Tips To Help Balance Being A Career Woman And A Mother
Many working parents, including working mothers, may struggle to find a healthy work-life balance. While it may be challenging, balancing the roles of a mother and a career woman is not impossible.
As a young woman professional, you might feel that it’s your responsibility to raise your children and earn enough money to support your family by yourself. However, if you are married or have a partner, they may also be able to support the family.
Helping with childcare and, if you’re both working, financial and domestic responsibilities are some ways your partner may support you. Regardless of how your partner contributes, try to communicate regularly about splitting the responsibilities at home if you feel overwhelmed.
The challenges of being a career woman and a mother
Many women face a unique set of challenges when they’re a single parent and a full-time member of the labor force. In addition to their responsibilities, some single parents may feel extra pressure to be the “perfect” parent. The reasons for these feelings can be diverse and may stem from the circumstances surrounding how they became a single parent, pressures from family, societal pressures, and more.
There are many parenting styles influenced by variables such as cultural or religious beliefs, moral beliefs, and a parent’s childhood experiences. In many of these cases, women are expected to be leaders in domestic labor in the home, no matter what their career looks like. Consider that your parenting style may change with time and within different circumstances, and holding yourself to unrealistic standards might cause more harm than benefits.
Single parents, married women, or raising children with other individuals, whichever the case may be, self-care may be necessary to function at your best and provide the best care for your family.
Finding balance for working mothers
Societal attitudes about women working outside of the home are gradually shifting. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, in 1987, 30% of Americans said women should return to their traditional societal roles, while 66% disagreed with this statement. In a recent study, data showed that only 19% agree that women should return to traditional roles, while 75% disagree.
Regardless of shifting societal attitudes, mothers in the workplace may feel pressure to be successful at work and in parenthood. The pressure may include accommodating special requests from coworkers and children, such as working longer hours, involvement in school organizations, or participation in the children’s extracurricular activities. This can be especially difficult for women of color, as there can be less opportunities available for leadership roles in many professions (despite equal skills) in comparison to white women. And yet these women are expected to do all of the same work/life balancing as women whose safety net is systemically much larger.
A 2017 study from the Australian Journal of Social Issues states that “employed mothers endure high levels of time pressure related to time poverty (insufficient time for necessary or discretionary activities), time intensity (multi-tasking and merging work and home boundaries) and time density (familial emotion and [organization] work).”
The desire to “do it all” may overwhelm some working mothers, resulting in feelings of a lack of control in their lives and “parental burnout.” If you’re experiencing these feelings, there are ways that you can cultivate a balance between your home and work life.
Establish your priorities and honor them
In the case of work/life balance, balance does not necessarily mean half and half. Different women have different priorities, and that’s okay. Defining what you need vs. what you want can be the first step toward balancing your home and your working life. Once you’ve determined those, think about which should remain constant and which are open to flexibility.
For instance, a primary need could be strong communication between you and your family. In that case, scheduling time to talk without interruption could be a priority. Likewise, a vacation abroad may qualify as a “want” but not necessarily a “need.” Planning that vacation may not require as much urgency.
Integrate time-management practices into your daily routine
Many working families keep a calendar listing the dates and times of activities and appointments. Some working women choose to keep a more detailed personal calendar to manage their time in conjunction with the family calendar.
Regardless of your preferred method, keeping track of how you spend your time for the day, week, and month may be valuable. In addition, some integrate small time-saving habits into their daily lives, such as preparing lunches and laying out the next day’s clothing the night before a work/school day.
Some individuals find it beneficial to plan meals and shop for groceries over the weekend to prepare for mealtimes during the week.
Reach out for support when needed
Whether you have a partner or support system, working while raising a child may require outside help. Friends and family could fill that role, or you may find support from your coworkers, your child’s teachers, or your community as well.
Asking for help from the people you trust in your life may be a way for you to cultivate a balance between home and work life.
Practice self-care
Taking care of your physical health and well-being is often part of practicing self-care. Try to eat well, get plenty of exercise, and see your physician regularly for check-ups.
Self-care may also involve taking personal time to do things you enjoy. Some women enjoy time to do hobbies, while others may love socializing with friends. It’s all about what brings people joy when not on their company’s time. Studies show that an activity such as expressive writing through journaling may also benefit your mental health. Create time in your schedule to do the things you love to do.
Connect with a therapist to discuss your feelings
Some working mothers find it beneficial to meet regularly with a therapist to discuss their challenges when managing their work and home lives simultaneously.
The feelings of stress that working mothers may encounter while attempting to find this balance could develop into chronic stress. Defined by the American Psychological Association as “constant and persist[ing] over an extended period,” chronic stress may lead to anxiety and depression when unaddressed.
An experienced therapist may provide working women with suggestions for managing their job and home challenges to avoid chronic stress and mental burnout later. If you feel that you are already experiencing symptoms of chronic stress, consider speaking to a professional to prevent worsening symptoms.
A work/life balance doesn’t necessarily mean an even division. Your priorities may change with time and circumstance, and putting pressure on yourself to maintain an ideal standard could contribute to feelings of stress instead of helping to relieve them.
Know there may be long-term benefits for the children of working moms
Some women experience guilt associated with working while raising children because they think it may be detrimental to the child’s development. However, a 2015 study by Kathleen McGinn of the Cahners-Rabb Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School suggests that there may be long-term benefits for children of working mothers.
Findings indicate that children raised by mothers who work outside the home may be more likely to hold jobs in a supervisory capacity and earn higher wages. The study also reveals that men raised by working mothers are often involved with caring for their families and contribute more to household chores. This kind of balance can lead to a better division of domestic labor and professional labor in future generations.
Seeking support
Despite its effectiveness, some working mothers feel that the challenges of speaking with a therapist outweigh the benefits. For instance, some women feel they cannot make time for the appointment and the commute to and from the therapist’s office. Some working women don’t feel they can relax and focus on a conversation with their therapist until later in the evenings after office hours.
Balancing being a career woman and a mother with online therapy
Online therapy can be a valuable alternative course to in-person counseling for career women because it removes many of these barriers to treatment. Studies show that online therapy is often more affordable than in-person therapy. Also, research suggests that online therapy is just as effective as in-person therapy for treating depression, anxiety, and trauma.
If you are experiencing trauma, support is available. Please see our Get Help Now page for more resources.
Working mothers may face circumstances that cause stress or other mental health concerns. Searching through the network of caring therapists on an online platform such as BetterHelp can put you in touch with a licensed professional who may understand the struggles of being a career-minded woman and can assist you in coping with those struggles so you can cultivate a better work-life balance in your world.
Frequently asked questions
What are the benefits of being a stay at home mom versus a career woman?
A stay at home mom may feel less stressed by not having to divide her attention between the demands of parenting and work, and she may enjoy the time that she gets to spend with her kids while they are young. In the same way, there are benefits of being a mom who works outside the home. She has the benefits of earning money for the family, pursuing outside interests, and engaging with other adults throughout the day.
Do the children of working mothers suffer?
Some working mothers may feel doubt about their choices. Don't worry—the children of working mothers don’t necessarily suffer. In fact, there are some benefits for children of mothers who work full time. Children of working mothers may become more independent, and they may see their mother as a role model. And the most important thing to remember is that quality time is more important than quantity of time. If you are present with your child during the time you spend with them, really listening to them and engaging with them, this can be more positively impactful than longer non-quality amounts of time. The point is that a A working mom can be a great mom.
Is it possible to be successful at parenting and a career at the same time?
Yes, it is entirely possible to be successful at parent and career at the same time. But keep in mind that you won’t be able to do everything perfectly and you will have to make some sacrifices in both areas. Also, you are human, and you need to make time for self care and rest.
How can a career affect a mother’s mental health?
Having a career outside the home can be demanding for a mother, who oftentimes experiences the pressures of work alongside the pressures of caring for a home and children, even if their spouse takes on home and parenting responsibilities. The busyness and stress of compounded responsibilities can affect a mother’s mental health.
What are strategies for maintaining work life balance?
find balance
deep breath
time spent
How can having a child impact a woman's career path?
Yes, having a child can impact a woman’s career path. Two kids or more can impact it further. Parenting is an important job, and while it should be supported, the importance of parenting duties are sometimes not acknowledged in the work world. The time spent on maternity leave or any time that a mom takes off of work to take care of a child can be viewed negatively by employers. Time away can also lead to work gaps on a person’s resume or loss of ability to keep up with changes and expectations in a person’s field of work.
Are children with working mothers more successful?
A mother who has a career and interests outside the home can be a good role model for both a daughter and a son.
What is depleted mother syndrome?
Depleted mother syndrome describes the mental, emotional, psychological, and physical symptoms that a mother can feel when she is overworked and stressed due to the demands of parenting.
Why do some women choose career over motherhood?
There are a number of reasons why women may choose career over motherhood. Some women have career aspirations that are not in line with the demands of motherhood. They feel that they wouldn’t be able to achieve their goals if they had to take care of children; for instance, a writer may not be able to produce a new article on short notice if she needs to attend to her children.
How can career and motherhood affect a woman’s relationship with their partner?
It can be hard for a working mother to lead a balanced life, and this includes maintaining their relationship with their husband or wife. If partners are too busy, they can become irritable or disconnected. This is a sign that you need to attend to your relationship. It is important for them to occasionally make time to be together to talk and do things they enjoy together.
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