any costs, those who do not help may effectively sabotage their chances of reproducing or even surviving because others may not be likely to help them.
Since the altruism involved in these situations can involve the possibility of a reciprocal benefit and may not be entirely one-sided (as in pure altruism), it may be easier for helpful behaviors to persist through natural selection.
Examples of altruistic behavior
Altruistic actions can take many forms, from sacrificing for others to acts that ultimately benefit one’s own lives in unexpected ways. The following are some examples of cooperative behavior or altruism in the animal kingdom.
Examples of selfless and altruistic behavior in the animal kingdom:
- Sterile ant workers often dedicate their lives to catering to the queen ant. They cannot reproduce, but their actions may improve the queen's reproductive fitness. Similar behaviors can also be seen in other insect species, such as termites, bees, and wasps.
- Although their actions might attract attention and put them at risk, vervet monkeys often make loud alarm sounds to alert their group of nearby predators, allowing them to find a safer spot.
- Vampire bats often regurgitate blood to others in their group who did not get a chance to feed that night. This ensures that others do not starve.
As you can see, even some of life's tiniest creatures can participate in altruism. However, the reasoning and motives can become more complex as species' brains increase in size. Nonetheless, humans, who have some of the largest brains, may still perform altruistic behaviors and desire nothing in return.
Explore the psychology behind altruism
Embracing altruism at the right moments may improve your relationships and bring you greater happiness. One way to become more altruistic may be through therapy, particularly cognitive-behavior therapy or CBT. In CBT, a therapist may be able to help you identify and replace unhelpful thought patterns, and thus your emotions and behaviors, which may support more altruistic tendencies.
Online therapy
If in-person therapy isn’t convenient for you, online therapy may be another valid option. An online therapy service can make it possible to connect with a licensed therapist from home or anywhere with an internet connection. You can even specifically seek out a mental health professional who practices CBT.
Online therapy, including CBT, has been shown by numerous peer-viewed studies to be effective. This type of therapy is often used to treat a variety of mental health disorders, such as depression and anxiety, but it may also help you achieve other mental health goals, such as becoming more altruistic.
What are examples of altruism?
According to the empathy-altruism hypothesis, having empathy for someone in need may motivate you to help that person. Many people act altruistically when they feel empathy for others, leading to various acts of kindness in daily life.
Examples of acts of kindness and empathy:
Offering your jacket to someone else to keep them warm, even if it will leave you cold
Loaning money to family members to help them cover bills, especially without the expectation of prompt repayment
Helping a stranger carry their groceries into their car or to their house
Donating money or items to charity
Offering professional services pro bono (without payment)
Donating blood
There are different perspectives on what motivates people to perform acts of kindness, though. In contrast to previous research supporting the empathy-altruism hypothesis, the social exchange theory states that people engage in altruistic behaviors when they anticipate that the rewards or potential benefits will outweigh the costs. Such altruism wouldn’t be considered true altruism since it isn’t selfless.
Is it good to be altruistic?
Altruism can be considered a good thing to do, given that the general definition of the term is, according to the American Psychological Association, “behavior that benefits another individual at a cost to oneself.” Altruistic acts can be considered prosocial behavior, or a behavior that improves the well-being of society outside of the individual via human cooperation. Engaging in altruistic behavior can vary depending on individual differences, but psychological research studies suggest it often leads to personal benefits like emotional rewards, increased happiness, and benefits in social groups, such as reinforcing bonding or improving situations for future generations.
What is an altruist?
A person engaging in altruistic acts is voluntarily acting for the good of another person without asking for an external reward of any kind. Because of this, you might say that an altruistic person is caring, selfless, or generous. You may also describe them as having a natural tendency for acts of kindness.
Can humans have altruistic behavior?
Although people behave altruistically, it was initially believed that altruism was a purely human trait. However, such behaviors have recently been observed in various animal species, which leads certain researchers to believe that altruistic acts are a helping behavior that may develop as an adaptation to the environment. This evolutionary psychology theory makes sense for humans as well, given that the benefits to physical health and survival as well as positive feelings from altruism may reinforce altruistic behaviors.
As such, human cooperation and behaving altruistically is considered a major part of human nature and human behavior. That being said, not all humans will act altruistically at all times; human altruism is a conscious choice that some people decide against for various reasons. Moreover, not all prosocial behaviors can be considered purely altruistic, or selfless altruism.
Are there downsides to altruistic behavior?
Unchecked altruism can lead to damage to the person performing the altruistic acts. It may mean that their physical health suffers or that they do not have enough resources to support themselves after giving their resources to others. It is important to maintain healthy boundaries even when engaging in prosocial behavior so that you can maintain your own health; as the adage goes, you need to put your own oxygen mask on first before you can help others with theirs. Extreme altruists would be wise to heed this advice.
What are the strengths of an altruist?
An altruist tends to build strong bonds with family members and friend groups due to their prosocial behavior. Altruists can improve the well-being of their communities through selfless acts and their own well-being in a social and emotional or spiritual sense. Altruistic values can also help to ensure success for future generations by creating a climate of acts of kindness designed to help support everyone in a society.
Is altruism narcissism?
It is possible to act altruistically without actually being altruistic internally. Those with narcissistic personality disorders may engage in altruistic appearing behavior, but in this case, the behaviors cannot be accurately described as altruistic given their selfish motivations. For example, a person with narcissistic motivations may donate to a charity only to write off the expense and improve their public image. They may volunteer to help older adults in the community, for example, but only be willing to do so if this act is publicized. This cannot be considered altruism because it is not a reflection of genuine concern for others.
While these acts may still have positive effects, they were undertaken with the expectation of personal reward and not done for the good of others, and so can’t be considered an honest signal of true altruism.
What motivates altruists?
Altruistic behavior and its four general behaviors:
Genetic or kin altruism is the acts of kindness we perform for our family members and loved ones. Kin altruism is generally motivated by our familial connections and love. Perspectives from behavioral ecology may posit that genetic or kin altruism in humans and other species has an evolutionary basis. Future research is needed to confirm this theory.
Reciprocal altruism is the acts of kindness we perform for someone who either has helped you in the past or is likely to help you in the future. This kind of altruism is often motivated by a sense of duty or responsibility typical of friendship.
Cultural group altruism is often motivated by internalized values aimed toward members of our social, ethnic, or cultural group. Typically, this kind of altruism is motivated by a sense of belonging and responsibility to a community.
Pure altruism is altruism toward strangers. This is generally an act that is motivated simply by a desire to do something kind for someone else. Donating an organ to a stranger with a major illness, despite it causing physical pain and personal distress, might be considered pure altruism.
Moreover, parochial altruism consists of altruistic behavior towards members of a group, but may include hostility toward outgroup members or the general population.
Is an altruist a leader?
Altruists can be good leaders in that they will consider the needs of others before themselves, which can make everyday life decisions simpler. That being said, an altruist leader still needs to have strong personal boundaries in order to maintain their own well-being and physical health. Giving oneself kindness and care is also important.
Is altruism the same as being selfless?
By definition, to act altruistically or to engage in altruistic behaviour is to act selflessly for the benefit of those around you. This could include random acts of kindness or altruistic giving such as charitable donations. Even small acts of service performed out of empathetic concern for someone could be considered selfless altruism.
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