Situational Depression: How To Cope

Medically reviewed by Kimberly L Brownridge , LPC, NCC, BCPC
Updated February 27th, 2025 by BetterHelp Editorial Team
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Challenging events may happen to us all at some point. How we respond to these events can differ, however. You may find yourself successfully able to move forward from some difficult situations. Other times, you could find it hard to bounce back and feel negatively affected by what you’ve experienced. 

In this case, you might find sadness or hopelessness lingering and affecting your daily functioning temporarily. If you relate to such mental health concerns, you could benefit from learning about situational depression.

What is situational depression?

The label “situational depression” may speak for itself. It often refers to a type of depression that a person experiences after a traumatic event, a stressful situation, or a significant life change. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual identifies this type of depression as a type of adjustment disorder in which people experience depression symptoms in response to stressful events. In the switch between the statistical manual DSM-IV to DSM-V, the diagnosis of this mental illness now takes into account external and cultural factors in order to identify whether the response to a stressor is out of proportion to what may be expected. The diagnosis also specifies that depression that is situational is not an exacerbation of another disorder, such as major depressive disorder (MDD). Instead, adjustment disorders are viewed as a distinct type of mental health challenge which may feature depression symptoms. 

It is often used concurrently with:

  • Minor depression
  • Adjustment disorder
  • Seasonal depression
  • Depression after grief

If you are living with this type of depression, you may struggle to adjust to a recent event, such as a big move, a loss, or an accident. The depression symptoms can resemble an adjustment disorder, including emotional and behavioral symptoms that may significantly impact one's ability to partake in normal activities in everyday life. Common symptoms of situational depression are similar to those of clinical depression and can include feelings of hopelessness, restlessness, fatigue, tearfulness, persistent sadness, and other symptoms. There are several known adjustment disorders, but the one that may relate most closely to situational depression is adjustment disorder with a depressed mood.

If you believe you’re living with situational depression, a healthcare professional can provide you with screenings and determine whether further testing, advice, diagnosis, or treatment are necessary.

How to move forward

Situational depression can be treated effectively with the right tools, resources, and support. 

For example, you might decide to employ specific strategies to combat symptoms. These could include:

  • Practicing self-care
  • Talking about your feelings with friends or family 
  • Seeing a therapist
  • Practicing meditation or mindfulness
  • Medication

If you find that your symptoms are moderate or unwavering, you may seek advice, diagnosis, or treatment from a professional.

The symptoms of situational depression may affect your personal life, job, and relationships. Even if it resolves quickly, you may be left with troubles or stressors that build up while experiencing depression.  

Situational depression causes

Unlike clinical depression, which can have several different contributing factors, situational depression is typically caused by specific events, situations, or significant life changes. The change could be a positive or negative life event but will usually be dramatic or intense in some way. 

For example, you might experience this type of depression after the following life events: 

  • Losing your job
  • Getting a divorce
  • The death of a loved one
  • A major illness or injury
  • Going away to school for the first time
  • Having a baby
  • Relationship problems
  • Moving homes
  • Getting married
  • Being assaulted
  • Retirement
  • Going on a long or exciting trip and returning home 

Understanding symptoms

Situational depression symptoms may manifest within three months of the stressful or traumatic event. Symptoms of situational depression include:

  • Feeling sad and crying frequently
  • Listlessness
  • Feeling hopeless and helpless
  • Losing interest in things you used to enjoy
  • Feeling worried or jittery
  • Having trouble sleeping
  • Struggling to concentrate 
  • Losing your appetite
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Experiencing impaired daily functioning
  • Withdrawing from your support system
  • Avoiding tasks that feel difficult, like going to work
  • Suicidal thoughts


Unlike clinical depression, situational depression is often a short-term condition, hence its name. However, symptoms of situational depression may last a significant amount of time in some cases. 

Nearly all cases can be classified as acute or persistent adjustment disorder. 

Acute adjustment disorder 

If you have an acute adjustment disorder, your symptoms may last six months or less. If your depression is related to an ongoing stressor, the symptoms might ease up when that stressor is eliminated.

Persistent adjustment disorder 

The symptoms may last more than six months if you have a persistent adjustment disorder. 

In some cases, situational depression may lead to major clinical depression. Although you may not need treatment for adjustment disorder if it resolves quickly, major depressive disorder can require clinical support, such as therapy. 

Watch for these symptoms of major depressive disorder if they occur every day for more than two weeks: 

  • Weight loss or gain
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • No appetite or eating too much
  • Restless or irritability
  • Tiredness
  • Low energy
  • Feeling worthless
  • An inappropriate feeling of guilt
  • Trouble making choices and decisions
  • Finding no pleasure in activities
  • Recurring thoughts of suicide *
  • Delusions or hallucinations
  • Suicidal thoughts

Treatment options

Getting treatment could help you recover faster and avoid long-term mental health problems. Generally, treatment for situational adjustment disorders may only last a few months. The two main types of treatment are psychotherapy and medication. If you’re seeking care for depression, a healthcare professional can help you develop a treatment plan that works for you. They can also provide you with related medical advice, diagnosis, and referrals to other specialists, if necessary. In addition to utilizing mental health services, you can implement various lifestyle changes that may alleviate a depressed mood and other symptoms.


As with other types of depression, psychotherapy may be beneficial for situational depression. Talking about what occurred with a compassionate counselor may allow you to relieve stress. This emotional support could prove critical in helping you recover. 

As you explore the impacts of the event, you may come to a greater understanding of yourself and your situation. Your therapist might also help you find your way back to your regular routine. 

In addition, therapy often allows you to learn and use healthy coping skills to manage your stress. Talking to a therapist could make the difference between having a short-term adjustment disorder or experiencing long-term depression.

According to a medically reviewed American Psychiatric Association article, cognitive behavioral therapy is an effective modality for depression. Cognitive behavioral therapy focuses on helping participants reframe negative thought patterns that may be underlying symptoms of depression.


Depending on the diagnosis or treatment recommendations of a professional, medications may be utilized to manage depressive symptoms. Your physician or psychiatrist might suggest a short course of antidepressants. Note that BetterHelp does not offer medication services at this time; please seek the medical advice of a professional before considering any medication options.

Care for your physical health 

Taking care of your physical health can help you fight the effects of this type of depression. Get the right amount of sleep, eat nutritious foods, and get enough exercise every day. These habits may help you feel mentally and physically stronger and better able to deal with challenging emotions.

Lifestyle changes are often useful for people experiencing mental disorders such as situational depression. Going for a walk, practicing meditation, eating a healthy diet, have all been found to be beneficial.

Lean on your social circle 

Social support can be beneficial, as studies show that social connection can improve mental and physical health. Seek support from friends and family who are positive and available. Connecting with other people may allow you opportunities to talk about your feelings.

Build on your strengths 

Now may also be a valuable time to recognize and build on your strengths. Focus on the actions you can take to improve your situation or recover from your traumatic event. Given who you are and your strengths as an individual, how are you best equipped to move forward? If you are struggling to recognize your strengths, a therapist can help.

Join a support group 

Support groups may be helpful by providing a healthy outlet in which to share experiences with those who are navigating similar symptoms. For example, if your depression is related to the seasons changing (seasonal depression), you may benefit from a seasonal depression support group. 

Seeking help

If you feel you need support, options are available. 

Counselors specializing in depression may be available where you live. Or, if you want the convenience and comfort of online therapy, you can talk to a therapist through a platform like BetterHelp. Getting help from a therapist may allow you to treat symptoms of depression effectively. 

One study found that digital cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) reduced barriers to seeking care for depression and anxiety and improved participants’ symptoms. 


Situational depression may develop due to various events, situations, and circumstances. While it may go away independently and over time, it could require outside support or treatment. Treatment for situational depression may include psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness, and deep breathing techniques, as these practices address symptoms. In some situation, doctors may also suggest medication. 

Prioritizing your well-being and mental health may help you return to feeling hopeful, optimistic, and well. If you want to reach out for support, consider contacting a mental health counselor to discuss your symptoms in detail.

Depression is treatable, and you're not alone
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