How To Stop Ruminating And Get Your Life Back

Medically reviewed by Majesty Purvis, LCMHC
Updated July 16th, 2024 by BetterHelp Editorial Team

Nearly everyone has experienced rumination at some point in their lives. It can sometimes be challenging to move past an issue and learn how to stop ruminating on it, especially if it has a negative impact. While taking time to think issues through is not necessarily bad, rumination occurs when the thought process becomes difficult to control or avoid. 

Despite the impression that rumination may be beyond a person's control, excessive rumination can be successfully treated through several strategies.

Can't stop ruminating?

What is rumination?

According to the American Psychological Association, rumination is "obsessional thinking involving excessive, repetitive thoughts that interfere with other forms of mental activity." It is a type of repetitive negative thinking characterized by repeatedly dwelling on negative feelings, situations, or events. Rumination is repetitive and evaluative, meaning that it tends to focus on the causes and consequences of negative stimuli. This is different from obsessive compulsive disorder.

Rumination is also perseverative; it is defined by repetitive, ongoing thought processes and may make a person feel "stuck" focusing on one topic or idea. It is distinct from problem-solving or other analytical thought processes because rumination focuses on the causes and consequences of distress without engaging in active coping strategies. When considered regarding mental health concerns or overall well-being, rumination is thought to be a significant driver of negative thoughts and moods. It has also been described as impaired disengagement, wherein the person ruminating cannot disengage themselves from the negative, repetitive thought processes.

Chronic rumination is a well-understood risk factor for depression and anxiety, as well as other mental health concerns. It frequently appears in times of stress and is often a characteristic response to distressing situations.

When considering the onset of depression, research suggests that experiencing stressful life events and responding to them in a ruminative style may be one of the best predictors of depressive symptoms.

Rumination vs. worry

At first glance, it may seem like rumination and worry are practically synonymous. Rumination and worry are both forms of perseverative cognition, meaning they both result in persistent thought processes that may be difficult to control. While rumination and worry are closely overlapping psychological constructs, they are distinct in a few key areas.

Research suggests that rumination represents the ongoing processing of specific negative events, situations, or themes. It tends to be focused on the past or present. On the other hand, worry is likely to be anchored around the ongoing processing of uncertainty, which tends to be future-focused. Rumination also tends to focus on distinct losses, while worry is likely to focus on potential or anticipated threats.

Although rumination and worry are distinct concepts, they are very similar and often appear together. Both are hallmark signs of anxiety and depression, and both can create circumstances wherein it is difficult for a person to control their thought process to alleviate feelings of negativity or distress. In addition to creating barriers to satisfactory mental well-being, worry and rumination can also significantly affect physical health.

Can rumination be helpful?

As the descriptions above suggest, rumination is typically associated with negative, passive thoughts that interfere with healthy cognitive processes. However, some evidence suggests that rumination can be beneficial. Recently, researchers have begun to recognize two types of rumination: positive and negative.

Negative rumination is typically what's considered when discussing ruminative thought processes. It matches the abovementioned descriptions and is consistent with traditional definitions of rumination. On the other hand, positive rumination is not as well understood but has become a focus of interest for mental health researchers in recent years. Positive rumination is thought to be voluntary and occurs when an individual wants it to occur. It is also constructive, tending to focus on a plan or a decision to deal with the problem that allows the person to adapt.

Although research into positive rumination is ongoing, negative rumination is known to be associated with risks to mental and physical well-being. As research continues, positive rumination may gain more attention as a viable way to counter the harmful effects of negative rumination. However, it is still being determined whether positive rumination has adverse effects that have yet to be completely identified.


Managing rumination

Although rumination can sometimes feel burdensome and out of control, there are steps you can take to reduce its negative impacts. Addressing rumination often begins the same way as managing most mental health concerns: with an honest and analytical self-evaluation. Consider taking time to think about your life circumstances; are there underlying circumstances that might contribute to your rumination?

If you think you may be experiencing depression, excessive anxiety, compulsive behavior, or any other mental health concern, consider making an appointment with a therapist to help uncover underlying factors contributing to your rumination. Think about your physical health as well. Rumination is strongly associated with chronic pain and illness; if you're experiencing physical health concerns, strongly consider consulting with a medical professional as you work towards controlling your ruminative thoughts.

Here are some strategies you can use to start breaking your rumination cycles today.

Find a distraction

Distracting yourself is likely one of the most effective things you can do to help break free from ruminative thoughts. However, it is important to remember that distracting yourself is an active, conscious process. Passive distractions, like watching TV or a movie, are less likely to be effective than distractions that require concentration or significant thought.

Some people find that intently focusing on the words or tune of music is an effective distraction. Others find that picking a random topic to study intently for a short period is highly effective. The critical feature of a distraction is that it takes the entirety of your focus and attention. The purpose is to keep your brain focused on anything other than the source of rumination by holding your attention elsewhere. It is difficult to block out ruminative thoughts; concentrating on something else is usually much easier.

Know and avoid your triggers

An episode of rumination is often brought on by certain triggers. A trigger can be almost anything, and it is helpful to understand how your rumination begins. For example, if you find that seeing a specific person's post on social media tends to cause you to start ruminating, you can likely avoid a lot of negative thoughts but simply blocking or muting that person.

Taking time to identify your triggers not only allows you to avoid them and potentially spare yourself rumination but may also offer insight into what factors underlie it. Consider writing your triggers down in a journal to help keep track of them. You may be able to find patterns or themes that paint a clearer picture of where your rumination comes from. In addition, if you ever decide to seek help from a therapist or other professional, a list of triggers is likely to be very helpful as you initiate the process.

Set aside time for worrying

While rumination and worrying aren't quite the same thing, they are closely related concepts. Worry and rumination can sometimes lead to feelings of distress solely because a person is having a difficult time avoiding negative thoughts. In that case, giving yourself permission to spend time ruminating may be helpful. Evidence suggests that setting aside 10 to 30 minutes of "worry time," where you can let your thoughts run freely, can significantly reduce the time you spend ruminating each day.

Researchers theorize that setting aside specific time for worrying and rumination helps set boundaries for when those thoughts are appropriate. Rather than spending all day fighting ruminative thoughts, indulging in them for a short period may help reduce the urge to process and re-process the source of your rumination continually.

Visit nature

A recent study suggests that exposure to nature can significantly reduce time spent ruminating. In the experiment, researchers memorized the level of participant rumination before and after a 30-minute walk. The participants were split into two groups, one walking through an urban environment and the other through a park with grass, trees, and natural scenery. Results indicated that walking through a city did not lower rumination, but walking through nature significantly reduced the time participants spent ruminating.

Can't stop ruminating?

When to seek therapy

Rumination is frequently associated with depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. If your rumination is frequent, ongoing, and difficult to correct, you may wish to consider speaking with a therapist to help you manage your ruminative thoughts. Rumination, and its underlying causes, can often be difficult to manage independently, and many people have accelerated their healing and growth by seeking the services of a mental health professional.

You may also wish to consider attending therapy online. Online therapy is an increasingly popular way for individuals to reach the care of a therapist. Visiting a therapist online removes some common barriers to therapy, like traveling to an office or being restricted to therapists in your local area. If you live in an area facing a shortage of mental health professionals, online therapy may be a viable option to bypass waitlists and have therapy sooner than you may have thought.

Online therapists have the same training, credentials, and licensure as traditional therapists. They use the same evidence-based techniques, like cognitive behavioral therapy, which has been shown to effectively reduce ruminative thoughts. Online therapists can help you address most mental health concerns or other concerns that affect your mental well-being. Although online therapy is delivered remotely, evidence indicates it is just as effective as in-person therapy.


Rumination can significantly impact a person's mental and physical health. It is frequently associated with depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. Because rumination co-occurs with other disorders so often, working with a mental health professional may be beneficial if rumination is severe. Rumination may be able to be managed without therapeutic intervention. Some common strategies include finding a distraction, identifying rumination triggers, setting aside time for worrying, and spending time in nature.
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