Addressing Bullying At Work: Prevention And Intervention
Bullying in the workplace can be problematic for many reasons. Individuals who are subjected to this manner of mistreatment can potentially have their income, professional positions, and peace of mind disturbed. Sometimes, bullying can come from coworkers; in other scenarios, it may come from business partners, bosses, or other individuals in power or authority. Common dynamics at play in workplace bullying can include frequency, longevity, escalation, power imbalances, and the endgame. It can be crucial to document all instances of bullying, tell the bully to stop, and take the matter to higher-ups. Whether you are the bully or the target of the bully, working with a therapist in person or online can be beneficial.
An overview of bullying and conflict at work
One study found that 75% of working people are typically impacted by bullying in their professional environments. This number may speak volumes about just how important it can be to address bullying at work. The workplace is generally where people go to earn a living and advance their careers. Bullying may impede an individual's ability to successfully make a way for themselves while still feeling comfortable and safe.
Dynamics of workplace bullying and harassment
Understanding the dynamics of bullying at work can be critical. Often, this form of bullying occurs on verbal and psychological levels, as opposed to physical ones. This does not in any way diminish the adverse impacts of bullying at work, nor should it be taken any less seriously. The recurring dynamics of workplace bullying are usually frequency, longevity, escalation, power imbalances, and the endgame.
Frequency of harassment
Often, workplace bullying is something the bully’s target may experience on a frequent basis. Sometimes, bullying begins gradually, then picks up and becomes more habitual over time. Even today, there can still be certain misconceptions about the frequency of bullying. Many people have been led to believe that ignoring a bully will discourage their bad behavior. This can be far from accurate, especially when the workplace, somewhere a person is obligated to go, is involved.
Longevity of bullying and conflict
The longevity of bullying in the workplace can be another critical element. Often, bullies tend to persist with their bad behavior. There can be many reasons behind this, but in most cases, bullies must be forced to stop what they are doing. Certain workplace bullying situations may occur for longer than others; the extent of time someone is subjected to this manner of treatment usually depends upon a series of factors.
When experiencing workplace bullying, it may be no secret that this behavior tends to escalate. Most bullies begin with caution. Once they come to believe they can get away with what they're doing, they tend to up the ante. Bullying, in all forms and places, almost always comes with certain levels of sadism. Certain individuals may only feel bigger and better when they make someone else feel smaller or worse.
Power imbalances
Power imbalances can be another relevant dynamic in the world of bullying at work. It's not uncommon to hear about a boss bullying their employees and making their lives miserable. Power imbalances are not always involved in workplace bullying, however. Sometimes, workers who engage in bullying are at the same level of seniority as their targets. However, in many circumstances, the person on the receiving end isn't in the best position to defend themselves.
Last but certainly not least on the list of workplace bullying dynamics may be the intent of the bully. There can be a range of reasons why someone in the workplace decides to engage in bullying. They may be looking to run their target out of the company or business. In other cases, jealousy may be a factor, or the target may be perceived as a threat. Sometimes, individuals in higher positions of authority engage in bullying because they enjoy having control over other people.
Communication and addressing bullying at work
If you or someone else is experiencing bullying at work, then it generally must be addressed. As previously stated, the idea that a bully will eventually stop if ignored is usually inaccurate. You can make a series of strategic moves to address the bullying, regardless of whether you or someone else is being targeted.
For prevention and safety, document the bullying
If you’d like, you can also show these notes to people you trust. This may ensure that other individuals are aware of what's happening. Sometimes, having witnesses who can corroborate a story helps put an end to a workplace bully's reign of terror.
Engage in communication and tell the bully to stop
Telling the bully to stop what they are doing can sometimes serve as an effective method in the workplace. However, you also must be careful, depending on the nature of the situation. If the bully happens to be in a position of power, then it may be best to take the issue to the higher-ups. However, if a coworker or someone who doesn't professionally outrank you is targeting you, telling them that you don't appreciate what they're doing can be helpful. Ultimately, this can come down to a judgment call. Don't be afraid to trust your instincts. Letting someone know you are uncomfortable, regardless of who they are in terms of seniority and rank, may give them a chance to correct their behavior.
Take the matter to the higher-ups for support and workplace training
If the bullying persists, taking the issue to the higher-ups in the workplace may be the next course of action. Regardless of an individual's standing, reason, or position, they do not have the right to bully or intimidate others. When you report the matter, be sure to take all documentation of bullying with you. Make copies so that you can show this information to the right people and still have evidence for your own safekeeping.
Additional information on addressing bullying at work
Knowing how to deal with bullies, address these situations, and move forward can be beneficial both in the long term and the short term. Ultimately, bullies of all kinds normally thrive off power and control. Handling bullying in the proper manner may rob perpetrators of what empowers them and shut down their targeted mistreatment.
When confronted with workplace bullying, it can be important to remember that you are not at fault. Many individuals who experience bullying believe that they are to blame. In other cases, bullies’ targets sometimes wonder whether they did something to provoke the bully. The truth of the matter may be that each person is accountable for their own actions. If someone chooses to engage in bullying, they alone may be responsible and deserve to be held accountable.
What if you're the bully at work?
If you are bullying someone at work, realizing that what you're doing isn't okay can be crucial. Adversely impacting someone's ability to thrive in the workplace and do their job can be unacceptable. Feeling the need to target someone else at their place of work is something that may eventually backfire and bring about consequences you may not like. You can stop what you are doing, apologize to those you have bullied, and make amends.
You may also find it worthwhile to dig deep and discover why you feel the need to bully others. Many bullies, whether in the workplace or otherwise, convince themselves that their targets are at fault, but this isn't usually accurate. As previously stated, everyone is typically accountable for their own actions. Whenever you feel the need to go after other people and engage in bullying, this can be a sign of internal healing that needs to happen.
Asking for help and support
No matter your position or place of work, experiencing bullying in a professional environment can present a unique challenge. When you find yourself in a situation like this, it can be easy to believe you are all alone, but you don't have to be. Help and resources may be all around you.
While in-person therapy may be an option for you, you may also wish to consider online therapy as an option for professional insight and guidance. Online therapy can add convenience and customization to the therapy experience, potentially helping you feel more comfortable opening up about vulnerable topics like bullying. You can attend sessions from the location of your choice at a time that fits your schedule and choose from video call, phone call, and online chat.
A 2022 study investigated the effectiveness of online cognitive processing therapy for individuals who persistently experienced bullying. It found that “the results of this trial suggest that internet-delivered CPT is effective for the psychological distress and maladaptive appraisals associated with bullying victimization.”
How do you address harassment in the workplace?
Harassment in the workplace can lead to many health concerns, possibly affecting one’s physical health and emotional health. Addressing bullying behavior effectively is critical to avoid lost productivity or a formal complaint.
There are multiple tactics that managers and team members can rely on to stop or minimize such behavior, and they often are best used in a tailored way that depends on the nature of the situation.
Some options include the following:
- Courses that address abusive conduct: An example of this would be the well-known sexual harassment courses and other options outlining poor conduct in as much detail as possible.
- Team touchpoint meetings that discuss employee well-being: These small standups can be a great way for managers and team members alike to care for each other and identify areas of growth as the office works to stop bullying.
- A formal process for addressing bullying behavior: If your office doesn’t have one yet, you might suggest a formal process outlined in the employee handbook that addresses workplace bullies (or those who participate in bullying behavior). Co-workers and managers alike can be empowered with the knowledge that there is a path forward in the event of workplace bullying.
How does HR handle harassment training, intervention, and prevention?
Your HR department likely places a high importance on team member conduct, working actively to stop bullying in the office. In the event of harassment, they would generally support the member of the office who had been wronged, whether it’s due to verbal abuse or some other type of complaint.
They may sit down with the workplace bully (the person engaging in the behavior) to discuss what they did wrong and a clear path forward.
Throughout the process, they would likely be supporting the survivor of bullying in creating a personal plea or complaint, actively determining if there was a violation for a member of a safeguarded class. They might also help the team member address any related health concerns they may be experiencing, whether the effects are emotional or physical.
Members of human resources are typically responsible for protecting employees from being bullied or discriminated against for factors like their age, race, natural origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, and more. If you’ve been the target of hurtful behaviors, it may be best to speak to the HR department of your organization rather than confront the bully yourself, as there could be a risk of harm and increased stress.
What is considered workplace harassment?
Any form of physical, sexual or verbal harassment that occurs in the workplace can be a form of workplace harassment. The Workplace Bullying Institute has many helpful resources and examples to consider.
What is the first thing an employee facing harassment should do?
Someone experiencing bullying in the workplace should consider working with their HR department to create a plan of action. The HR team members can assist the employee in filing a formal complaint, mediating between multiple people and addressing the workplace bullies (or people engaging in the behavior) accordingly.
How do you prove psychological harassment?
Proving psychological harassment can be complex, but it is not impossible. To start, consider filing a formal complaint with as much detail as possible. This can highlight exactly what’s going on for managers or any other third parties who may be involved. Then, you can work with your HR team to take the next appropriate step, whatever that may be.
What are the three types of harassment?
The three primary types of workplace harassment are generally regarded to be physical, emotional/mental, and sexual.
What qualifies as a hostile work environment?
The definition of a hostile work environment can vary depending on the nature of the behavior that is occurring. For many, a hostile work environment is simply an environment that is distracting and unproductive, or one that prompts a team member to feel unsafe.
What is an example of a hostile work environment?
An example of a hostile work environment may be that a team member feels that they cannot speak up due to the level of camaraderie or “cliquishness” that those who bully may project in the workplace.
Other specific examples include burnout due to impossible deadlines, discrimination, and harassment from other employees.
How do you document a toxic work environment?
There generally isn’t a single way to document a toxic work environment. Many choose to create a detailed timeline, sparing no detail, as this can paint the most accurate picture possible in what is often a contentious situation.
Your HR department can support you in doing this if you aren’t sure where to start.
What is the best intervention in addressing bullying at work?
If you are being bullied at work, it’s usually best to speak to human resources, your supervisor, or the next person in the chain of command. If you work at a small company, this may even be the co-founder of the business. Speaking to someone who can address the bullying directly is often recommended.
Meanwhile, supervisors can implement an open-door policy, offer education regarding appropriate workplace behavior, and take complaints seriously. They can also turn to other resources, such as the HR department, if they’re unsure how to proceed.
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