How To Know If You Are Depressed: 11 Signs To Notice And When To Get Help
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According to the World Health Organization, depression affects approximately 5% of adults around the world. Despite being a common mental health disorder, a person can have some of the symptoms of depression but not realize they are experiencing depression. Since depression, which is different from bipolar disorder, affects people differently, it can be difficult to know what to look for and when to seek help.
It can be common to feel sad or lonely at times, especially when dealing with life challenges or personal loss, but when such feelings become overwhelming and affect your emotional and physical well-being, they may be signs of depression.
Below, we’ll discuss depression in detail and look at nine signs that may indicate it’s time to get help.
They can affect how you think, what you do, and how you feel physically. A person experiencing depression may not feel motivated to do their usual activities. They may experience persistent sadness, hopelessness, or emptiness; decreased energy; loss of interest in activities they once enjoyed; or a desire to isolate themselves from others. Relationships with family, friends, and coworkers may also be affected.
Someone experiencing symptoms of depression may not take care of themselves as they normally would. The way they think about their health, such as managing chronic problems like arthritis, diabetes, or high blood pressure, may leave them feeling discouraged. When a person living with depression feels hopeless, self-care may become less of a priority, which can increase personal health risks.
Nine signs to notice when feeling depressed
When you feel depressed, you may experience multiple symptoms of depression. Such feelings are often persistent, and it’s typically not easy to shake them off. The presence of symptoms can vary from person to person, and their severity can vary as well.
According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), the following are nine symptoms of depression:
Depressed mood. Some people may report a depressed mood, or this may be observed by those around them.
Loss of interest or withdrawal from activities. Many individuals who are living with depression may experience a lack of enjoyment of activities they used to look forward to, such as hobbies or time with friends.
Significant appetite and weight changes. Individuals experiencing depression may eat more or less than normal, which can result in weight fluctuation (more than 5%). These changes may occur unintentionally.
Sleep disturbances. Some experience insomnia or sleep too much (hypersomnia).
Fatigue or low energy. Many people lack interest in doing regular activities because they don’t have the energy. A lack of proper rest may lead to feeling agitated or anxious.
Inability to concentrate. Some people experiencing depression having trouble focusing on tasks and activities. Some also experience difficulty making decisions and remembering things.
Feelings of worthlessness or unjustified guilt. A person with depression may experience low self-esteem or blame themselves for things that aren’t their fault.
Psychomotor changes. These changes could involve either agitation or slower movements or speech.
Thoughts of death or suicide. In some cases, a depressed person shows or experiences symptoms before self-harm* occurs. Warning signs that an individual may be at risk for suicide include talking about wanting to die or having no reason to live, discussing feelings of hopelessness/unbearable pain, giving away important possessions, tying up loose ends, increasing substance use or risky behavior, and a experiencing a sudden switch in mood or behavior.
According to the DSM-5, if you experience five or more of these symptoms (two of which must be numbers 1 and 2) daily, most of the day, for two weeks or more, you may be experiencing depression. (The exceptions are criteria 3 and 9, which don’t necessarily have to be present daily and most of the day.)
Also, according to the Mayo Clinic, depression may appear differently in men than in women. They may engage in more risky behaviors, such as substance use, as a way to escape their feelings. They may also express more anger and irritability.
Determining if you have depression may involve reviewing your history with a doctor or mental health professional. A doctor will likely want to know what symptoms you’ve experienced, for how long, the severity, and if mental illnesses run in your family.
They may also want to know if you have a history of drug or alcohol use before determining a diagnosis and treatment options.
They will want to know what physical and mental health symptoms you’ve experienced, for how long, the severity, and if mental illnesses run in your family. They may also want to see if you have a history of drugs or alcohol. Your doctor or mental healthcare professional can then determine a diagnosis and help you to explore treatment options.
Why does depression happen?
Depression may not have a single identifiable cause. Researchers believe that genetics, brain chemistry, stressful events, medical conditions, and medication can be factors related to depression. Grieving the loss of a loved one may lead to depression, as can living conditions such as homelessness, poverty, or violence. Hormone changes or unknown medical conditions may also contribute to changes in mood and depression.
Circumstances such as changes in weather (seasonal affective disorder, or SAD), thyroid problems, poor sleeping habits, social media overload, or poor family relations are other possible factors that can contribute to depression. Finally, some people may experience depression with no readily apparent cause.
Why it’s important to know the signs
Some people may feel depressed for a prolonged period and not realize that depression is taking a toll on their lives. Depression is more than just sadness on a bad day. A person experiencing depression may find if difficult to get out of a downward spiral. It can get harder to get things done due to a lack of energy and difficulty concentrating. It may also be challenging for a person with depression to see themselves in a positive light.
Recognizing the warning signs of depression may allow you to get help and break the cycle. When you feel persistent symptoms of depression, you may feel stuck in a downward spiral. Recognizing the signs can be a start in the right direction toward relief and recovery.
It is crucial to notice the signs because they raise your emotional awareness. It is the perfect time to reassess your mental and physical health. Taking good care of yourself includes recognizing the state of your emotional health so you can take advantage of options to help you feel better. You don’t have to live feeling depressed every day because there are people who care and want to help.
How to get help when feeling depressed
While some may consider taking a free depression test or quiz online to gain insight, there can be more productive ways to learn about your feelings and how to manage them. You can contact your doctor and talk to them about your symptoms. Your doctor may conduct a detailed assessment, including a physical exam and blood testing to rule out medical concerns and to narrow down the types of depression.
Keep in mind that these actions are not considered a depression test, but they are significant in diagnosing depression. Sometimes doctors refer patients to a mental health specialist to explore additional treatment options based on their symptoms.
Therapy has helped millions of children and adults with depression. In-person therapy sessions may include one-on-one talk sessions and support group sessions with peers. Medication is available to help control emotions. Online therapy sessions are and convenient while letting you choose when to do sessions based on your schedule. Therapy is a comprehensive way of dealing with your emotions while learning practical methods to help you reach goals and improve your mental health.
What are the 3 levels of depression?
Depression is classified as either mild, moderate, or severe (or major) depression.
What are the 4 R's of depression?
The 4 R’s of depression include:
Response: This refers to clinical improvement from symptoms, whether through therapy, pharmaceuticals, or a combination of both.
Remission: This is when depression symptoms go away completely. Through depression treatment, the client becomes symptom free and recovers optimism and a sense of wellbeing.
Recovery: This is clinically defined as being symptom-free at four weeks or more from the onset of remission.
Relapse/Recurrence: While often named together, these refer to two different experiences. Relapse is a return of symptoms after remission, but before recovery. Recurrence is another depressive episode after recovery has been completed.
What approach is used for depression?
According to Mental Health America (MHA), depression is most often treated with medication and psychotherapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy is an effective therapy protocol for depression, with or without drug therapy. In addition to talk therapy, a licensed therapist will also recommend healthy lifestyle habits, and self-care practices to reinforce therapeutic interventions. Emotional support from friends and family members can also be an important factor in healing.
What are the signs of depression?
Depression can have a variety of symptoms, which vary from person to person. Some signs of depression can include:
- Persistent sadness, or feeling of “emptiness” or “nothing”
- Anhedonia, losing interest in activities you once enjoyed
- Restlessness and irritability
- Fatigue, decreased energy
- Appetite changes (along with significant weight loss or gain)
- Insomnia
- Stomach pain
- Unexplained aches and pains
- Substance abuse (as a form of self-medication)
How you experience symptoms can depend on the type of depression you have. For instance, someone with major depressive disorder may experience more fatigue, sadness, and aches, while someone with manic depression (referred to as bipolar disorder) will swing between periods of feverish activity and energy, and depressive episodes.
What are the signs of anxiety?
Like depression, anxiety can manifest itself in a variety of different symptoms. Here are some signs to look for:
- Irritability
- Lack of focus, restlessness
- Persistent feelings of worry, even over situations that wouldn’t typically warrant it
- Racing heart
- Shortness of breath
- Difficulty sleeping
- Muscle aches and pains
- Gastrointestinal upset
What are the 10 major causes of depression?
There are a number of factors that can lead to depression, including:
- Brain chemistry
- Life events
- Family history of depression
- Certain medical conditions
- Medication
- Age
- Death or other loss
- Abuse
- Conflict
- Hormonal changes
How do you describe a depressed person?
Someone who is depressed may have feelings of overwhelming sadness, and find it difficult to enjoy activities that they typically enjoy. Clinical depression can cause a bleak outlook on life, fatigue, and negative rumination.
What can I say instead of being depressed?
Some people choose to talk about their diagnosis, rather than referring to themselves as “being depressed”. For example, “I’ve been diagnosed with major depressive disorder/severe depression/bipolar disorder.” (Choose the term that applies).
How do you act like you're not depressed?
There is no need to act like you’re not depressed. According to the mental health services administration (MHSA), depression is common, and extremely treatable. It can be important to seek treatment for depression, as ignoring symptoms can lead to serious consequences like disruption of personal relationships, worsening of symptoms, and in some cases of severe depression immediate risk suicidal ideation, or self-harm.
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