Treatment For ADHD In Children: Why Medication Isn't The Only Option
As a parent, it can seem overwhelming when your child is diagnosed with a mental disorder like attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). After you’ve had ADHD diagnosed, deciding on the right treatment method for your child’s ADHD symptoms may seem particularly daunting if medication is not an option.
While medication is often considered a first-line treatment for ADHD, some children can be too young for it, and others may experience adverse reactions to certain side effects. For parents who do not pursue pharmacological solutions, there can be many proven treatment options to help children manage their ADHD symptoms, work through their emotions, and live happy, healthy lives.
Regardless of whether ADHD is treated with medication, complementary health approaches like behavior therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy, as well as dietary changes, physical activity, and spending time outside, can be helpful. As a parent of a child with ADHD, you may also benefit from the professional guidance and support provided by therapy, whether you choose to attend sessions in person or online.
This article explores symptoms that may lead a medical professional to diagnose ADHD in a child, standard treatments for children with ADHD, and healthy behaviors and approaches that may improve a child’s school performance.
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms in children
Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often exhibit behaviors like being easily distracted, having difficulty staying focused, struggling with impulse control, and other symptoms of ADHD. Effective ADHD parenting strategies involve creating structured routines, providing clear and consistent expectations, and offering positive reinforcement to help manage these symptoms and support their child's development.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately six million people in the US aged 3-17 have been diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
ADHD is typically defined as a neurodevelopmental disorder that usually arises during childhood and can lead to serious behavioral challenges. Children with ADHD often display symptoms related to impulsivity, hyperactivity, and trouble focusing, which can lead to difficulty with school, relationships, and family life.
Some of the symptoms that a child with ADHD may experience may include the following:
Careless mistakes on schoolwork and other activities
Trouble focusing on tasks
Difficulty listening
Struggling to complete tasks
Trouble staying organized
Misplacing items or forgetting information
Distractibility and difficulty sustaining attention
Difficulty sitting still
Talking and interrupting excessively
Struggling to wait his or her turn
Low self-esteem
Staying in constant motion (e.g., spinning, hopping, fidgeting)
The exact symptoms that a child experiences can vary based on what type of ADHD they live with. There can be three different types, including predominantly inattentive presentation (previously referred to as ADD), predominantly hyperactive-impulsive presentation, and combined presentation.
Not all children who have trouble paying attention are experiencing ADHD. Children with ADHD tend to exhibit a range of related symptoms that allow a mental health professional to diagnose the condition.
How ADHD is diagnosed in kids?
According to the American Psychiatric Association, “ADHD is considered a chronic and debilitating disorder and is known to impact the individual in many aspects of their life including academic and professional achievements, interpersonal relationships, and daily functioning.”
The diagnosis process often begins with a child psychologist. This professional will examine the child’s symptoms and compare them to the criteria outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (DMS-V). The professional will also consider social and environmental factors that may be contributing to the child’s behavior.
Some diagnoses will involve speaking with the child’s teachers about impulsive behaviors and inattentive symptoms presented in the classroom environment. They may also consider commonly-related mental health conditions like oppositional defiant disorder and related learning disabilities like autism spectrum disorder in order to rule them out and confirm the ADHD diagnosis.
Despite common misconceptions, an ADHD diagnosis is not a sign of poor parenting. It can also have real impacts on a child’s daily functioning that extend beyond attention span – for example, poor self-esteem is a common symptom that an individual diagnosed with ADHD may experience throughout their youth and into their adult life.
Standard treatment for a child’s behavior after ADHD diagnosis
There is no way to cure ADHD. Although it can be a complex disorder, ADHD is often treatable. First-line treatment for ADHD generally consists of medication and therapy, though the right treatment for your child can vary based on the symptoms they are experiencing.
While it may not be the only option, medication is often a primary form of treatment for children with ADHD. Talking with your child’s doctor or a child psychiatrist can give you a better idea of the benefits and potential side effects of medication. Your child should never start or stop any form of medication unless under the guidance of a licensed medical professional.
Behavior therapy
For young children, it is generally recommended that parents manage a child’s intervention since it is often hard for children under the age of 12 to modify behavior on their own. Considered particularly useful when medication is not part of a treatment plan, behavior therapy can be a widely utilized modality to help your child learn to focus, stay organized, and adopt routines.
Common behavior therapy methods usually include positive reinforcement for productive behavior and removal of positive reinforcement for unwanted behavior.
The following strategies can also help a child manage their behavior:
Sticking to a daily schedule for things like sleep times and meals
Limiting distractions, such as listening to music while doing homework
Keeping things organized so the child isn’t as likely to lose or misplace an item
Establishing small, reachable goals to help the child make progress over time
Using charts and lists to help the child stay on track
Reducing the number of choices the child has to pick from
Staying in contact with the teacher and school administration
Some children, particularly adolescents, may also benefit from options like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which can help them make the connection between their thoughts and emotions. A therapist may teach the child how to challenge negative beliefs and replace distorted thought processes.
Other modalities, like play therapy, can help young children learn how to recognize and control their feelings in an environment that nurtures their creativity, which can also have a positive impact on behavior.
Children with ADHD may face various challenges resulting from the disorder. As they age, young people with ADHD may develop comorbid mental health disorders, which can also be managed through psychotherapy. For example, they may experience symptoms of anxiety from situations in the classroom.
At-home strategies for the management of ADHD and similar mental disorders
In addition to traditional treatment for ADHD, there may be several changes you can make in everyday life that may be effective in reducing symptoms. The following techniques can supplement treatments like medication and therapy or be part of an alternative plan when medication is not an option.
Dietary changes
It is believed by some that making healthy dietary changes can help children with ADHD manage their symptoms. In some cases, the amount of sugar that a child with ADHD consumes may be associated with an increase in behavior, such as restlessness and inattention, although this may not be true for all children with ADHD.
If you believe this could be the case for your child, you can test the theory at home by reducing their sugar intake and tracking any behavioral changes you notice. If you find that their behavior improves with reduced sugar, then this is a diet you might consider implementing regularly. This does not mean that a child cannot have an occasional treat, but that it may be helpful for them to avoid eating too much sugar regularly.
There is also thought to be a possible link between certain preservatives and food colorings and hyperactive behavior in some children with ADHD. Consider maintaining a diet that is rich in foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, and healthy fats, while avoiding or limiting processed foods and sugar.
Physical activity and organized sports
Exercising can be beneficial in children with ADHD, often helping them channel excess energy and improve their cognitive abilities. Many experts recommend that children with ADHD participate in sports that are focused on the individual, including things like tennis, martial arts, swimming, and track or cross-country. This usually allows one-on-one interaction with a coach, which can be helpful for children who have difficulty focusing.
However, there can be many benefits to a team sport like basketball, hockey, or soccer as well. These sports usually allow players to move constantly, which can be helpful for a child with high energy levels. Because there is usually little idle time during play, it can help the child stay focused and not be as easily distracted.
Spending time outside
It may be beneficial for children with ADHD to spend time outside consistently, specifically in environments that can hold their interest. There can be several common mental and physical benefits of spending time outside that may be particularly useful for children with ADHD, such as those listed below:
Memory improvement
Stress reduction
Improved immune function
Increase in eyesight improvement
Decreased risk of anxiety and depression
Increased intake of natural Vitamin D
Therapy and other support options for parents
If your child has ADHD, you may find it useful to participate in therapy yourself. Therapy can provide you with useful tools and strategies for addressing your child’s symptoms. In addition, therapy can be a safe space for you to navigate any mental health-related challenges you may be facing on your own.
Loving and caring for a child with ADHD may leave you with increased stress levels, which can lead to common mental health disorders like anxiety and depression. It can be natural for a parent to be concerned about their child and the impact that their mental health diagnosis will have on their life. If this is the case for you, talking with a therapist can help you cope. However, many parents are too busy to take the time to drive to an appointment during the day.
Parents may wish to learn about additional support options through sources like the National Resource Center on ADHD.
Benefits of online therapy
If you would like support and advice as you parent a child with ADHD or address other mental health-related concerns, online therapy can help. With an online therapy platform like BetterHelp, you can participate in therapy from almost anywhere, which can make mental healthcare available for busy parents. You can also contact your therapist outside of sessions. If you have a question about parenting or a specific ADHD symptom, you can message your therapist anytime, and they will generally respond when they’re able.
Studies show that online therapy can be a convenient and effective way for parents to help their children manage symptoms of ADHD. In a study of 47 families with children who were at risk of having ADHD, researchers found that, in general, the children’s ADHD symptoms were significantly improved after online therapy for the parents, including reduced impulsive behavior and increased self-control. The study also noted that participants typically had a greater understanding of treatment options for ADHD and were better able to engage with the therapeutic modality used for their children.
What is the best treatment for ADHD in children?
The best treatment for ADHD in children often involves a combination of treatments. These treatments may include taking stimulant medications, which are effective in managing symptoms for many children by altering the activity of brain chemicals like dopamine, which regulate reward and motivation. Behavioral interventions, peer interventions like support groups and social skills programs, and parent skills training programs may also be used to improve ADHD symptoms in children. In addition, talk therapy can manage a child's inappropriate behaviors and encourage more positive behaviors overall.
What are some strategies to treat ADHD in a child at home?
Treating ADHD in a child at home may involve consistent routines, clear expectations, and positive reinforcement by all family members. For children younger than school age, you might focus on simple, engaging activities that encourage positive behaviors. Techniques focusing on social skills and managing anxiety disorders, which often co-occur with ADHD, can also be beneficial. Work closely with school nurses, primary care physicians, and other healthcare providers, such as developmental behavioral pediatricians, to develop home strategies that complement other ADHD treatments.
Is ADHD in children curable through behavior therapy, counseling, and medication treatment?
ADHD is not currently curable, but it is manageable. With the right plan based on current clinical practice guidelines—which may include ADHD medication and behavioral treatments—children can experience fewer ADHD symptoms. Early and ongoing management is key to helping children adapt and succeed. However, parents may need to monitor children for potential side effects of common ADHD medications, such as increased blood pressure, decreased appetite, and trouble sleeping (in fact, some ADHD and other medications are used to help people with sleep disorders like narcolepsy—or conditions that affect sleep, like restless legs syndrome—to stay awake).
What vitamins help kids with ADHD?
Some studies suggest that certain vitamins and minerals may help reduce ADHD symptoms. Omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, iron, and magnesium have shown potential benefits. Consult a healthcare provider before starting any supplement regimen for ADHD treatment in children.
How can I calm my child with ADHD without medication?
Calming a child with ADHD without medication may involve different strategies like structured routines, regular physical activity, and relaxation techniques like deep breathing or mindfulness. Behavioral interventions can teach children how to control their emotions and improve behavior management. Positive reinforcement for calm behavior may also be effective.
What is the best age to treat children with ADHD?
Treating ADHD early is ideal, especially when symptoms first become noticeable. The symptoms are often noticeable in the early school years, but ADHD can be diagnosed and treated in very young children as well as older children. Early treatment may help in reducing the overall effects of ADHD on a child's development and learning, and can be especially valuable if there is a family history of the condition. Note that stimulant treatments and some other medications are typically not available for children ages five and under.
What causes ADHD in children?
The exact cause of ADHD is not known, but it is believed to involve genetic factors, brain structure and function, and environmental risk factors. Some studies suggest that parenting styles may play a role in ADHD, and behavioral interventions in parenting may help in managing ADHD symptoms.
How do you talk to a child with ADHD?
When talking to a child with ADHD, it’s important to use clear, concise communication. Break tasks into smaller steps, maintain eye contact, and be patient. Consistent and positive communication may help build their self-esteem and manage the child's behavior effectively.
Is ADHD a part of autism?
ADHD and autism are distinct conditions, but they can co-occur. Both involve challenges with social skills and behavior, but they have different characteristics and often require different approaches to treatment. Each condition should be evaluated and treated individually.
Can kids with ADHD become normal?
Children with ADHD can lead successful and fulfilling lives. With appropriate treatment and support, including ADHD medications, behavioral therapies, and accommodations under laws like the Disabilities Education Act and Rehabilitation Act, children with ADHD can greatly improve their symptoms. The goal is to help each child reach their full potential rather than to become "normal," as ADHD can be a natural part of who they are.
What are the most effective treatments for ADHD in children?
Effective treatments for childhood ADHD include individual therapy, family therapy, behavioral therapy, medication, lifestyle adjustments, and skills groups where they can learn to interact healthily with other children.
Can behavior therapy and counseling help with the management of core ADHD symptoms?
Yes, behavioral therapies, stress management techniques, and group interventions are frequently recommended as effective treatments for distressing social, behavioral, and emotional symptoms of ADHD.
What are some nonmedication support options and strategies for kids with ADHD?
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