I Hate My Job; What Do I Do? Ways To Protect Your Mental Health
Complicated emotions can arise at work, regardless of your job title, experience, or time in a position. Some people may find that they start to hate their job and feel stuck, which can lead to resentment, difficulty going to work, and reduced performance quality. If you hate your job, you’re not alone. It may be helpful to take a few steps to improve your work life, such as weighing the pros and cons of your job, making positive changes, and building an improved work-life balance.
Is it normal to hate your job?
Various factors can impact job satisfaction, often unique to each person. However, the following are some common causes of job dissatisfaction:
- A lack of fair pay
- Poor management
- Role ambiguity
- Limited growth opportunities
- Work overload and poor work-life balance
- An unsupportive boss or team
Someone might hate their job if they believe the situation cannot be changed or they do not have the support to change what is causing challenges. In some cases, a job may not be what someone wants, but they may have taken it due to financial barriers or because it was the only opportunity available. When there aren’t many options available, one might have a sense of being trapped, which can lead to further stress and mental burnout.
The impact of staying in a job you hate
Staying in a job you hate can have significant mental health consequences if the situation is not changed or controlled. Forbes reports significantly negative mental and physical health impacts, including the following:
- Risk of physical illness
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Chronic stress
- Fatigue
- Irritability
- Reduced performance
- Changes in sleep
- Difficulty with memory
- Problems with one’s personal life
- Less motivation and passion
- Low self-esteem
It may be possible to improve your situation or cope with a job you hate until you are able to move forward healthily. However, it might be helpful to remind yourself that you don’t have to stay in a job that is harming you. Being healthy and happy can be critical to performance, well-being, and productivity.
How to proceed when you hate your job
If you hate your job, it may be beneficial to start considering ways to move forward. Below are some steps to improve your situation, whether changing how you do your job or looking for new opportunities.
Weigh the pros and cons of staying at work
To create a pros-and-cons chart, you can get a piece of paper and fill out the following categories:
- Pros of staying in my job
- Pros of leaving my job
- Cons of staying in my job
- Cons of leaving my job
By creating a four-quadrant chart, you can take a complete look at both sides of the situation and then consider which option best suits you. If you’re unsure, consider reviewing the chart with a coach, friend, family member, or therapist.
Negotiate for a change
In some cases, difficulty at a job is due to factors that can change, such as a heavy workload, a lack of work-life balance, or stagnancy in a position. If changes are possible, advocating or negotiating for the changes you seek may help you hate your job less. For example, you might let your management team know you need to change your schedule or you are looking to take on less or different duties at work. If you’re overwhelmed with too much to do, you might consider creating a plan for the team to distribute work more evenly.
Prioritize your work-life balance
If you are putting a lot of time and energy into your job, you might be neglecting other areas of life. Studies show that can be critical for mental and physical well-being. Work-life balance can mean:
- Choosing a schedule that helps you feel refreshed and awake during your shift
- Setting boundaries about times you can and cannot work
- Prioritizing family, friends, and relationships
- Ensuring you reach out for mental health support during challenging moments
- Practicing self-care at home and on your time off
- Not taking on projects, hours, or duties that you are unable to handle or that cause you significant distress
- Asking for help from coworkers or your boss before you are overwhelmed
- Using workplace resources to lighten your load at work
- Taking time off regularly
- Spending your time off with activities that refresh and replenish you
Apply for new jobs before you leave
If you’ve made the decision to leave your job and are planning an exit strategy, consider applying for new jobs before you leave to ensure you have a job lined up after your job search. If you put in your two-week notice, your current employer may still be able to let you go beforehand. However, it may be helpful to have a support net to fall back on in case you are without two weeks of pay or don’t receive severance pay.
Also, as you look for a job, you might prioritize jobs that don’t have the qualities you hate in your current job to ensure you don’t get stuck in a similar situation.
Find ways to make work more exciting
Some people may start to hate their jobs due to exhaustion or boredom with routine. Below are a few ways you might be able to spruce up your work life:
- Decorate your office
- Plan an employee event with your coworkers
- Bring your concerns to management to attempt to bring about change
- Apply for a promotion
- Start offering to help on new or different projects
- Consider working remotely or hybrid
- If you normally work remotely, consider going into the office
- If you work remotely, consider working in new locations, such as a coworking building or a café
- Make a new work playlist
- Make a new recipe for lunch each day
- Bring board and card games to the break room
- Organize an office sports team
"I hate my job!” Seeking support from a mental health professional
Workplace stress can be a significant cause for concern, as it may lead to mental and physical health effects. If you’re struggling to decide whether to leave your job or how to make work more mentally healthy for you, consider reaching out to a career counselor or therapist for career advice and mental health support. A therapist can guide you through coping skills and support you in making healthy decisions for your future, such as going on a job hunt or negotiating for a different position at your company.
If you are too busy for in-person therapy or face other barriers, such as a lack of finances, you might consider online therapy. With an online platform like BetterHelp, you can connect with a therapist via phone, video, or live chat sessions, often at a lower cost than that of traditional in-person therapy. In addition, you may be able to set an appointment time outside of standard business hours or meet with your therapist on your break.
Studies show that online therapy is effective in reducing burnout in employees. In one study published in 2022, a group of telehealth employees participated in an online therapy intervention. A significant number of participants reported decreases in burnout compared to the control group.
If you stay at your job, a therapist may be able to help you implement changes and create boundaries to build a healthy work-life balance. If you decide to leave your job, therapy may help you take steps that position you to find a job with less stress and greater work satisfaction. Take the first step toward getting support personally and professionally and reach out to BetterHelp today.
Should I leave my job if I hate it?
This answer can be different depending on personal experience. Before deciding to make a career change, it can be important to ensure that there is more behind your action than negative emotions about your current position.
Here are some questions you should ask yourself:
- Do I have a dream job in mind that is attainable?
- How is the job market near me? Would I be willing to move to find a new job?
- Is my job dissatisfaction due to my work environment, or am I feeling stuck in my current role?
- What specific factors am I looking for in a new job?
- Will I need to learn new skills to find a better job?
If you are thinking about leaving your current career path with nothing more than a distaste for your current situation, and without a strong idea of what needs to be different for you, you may find yourself with the same problem further down the line. Spending time identifying what in particular about your job makes you unhappy, thinking about long term goals, and formulating a practical escape plan can help you to avoid making the same mistake when you decide to make the change.
Should I stay at a job that makes me unhappy but pays well?
A well-paying job can be a huge benefit to security and lifestyle, but if you are feeling a negative energy where you are, it can have a profound impact on your personal life and relationships. Whether to leave is a big decision which should not be taken lightly, but emotional well-being and financial stability don’t always have to be at odds with each other. However, it is important to consider the impact of a change to a new career. You may be able to secure another high-paying job, but if you decide against this you may need to reconfigure some of your lifestyle habits to absorb the loss of revenue. Make a time-based, realistic, and actionable plan before taking the step to escape your golden handcuffs.
Do I hate my job, or am I just burned out?
Hating your job and burnout can go hand in hand. Burnout is more than simply having a bad day or even a bad week. Burnout is a negative and prolonged negative reaction to stress in the workplace that can leave you feeling overwhelmed and uninspired. Burnout can be caused by a number of factors: hard work without reward, toxic colleagues or co-workers, no growth or personal development offered for the long run, no spare time for the family and close friends in your life, or any number of challenges that prevent healthy work/life balance.
Is depression considered a disability at work?
A mental health condition diagnosed by a mental health professional and that negatively impacts job performance can be considered a disability under the criteria set by the ADA.
Is mental health a valid reason to quit a job?
Yes, protecting your mental health is an excellent reason to quit a job. However, it is important to set yourself up with a safety net before jumping. If you feel that your job is a toxic environment, start working on your resume, update your LinkedIn profile, and possibly talk to a career coach. Career coaches can help you identify
What happens to your body when you hate your job?
Chronic stress caused by job burnout or a toxic work environment can lead to mental as well as physical problems. These may include things like agitation, panic attacks, high blood pressure, gastrointestinal complaints, fatigue, chronic pain, and an increased risk of heart attack or stroke.
What is quiet quitting?
Quiet quitting is a term used to describe a person putting minimum effort into their job. It is a philosophy in which you do your duties to get paid, but avoid the “hustle culture” or go above and beyond to help the company. Some people consider this laziness, others say this is simply setting boundaries.
Can my mental health get me fired?
The ADA protects people from being legally fired for a mental illness, but you have to take steps to acquire that protection as companies may try to find workarounds. First, get a diagnosis from a professional. Next, you need to speak to your boss or HR professional about your diagnosis and how it is impacting your job performance. This can be difficult, but it is a necessary step to protect yourself from losing your job. You may ask for reasonable accommodations, but realize that not all accommodations will be considered “reasonable” and you still must be qualified to complete essential duties.
How do you deal with a job you hate but can't quit?
If you are stuck in a job that you hate for money reasons or otherwise, you may have to make your personal life more of a focus point. Practice self-care both in and out of the workplace. Set boundaries for yourself, and don’t take on other people’s workloads. Take care of your health by getting regular exercise, taking breaks, and maintaining good relationships outside of work. You may also want to talk to a professional about all the things that are stressing you out in your job. A therapist may be able to help you implement healthy coping strategies and stress management techniques to protect your mental health.
How long should you stay in a job you hate?
This can depend on a number of factors, including financial security, presence of other opportunities, and the severity of stress experienced in your current job. If you feel that your job is causing you significant distress, you may decide to start taking steps to find something else. Make a plan to do so, as job seekers without a plan may find it more difficult to find something better. You may decide to take continuing education courses in your field. You may decide that a side hustle can be expanded into a full-time gig. Talk to friends…you may hear about a job opportunity that would be perfect for you. Take a moment to figure out what you need as far as a healthy work environment, duties, and financial compensation. You can leave, but it can be better to leave with a solid plan in place.
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