8 Ways To Honor Yourself On International Mind-Body Wellness Day

Medically reviewed by Melissa Guarnaccia, LCSW
Updated September 6, 2024by BetterHelp Editorial Team

International Mind-Body Wellness Day, celebrated each year on January 3rd, can serve as an opportunity to reflect on and recommit to health goals. To understand this day in more detail, exploring its origins and the scientific underpinnings of the mind-body connection may be helpful. Exploring evidence-based suggestions for improving the synergy between your mental and physical health may also be advantageous. 

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What is International Mind-Body Wellness Day?

Mind-Body Wellness Day is celebrated on January 3rd each year to promote holistic wellness and raise awareness for the necessity of healthy habits. While its origins are unclear, the day has gained recognition as a time to focus on the interconnectedness of physical health, mental health, and emotional well-being.

Understanding the mind-body connection

Philosophers and spiritual leaders have long explored the link between mental and physical wellness—ancient traditions like Ayurveda in India and traditional Chinese medicine, for example, have emphasized a holistic approach to health for thousands of years. 

In the modern day, scientists are beginning to understand the nuances of the mind-body connection. For example, the link between psychological stress and poor health outcomes is well-documented, as is the connection between loneliness and increased risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, a growing body of research links the gut microbiome—the community of microorganisms living in the digestive system—with mental health. 

While it may sometimes seem your mind and body are separate entities, it may be more helpful to think of your brain as an organ like any other. Many habits known to improve physical health, such as regular exercise and adequate sleep, are critical to mental and emotional well-being, as well. 

How to celebrate International Mind-Body Wellness Day

On January 3rd, you can celebrate International Mind-Body Wellness Day by engaging in activities that promote mental and physical health, such as the following. 

Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness can help you gain more substantial awareness and control over your thoughts, feelings, and actions, which can be crucial for improving overall wellness. 

For example, becoming stressed or overwhelmed about work, family obligations, and other circumstances may not be uncommon. However, mindfulness can allow you to acknowledge your stress, examine how it feels, and decide how to alleviate it—whether by proactively addressing a stressful situation, taking a moment to relax and breathe, or altering your perspective.

Guided meditations can teach mindfulness, as can deep breathing exercises, certain types of yoga, and self-study with books, podcasts, and online courses. Mindfulness-based therapies are another option for those seeking to understand their emotional state.

Engage in physical activity

Regular exercise can be a critical component of ensuring your well-being. While you may think of physical activity as a way to maintain a healthy body, endorphins have a powerful antidepressant effect. These neurotransmitters can help you maintain mental sharpness, emotional resilience, and a restorative sleep cycle.

On Mind-Body Wellness Day, try to make a point of partaking in a physical activity that brings you joy—whether it’s taking a nature walk, dancing to your favorite music, practicing yoga, or going to a fitness class, aim to approach exercise as a source of pleasure rather than a chore. 

If you’re just getting started on your fitness journey, it may be helpful to try out different types of exercise to find one that resonates with you—it can be easier to maintain an exercise regimen when you enjoy and look forward to it. 

Nourish your body

A wealth of research has identified diet as a critical factor in overall well-being, influencing physical fitness, mood, and cognitive function. While the mechanisms for this facet of mind-body connection are still being studied, scientists have identified a few aspects of nutrition that may affect the brain. 

Excessive sugar and certain types of fatty acids cause an inflammatory response, which can negatively impact brain health. Conversely, foods that promote a healthy gut microbiome, such as fermented foods, vegetables, and whole grains, can positively impact mental and physical wellness. 

Mind-Body Wellness Day can be beneficial to take stock of your eating habits and look for opportunities to incorporate more wholesome, nutritious foods into your diet. By embracing balance and variety, you can nourish your body with the nutrients it needs and feel energized each day.

Rest and rejuvenate

Rest may also be critical to a healthy lifestyle. In addition to getting plenty of restful sleep each night, taking breaks throughout the day can help you stay sharp and reduce stress. You might also consider taking a mental health day from work or scheduling some vacation time to unwind and recharge fully.

On Mind-Body Awareness Day, you can celebrate by giving yourself ample time to rest and rejuvenate. Whether you spend an evening on the couch with your favorite TV show or go to bed an hour earlier, try to permit yourself to relax without guilt.

Connect with nature

Spending time in nature positively impacts cognitive function and mental health. Fresh air, natural light, and natural beauty may boost your mood, combat stress, and offer a valuable opportunity to disconnect from technology and engage more meaningfully with the present. 

International Mind-Body Awareness Day may offer a moment to log off your social media accounts and spend time outside. Although January may be chilly in some regions, bundling up and taking a brisk walk could help you center yourself, rejuvenate, and connect to the world around you.

Spend time with friends and loved ones

Humans are social creatures, and research has found social connectedness to be a core component of health and well-being. On Mind-Body Wellness Day, consider spending quality time with a friend or loved one to bond, reconnect, or engage in a fun activity that brings you closer. Whether it's sharing a meal, taking a walk, or having a meaningful conversation, these interactions can boost your spirits, provide emotional support, and remind you of the joy and comfort found in human connection. 

If you struggle with a lack of close relationships, it may be worth looking for ways to forge new connections within your community. Clubs, fitness groups, religious organizations, and online meetup groups can be valuable resources for meeting people with similar interests or experiences. 

Seek professional support

With a new year ahead, a renewed commitment to improving each aspect of health—mental, physical, and spiritual—may help you achieve a more balanced and fulfilling life. However, it can be difficult to know where to begin, particularly if mental health challenges are complicating your personal growth journey. 

In some cases, poor mental health and a lack of mind wellness can negatively impact physical health. Depression, for example, can make it challenging to find the energy to engage in exercise or maintain a balanced diet, at times leading to health issues that may worsen depressive symptoms. Conversely, chronic health conditions can incite or exacerbate mental health symptoms. If you’re stuck in a cycle of less-than-optimal health and a lack of well-being days, it may be worth connecting with a therapist or counselor.

Therapy for wellness

If you’re struggling with maintaining a healthy lifestyle for Health and Wellness Day 2024, therapy may help. A therapist can help you identify mental or emotional issues that may be hindering your ability to adopt healthier habits. They can help you identify inciting events for unhealthy behaviors and work through maladaptive thought patterns that may be contributing to your struggles. There are over 400 modalities of psychotherapy commonly used to help strengthen the mind-body connection, including but not limited to the following. 

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) 

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviors. It's particularly effective for anxiety, depression, and stress, all of which can impact physical health. CBT is considered the “gold standard” of psychotherapy and has been empirically validated as a treatment for a wide range of mental health concerns.

Behavioral activation

Behavioral activation (BA) seeks to modify behavior as a way of improving mental and physical health. It encourages engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment, leading to a more active lifestyle and improved well-being. While more research may be valuable in looking at this modality, one meta-analysis found behavioral activation to be a promising treatment for depression.

Mindfulness-based therapy

Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) can help individuals learn mindfulness, which may foster more adaptive behaviors and positive emotional responses. 

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Alternative support options 

In some cases, it can be challenging to find face-to-face therapy, whether you face financial barriers, inaccessibility, or distance from therapists. In these cases, online therapy through a platform like BetterHelp may be beneficial. You can connect with a therapist trained to treat your challenges and can discuss with them if you’re interested in trying a particular modality. 

Online therapy has been proven as effective as traditional in-person therapy and offers several additional benefits, including affordability, flexibility, and accessibility. Online therapy platforms may also provide additional tools like interactive journaling, optional group sessions, and convenient messaging with your therapist. 


To have a happy Wellness Day, it may be beneficial to celebrate the complex interplay between your thoughts, feelings, and physical being. You can recognize this day by engaging in activities that strengthen the mind-body connection. If you have mental health challenges that impact your physical health or vice versa, consider connecting with a therapist online or in your area for further guidance and compassionate support.
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