Learn More About Therapy For National Shrink Day
Each year, National Shrink Day falls on September 5 and reminds us to appreciate the important contributions made by therapists, counselors, and other mental health professionals. Therapists can act as a source of guidance and comfort during all points of life. They often enrich people’s lives on an individual level as well as improve communities in general. An easy way to connect with a licensed mental health professional may be to reach out via an online therapy platform.
What is National Shrink Day?
A “shrink” is a term that generally refers to mental health professionals, including therapists, counselors, and social workers. While some mental health professionals may find the term “shrink” derogatory, others may see it as a humorous nickname. Therapists can help people in many ways, from providing insight into the human brain and behavior patterns to contributing to ongoing behavioral research. Therapists can help people of all ages, providing support for children in early development, older adults, and everyone in between.
Origins of the term "shrink"
The term "shrink" has been used colloquially to refer to mental health professionals for decades. Its exact origin is unclear, but it is believed to derive from the idea of "shrinking" one's problems through therapy. National Shrink Day was primarily created to honor the positive impact therapists can have on people’s lives. In addition to receiving mental health support, many people form deep bonds with their therapists, as they typically provide a non-judgmental, safe space to discuss deep and sometimes difficult topics that frequently require vulnerability.
Honoring mental health professionals on National Shrink Day
National Shrink Day also serves as an homage to Bob Newhart, a fictional psychiatrist on the TV show “The Bob Newhart Show.” Bob Newhart’s birthday is September 5, which is why National Shrink Day takes place on the same date.
Benefits of working with a therapist
Working with a therapist can be beneficial for almost anyone, no matter where they are in life. Many people assume that only those who are struggling with mental health conditions can benefit from therapy, but mental health professionals can also help individuals who need general life advice, stress management techniques, help building confidence, and assistance with other concerns.
Cognitive improvements through therapy
- Improves work function
- Reduces disability and mortality
- Tends to be more effective at treating mild-to-moderate anxiety and depression than medication alone
- Can provide long-term benefits that persist even after therapy is discontinued
Conditions effectively treated by therapy
If you’ve never tried therapy, you may wonder what it can effectively treat. Research shows that various types of therapy, from CBT to motivational interviewing, can be effective interventions for the following conditions:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Personality disorders
- Eating disorders
- Anger issues
- Grief
- Substance use disorders
- Social anxiety
- Bipolar disorder
- Insomnia or other sleep issues
- Phobias
- Panic disorder
Therapy can help beyond diagnosed conditions
Therapy can also help people without specific disorders or conditions. For example, individuals who live with self-defeating thinking patterns, those with poor body image, those who have irrational fears, and those who struggle with stress management, among many other situations, can benefit from working with a therapist.
Therapists can also specialize in certain areas. For example, a therapist may specialize in speech-based therapy and focus their psychological and psychiatric practices in that area.
Celebrating National Shrink Day
Whether you currently see a therapist, have worked with one in the past, or are simply interested in therapy, National Shrink Day can provide you with the opportunity to learn more about therapy, invest in self-care, and thank your current or past therapist. Below, we offer four ways to celebrate National Shrink Day.
Learn more about psychotherapy
If you’re not familiar with psychotherapy, you may wish to consider celebrating National Shrink Day by learning more about the field, its historical roots, and its impact. For example, there may be more than 400 different types of therapy. Additionally, therapy can be considered an ancient practice. You may be surprised to learn that therapeutic practices may have been used for over 3,500 years.
Watch an uplifting TV show
Since National Shrink Day was inspired by a TV character, spending the day relaxing and investing in a good TV show can be a fitting way to celebrate the occasion. Additionally, studies show that watching TV can be good for you. While it’s true that too much of a good thing can have consequences, watching moderate amounts of TV (especially shows that improve your mood or enhance feelings of connection) can be relaxing and mood-boosting.
Send an email thanking the mental health professional in your life
If you see a therapist or have seen one in the past who had a positive impact on your life, a kind gesture to extend to them may be a brief email thanking them for their help and noting the ways that working with them has improved your life. The email can be as short as a few sentences or as long as several paragraphs; the most important part can be expressing your appreciation and gratitude.
Finding a therapist
If you’re interested in working with a therapist, you may not be sure exactly where to start. You may wish to begin by thinking about the specific concerns you’d like to address in therapy. Are you seeking anxiety or depression treatment? Would you like to improve your confidence or self-esteem?
Once you have a clear idea of what you would like to gain from therapy, you may want to research different therapy modalities, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), art therapy, family therapy, emotionally focused therapy, or others. Each type of therapy can offer different benefits and target different mental health concerns.
If you struggle with OCD, you may be interested in exposure therapy, for example. If you have anxiety, you may benefit from CBT. Knowing which modality may be most effective for you can narrow your search for the right therapist.
You can search “therapist in my area” online and find mental health practitioners who suit your needs and preferences. From there, you can reach out to the therapists with whom you wish to connect, discuss scheduling, payment, and insurance information, and see if you’re a good fit overall. Additionally, many therapists offer a free phone consultation prior to beginning therapy so you can further gauge your compatibility.
Mental health support options
If you’re struggling with your mental health, know you’re not alone. Studies suggest that, worldwide, one in four people may experience a mental illness at some point in their lives. There are many interventions that can help with mental illnesses, including lifestyle changes, medication, and therapy. Always consult your doctor or psychiatrist regarding medication questions.
Effectiveness of psychotherapy
Research shows that most people who receive psychotherapy benefit from it, experiencing relief from their symptoms and an improved quality of life. Working with a therapist can help you learn new coping strategies, relieve mental health symptoms, and improve your life overall.
Exploring online therapy
You may also wish to try online therapy. For people new to therapy or those with particularly busy schedules, who may find long commutes or waiting room times to be barriers to traditional in-office therapy, online therapy can be a convenient and accessible option.
Research indicates that online therapy can be as effective as in-person therapy for treating many mental health conditions and challenges.
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