What Is The Beck Depression Inventory?

Medically reviewed by April Justice, LICSW and Nikki Ciletti, M.Ed, LPC
Updated February 13th, 2025 by BetterHelp Editorial Team
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The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) can be defined as a 21-question self-report questionnaire used to measure the symptoms of depression in an individual. Clinicians often use it as a diagnostic tool to determine what level of treatment a person needs for depression. Renowned psychiatrist Aaron T. Beck developed the BDI, and he is also considered the founder of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). You can request the BDI from medical or mental health care professionals, or you can find it online and take a self-assessment. The results from a self-assessment can be helpful when speaking to a professional about depression symptoms. You can connect with a licensed therapist to discuss your BDI results in person or online.

What is depression?

Want to discuss your BDI results?

Depression is a clinical term that typically describes a persistent sad mood paired with other symptoms. While it can be common for people to feel sad when there is a death in the family, financial stress, a breakup, or job loss, sadness that persists for an extended period without reason can indicate clinical depression.

Depressive episodes can be one-time, isolated events, or they may recur. A depressive episode can be defined as one with similar symptoms to major depressive disorder (MDD), but it usually only happens once. However, MDD can be characterized by repeated episodes of depression over a long period.

Depression can be treated through psychotherapy, medication, and lifestyle changes. Psychotherapy generally provides the patient with emotional support and coping mechanisms that relieve the symptoms of depression, while medications can address brain chemicals associated with depression. Never start or stop any form of medication unless under the guidance of a licensed medical professional.

History of the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)

The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) was developed by Aaron T. Beck, a famous psychiatrist who brought new insights to the process of diagnosing mood disorders. In addition to developing the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), he also created the Beck Hopelessness Scale and the Beck Anxiety Inventory.

Originally published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, the BDI was created as a tool for quantifying depression symptoms. The inventory’s development generally marked a pivotal moment in how medical professionals viewed depression. While they may have previously viewed this condition primarily from a psychodynamic perspective, the BDI utilized the individual’s self-reported feelings. The original BDI was based on statements frequently made by people diagnosed with depression by measuring the severity of symptoms through answers to questions regarding their emotions in the previous week. 

Initial criticism of the Beck Depression Inventory questionnaire

There was some initial criticism of the original BDI scale, and it was revised in 1978 and released as the BDI-IA. In the updated version, the instructions and some questions changed slightly. However, this scale had some points that many believed needed improvement. With the publication of the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV), the scale was revised again in 1996 as the BDI-II. 

The DSM is a manual frequently used by clinicians to diagnose mental illnesses. Most of the questions changed in this revision, although the instructions and scoring remained similar. The BDI-II tends to be one of the most widely used scales for measuring depressive symptoms.

The validity of the Beck Depression Inventory

Beck and others have conducted multiple studies showing that this depression scale can be a reliable indicator of clinical depression in outpatient settings. The studies typically find that it has about an 80% accuracy in assisting diagnosis and a high internal consistency for psychiatric and non-psychiatric populations.

In one study, titled “Psychometric Properties of the Beck Depression Inventory: Twenty-Five Years of Evaluation,” researchers concluded the BDI can be a valid, reliable measure of depression severity. Researchers noted that BDI questions usually correlate positively with anxiety and stress and negatively correlate with improved mental health. 

In addition, daily variations in mood may not easily influence the results of this test. For example, someone who takes the test while experiencing more severe depressive symptoms than they usually do would likely still receive an accurate score.

BDI-II based on DSM diagnostic criteria

The most recent version of the BDI is generally based on the diagnostic criteria for a major depressive episode in the DSM. The diagnostic criteria usually require symptoms to be present for at least two weeks, unlike the original BDI, which only measured symptoms from the previous week. It also normally requires these symptoms to include persistent feelings of sadness and at least five additional symptoms.

The symptoms for diagnosis typically used in the BDI-II are:

  • Sad mood most of the day
  • Lessening of pleasure in all or most activities
  • Unintentional weight loss or weight gain
  • Changes in sleep habits, such as insomnia or sleeping too much
  • Visible agitation
  • Fatigue or a lack of energy
  • Feelings of worthlessness and excessive guilt
  • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
  • Recurring thoughts of death or suicide

Once the BDI was revised to include questions related to these symptoms, it generally became more widely accepted. As a result, it is often used today by many clinicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, and other mental health care professionals to determine whether people need to seek professional treatment for depression.

Who should take the BDI questionnaire?

The BDI can be helpful for anyone experiencing overwhelming feelings of sadness lasting at least two weeks to determine whether further intervention may be warranted. For example, if you have recently gone through a significant loss, such as a death in the family, you may not need to take the BDI. However, if you feel sad and your feelings do not stem from such an event, or they last for months or years after the event, you may require further assistance. The BDI can help you determine whether you need the assistance of a mental health professional.

Questions on the BDI-II

There are 21 questions on the BDI-II, generally based on the diagnostic criteria found in the DSM. The four multiple-choice answers are usually assigned a point value from zero to three. A response of zero usually indicates no problem with that symptom, while three can indicate significant problems. 

BDI scoring assessment

The results generally use a cutoff score for minimal depression, mild depression, moderate depression, and severe depression. To determine the score, you may add the total points from the answers to all questions. The scoring assessment is as follows:

  • Minimal Depression: Zero – 13
  • Mild Depression: 14 – 19
  • Moderate Depression: 20 – 28
  • Severe Depression: 29 – 63

Symptoms covered in BDI questions 

The questions on the BDI can relate to the following:
  • Sadness
  • Pessimism
  • Past failure
  • Loss of pleasure
  • Guilty feelings
  • Punishment feelings
  • Self-dislike
  • Self-criticality
  • Crying
  • Agitation
  • Loss of interest in hobbies or activities once enjoyed
  • Indecisiveness
  • Worthlessness
  • Loss of energy
  • Changes in sleep
  • Irritability
  • Changes in appetite
  • Concentration difficulty
  • Fatigue or tiredness
  • Loss of interest in sex
  • Suicidal thoughts

How to take the BDI assessment

Taking the BDI can be straightforward. The inventory normally requires a fifth- to sixth grade reading level to understand the questions and multiple-choice answers. Someone with a lower reading level may need assistance filling out the questionnaire.

The BDI takes about 10 minutes to complete, but some people may be able to complete it more quickly, especially if they have taken it in the past and are familiar with the questions. However, someone with a lower reading level or severe difficulty concentrating may take longer to complete the assessment.

During the assessment, the questionnaire normally asks you to think about how each item relates to your feelings in the previous two weeks. Then, you can choose the answer that most closely describes your experience during that time.

Want to discuss your BDI results?

Do mental health professionals use the BDI?

Mental health professionals can use the BDI to aid in the diagnosis of depression and decide whether a person needs treatment. These professionals may also use the BDI throughout the treatment process to determine whether symptoms are lessening and to see if therapy has been successful.

You can request the BDI-II from your doctor, or your provider may ask you to fill out the questionnaire when you seek help for depression. You may also be able to take the inventory online by yourself. After you take the BDI, you'll generally receive a total score that you can then use to determine whether you should seek out additional help. However, you do not necessarily need to qualify for a depression diagnosis in order to reach out to a therapist. Anyone can benefit from working with a mental health professional.

How online therapy can help

Online therapy can make it straightforward and convenient to seek support for depression and other mental health conditions. You can have sessions with your provider from home or anywhere else you have internet service using video chat, phone call, or online chat. Even if depression makes it challenging to get out of bed or leave your home, you can still receive the professional help you deserve.

Effectiveness of online therapy for depression

Depression can be a highly treatable mental illness, and a growing body of evidence suggests that online therapy can be a valid treatment option. A 2023 study stated that online therapy generally had the same efficacy as in-person therapy.


The Beck Depression Inventory is a screening tool that can determine the severity of a person’s depression symptoms and whether they might benefit from treatment. Physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, and other mental health professionals can administer this test, or you can take it online. It can be helpful to discuss your BDI results with a licensed professional. Depression typically responds well to various treatment options, including online therapy.
Depression is treatable, and you're not alone
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