The Face Behind The Mask: High-Functioning Depression

Medically reviewed by Melissa Guarnaccia, LCSW
Updated October 9, 2024by BetterHelp Editorial Team

Many people grapple with depression while maintaining a façade of unobstructed functionality to the outside world. On the exterior, someone with high-functioning depression might appear accomplished and sociable, engaging in work, social activities, and relationships. Beneath the surface, however, just getting through the day can leave them completely drained.

Signs of depression can vary depending on the person

What is high-functioning depression?

High-functioning depression is not a clinical diagnosis; it is a concept illustrating how some people experience depression or depressive episodes while continuing their everyday lives. Often diagnosed with persistent depressive disorder (PDD), these individuals can experience periods of mild to moderate depression that can last for years.

People with high-functioning depression appear adept at managing life’s demands. This outward success can mislead both those close to them and even themselves, disguising the true depth of their circumstances. This phenomenon, known as masking, stems from the disparity between external appearance and internal experience.

Given the nature of high-functioning depression, its symptoms can be easy to overlook.

A straight-A student, a corporate CEO, a devoted parent, or a diligent employee might all be living with high-functioning depression. Their achievements may consciously or unconsciously mask their symptoms as a defense mechanism against social stigma or a coping strategy to maintain their life. As a result, maintaining daily functionality might demand more effort than expected. 

What is it like to live with high-functioning depression?

Depression manifests variably based on individual factors like motivation levels and lifestyle. While some experience overt symptoms such as insatiable exhaustion and difficulty getting out of bed, others may exhibit subtler signs such as frustration and difficulty making decisions. Feelings of hopelessness, diminished interest in things that used to bring joy, and negative self-perception are other characteristic symptoms of depression, and these expressions can make it difficult for a person to find the motivation to complete daily tasks.

Impairment of daily functioning is a common symptom of depression, but this particular symptom is often not outwardly noticeable in a person experiencing high-functioning depression. In fact, the perceived need to fulfill responsibilities, maintain routines, or complete tasks may be their sole driver for getting out of bed. Instead, those with high-functioning depression might exhibit more subtle shifts, such as changes in sleep quality, energy levels, eating patterns, and mood. Despite outward stability, inner despair, anxiety, and self-doubt might persist in those with high-functioning depression.

Even sources of praise, hobbies, and loving relationships may not offer the same pride and comfort to someone living with high-functioning depression. This disorder may lead to self-isolation, an attempt to mask internal pain, making it harder for friends, family, and colleagues to recognize an internal shift or a change in behavior. In this way, masking is a taxing coping mechanism in itself.

Signs to look out for

If you are able to move through your life without major behavioral changes but experience consistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness, consider the following questions:

  • Are you critical of yourself? Have you been more critical of yourself lately?

  • Are activities that once brought you joy now less enjoyable?

  • Do past mistakes occupy your thoughts?

  • Is your view of yourself consistently negative?

  • Do you find it hard to concentrate?

  • Do you find it hard to make decisions?

  • Do you feel more irritable than normal?

  • Do relatively small mishaps upset you more than usual?

  • Are you more tired than usual? Have you noticed changes in your sleep patterns? Do you have a hard time falling asleep?

  • Do you find it harder to feel or express joy?

  • Are you drawn toward drugs or alcohol more than usual?

If you are experiencing challenges with substance use, contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s National Helpline at (800) 662-4357 to receive support and resources. Support is available 24/7.

If you answered “yes” to many or most of those questions, then you may be experiencing high-functioning depression. Please note that this short quiz is not an exhaustive diagnostic tool but a starting point as you try to understand what you are going through. Consider consulting a mental health professional for a proper medical diagnosis so you may start on the appropriate treatment path.

If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs immediate assistance, text “HOME” to 741741 or click here to message a Crisis Text Line counselor for 24/7 help.

Pursuing help

Depressive disorders and high-functioning depression affect an estimated 5% of the global population. Regardless of outward appearances, your mental well-being matters, and you deserve to feel well internally, too. Even if you are progressing toward your external goals, high-functioning depression could be a significant obstacle to have to work around — and in most cases, it cannot be willed away by favorable external circumstances.

Getty/Vadym Pastukh
Signs of depression can vary depending on the person

Speaking to a licensed mental health professional could be a healthy first step toward understanding your thoughts and feelings. You might be inclined to join a support group where you can connect with others experiencing similar difficulties, or you might feel safer in one-on-one therapy. Online therapy may be a particularly helpful tool. Studies show that for treating high-functioning depression, with nearly 38% of users showing clinically significant improvement in symptoms of depression within three months.

Many people with depression are apprehensive about seeing a counselor in person, and in cases of high-functioning depression, people often have a hard time gathering the energy to leave their homes to engage in activities they deem “nonessential.” Online therapy provides a convenient and flexible way to utilize professional support from the comfort of one’s own space. For those managing the demands of daily life while concealing their internal struggles, online therapy offers a discreet avenue to open up about their emotions and receive guidance.

The licensed online therapists at BetterHelp can offer you the care you seek from anywhere you have an internet connection. You can communicate with a therapist via phone call, video chat, voice chat (recordings sent back and forth), or in-app messaging—whatever works best for you. Also, you don’t have to have a diagnosed depressive disorder to speak with a therapist. You can discuss your symptoms with an online therapist and obtain guidance on the best path forward.  

"Julia is really phenomenal and one of the best therapists I’ve ever had. She is very easy to talk to and be open with, even when it comes to the most difficult situations. She has a special way of building your self-esteem while also telling you what you need to hear. When I first started working with her, I was in the middle of the worst depressive episode I have had in over 20 years. I couldn’t have gotten through it without her help. That was one year ago and a lot of growth has happened in my life since then. I’m forever grateful for her!"
— BetterHelp member’s review of their therapist


If you suspect that you are affected by any of the symptoms of high-functioning depression, you are not alone. With some help from a licensed online counselor, you can work toward finding balance and inner peace again. If someone you know is living with depression, encourage them to investigate treatment paths. Listen to them if they want to talk, acknowledge the problem, and empathize with what they are going through. With the right tools, living a fulfilling life with high-functioning depression is possible.

Depression is treatable, and you're not alone
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