The Behavioral Perspective: Stimulus, Response, And Behavior
We often develop behavioral response patterns based on our prior interactions with various stimuli. If you learned to be careful around a stove after touching a hot burner, your actions and behavior can be explained, at least partially, from a behavioral perspective. The behavioral perspective is a psychological framework that emphasizes the study of observable behaviors and their modification through interactions with the environment.
In this article, we'll look in more depth at stimulus, response, and the corresponding behaviors as dictated by the theory of behaviorism.
What is behaviorism?
Behaviorism is a theory of human behavior based around the idea that we act or behave in certain ways based on our prior interactions with our environment. Behaviorism is noted for its rejection of the role our thoughts and feelings play in our behaviors, focusing instead on observable actions. From the behavioral perspective, behavior is primarily learned through conditioning, which is referred to as the stimulus-response model. Behaviorism became the dominant lens through which psychology was viewed in the early 20th century, though it was eventually replaced by more comprehensive behavior and response theories.
Classical and operant conditioning
The behavioral response is thought to occur through the two types of behavioral conditioning: classical conditioning and operant conditioning.
Classical conditioning and behavioral response
In classical conditioning, two coinciding stimuli—an unconditioned stimulus and a conditioned stimulus—induce a response. Take, for example, a situation in which you microwave your favorite snack each day. Over time, you may start to associate the microwave’s ding with the smell of your food being finished, causing you to salivate. In this situation, the unconditioned stimulus is the smell of the food and the conditioned stimulus is the ding.
Operant conditioning and behavioral response
In operant conditioning, the stimulus is typically a reward or a punishment, and it follows the response instead of preceding it. For example, if as a kid you shoveled your neighbor’s driveway as a favor, but they unexpectedly paid you, you might be tempted to shovel their driveway again or to shovel other neighbors’ driveways. Here, the stimulus is the money, and the response is you shoveling more snow.
In both of the above examples, behavior is modified following a stimulus-response model. Below, we’re going to further discuss the stimulus-response relationship and behavior.
What is a stimulus in psychology?
As discussed above, a primary concept within behaviorism is the stimulus-response model. A stimulus is an event that takes place or something you encounter that evokes a particular reaction or response.
Stimulus-response examples
For instance, if as a child you encountered a dog on the other side of a fence that suddenly started barking aggressively, you may have been startled, and your heart might have started beating rapidly. In this example, it is the dog that is the stimulus.
Or consider a situation in which your parents gave you money each time you received an A on a test. In this case, the stimulus is the monetary reward.
What is a response from the behavioral perspective?
The response, from the behavioral perspective, is a direct reaction to the stimulus. To illustrate behavioral response, let's return to the stimuli and response examples we mentioned in the previous section. When the dog startled you, your response was to jump and for your heart rate to accelerate. After you associate the dog with a strong physiological response, you may have developed an aversion to dogs.
In the second stimulus and response example, the reward offered for good grades by your parents was the stimulus, and studying was the response. In both situations, the stimulus-response model helps explain the reasons you altered your behavior.
Implications of behaviorism
Up until now, most of what we've been talking about is the way that the body responds involuntarily to outside stimuli that you might encounter in the world. But what about the behavior over which we seemingly exert some control? It's one thing to get goosebumps if we hear an eerie piece of music or to laugh with abandon if we find something exceedingly funny. But what about the rest of our behavior? How much control do we have over our behavior and response in the face of the stimuli that we regularly encounter?
Put simply, the behavioral perspective only applies to behaviors that can be observed and recorded. That might be why behavioral perspective lost prominence beginning around the 1950s. This is when many psychologists began to favor the cognitive perspective. The cognitive perspective gained popularity because it went beyond what could be seen. It has more to do with thinking, memory, decision-making abilities, and problem-solving.
Over time, the behavioral perspective hasn't held up as well as the cognitive perspective because it is limiting from a psychological standpoint. It might explain behavior that can be seen, but a lot of human behavior has more to do with what is happening behind the scenes, so to speak, in our minds.
The cognitive perspective versus behaviorism
Where the behavioral perspective is lacking is where other psychological theories about human behavior are helpful. The cognitive perspective is one such behavior approach. The cognitive theory contends that our thoughts and feelings influence the way we behave. We acquire information and then process, store, and utilize it. The older we get and the more experienced we become in various situations, the more we can draw on what we've learned to respond to what's happening around us.
The biological perspective versus behaviorism
Another theory that goes beyond what the behavioral perspective can quantify and explain is the biological perspective. This is a behavior theory that has to do with biological factors as well as outside stimuli. It delves into genetics, the immune system, the brain, and the nervous system. This is a perspective that has gotten a lot of attention in the past couple of decades. There are ways of measuring human behavior and explaining it via tests that can be conducted and analyzed.
For instance, the brains of former football players have been examined using MRI scans and PET scans. Many of these players were found to have CTE, chronic traumatic encephalopathy. This is a condition where multiple traumatic injuries to the brain have caused depression, mood swings, and aggression.
Behaviorism: What does all of this mean?
Behaviorism is no longer the dominant theory of human behavior. We now understand that our thoughts and feelings play a significant role in how we behave. Still, elements of behaviorism help explain different aspects of what we do and who we are. Behaviorism is crucial to our educational system, for example. Behaviorism is also used in several different forms of therapy, such as exposure therapy.
When it comes to how you conduct yourself personally, you are the one who gets the final say in what you do. There might be cultural impulses at play that you have learned, biological ones, and others as well. The older you get and the more experienced you become, though, the better control you will likely have over your actions and behavior. This affords you a great degree of freedom as well as personal responsibility.
Understanding and learning human behaviors through online therapy
Studies show that online therapy can be an effective method of providing therapy that is partially based on behavioral principles. For example, in one study, researchers found that online cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) led to reductions in symptoms of anxiety and depression while enhancing coping skills. Cognitive behavioral therapy—a widely utilized modality that arose out of behaviorism and cognitive therapy—focuses on how an individual’s behaviors are influenced by their thoughts and feelings.
Online therapy for behavioral help
If problematic behaviors are negatively impacting your life, or you’d like to better understand the motivations behind your actions, consider connecting with a licensed therapist online. With an online therapy platform like BetterHelp, you can participate in therapy remotely, through video calls, voice calls, or in-app messaging. You can also reach out to your therapist outside of sessions, which can be helpful if you’d like to discuss behaviors you’ve been exhibiting between appointments.
What is the behavioral perspective of motivation? Is it related to classical conditioning and operant conditioning?
The behavioral perspective of motivation posits that behaviors are directly caused by external events called stimuli. This approach is perhaps most famously associated with Pavlov’s experiments in which he trained dogs to associate a previously neutral stimulus (a bell sounding) with the presence of food, which signaled them to start salivating.
But classical conditioning is just one of a few theories grouped into the behavioral perspective. Operant conditioning and stimulus-response theory (or S-R theory) are also in the same group. Operant conditioning focuses on the relationship between action and consequence, and stimulus-response theory on the relationship between external events and human behavioral responses.
How does the behavioral perspective explain personality development?
According to behaviorism, our personalities are primarily contingent on our interactions with our social and other environments, rather than innate traits.
Who created the behavioral perspective?
Behaviorism as a perspective was not necessarily created by one individual so much as a collection of individuals. Pavlov, for example, contributed his theory of classical conditioning. B.F. Skinner is most known for positing operant conditioning and S-R theory. Various other researchers have elaborated on their work in the decades since.
What is an example of the stimulus-response theory in action?
Stimulus-response theory may be aptly described as a chain. The chain begins with the antecedent stimulus, some external event that elicits a response. Next in the chain is the response itself, or the behavior—whatever a person does or shows on the outside in reaction to the stimulus. Last in the chain is reinforcement, or the consequences of the behavior which perpetuate that behavior in the future.
For example, students in school know when to switch classrooms at the sound of a bell ringing. This is because they have been conditioned to associate the stimulus (the ringing bell) with the behavior of moving classrooms. The consequence of the behavior is that they are not reprimanded in front of the class for being late, which might reinforce the behavior of switching classrooms at the bell.
When a desired response has been successfully conditioned with a certain stimulus, the congruence is referred to as stimulus control.
What is an example of behaviorism in everyday life? What exactly counts as “stimuli”?
You can find elements of behaviorism in marketing, education, user design, and even traffic management, where companies and governments use behavioral strategies to encourage people to perform certain actions. Stimuli can include changes in the environment that elicit a response, like the changing of a traffic light from green to yellow when you’re driving.
Behavior: Why is behavior important in psychology?
Behavior is important because it’s the external manifestation of our internal psyches—so the better we understand our behaviors, the better we can potentially understand our minds.
Behavior & response: What is the importance of studying human learning or behavior?
Understanding how learning occurs helps us more effectively allocate resources for everything from educating students to safely maneuvering large numbers of people at once, such as at concert venues.
What do you learn in behavioral psychology?
Behavioral psychology focuses on examining behaviors and motivations for behaviors, whether in one individual at a time or in groups of people. You’ll likely learn to analyze what someone’s response depends on and how to leverage motivators to overcome problematic behaviors and adopt healthy ones in their stead.
How is the behavioral perspective used today?
The behavioral perspective is probably most often utilized in managing human behaviors in workplaces, public places, vehicles, and other everyday spaces. Elements of behaviorism may be utilized by people in psychological services to help clients improve.
What is an example of a behavioral management perspective?
The behavioral management perspective primarily applies to organizational psychology and workplaces. Many companies, for instance,
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