Three Reasons Why Someone May Have A Conversion Disorder
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Conversion is a type of defense mechanism that converts cognitive tensions and anxiety into physical symptoms. For instance, anxiety caused by repressed feelings, perhaps stemming from childhood, can manifest itself into a cough or even a terminal illness. Many people develop psychological defense mechanisms, such as repression, displacement, and isolation, to distance themselves from unwanted feelings or thoughts, especially in uncomfortable situations. Sometimes, we perform these defenses without even being aware of them.
Learning how to recognize and ameliorate these behaviors is important for improving both your mental health and dealing with future encounters of stressful situations. The work of Anna Freud on identification and reaction formation, as well as other negative attributes related to borderline personality disorder, can help describe and provide a better response to these mechanisms. Focusing on the presence and influence of parents or significant objects in one's life may also help in understanding and managing the fear and impulse that drive the avoidance of certain feelings.
Let's take a closer look at conversion and other types of defense mechanisms commonly found in psychodynamic psychiatry research.
Top three reasons why someone might have conversion disorder
There are a variety of reasons why people develop defense mechanisms. A stressful life event or the formation of an unacceptable thought toward another person can unconsciously trigger the onset of a defense mechanism like conversion disorder or splitting.
Let’s take a closer look at three reasons why someone may have this defense mechanism.
They experienced a traumatic and distressing life event
In Professor Gordon Turnbull’s book Trauma, the doctor examines the case of his 35-year-old female patient, Ely. The young woman had suddenly lost the use of her legs and became paralyzed from the waist down. X-rays searching for a bleed in the spine came back negative. When attempting a lumbar puncture on Ely, Turnbull noticed that she didn’t even wince when he pushed the needle into her spine.
After interviewing Ely, Professor Turnbull learned she had been raped. This event had caused the perplexing physical symptoms observed by Turnbull. Ely soon found that talking about the experience helped her process and heal from it. After practicing this new therapy, Ely was able to leave the hospital.
They underwent extreme stress
People going through extreme stress, such as a divorce or a sudden death in the family, can develop a conversion disorder. This is often done to ward off unpleasant or unwanted feelings. Conversion is simply one of the many paths the brain can take when it comes to dealing with stress and trauma.
Their physical symptoms interfere with their normal day-to-day functioning
People who display physical symptoms that cause significant distress or disability after experiencing a traumatic event may have a conversion disorder. However, if the symptoms do not impede the patient’s normal way of living or if they appear normal within the context of a culture, a physician will likely not give a diagnosis for conversion disorder.
Sigmund Freud’s top 10 defense mechanisms
Sigmund Freud first proposed the idea of defense mechanisms. His idea was based on psychoanalytic theory, which views one’s personality as the interaction between the id, ego, and superego. Since his initial proposal, mental health professionals have expanded and evolved his idea of defense mechanisms. Many researchers contend that these defense mechanisms are done subconsciously. Others believe these defense mechanisms are caused by irrational beliefs rather than the subconscious mind. Most people do them without knowing what “defense strategy” they are even using.
The id, ego, and superego and their involvement in defense mechanisms
Freud’s theory on defense mechanisms is rooted in the interactions of the id, ego, and superego, which are three dueling forces in the mind. Each aspect prevails over a different need.
- Id: Primitive part of the mind that controls basic instincts and sexual urges
- Ego: Moderates the interactions between the id and superego
- Superego: The force in the mind that pushes you to make moral decisions
Ego defense mechanisms are employed to reduce conflict between the id and superego. When the needs of the id and the superego clash and create anxiety within a person, the ego defense mechanism will kick in and use self-deception to subdue the discomfort. These methods may involve blocking the unwanted thought or projecting it onto someone else.
The ten defense mechanisms
Here are the ten defense mechanisms as originally defined by Freud.
Anything from a cough to symptoms of appendicitis can be found in patients who have a conversion disorder. One key feature of this disorder is the disconnect between a patient’s symptoms and any known medical conditions.
Symptoms of conversion disorder include:
- Motor issues such as weakness or paralysis
- Abnormal movements including tremors and difficulty walking
- Altered vision, hearing, and touch
- Irritability and agitation
- Non-epileptic seizures where the patient experiences a loss of consciousness and limb shaking without displaying the same electrical activity as a brain energy from experiencing an actual seizure
- Troubles with speech
- Episodes similar to a coma or fainting spell
- Anxiety and nervousness
These symptoms can last for varying amounts of time — from a sudden fainting spell to a long-lasting speech problem. Conversion disorder is one of the most common defense mechanisms in women, with the condition being two times more common among them than those designated male at birth.
Projection is one of the most common defense mechanisms observed in people. To shed uncomfortable or negative feelings, a person may project these emotions onto another person. For example, someone who is cheating on their partner may project their guilt onto their partner and accuse them of cheating. Doing so preserves the guilty party’s ego and prevents them from having to accept their true feelings.
Regression occurs when the ego reverts to an earlier stage of mental development after being faced with extreme stress in the present. For instance, a young child may begin to wet the bed again or beg for a pacifier even though they have already been weaned. Regression is one of the most common defense mechanisms in children.
Intellectualization involves removing oneself emotionally from a stressful or traumatic event. Someone who was laid off from their job may repress the negative emotions associated with such an event and focus on making spreadsheets to organize job applications and leads. A patient who learns they have cancer may start asking about the survival rate and chances of success for different drugs.
Denial is also one of the most common defense mechanisms. People who are in denial of an event or piece of knowledge may block it from their awareness and refuse to accept it as reality. A functioning alcoholic, for instance, may deny that they have a drinking problem because of how well they can manage their relationships and job.
People who attempt to excuse or justify their behavior may be practicing rationalization. They are unconsciously trying to avoid facing the true underlying reasons for a situation or action. While rationalization is not always considered one of the more severe defense mechanisms, it can become dangerous if the person practicing it is attempting to excuse destructive or harmful behavior.
Examples of rationalization can include someone attempting to blame their sour mood on bad traffic or a partner blaming their abused victim for being uncooperative and thereby causing their own mistreatment. People may also rationalize the choices they make if they feel as if they are incorrect or morally wrong.
Sublimation is the act of channeling unwanted or harmful urges into acceptable ones. Some people deflect these impulses using humor or fantasy. Sublimation psychology is categorized under mature defense mechanisms due to its ability to help a person redirect negative emotions into a healthy and safe outlet.
Compartmentalization is a type of defense mechanism that blocks off certain parts of one’s life and prevents it from intermingling with others. For instance, choosing not to discuss personal issues at work could be compartmentalizing.
People who practice altruism attempt to help others as a means of avoiding stressful situations. The person often receives joy and satisfaction from the positive responses of the people they help.
Suppression involves the voluntary pushing of unpleasant thoughts and feelings out of one’s awareness. For instance, someone who has been unkind or rude to another person may try to avoid thinking about it. Doing so may prevent them from facing uncomfortable feelings of embarrassment or shame.
Treatment for defense mechanisms
Defense mechanisms aren’t always harmful or bad - they can sometimes help people manage painful experiences and emotions. However, defense mechanisms can also be harmful in certain situations. A refusal to face the situation causing unpleasant feelings can be unhealthy.
In these cases, many people turn to mental health professionals to help modify or transform their defense mechanisms. Psychodynamic therapy is one tool used by therapists to help individuals better understand their unconscious processes and improve self-awareness to overcome maladaptive defense mechanisms.
While many think of couches and therapists' offices when it comes to psychodynamic therapy, that is no longer the only option. Online therapy enables individuals to engage in talk therapy anywhere they have an internet connection. The convenience of online therapy can be beneficial for those experiencing conversion disorder, who may have serious somatic symptoms. Online therapy has also been proven just as effective as in-person therapy.
Conversion disorder is one of many defense mechanisms that may be employed to cope with unpleasant feelings or circumstances. Because conversion disorder includes somatic symptoms, it can be distressing for the individual experiencing it. Therapy has been shown to be one of the most effective treatments for conversion disorder.
Are you ready to seek treatment? The online mental health professionals at BetterHelp are here to assist you in coping with any unpleasant emotions you are currently facing.
What is an example of a conversion defense mechanism?
A conversion defense mechanism refers to impaired sensory or motor function that cannot be explained by physical illness or injury. It is not the same as somatization, which occurs when physical signs appear due to stress from a mental health condition, such as panic disorder, which can produce symptoms like an increased heart rate and difficulty breathing. Rather, a conversion defense typically presents as a neurological problem that does not fit the patterns of known neurologic disease. Common symptoms include weakness, paralysis, tremors, visual or hearing disturbances, or impaired speech.
Which defense mechanism is found in conversion disorder?
The defense mechanism found in conversion disorder is conversion, which is defined as the development of physical symptoms that cannot be explained by physical illness or injury. However, it should be noted that conversion disorder is an outdated term that is no longer used professionally, having been replaced by functional neurologic disorder. Similarly, while it is considered a psychiatric disorder, the concept of defense mechanisms within psychiatry is significantly different from when the term conversion disorder was in use.
Is conversion disorder voluntary or involuntary?
Researchers believe that conversion disorder is involuntary and that the person experiencing the symptoms is not able to control them intentionally. The Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences indicates that because the person is not aware of the original stressor causing their symptoms, they are not able to use conscious problem-solving skills to address it.
How do you treat someone with conversion disorder?
Two treatments appear to have at least some evidence supporting their effectiveness in treating conversion disorder, now called functional neurologic disorder. The first is physical therapy (PT). PT, led by a trained physical therapist, can help patients manage the problems with motion that often appear with functional neurologic disorders, such as weakness, problems with gait and posture, paralysis, or other maladaptive motor responses. The second treatment is cognitive-behavioral therapy, which targets the connection between the patient’s underlying psychological distress and their physical symptoms. Patients typically learn about the stress response cycle, acquire stress management techniques, and learn to confront unhelpful thought processes that exacerbate their symptoms.
What was conversion disorder originally known as?
Conversion disorder was referred to as “hysteria” until the late 19th century. The term “conversion” was initially popularized by Anna Freud, daughter of Sigmund Freud, who is credited with studying and popularizing several psychological defense mechanisms. Today, the term conversion disorder has been replaced by “functional neurologic disorder.”
What is the best therapy for conversion disorder?
Evidence suggests that cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is likely to be effective when treating conversion disorder. Although the Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences asserts that problem-solving methods are unlikely to reduce the impact of conversion disorder, contemporary research indicates that the tools and techniques found in CBT may be able to bridge the gap between ineffective problem-solving and conversion symptoms.
What happens if conversion disorder is not treated?
If conversion disorder remains untreated, it’s possible that the symptoms produced by the disorder will continue unabated. Conversion disorder, now termed functional neurologic disorder, can produce a wide range of symptoms that range from minor to debilitating. A person can lose their ability to walk properly, move their limbs smoothly, or, in some cases, move their limbs at all. Sensory symptoms can also occur; a person may experience varying degrees of impairment in any of their senses, including touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste.
What is the psychoanalytic perspective of conversion disorder?
The Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences captures the original psychoanalytic underpinnings of conversion disorders well. Psychoanalysis considers conversion to be a maladaptive defense mechanism against psychological stress. Theories suggest that the person’s psyche “converts” the psychological distress into distinct physical symptoms, lowering their awareness of whatever is inducing the associated anxiety. Contemporary research continues to view conversion disorders as a form of maladaptive coping, but more modern cognitive-behavioral theories are beginning to replace older psychoanalytic and psychodynamic explanations for the condition.
Does physical therapy help with conversion disorder?
Evidence suggests that physical therapy can help reduce the motor impairments associated with conversion disorder. Physical therapy demonstrates to the patient that they are able to move normally and helps limit maladaptive motor responses. Patients also receive education about conversion disorders, how they work, and how they can be treated. Evidence suggests that physical therapy can have a substantial impact on the severity of motor symptoms present in a conversion disorder and that the benefits are likely to be maintained at least a year after treatment concludes.
How many people recover from conversion disorder?
Evidence suggests that recovery from conversion disorder is possible and, in many cases, likely. A study of patients with the condition who were receiving treatment while hospitalized found that 50% to 90% recovered. There is less certainty about those who have not received treatment for conversion disorder, although spontaneous recovery is likely possible. Compounding the issue is that conversion disorder can be difficult to diagnose, and some patients are incorrectly diagnosed with factitious disorder or a similar mental condition.
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