About Conduct Disorder, A DSM-5 Diagnosable Condition
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Conduct disorder (CD) is a mental health condition that occurs in children and adolescents, often characterized by a pattern of disruptive or aggressive behavior. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), CD is divided into two main subtypes: childhood-onset and adolescent-onset.
Behavioral science research indicates the condition affects between 2% and 5% of children between the ages of 5 and 12 and between 5% and 9% of adolescents aged 13 to 18. Additional factors like ethnicity and socioeconomic status may also contribute to the prevalence of CD in specific populations.
When considering conduct disorder as a condition, it can be valuable to consider the underlying causes and risk factors. Clinical studies suggest that a child's genetics and environment are often linked to their susceptibility to developing CD. For example, family dynamics, parenting styles, peer relationships, school systems, and community resources may all contribute to this condition.
The biology of the brain and its impact on conduct
In addition to environmental and social factors, research has suggested that specific neurological processes may also impact the development of conduct disorders. The prefrontal cortex is a key part of the brain thought to be involved.
Disruptive impulse control: The role of PFC in conduct disorders
The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is an area of the brain responsible for controlling emotions, decision-making, and impulse control. Abnormalities or disruptions in PFC functioning can lead to deficits in these areas, potentially causing difficulty in an individual's behavioral management skills. Cortical thickness and folding deficits have been observed in children with CD, suggesting that brain development is an integral factor in the manifestation of CDs.
The role of the amygdala in emotional responses
Recent research has also shed light on the impact of the amygdala on emotional responses. This small but essential area of the brain is responsible for processing emotions like fear and aggression, and it plays a crucial role in controlling emotional responses. Neuroimaging studies have found that decreased activation in the amygdala is associated with higher levels of aggression, impulsivity, and difficulties with emotional control.
Neurotransmitter imbalances and disruptive impulses
Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that facilitate communication within the brain. Neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine are all involved in controlling behavior and emotion. Research suggests that imbalances in these neurotransmitters may contribute to the development of conduct disorder, leading to poor impulse control, aggression, and mood dysregulation.
Conduct disorder DSM-5 criteria
Conduct disorder (CD) is a serious and complex mental illness that children and adolescents may face. This condition can affect a person's ability to follow social norms, rules, and regulations, leading to behavior that often violates other people's rights or disrupts the safety of those around them. The DSM-5 outlines the criteria for the diagnosis of conduct disorder as follows.
Conduct disorder per the DSM-5: repetitive and persistent patterns of behavior
Conduct disorder is defined as a repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior that violates the rights of others or significant societal norms, including aggression towards people or animals, destruction of property, and deceitfulness or theft. Moreover, the behavior must also cause significant impairment in the affected individual's social, academic, or occupational functioning.
When conduct disorders may manifest
The onset of symptoms of a conduct disorder happens in childhood or adolescence. As such, early behavioral problems involving lying or truancy often progress to more serious offenses such as stealing, vandalism, and aggression.
Behavioral requirements
To diagnose CD, the DSM-5 outlines several types of behavior that must be present, including the following:
- Aggression towards people and animals: This criterion is met when an individual engages in behavior that threatens or causes physical harm to others, such as bullying, physical fights, and cruel acts toward animals.
- Destruction of property: This criterion is met when an individual deliberately destroys property that belongs to someone else, such as breaking windows, setting fires, or damaging vehicles.
- Deceitfulness or theft: This criterion is met when an individual engages in lying, cheating, or stealing items of nontrivial value, such as shoplifting, breaking into homes or cars, or stealing from others.
- Serious rule violations: This criterion is met when an individual repeatedly violates rules or laws, such as skipping school, running away from home, breaking curfew, or stealing.
The DSM-5 criteria for CD provide a comprehensive overview of the behaviors that must be present for a diagnosis. However, note that the DSM-5 criteria may not be the only indicators of CD. A mental health professional can consider other factors, such as the individual's age and personal history, to make an accurate diagnosis.
Childhood vs. adolescent-onset conduct disorders
Childhood-onset type conduct disorder and adolescent-onset type conduct disorder are two subtypes of conduct disorder identified by the DSM-5, differentiated mainly by the age of onset of symptoms. However, there are a few differences between the two subtypes that families and caregivers should be aware of.
Childhood-onset type conduct disorder
Children with childhood-onset type conduct disorder often exhibit more severe and persistent conduct challenges. These symptoms may manifest before age ten and are associated with a higher risk of developing long-lasting conduct problems, anti-social behavior, and criminality in adulthood. While the prognosis for individuals with childhood-onset type conduct disorder may be challenging to cope with, early intervention may help reduce the risk of long-term adverse outcomes.
Associated comorbidities can also differ between the two subtypes. Children with childhood-onset may be more likely to have comorbid ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder, and learning disorders. Adolescents with adolescent-onset may have more significant difficulties with substance use, anxiety, and depression.
Adolescent-onset type conduct disorder
Adolescents with adolescent-onset conduct disorder may engage in rule-breaking, deceitfulness, and aggression. Still, the symptoms may not be as intense or frequent as those with the childhood-onset type. These symptoms often first appear during adolescence after age ten but before 18. While this subtype can cause significant distress and impairment, the long-term prognosis might be more favorable than the childhood-onset type. Individuals with adolescent-onset type might notice a reduction in symptoms as they mature and enter adulthood.
Risk factors for both subtypes include genetic factors, environmental factors like exposure to violence or abuse, and neurobiological factors. However, peer influences and social stressors during adolescence may play a more significant role in the onset of symptoms for adolescent-onset type conduct disorder.
Shared traits between both types of CD
Both subtypes of CD may benefit from timely intervention and support, with treatment approaches tailored to the individual's specific needs and developmental stage. Puberty and adolescence can exacerbate specific symptoms, and a comprehensive treatment plan can be designed to address any co-occurring mental health conditions.
Is your child displaying signs of conduct disorder?
Navigating conduct disorders in youth as a caregiver
Parents and caregivers may play an essential role in identifying and managing CDs. Early interventions often yield the most favorable outcomes, so it can be helpful to be aware of any signs or symptoms that may suggest a conduct disorder is present.
Behavioral management techniques
Behavioral management techniques, such as consistent consequences and reinforcing desired behaviors, may reduce disruptive or destructive behaviors. Additionally, parenting skills training can teach parents and caregivers effective strategies for coping with these challenges.
The role of schools in addressing conduct disorders
Schools and educators may also have a pivotal role in addressing conduct disorders in youth. At-risk students can be identified early so that appropriate interventions and support can be implemented. Schools can collaborate with mental health professionals to provide comprehensive treatment for students living with CD. Treatment can include social skills training, cognitive behavioral therapy, family therapy, and other evidence-based practices.
Seeking support from a mental health professional
If your child exhibits symptoms of a conduct disorder, consider seeking support. A mental health professional can assess an individual's needs, develop an effective treatment plan, and provide guidance and resources to help navigate this complex disorder. The convenience of online therapy may also benefit youth who feel overwhelmed or intimidated by traditional in-person visits.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) as a treatment method
A 2021 study by Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review revealed that cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) might be effective in helping children and adolescents cope with the symptoms of a conduct disorder. CBT can help children and adolescents manage their anger and solve social problems by increasing emotion regulation, cognitive restructuring, and problem-solving.
Treating conduct disorder in youth can take time, but the earlier it is identified and addressed, the sooner your child may receive support. With compassionate professional guidance, children and adolescents living with CD can learn to make healthier decisions that could benefit them long term.
Counseling options for parents and caregivers
Conduct disorders can have a significant impact on youth and their families. While certain biological and environmental factors can increase a person's risk, early intervention, parental guidance, and evidence-based therapy may help children and adolescents with the skills they need to manage their behaviors.
Parents and caregivers may also benefit from therapy to discuss the impacts of their child's mental health. If you're living with stress or another mental health challenge due to home life, consider contacting an online therapist through a platform like BetterHelp. With online therapy, you can reach a professional from home at a time that fits your schedule. In addition, you can choose between phone, video, or live chat sessions depending on your needs each session. Online platforms like TeenCounseling are also available for teens aged 13 to 19.
Studies suggest that internet-based therapy can often be as effective as face-to-face treatment in supporting families and caregivers living with prolonged and intense stress due to a family member's severe mental health condition. You're not alone if you're experiencing these symptoms, and a counselor can help you develop a plan to support yourself and your children healthily.
What are the DSM-5 criteria for conduct disorder?
The criteria for conduct disorder include repetitive behavior that violates the rights of others or societal norms. The person must experience at least three of the following over the past year, with at least one criterion in the past six months:
Aggression toward people and animals, such as bullying, threatening, initiating fights, using a weapon, physical cruelty, or stealing
Destruction of property, such as fire-setting
Deceitfulness or theft, such as breaking into someone’s house, conning others, or stealing items of value
Serious violations of rules, like staying out late at night or running away from home
How do you diagnose conduct disorder?
A licensed mental health provider or psychiatrist can diagnose conduct disorders by taking a history, observing behavior, and interviewing the client/patient. There isn’t one specific test or questionnaire, but they may use diagnostic tools like the Child Behavior Checklist or Disruptive Behavior Disorders Rating Scale.
What is a differential diagnosis of conduct disorder?
A differential diagnosis refers to the possible causes of someone’s symptoms. For example, a differential diagnosis for conduct disorder includes disorders like ADHD, depression, bipolar disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and anxiety disorders.
What is the concept of conduct disorder?
Conduct disorder is a mental disorder characterized by repeated behaviors in a child or adolescent that violate the rights of others or disregard social norms. The disorder has several specifiers, such as limited prosocial emotions, severity, and age of onset.
What does disturbance of conduct mean in DSM-5?
The term “disturbance of conduct” is used as a specifier of adjustment disorder in the DSM-5.
What is conduct disorder DSM-5 ICD 10?
Conduct disorder is a behavioral disorder recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual or Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). The diagnosis is classified with the following International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10) codes:
F91.0: Confided to the context of family
F91.1: Child-onset
F91.2: Adolescent-onset
F91.3: Oppositional defiant disorder
F91.8: Other conduct disorders
F91.9: Unspecified conduct disorder
These codes are used for medical coding internationally.
What assessment is used for conduct disorder?
There are several types of assessments that may be used to assess whether people have at least one symptom characteristic of conduct disorder. These include the Child Behavior Checklist, Vanderbilt Assessment Scales, Diagnostic and Antisocial Screening, and the Disruptive Behavior Disorders Rating Scale. Some signs and symptoms these tools may look for include:
Lack of remorse or concern about negative consequences, even if his or her actions cause substantial harm
Lack of concern over his or her poor performance, such as poor performance at school that may be blamed on others
Shallow or deficient affect in which emotional expressions are used for personal gain
Serious violations of rules, such as staying out late despite parental prohibitions
Running away from home when living in a parental or parental surrogate home or a lengthy period (or at least twice for a shorter period)
The person appears lacking in empathy and may be described as uncaring
Aggression or violence toward others, such as bullying, physical cruelty, or sexual abuse
Overall, conduct disorder describes a recurrent pattern (not just occasional occurrences) of emotional functioning and behaviors characterized by the considerable harm or disregard of others’ basic rights. To make a full evaluation of an individual’s typical pattern, providers may investigate the individual’s self-report, as well as multiple relationships in their lives, such as parents, teachers, or extended family members.
Conduct disorder can be classified based on the amount of harm symptoms cause. For example, mild conduct disorder characteristics reflect relatively minor harm to others.
Is ADHD a conduct disorder?
No, ADHD and conduct disorder are not the same, though both can involve clinically significant impairment to interpersonal and emotional functioning. However, unlike conduct disorder, the criterion present in ADHD itself does not usually involve serious violations of societal norms or rights.
What are the DSM-5 criteria for antisocial personality disorder?
Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) is a type of personality disorder characterized by repeatedly displaying a lack of regard for the rights or boundaries of others. To make a diagnosis, there must be a pervasive pattern of disregard of others' rights, beginning by age 15 and including at least three of the following:
Lack of conformity to lawful social norms
Initiates physical fights or other forms of aggressive and irritable behavior
Impulsive behavior or lack of planning
Repeatedly, deliberately engaged in deceitfulness for personal gain
Disregard for safety
Consistent irresponsibility
Lack of remorse for things like relatively minor harm, serious physical harm, or having deliberately destroyed others' property
People with ASPD may also display shallow or deficient affect characteristics persistently, meaning that they do not often express feelings. If they do, emotions displayed are often used to manipulate or intimidate others.
Antisocial personality disorder commonly co-occurs with other disorders, such as substance use disorders, anxiety disorders, mood disorders, bipolar disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and other personality disorders.
What are the two types of conduct disorders?
The DSM-5 recognizes three types of conduct disorder: childhood-onset, adolescent-onset, and unspecified-onset. A conduct disorder diagnosis is made based on the following characteristics:
Aggression toward people and/or animals, such as bullying, physical cruelty, or initiating physical fights
Causing serious damage or destruction to property, such as fire-setting
Theft or deceptive behavior, such as armed robbery, breaking into someone else's house
Seeming inability to follow rules, which is not just occasional occurrences
The types are differentiated by the age of onset. The childhood-onset type refers to the development of at least one criterion of conduct disorder prior to age 10, and it is correlated with persistent conduct disorder into adulthood. Adolescent-onset conduct disorder, in contrast, develops after age 10 and is characterized by less physically cruel or aggressive behavior. The unspecified-onset type is diagnosed when the age of onset is not known.
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