Escaping Twin Flames Documentary: Important Mental Health Implications

Medically reviewed by Melissa Guarnaccia, LCSW
Updated May 15, 2024by BetterHelp Editorial Team
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The documentary "Escaping Twin Flames" serves as a poignant exploration of the profound emotional and psychological complexities inherent in the concept of 'twin flames' and the dangers of becoming involved in cult groups. Individuals in this dynamic are thought to be two parts of a single soul, and their reunion is said to ignite an intense spiritual and emotional connection. However, the pervasive mythology put forth by leaders of this group masked unhealthy or abusive relationships and led to harmful mental health implications.

The documentary spans three episodes and calls attention to the potential harm that can be inflicted when individuals become victimized by cult leaders and high-control groups. Cult-like groups pose significant dangers to individuals, often manipulating their perceptions and beliefs, and significantly impacting their mental health. Such groups frequently employ coercive tactics to control, confound, and isolate their members, creating an environment conducive to skewed interpretations of fundamental human concepts like love and relationships. This distortion of understanding can have severe repercussions, leading to a loss of individual identity, impaired decision-making, and a distorted sense of self.

The documentary exposes how under the guidance of the group leaders, the intoxicating highs and devastating lows may mirror those of emotionally abusive relationships. It is crucial to understand that the soul-deep love and unbreakable bond associated with twin flames may result in an unhealthy attachment, leading to emotional dependency and a risk of abuse.

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As we delve deeper into the narrative of the "Escaping Twin Flames" documentary, we find it necessary to consider its broader implications for mental health. It underscores the importance of recognizing the signs of manipulation and a lack of personal discovery of the meaning of love. The documentary serves as a stark reminder that it is important to separate love from obsession and that your truth of relationships should not be based on forced ideas from cult-like leaders. It invites viewers to have a critical discourse about concepts such as soul mates, cult leaders, coercion, and the risk of these concepts being manipulated into unhealthy relationship patterns.

The Twin Flames documentary and the concept of cults

The documentary "Escaping Twin Flames" offers a profound exploration of the concept of cult leaders and the dangers of coercion within these groups.

The documentary provides a nuanced understanding of how such beliefs can be manipulated to the detriment of one's mental health. It's an essential resource for anyone seeking to comprehend the complexities of relationships, those who've experienced abusive relationships, or those who wish to understand the implications of coercion. It underlines the importance of maintaining individuality and independence, even in the quest for our 'other half.'

Understanding the concept of Twin Flames, as presented by Jeff and Shaleia Divine, is crucial, yet it's important to approach it with a balanced perspective. The idea of an inescapable, pre-selected love can be enchanting, but it may also lead to harmful psychological implications if interpreted too literally or seriously. 

The “twin flame” concept often refers to a 'mirror soul' or the other half of one's soul. This belief posits that a soul splits into two after ascending to a high vibrational frequency, hence, these two halves seek each other across different lifetimes. While it might appear similar to soul mates, this concept carries a deeper implication of destined union and spiritual completion.

The 'Escaping Twin Flames documentary peels back the layers of mysticism surrounding the concept of 'twin flames' and reveals the potential dangers and exploitation underpinning such beliefs. While the idea of finding your divine counterpart can be enchanting, the documentary emphasizes that this notion may inadvertently foster an environment conducive to manipulation and control, often analogous to cult-like dynamics.

Cults are organized groups that often exploit members' vulnerability, use manipulative tactics, and push a strict adherence to a leader or doctrine. In the context of 'twin flames', individuals are often led to believe that any pain or distress they experience is a necessary part of their spiritual journey. This gaslighting technique can potentially undermine an individual's mental health, leaving them susceptible to further manipulation and control.

Getty/Eva Katalin

Highlighting the dangers of guru coercion and external spirituality 

As seen in the documentary, the power dynamics inherent in guru mentalities may pose a significant threat to mental well-being. These figures often wield substantial influence over their followers, frequently encouraging dependency and suppressing critical thinking. In the context of twin flames and the idea of finding one's "other half", this can result in individuals feeling incomplete or deficient without their purported true love. This narrative is not only damaging but also counterproductive, as it undermines the importance of individual wholeness and self-reliance.

Jeff Ayan, leader of the Twin Flames group and alumnus of Western Michigan University, has attempted to portray himself as a purported relationship guru. Jeff’s background was that of a business entrepreneur, however, he quickly transitioned to spiritual and relationship guru. Early on, Jeff presented concerning views online with statements that included “I’m a leader, I always get what I want” and “When I express my ideas, I’m just expressing my reality. I’m not concerned with anyone’s approval”. 

After he met Shaleia, he was introduced to spiritual concepts, which he quickly adopted. Soon after, he assumed the role of the leader of their spiritual group. Jeff’s relationship dynamics, particularly with Shaleia Ayan, have often been described as abrasive and dominant. These characteristics were evident in the way he asserted control and influence, overshadowing Shaleia's voice and individuality. 

Shaleia and Jeff's relationship and teachings were significantly influenced by Elizabeth Prophet, an author who posited that our separation from our perfect soulmate is a form of divine punishment for our rebellion against "cosmic law". This perspective can create a harmful dynamic, infusing relationships with fear, guilt, and a sense of spiritual inadequacy. It suggests that true love is conditional and reliant on adherence to a perceived "cosmic law", a concept that can distort one's understanding of healthy relationships and personal growth.

As per one former member, Ayan, the group's leader, often encouraged members of the Twin Flames universe to "aggressively pursue" the individuals they perceived as their true love. This relentless pursuit, crossing all boundaries of personal space and consent, led to a multitude of restraining orders against him from several group members. These actions not only violated legal boundaries but had profound implications on the mental health of those affected.

The role of personal integrity 

One of the most important topics this documentary brings to the surface is that of overreliance on the external world and “gurus” rather than developing trust in ourselves. While guidance and advice may be beneficial in helping to stimulate critical thinking and connection with those we respect, true personal development comes from introspection, self-awareness, and self-love, not a reliance on the outside world to bring answers. 

These are critical factors in maintaining mental health and should be prioritized over any external sources of validation or identity. Relying excessively on the outside world for approval or a sense of self may lead to feelings of emptiness and unfulfillment. Therefore, it's vital to shift the focus to inner growth and discover our true selves outside of any perceived twin flame narratives.

Former members of the Twin Flame Universe (TFU) often recount an intense, surreal experience that was initially perceived as finding their soul mates. The promise of a profound spiritual bond, touted as a connection transcending time and space, compelled them to engage deeply in the TFU. However, this enchantment was often short-lived. The reality of the experience was frequently marked by emotional turmoil, confusion, and a sense of being trapped in an endless cycle of longing and disappointment.

Consequently, many former TFU members experience significant mental health implications post-exit. The disillusionment of their once cherished belief in an eternal soul mate often leads to feelings of betrayal, loneliness, and a crippling confusion about their sense of self. 

Statistics suggest that psychological manipulation and coercive relationships correlate to a higher rate of depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and suicidal behavior.

In one study, researchers found that psychological manipulation of these types is correlated with three main outcomes:

  • Increased risk of PTSD in male and female individuals 
  • A link between coercive control and PTSD risk, specifically for female victims
  • Increased risk of depression and PTSD as a result of emotional and verbal dominance/isolation

The journey to healing and recovery is deeply personal, echoing the unique experiences and resilience of each individual. This is where empathetic, professional counseling services may be able to offer support, providing a safe space for these individuals to navigate their emotional landscape and rebuild their confidence and sense of self. 

Learn about healthy relationship dynamics

Online therapy for relationship dynamics 

Addressing the aftereffects of a controlling relationship, PTSD, or a lack of individuality through online therapy may provide an environment to explore and navigate the associated feelings. It encourages open communication, understanding, and acceptance of one's feelings and emotions. This form of therapy is particularly effective for those who find themselves wrapped up in the overwhelming dynamics of profound love relationships, providing them with the tools and strategies required for maintaining their mental health and well-being.

In one study, researchers found that online therapy was just as effective as in-person counseling for addressing mental health issues that were tied to abuse and coercion. In their study, researchers found that online therapy was able to improve relationship satisfaction, personal confidence, and communication while reducing conflict and aggression. This study highlights the ability of online therapy to provide a valuable lifeline for individuals who may need assistance in navigating the complexities of their romantic relationships. 

Online therapy, with platforms such as BetterHelp, has emerged as a pivotal resource for addressing complex relationship dynamics, including those associated with the concept of twin flames and soul mates. The digital medium may allow for greater flexibility, accessibility, and convenience, all of which can be helpful when dealing with emotional challenges associated with intense relationships. 


The phenomenon of guru coercion presents serious risks to individuals seeking spiritual growth, personal development, or the path to finding true love. This form of manipulation may lead to a loss of personal autonomy, damaging self-esteem and fostering unhealthy dependency. The journey to true love should be a voyage of self-discovery, self-love, and personal strength. True love is not found through the words of another, but within the depths of one's own heart. Cultivating self-love and fostering self-discovery are essential steps in this journey that help to build resilience, enhance mental well-being, and create more genuine, healthy relationships. It's a journey where one blossoms into their own beautiful, independent self — one of the most attractive qualities in the pursuit of true love.
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