Exploring The Different Types Of Bullying In Society
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Bullying is a worldwide challenge that has occurred for generations. With various disguises, detecting and recognizing what bullying is or who bullies are can be difficult. In some cases, bullying is overlooked. To understand what bullying looks like, it can be crucial to examine the impacts and signs of physical, verbal, and sexual bullying and cyberbullying to better understand the various forms of bullying.
Understanding the different types of bullying
Bullying is a serious challenge that affects millions of people every year. It comes in different forms, each with unique characteristics. Understanding the different types of bullying can often be the first step to addressing and preventing it.
A few of the types of bullying you should be aware of
Physical bullying
Verbal bullying
Social bullying
Sexual harassment
Together, parents, educators, and young people can act to prevent these forms of bullying and create healthier and safer environments. Below are further explanations of what these types may encompass.
Physical bullying
Physical bullying is a form of aggressive behavior involving physical contact with someone to cause harm. This type of bullying can happen in various settings, such as schools, homes, and workplaces.
Physical bullying may take many forms, including but not limited to hitting, pushing, shoving, and kicking. Physical bullying can be particularly distressing for the survivor, as it can leave them with bruises, cuts, and other injuries. Long-term effects include psychological and physiological distress, so it can be crucial to spot the warning signs of this type of bullying and intervene quickly to safeguard the survivors.
Verbal bullying
Verbal bullying can have a profound impact on those subjected to it. The words people use and the tone they deliver can be as hurtful as physical violence. In addition, verbal bullying can take many forms, from name-calling and insults to intimidation and threats. In some cases, it may escalate into physical violence.
Survivors of verbal bullying often experience decreased self-esteem, a sense of isolation, and depression. Those affected by verbal bullying may benefit from resources and peer support to understand what they've gone through. Being mindful of your words and building positive relationships with those around you is one way to prevent unkindness in any social setting.
Cyberbullying is a form of digital harassment that can have severe consequences for survivors. In the 21st century, the widespread use of social media and online platforms leads more people to become targets of cyberbullying. This type of harassment can take various forms, such as sending threatening messages or spreading false rumors online. It is often group-oriented and can lead to severe consequences.
Often, the perceived inconspicuousness of the internet gives people who bully more confidence, making it challenging to spot and stop them. Cyberbullying can be devastating, often leading to depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. Because of the impacts of mass cyberbullying, it can be essential to spot the signs. When online, don't partake in large-scale "canceling" of others, and be kind when you comment or interact with someone's posts. You may not be able to know what they're going through, and accusations online can often be made up to cause social ostracization and further isolate the survivor.
If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts or urges, call the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988 or text 988 to talk to a crisis provider over SMS. They are available 24/7 to offer support. 988 also offers an online chat for those with an internet connection.
Social bullying
Social bullying, also known as relational aggression, is a type of bullying that involves hurting others by damaging their relationships or social reputation. Unlike physical bullying, which leaves visible marks, social bullying is more subtle and often goes unnoticed by adults. Bullying can happen anywhere people get together, like schools, workplaces, or online communities.
People who social bully hurt survivors by spreading rumors, excluding them, and using social power over them. It's a subtle harassment that can cause melancholy, anxiety, and social isolation. As a result, recognizing the indicators of social bullying is critical to intervene and support the survivors.
Prejudicial bullying
Prejudicial bullying is characterized by harmful behavior based solely on the survivor's race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, language, immigration status, gender, or guarded identity.
This form of bullying can show up as physical violence, verbal abuse, and being left out of groups. People bullied for their identity may be more likely to experience depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. In addition, this type of bullying is often regarded as a hate crime, which is illegal. If you see a hate crime occurring, report it to the authorities. However, ensure the safety of the individual involved and provide peer advocacy along the way, as some minorities may not feel safe in the presence of authorities.
Sexual bullying
Sexual bullying is also referred to as sexual harassment. This type of bullying involves using sexual language, innuendos, gestures, and touch to demean, control, or intimidate someone. Survivors of sexual bullying can experience various emotions, from embarrassment and humiliation to fear and anxiety.
Effects of sexual harassment on the victim’s mental health
Sexual harassment can have long-term consequences for the survivor's mental health, self-esteem, and well-being. It can be critical for schools, parents, and communities to educate themselves about sexual bullying and to adopt preventative and corrective measures.
If you are experiencing sexual abuse or have experienced assault, note that the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) has a hotline dedicated to supporting individuals experiencing sexual assault, harassment, or intimate partner violence. You can contact them anytime by calling 800-656-HOPE (4673) or using the online chat.
How the majority can influence bullying
Bullying is common, and popular people can have a significant impact. In addition, the "majority voice" or the people with the most power in a situation can immediately change the reality for a survivor. When one is part of the "popular group," they have power over an individual, regardless of what that individual has or hasn't done.
The power dynamics in schools, workplaces, and social groups can make it challenging for survivors to stand up for themselves, and the support of their peers may embolden bullies. If an individual tries to stand up for themselves or report bullying, the power dynamic of the "in group" may cause them further bullying and abuse.
In these cases, people within popular groups have the authority to stop bullying. Popular figures can inspire others to follow their lead and create a safer, more inclusive environment by publicly condemning bullying and standing up for survivors. If you are bullying someone or spreading rumors because your friends or other people in your community are doing so, consider the implications of your actions.
Questions to ask yourself if you bully someone
Do you know with 100% certainty that the reasons they are bullying this person are true?
Do you believe in your actions in this scenario?
Why do you believe you have the authority to harm another person, even if they have made a mistake?
How might you feel if your group turned against you similarly?
What power dynamics exist in this situation, and how do you contribute?
How can you convince others in your group that bullying is wrong?
How can you surround yourself with healthier friends and acquaintances in the future?
Although it may not be your responsibility to save another person, it can be your responsibility to think critically about your actions and lack of actions and how they may impact another person's physical, mental, and emotional health.
Who are survivors of bullying, and who are bullies?
Bullying can happen to anyone, regardless of age, gender, or background. Bullying survivors range from children in elementary school to adults in the workplace. Anyone perceived as different or vulnerable can become a target. Bullying is often targeted more toward people in sensitive groups, such as individuals with physical or mental disabilities, those who identify as LGBTQ+, and those who belong to a minority group.
People who bully can come from all walks of life. They may be popular students, coworkers, or family relatives. All those who bully may attempt to have authority and control over others. In some cases, they may not know they are bullying, as they may hide the fact through claims of "justice" or attempting to "gain accountability" from another person. However, bullying involves a significant power imbalance and social ostracization, which can be present in these scenarios. Bullying is not okay, regardless of the "reason" behind it.
Ways to overcome and stand up against bullies
There are ways to overcome and stand up against people who bully, which may start with being aware of your self-worth and confidence. Being comfortable standing up against the grain and being open about right and wrong can slowly change the minds of others who may be partaking in bullying unwillingly or willingly.
In addition, it can be essential to surround yourself with positive people who don't give you the impression that they may turn the harm on you if you stand up against them. Instead of making friendships with people who use power dynamics to control others, find people who understand humanity's complexity, empathy's importance, and the benefit of speaking up when bullying occurs.
Professional support options
Support is available if you have experienced bullying or have bullied someone and want to better your behavior. However, bullying can be sensitive, and some people may prefer to receive support discreetly. In these cases, online therapy through a platform like BetterHelp may be a practical choice. Teens can also have online therapy through platforms like TeenCounseling for those aged 13 to 19.
From the comfort of their homes, clients can have therapy sessions on their devices, attend live chat sessions, or make a phone call with a therapist. Additionally, online therapy can be more convenient, allowing individuals to have therapeutic support from any location with an internet connection. You can also sign up with a nickname if you don't want your therapist to know who you are.
Research shows online therapy can significantly improve mental health and overall quality of life. With support, individuals can heal from the trauma of bullying and move forward healthily.
In addition, schools and other public locations can work to provide an environment that is safe from bullying by educating others and not partaking in the social isolation of any students. When everyone works together to create a culture that embraces respect and clear communication, it may make a difference in the lives of survivors worldwide.
Options are available to support survivors of bullying. If you or your dependent has been impacted, consider contacting a provider online or in your area for further support and guidance. You are not alone.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
What are examples of physical bullying?
There are many examples of physical bullying such as hitting someone, spitting, shoving, pushing, and pulling someone else’s hair.
What are the behaviors of verbal bullying?
Verbal bullying can include name-calling, teasing, or making fun of someone’s race or appearance through hurtful words.
What are the signs of cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying can come in many forms and may include spreading embarrassing humor or photos on social media, making the victim feel embarrassed and depressed.
How does bullying impact mental health?
Bullying can have negative effects on the victim’s mental health such as making that person feel inadequate and unworthy. If you’ve been bullied at school, talk to someone you can trust. Or seek help from a mental health professional.
What are the psychological effects of being bullied?
Bullying may have different psychological effects on a person. For instance, a bullied person may feel fearful or isolated because of constantly hearing verbally abusive words against him.
What are the six different types of bullying?
Six types of bullying are physical bullying, verbal bullying, social bullying, cyberbullying, sexual bullying, and prejudicial bullying.
Physical bullying includes not only putting one’s hands on another person's body to cause pain or fear but also stealing or damaging their physical property.
Verbal bullying generally includes name-calling, intimidation, and making threats. While some forms of verbal bullying may be more obvious, it can be difficult to recognize as it can be disguised as good-natured ribbing and often occurs when authority figures are not around.
Physical and verbal bullying may be the most common types that come to mind for many people, but there are other forms of bullying as well.
Social bullying or relational bullying is an attempt to ruin another person’s reputation or social relationships. Examples include spreading rumors, leaving someone out of social situations, or embarrassing them in public or in front of their peer groups. This type of bullying can lead to depression, loneliness, or isolation, and it may be difficult for school counselors and other professionals to detect, even if it occurs on school property.
Cyber bullying includes online bullying on tablets, computers, and cell phones. It can include text messages, instant messaging, messages in chat rooms, social media posts, and photos. The online nature of this type of bullying can make it particularly harmful as people engaging in cyberbullying can do so anonymously and may not face consequences for their actions.
Sexual bullying is bullying that involves sexual jokes, comments, or actions, like name calling, crude gestures, sending explicit photos, or touching someone without permission. The terms sexual bullying and sexual harassment can be used interchangeably, but sexual bullying may be used to describe when this type of behavior is done in personal without any witnesses.
Prejudicial bullying behavior can occur either in person or online and is based on religion, race, national origin, ethnic background, gender identity, or sexual orientation. It can be based on stereotypes and may result from the bully’s inaccurate belief that some people deserve less respect than others.
What are bullying forms?
There are many forms of bullying, including physical bullying, verbal bullying, cyberbullying, and social bullying. It can also take the form of emotional intimidation or cause physical or emotional pain.
What is the bullying scale?
The Bullying Experiences and Exclusion Scale can be used to collect self-reported experiences of school-aged bullying from victims, witnesses, and perpetrators. This scale is an 18-item questionnaire that covers six domains: disinformation, physical, denigration, exclusion, intimidation, and property damage.
What is the difference between male and female bullying?
Research in child psychology has identified several differences between male and female bullying in adolescents. Boys may be more likely to engage in more physical behavior and aggression, while girls may be more likely to participate in less direct verbal or social bullying. Girls may be more likely to spread rumors or gossip and exclude other girls, while boys may be more likely to get physically aggressive or destroy property.
In addition to the immediate danger, according to the Centers for Disease Control, bullying can negatively impact children and adolescents, even as they become young adults and into later adulthood. It can lead to anxiety, depression, sleep difficulties, and dropping out of school. Kids who are bullied may also experience social and emotional distress or physical injury and may turn to self-harm or suicide.
Bullying can have negative effects on the perpetrator, too. Youths who bully are at higher risk of substance abuse, poor academic performance, and experiencing violence later in life.
How to measure bullying?
One way to measure bullying is with the Bullying Experiences and Exclusion Scale. This scale collects self-reported data from victims, perpetrators, and witnesses, assessing disinformation, physical, denigration, exclusion, intimidation, and property damage.
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