How To Deal With Depression: Tips, Techniques, And Treatment Options For People With Depression
Depression may feel overwhelming and isolating. For individuals experiencing depression, it may seem as if everyone else is “normal” while they struggle with complicated feelings. When depression feels normal, it can be hard to distinguish between feeling sad and being clinically depressed. However, you are not alone in seeking depression self help or counseling.
Depression is common, affecting nearly 1 in 10 adults in the United States in 2022.
Although common signs and symptoms may help you determine if you have depression, there are many types of diagnosable depression, and everyone’s experience may differ but consulting a depression doctor can help you better understand your unique experience.
This variance in treatment options may make finding how to deal with depression challenging for some. However, with the right tools and support from a mental health professional, you may be able to manage depression and its symptoms effectively.
Is depression treatable like other mental health conditions?
Depression is considered manageable with a wide variety of methods. One of the most effective methods is considered to be a combination of regular psychotherapy sessions and anti-depressant medications. Like many other mental health conditions, it requires a personalized approach.Consider keeping an open mind and communicating with your doctor or mental health professional to determine the best strategy for your situation.
As with many mental health conditions, symptoms of depression may worsen if left untreated. These symptoms can range from feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and baseless guilt to experiencing sleeplessness or difficulty concentrating. Untreated depression can also lead to potentially dangerous symptoms such as high-risk behaviors and self-harm. Therefore, consider seeing a mental health professional as soon as possible if you’re experiencing symptoms of depression.
Types of depression
There are many types of depression, and it may be helpful to know about them when trying to determine whether you have a diagnosable form of depression.
Major depressive disorder (MDD)
The most common type of depression is major depression (major depressive disorder, or MDD), also known as clinical depression. Adults with MDD often experience intense symptoms lasting longer than two weeks that interfere with daily life. Symptoms may include:
Lasting feelings of sadness
Feeling worthless or hopeless
Sleeping often or not enough
Changes in schedule and routine
Changes in diet, struggling to eat a healthy diet
Difficulty socializing with family members and friends due to lack of energy or sad emotions
Feeling isolated or alone
Feeling unlovable
Struggling with hygiene or self-care
For those concerned about MDD, seek counseling and participate in support groups, including online depression support groups. Identifying the signs of mental illness early and engaging in self-help activities can aid in the recovery process, promoting a healthy lifestyle free from alcohol and drugs.
Persistent depressive disorder (PDD)
Also known as dysthymia, persistent depressive disorder is another common form of depression. Depression symptoms in those with PDD are often less severe than the symptoms of major depression, but they may last for two or more years.
Bipolar depression
Bipolar depression may be marked by periods of “low moods,” where an individual has intense feelings of sadness and lacks energy, at times alternating with excessively high-energy periods called “mania.” This type of depression is often diagnosed alongside bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder can manifest differently according to the type. It may help to speak with a mental health professional about your symptoms to get an appropriate diagnosis.
Psychotic depression
Individuals with psychotic depression may experience symptoms of depression accompanied by delusions characterized by beliefs that are not based on reality. Psychotic depression symptoms may also include sensory hallucinations, where a patient may see or hear things that aren’t there.
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
Also called seasonal depression, seasonal affective disorder often begins in the fall or winter and may end during the spring or summer. It may consist of symptoms of depression brought on by the weather. A lack of sunlight may be the cause of this condition. However, some individuals experience seasonal depression during sunny or hot months as well.
Perinatal depression (post-partum depression)
Most often known as post-partum depression, perinatal depression may begin during pregnancy or a year or more after birth. This type of depression may be experienced by birth parents, adoptive parents, and fathers. It is not limited to gender or parental experience.
Pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder
Pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder is a severe form of PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome). This condition may impact individuals during the days or weeks leading up to their menstrual period. For example, someone may experience depression and other distressing symptoms two and a half weeks before their period.
Symptoms of depression
Individuals experiencing depression might not realize that others are not experiencing the same symptoms, causing them to ignore their depressive feelings and avoid seeking support until their symptoms worsen. If you’ve wondered if you have depression or if the feelings you’ve been experiencing are “normal,” there are some common signs and symptoms to look for that may help you decide if you should seek professional treatment. These symptoms often occur consistently and may continue for days, weeks, months, or years:
Feeling sad, lost, empty, hopeless, or generally unhappy
Losing interest or enjoyment in activities you previously enjoyed (socializing with friends, food, sex, hobbies, etc.)
Changes in sleeping habits ranging from insomnia to spending most of your time sleeping or in bed
Exhaustion and a lack of energy that interferes with daily activities
Appetite changes, weight gain, or weight loss
Anxiety, agitation, or restlessness
Slowed thinking or difficulty paying attention
Feeling worthless or not good enough (often in conjunction with overthinking past mistakes or failures)
Feeling guilty about situations that aren’t your fault or are out of your control
Difficulty making decisions
Difficulty remembering situations
Physical symptoms, such as headaches or muscle pain
Not everyone with depression will experience all of the above symptoms, and there may be other signs of depression you’ve experienced that are not on this list. If you think you may have depression, it may be best to reach out to a mental health professional for a diagnosis and treatment plan for depression tailored to your individual needs.
Diagnosing depression for the right treatment
How common is depression? It may not be the same for others, and your coping technique may also differ. Learning about the symptoms of depression may help you better identify the disorder. If you’re unsure of how severe your symptoms are or would appreciate other resources to help you determine if you’re depressed, online depression assessments may be valuable tools.
Online assessments may ask questions to gauge your current emotional state and give you a general idea of how it compares to symptoms of depression. Ultimately, a formal diagnosis must come from a professional—typically your doctor or a mental health provider.
To obtain a diagnosis, your therapist may conduct the following diagnostic steps:
Physical exam: A physical exam uses lab tests to help rule out physical symptoms of a different health problem, such as hormonal issues, thyroid abnormalities, or sickness.
Psychological evaluation: A psychological evaluation may include a discussion of your symptoms, thoughts, feelings, or behavior patterns, including when they began and any notable events that may have happened to you.
DSM-5: Your therapist may consult the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: Fifth Edition) to verify the criteria for the type of depression you could have.
An official diagnosis may come as a surprise to some, while others expect the outcome. Either way, the official diagnosis may lay a foundation for how your depression treatment plan will commence.
Coping strategies for people with depression
Trying to figure out how to stop being depressed? While counseling for depression or any other form of help from a professional therapist can be a beneficial treatment strategy, some individuals find it difficult to seek professional treatment and support.
There are many possible reasons for difficulty in reaching out for help, varying from person to person. If you aren’t ready to reach out yet, there are techniques you can try to ease some of the symptoms you’re experiencing.
Stay connected to cope with depression
Isolation is one common symptom of depression that may lead to a cycle of loneliness or withdrawal. Withdrawing from the people around you may seem intuitive when you’re depressed, but staying connected to a few people you trust and who know you well may be beneficial. Finding ways to cope with depression through social interaction can make a difference.
Studies show that social connection to your community, family, or chosen family can benefit your mental health. Whether you discuss your feelings or something else, you may start to feel better. If you have difficulty leaving home, you may find it helpful to connect with others through depression-focused groups on social media or other sites where people come together to support each other.
Practice self-care to help tackle depression
Engaging in activities you usually enjoy may feel exhausting if you’re experiencing depression. If you find it particularly difficult to practice self-care, begin with something that doesn’t take much energy. Small steps can help tackle depression and improve well-being.This low-energy activity may look different for each person. What is available to one may not be to another.
There are a few low-energy activities you might try:
Taking a hot bath with a bath bomb or candles
Trying a shower bomb or shower scrub
Putting on lotion
Curling up to read in comfortable pajamas
Eating a snack
Taking a 5-minute walk with your pet or a friend
Singing a song you like
Spending a few minutes in nature
Drinking a glass of water
Ordering delivery
Playing a board game or card game with someone you love
Playing with your pets
Playing a video game that brings you joy
Making a jar of potential activities and doing the first one you pull
Don’t neglect your physical health as part of your depression treatment
Even physical activity sounds difficult, but it plays an important role in depression treatment. Eating a nutritious diet or going outside for a short walk can be natural cures for depression. These activities are beneficial to the body. Studies show that sunlight can improve overall mood and boost the body’s vitamin D levels.
For those who struggle to leave home, a sunlight-mimicking lamp may be valuable. Salt lamps may also cause happier feelings, but practice caution if you have pets or young children, as the salt content on the lamp may cause salt build-up in the body if ingested.
Sleep well to support mental health conditions
Sleep irregularities are another potential symptom of depression. If you can, practice positive sleep hygiene techniques. Good sleep is essential for managing mental health conditions and improving overall well-being.At times, a soothing cup of herbal tea and an enjoyable book at bedtime could help you feel calm and comfortable.
Consider the following sleep hygiene tips:
Turn off any electronic devices one hour before you are ready to sleep
Turn off the light when you lie down to sleep
Don’t work in your bed if you work remotely, as it may cause you to associate your bed with productivity instead of relaxation
Don’t drink caffeine before you sleep
Don’t snack before you sleep
Try to avoid conflict before you sleep. Leave uncomfortable conversations for tomorrow.
Ensure a comfortable temperature in your bedroom
Ensure a comfortable mattress and pillow
Ensure a comfortable bed size
Try to stay mindful of negative thoughts for people with depression
Many experiencing depression may engage in “negative self-talk” without recognizing it. This negative inner dialogue may have a significant influence on how you feel. For people with depression, these thoughts can be overwhelming and persistent.
A potentially effective way to manage negative thoughts is to keep a daily journal or take a moment several times throughout the day to practice mindful breathing. Studies show that expressive writing (like journaling) can benefit mental health.
Slowing down to notice your breathing may direct your attention toward your thoughts, allowing you to recognize when there is disparaging self-talk. It may help to form a plan to be kind to yourself if you notice these thoughts throughout the day. Many individuals experience negative self-talk.
How to treat depression
If you have never looked for a therapist, there are several options to find a mental health professional. Consider looking through a directory of mental health care providers that are part of your health insurance network. You may find this information on the insurance company’s website or call the company directly.
You might also choose to do an online search through a directory listing all mental health professionals in your area. Often, these sites contain detailed information on each professional and allow you to select a therapist or counselor who best matches you.
You may also decide to talk to your primary care physician about options. This way, you may gain a firm referral from a medical professional you have a history with.
Once you’ve got a list of potential treatment providers, you can call or communicate online to learn more about them. After choosing a therapist, you may discuss treatment options, including the following.
Anti-depressant medications
Anti-depressant medications can come in a few common types, although there may be some outliers. Your healthcare provider may give you a complete list of options. Speak to your doctor about medication options before you use a medication to ensure complete education about side effects or warnings that come with it.
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
SSRIs are one of the most prescribed anti-depressants. These medicines often increase the level of serotonin (a chemical messenger in the brain) and block its resorption or reuptake, ensuring enough is available for interaction with nerve cells. They are often ideal for moderate to severe depression, and while many have side effects, they may decrease with time.
Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)
A newer anti-depressant, SNRIs, may affect serotonin and norepinephrine uptake, which could help mood and transmit information through the brain.
Tricyclic anti-depressants (TCAs)
TCAs are among the earliest anti-depressants used for treatment but have mostly been replaced due to their high number of side effects.
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI)
MAOIs are typically anti-depressants recommended when others have provided little improvement in mood or symptoms or have caused too many side effects that interfere with the patient’s daily life. They often work to rebalance brain chemicals thought to cause depression.
Talk therapy
Talk therapy (psychotherapy) often involves discussing symptoms, feelings, and related experiences with a mental health professional to treat depression or other mental health conditions. Talk therapy could be defined by many different therapy techniques, including the following.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
Cognitive-behavioral therapy often works to recognize and change the thoughts, beliefs, and resulting behaviors associated with mental health issues like depression. CBT is often used to help develop strategies for the patient to use in daily life for coping with their symptoms.
Interpersonal therapy
Interpersonal therapy often addresses issues around relationships that may contribute to depression. These may include the loss of a loved one, the ending of a romantic relationship, or interpersonal conflicts (relationship issues).
Problem-solving therapy
Problem-solving therapy is a potential depression treatment that may help you learn to cope better with difficult, stressful, or tragic life events. This technique often involves creating a step-by-step process for realistically dealing with depression which is a challenging situation.
Other treatments on how to deal with depression
In cases of treatment-resistant depression, doctors may recommend electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). ECT stimulates the brain electrically while the patient is under anesthesia. In other cases, doctors may recommend transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) for severe mental illness. However, according to the American Psychiatric Association, TMS is typically not as effective as ECT.
How to choose the right treatment for you
Choosing the right depression therapy for you may come down to factors related to your unique situation. For instance, traditional therapy might be effective in helping you improve your symptoms of depression. However, for some people, online counseling for depression may be more comfortable, affordable, or doable with your life circumstances or needs.
Studies show that the results of online therapy are positive for most individuals who try it. Online therapy may be a valuable option if you struggle to leave home, can’t afford traditional therapy, or want to try a new treatment method. Many individuals who try this form reach out to a counselor on online counseling for depression platforms such as BetterHelp, which matches you to a therapist specializing in your area of concern.
If you think you may be experiencing symptoms of depression, know that there are many treatments and available. Aside from using some of the evidence-based self-care strategies mentioned above, you may find it helpful to speak with a licensed therapist, whether in your community or online. With BetterHelp, you can be matched with a therapist who has experience helping people with depression. Take the first step toward getting support with depression and contact BetterHelp today.
What helps people cope with depression and tackle challenges?
There are different ways people can cope with depression and tackle challenges. One of them is doing physical activity, it is a good way to improve not only your mental but also your physical health. Seeking professional help is another way, as a licensed therapist can guide you and provide the support you need. Connecting with your loved ones and journaling can also make a big difference.
What is the fastest way to treat depression?
There is no immediate or fastest way to treat depression. With the right combination of professional support and guidance, medication, therapy, and even lifestyle adjustments, can help and bring noticeable improvements.
What are the 4 main causes of depression?
Different factors can cause depression, such as genetic factors, stress and traumatic life situations, chemical imbalances or the neurotransmitter in the brain, and chronic illness. Each person is unique and may suffer depression but with different causes and triggers.
How do people overcome their depression?
There are various ways to overcome depression, such as therapy with a licensed therapist, self-care, medications, and positive lifestyle changes.
What helps a sad person?
Listening to a sad person would be a big help for them to release what they feel and their emotions. You can offer comfort and support to them. You may want to encourage them to enjoy doing fun activities and let them feel that you are always there for them.
How to deal with depression and overcome stress?
Maintaining a healthy day-to-day routine and practicing ways to relax your mind and body can be some ways to deal with depression and overcome stress. Identifying those factors that trigger the symptoms would also be very helpful. You can seek guidance and support from your friends and professional people.
What are three ways to treat depression?
The three ways to treat depression are therapy, medication, and possible lifestyle changes.
Is depression easy to stop?
There is no easy way or treatment to stop depression immediately. Symptoms of depression can be managed with the right support and treatment and with the help of a licensed therapist. The earlier you seek professional help, the better you can manage the symptoms and lessen the chance of worsening it.
How do you overcome and cope with depression and overthinking?
Some individuals may say that challenging negative thoughts helped them to overcome and cope with depression and overthinking. Practicing mindfulness and engaging in calming activities like meditation or journaling can also help. If you are looking for long-term relief, seeking professional help is necessary as a therapist can provide structured techniques in therapy.
Is it okay to not treat depression?
Untreated depression can worsen your day-to-day activities and life situations. It can affect your family relationships and overall well-being, including your emotions and feelings. Seeking treatment can be an important step in treating your depression.
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