Symptoms Of Dementia

Medically reviewed by Paige Henry, LMSW, J.D.
Updated February 18th, 2025 by BetterHelp Editorial Team

Dementia is a condition that affects millions worldwide. While dementia most commonly impacts older adults, people as young as their 30s can also develop symptoms of dementia. Knowing the early symptoms of dementia can help you get a head start on researching treatment options and connecting with a variety of support organizations. 

Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with dementia?

Signs and symptoms of dementia

Dementia is a group of symptoms that can cause memory loss, impaired motor function, changes in communication skills, and other challenges. There are several types of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, frontotemporal dementia, Huntington’s disease, normal pressure hydrocephalus, and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Risk factors for dementia include genetics, age, traumatic brain injury, hearing loss, diabetes, elevated cholesterol levels, and certain lifestyle factors (e.g., smoking, drinking).

While there is no cure for the condition, people with dementia can alleviate their symptoms through a comprehensive care plan. Certain medications can improve brain health, potentially enhancing cognitive functioning and limiting the effects of symptoms like altered perception or irritability. Professionals who provide mental health care can help individuals address the emotional concerns of dementia. Additionally, some people with dementia may benefit from joining support groups, where they can meet people experiencing similar challenges. 

Dementia is not always easy to recognize, particularly because the body naturally changes as we age. It’s important to be aware of the signs so that you can see your physician if they present themselves.

The following signs may show up in any type of dementia:

  • Forgetting important things often and not remembering them later

  • Problems completing everyday tasks, such as preparing a meal

  • Getting lost more easily or not knowing where they are or what year it is

  • Excessive trouble finding the right word or substituting the wrong word

  • Trouble thinking, reasoning, and judging situations appropriately

  • Trouble telling what direction they are going or judging the distance

  • Rapid mood swings, confusion, suspiciousness, or losing inhibitions

  • Trouble starting activities on their own without prompting

Early signs to look for

The first signs of this disease might go mostly unnoticed. It’s important to watch for patterns rather than just one instance of the symptom. Here is a list of several potential early signs of dementia that may help:

  • Forgetting recent events

  • Becoming confused more often

  • More difficulty concentrating than usual

  • Personality changes

  • Increasing apathy, withdrawal, or depression

  • Losing the ability to perform everyday tasks

There is also an early sign test your doctor can give you. 

You can also take a screening test online. The SAGE Test is one that requires no special equipment. You can download and take it to find out if you show enough early signs to be concerned about. A healthcare professional can interpret your results and help you understand the severity and frequency of potential dementia symptoms. 

Early signs across genders

Dementia warning signs may vary from person to person. There are also some differences for certain groups of people. For example, signs of this disease in men may be somewhat different from signs in women. Verbal skills can deteriorate in dementia, but the rate of mental decline in these abilities is typically faster for women than for men. Women often have memory problems earlier in the course of dementia than men, too. Men who have depression are also more likely to develop dementia than women.

Different types of dementia

The effects someone will experience while living with dementia often vary depending on what type they have. Three different types of dementia are frontotemporal, Lewy body, and vascular, and each is unique in how it presents in the mind and body. These are not the only disorders people with dementia can develop, though. Less common forms of the condition include Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, normal pressure hydrocephalus, and chronic traumatic encephalopathy. 

Mild cognitive impairment

Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is when someone has more thinking or memory problems than other people their age. The symptoms are not as severe as other types, and they may improve, but people with MCI are at higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s or a related type of dementia. Signs of MCI may include the following: 

  • Misplacing things often

  • Forgetting about important events or appointments

  • Having difficulty finding the words for what you want to say

Frontal lobe dementia 

Frontal lobe dementia, also called frontotemporal, usually happens to people between the ages of 45 and 64. While its exact cause is unknown, frontotemporal dementia has been linked to thyroid disease and traumatic brain injury. Frontal lobe dementia signs can include:

  • Changes in behavior, judgment, and personality

  • Problems with written or spoken language skills

  • Problems initiating movement

  • Problems with walking, posture, and stiffness in the upper body

The specific signs you have depend greatly on what type of frontal lobe dementia you are diagnosed with. To find out more, talk to a counselor or doctor knowledgeable about its specific symptoms.

Lewy body

Lewy body dementia is a condition in which alpha-synuclein deposits called Lewy bodies accumulate in the brain. Lewy bodies affect brain cells and cause problems with thinking, behavior, mood, and movement. There are two types of this dementia: dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson’s disease dementia. Symptoms of both dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson’s disease dementia include cognitive impairment, behavioral changes, and alterations in perception. You might see the following Lewy body dementia signs:

  • Changes in thought patterns and reasoning

  • Changing levels of alertness and confusion from one moment to the next

  • Hunched posture, balance difficulty, rigid muscles, or other Parkinsonian effects

  • Visual hallucinations

  • Acting out dreams


Vascular dementia is caused by conditions that diminish or block the flow of blood to the brain. Symptoms could include:

  • Confusion

  • Disorientation

  • Speech problems, such as trouble finding the right word

  • Vision loss

  • Issues with planning and judgment

  • Uncontrolled laughing or crying


Mixed dementia is when a person has two or more types of the disease, such as co-occurring normal pressure hydrocephalus and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. The most common type of mixed dementia is Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia.

Rapid, early, and late-stage dementia

Recognizing the signs of rapid-onset, early-onset, and late-stage dementia is crucial because these symptoms may indicate that the end of life is nearing.

Rapid onset

Sudden onset dementia can happen at any age, and it is important to seek help as soon as possible. While most dementias develop over the course of years, rapid onset dementias can happen in months, weeks, or even days.

Signs of early onset dementia

Early onset dementia or early onset Alzheimer's disease refers to the age at which you have the first symptoms. Those who develop early-onset dementia will be diagnosed when they are younger than 65. It happens most often to people 45 and older, but an even earlier diagnosis of dementia is possible in your 30s. 

Knowing what you’re facing starts with recognizing the signs of early-onset dementia. In addition to general early signs, some of the earliest signs can also include:

  • Problems remembering things just learned

  • Memory loss that disrupts work or home life

  • Problems with planning and problem-solving

  • Issues completing work or home tasks

  • Confusion with times and locations

  • Certain vision problems, which can include trouble judging distance, color, and contrast, as well as trouble with reading and driving

  • Having difficulty retracing steps when something is lost

  • Showing poor judgment at work or during personal time

  • Avoiding work projects and social activities

  • Mood problems that might include depression, anxiety, confusion, or paranoia

  • Changes in personality

Signs of late-stage dementia

You may already know you or a loved one has dementia. Even if it’s something you’ve been aware of for a while, you might not have been told what you can expect when you're in the final stages of the disease. Dementia experts have identified these 10 signs that someone is nearing the end of their life:

  1. You can only say a few words or phrases, and they might not make sense.

  2. You need help with all your everyday activities.

  3. You eat less, have trouble swallowing, and eventually lose your ability to swallow altogether.

  4. You lose all control of your bladder and bowels, becoming completely incontinent.

  5. You cannot walk or stand at all and have trouble sitting up, eventually unable to do anything but lie in bed.

  6. Your condition deteriorates rapidly.

  7. You lose consciousness.

  8. You become more agitated and restless than before.

  9. Your breathing becomes irregular.

  10.  Your hands and feet are extremely cold

Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with dementia?

Risk factors and living with dementia

There are some things that can put people more at risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, including other medical conditions like Down syndrome, thyroid problems, and even low blood sugar. Other risk factors include genetics, traumatic brain injury, and high blood pressure. Incorporating healthy activities into daily life—such as exercise, a balanced diet, and regular sleep—can decrease one’s risk of developing dementia.

Online counseling with BetterHelp

Counseling may be beneficial as you cope with symptoms of dementia, learn of a diagnosis, or help a loved one through different treatment options. If you’re a caregiver of someone living with dementia, online therapy might be especially helpful. You can connect with licensed counselors through BetterHelp, an online platform that lets you get care according to your schedule and availability. 

One study assessed the efficacy of a virtual cognitive therapy program for older adults with vascular dementia or Alzheimer's as well as their caregivers. Researchers found that participants experienced improvements in general cognitive skills and functioning, including their short-term/working memory. They also reported a better quality of life. Caregivers saw improvements in their “mood, stress, anxiety, and quality of sleep.”  


Some forgetfulness with age is to be expected, but dementia is not a normal part of getting older. There are many types of dementia, each with its own warning signs and symptoms. Understanding what dementia can look like in different stages may help you catch it earlier so that you can begin early treatment before the disease progresses. Living with the symptoms and diagnosis of any medical condition can be difficult, which is why it’s important to seek support when you need it. A licensed online counselor can help you find more effective ways to manage your symptoms, take care of your own health, and live a healthy lifestyle.

Navigate the challenges of dementia
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