March 30th National Doctor's Day: Celebrating Doctors And Physicians

Medically reviewed by April Justice, LICSW
Updated March 27th, 2025 by BetterHelp Editorial Team

On March 30th, the United States recognizes doctors, physicians, and healthcare professionals from all fields. The Barrow County Alliance in Georgia and Georgia State Medical Alliance started National Doctor’s Day in 1933, which centers around recognizing the contributions and successes of medical professionals. Doctors care for people’s well-being and often improve the quality of life for people in their care. 

For doctors, daily resilience and perseverance are often part of the job, and doctors play a pivotal role in society. Although doctors make a significant impact, their work may often go unrecognized. Below, explore the history of National Doctor's Day and how people can recognize the doctors or medical professionals in their lives.     

A man in a white coat walks down a hallway between a woman and a man with stethoscopes around their necks. Two nurses in scrubs walk behind them.
Getty/Thomas Barwick
Medical professionals are at a higher risk of stress

What is National Doctor's Day on March 30th?

National Doctor's Day is a day to pay tribute to doctors and medical professionals in the United States. The celebration takes place on March 30th each year and may include events such as a formal dinner, awards ceremonies, and general offerings of gratitude from the public. The event can be a time for reflection on the history of medicine and recent advancements in the field or to honor the contributions of recently deceased doctors. 

There may be many traditions that different organizations use to celebrate the day, however, since 1958, red carnations have been the traditional symbol of the event. Within large medical practices, officials, medical students, and nurses may take a moment to give doctors recognition or gift carnations or thank you cards. Typically, each year may have a different theme designed to recognize a specific aspect of being a doctor.

The history of National Doctor's Day 

The first Doctor's Day observance was in 1933 in Barrow County, Georgia. The idea for the day came from Eudora Brown Almond, the wife of Dr. Charles B. Almond, who wanted to set aside a day to recognize doctors for their contributions to society and their dedication to patient care. The first year included mailing cards to doctors and their spouses and laying red carnations on the graves of deceased doctors. 

The following year, the resolution was introduced to the Women's Alliance of the Southern Medical Association Alliance at the annual state meeting by then Alliance president Mrs. J. Bonar White. In 1990, the United States Senate and House of Representatives wrote the celebration day into public law, signed by President George H.W. Bush. In the years following, doctors have been recognized on March 30th for their contributions to society. 

The role of doctors and physicians in society

Doctors and physicians play a pivotal role in society, with specialists providing care for a variety of needs. These medical experts can evaluate patients, diagnose medical conditions, and provide caring treatment to help people feel their best. Below is more information on doctors and physicians' role in society. 

Medical expertise

Individuals who choose a career as a doctor or physician require extra education beyond a typical undergraduate degree. This process may include securing a graduate-level medical degree, passing standardized tests, and undergoing a period of time as a resident doctor. This process provides medical students with the expertise to become doctors. 

Doctors are often expected to be experts in their field in any given area of medicine. Having sufficient education allows them to effectively treat patients with an understanding of how the body systems work together and impact one another. Doctors may gain this medical expertise after years of experience serving patients but are taught a significant amount in medical school and residency. 

A man in blue, surgery scrubs sits at a desk in an office and looks through paperwork in front of him.
Getty/Reza Estakhrian

Care for patients

In addition to medical expertise, doctors may also need to exhibit care during difficult situations. Medical professionals may be adept at providing treatment for patients while also remaining emotionally supportive. This process may be commonly referred to as having a “positive bedside manner.” 

Beyond the medical center

Doctors may provide support beyond the medical center or hospital. Many doctors may be able to help patients develop lifestyle changes or long-lasting skills to improve overall health. They may serve patients in a wide variety of locations, including in an online environment, to ensure they get effective and accessible treatment. 

Greeting cards and appreciation: How patients can celebrate doctors

Celebrating or thanking a doctor can be a way to participate in National Doctor's Day. Below are a few ways to do so.   

Send thank you or greeting cards on March 30th

There may be many different ways to celebrate your doctor; one common way to participate in the day is by sending a thank you card. Sending a thank you card to medical professionals can be an easy way to show appreciation and let your doctor know you are grateful for them. Cards do not need to be overly complicated and can be inexpensive to participate in National Doctor's Day. 

Attend or plan events celebrating National Doctor's Day

For individuals who work with doctors regularly, another way to show appreciation is by planning or attending an event celebrating National Doctor’s Day. Events could include celebratory dinners or informal lunches highlighting a doctor’s accomplishments. Another way to celebrate could be to partake in a fundraiser for a cause related to the doctor’s area of expertise. 

Which medical center professionals are recognized?

National Doctor's Day was initially developed with medical doctors and physicians in mind. However, modern times have expanded the day to include other doctors, including dentists and mental health professionals. Larger-scale awards ceremonies may also celebrate famous work by doctors or inspirational historical figures. 

Doctors and physicians

Doctors and physicians are at the forefront of National Doctor's Day. They generally work to improve a person’s overall physical health and well-being. In recent years, new studies showing the interconnectedness between physical and mental health have led to mental health professionals such as psychiatrists or therapists being celebrated as well. 

Inspirational figures in history

Celebratory events may include tributes to famous doctors who have passed away in the past year and highlighting inspirational doctors. These providers could consist of people like Jonas Salk (who created the polio vaccine) and Elizabeth Blackwell (the first female physician in the U.S.), who have contributed to the medical community, and local doctors who have made a difference in smaller communities. 

Highlighting the future of medicine and healthcare

One key aspect of National Doctor's Day may be focusing on the future of medicine and healthcare as a whole. For example, highlighting current challenges that doctors face, such as burnout and patient load, as well as potential solutions for solving them may be helpful. People may also recognize doctors who have found unique ways of managing the ever-changing landscape of medicine to treat patients with the highest level of care. 

Organizations may also focus on technological shifts in medicine and strategies for increasing overall efficiency. For example, organizations are working on advancements in artificial intelligence, telemedicine, and precision healthcare. National Doctor's Day may also recognize doctors treating patients using innovative methods. 

In addition to focusing on the challenges and innovations in the field, National Doctor's Day may also be a time to celebrate and inspire future generations of doctors and medical professionals. The day may serve to lift up the profession and inspire young medical students. Events may highlight scholarship opportunities or pathways into the medical profession. 

A woman in a white coat stands at the head of a table holding a clipboard and speaks with a group of male and female doctors sitting around the table with stethoscopes around their necks.
Medical professionals are at a higher risk of stress

Celebrating mental health professionals

Although National Doctor's Day began as a day to celebrate medical doctors, in recent years, celebrations have also included mental health professionals. Psychiatrists and therapists work hard to improve patients’ mental health and well-being, which may also contribute to improving overall physical health. 

Advancements in technology have allowed many aspects of mental health to occur virtually, and studies show that online therapy may be an effective way to manage a variety of mental health disorders. In an online environment, therapists can implement techniques such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and mindfulness practices that may be commonly used to improve mental health. 

Online therapy through platforms like BetterHelp may also offer expanded access for patients considering therapy. An online therapy session can occur from anywhere with an internet connection and personal device. People in remote areas without many in-person therapy options can get support online, and there may be more flexibility when deciding on a therapist. If you and your therapist are not a good fit, you can change your therapist for free at any time. 


March 30th is National Doctor's Day, a time to celebrate doctors and all they do for society as a whole. Traditionally, people in the United States commemorate the day with red carnations and a friendly thank-you card sent to a doctor. In recent years, mental health professionals such as therapists and psychiatrists have been recognized on National Doctor's Day. Advancements in technology have made online therapy a reality and virtual therapy options can be an effective way to improve mental health and overall well-being.
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