What Are The Different Types Of Domestic Violence?
- For those experiencing suicidal thoughts, please contact the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988
- For those experiencing abuse, please contact the Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
- For those experiencing substance use, please contact SAMHSA National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
Domestic violence is often associated with physical abuse. However, many other forms of domestic abuse may be used against survivors, including but not limited to financial, spiritual, and mental abuse. Any type of domestic violence can be dangerous and may have various long-term impacts.
What is domestic violence?
Domestic violence is any behavior an intimate partner or family member uses to control or intimidate another person. Survivors of domestic violence can be of any gender or sexuality. No matter the type of relationship, if one partner is being treated abusively by the other, domestic violence may be occurring.
If you are experiencing domestic violence, receiving support as soon as possible can be essential. Many types of domestic violence exist, each with unique mental and physical health risks.
Physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and other types of abuse
You're not alone if you are a survivor of one or several types of domestic violence. Below are the most common types of domestic violence and how they can appear. However, note that abuse can take multiple forms and involve multiple tactics.
Physical abuse
Physical abuse is often discussed in conversations about domestic violence because it involves visible behaviors and often leaves marks. It may also have the highest risk of death. Physical abuse may involve kicking, choking, slapping, stabbing, shooting, biting, or physically restraining someone. It can cause a minor or major injury or no injury at all. Forcing someone to use substances can also be a form of physical abuse.
Emotional abuse
Emotional abuse can involve abuse that aims to control how another person feels about themselves. It may take the form of constant insults, humiliation, and criticism. This type of abuse can be as dangerous as physical abuse. By changing how the survivor feels about themselves, the abuser may maintain a strong hold over them and exact other forms of domestic violence. Emotional abuse is common among other types of abuse but can also happen on its own.
Sexual abuse
In a relationship, you are not required to have sex. Not all sexual activities that occur within a relationship or marriage are automatically considered consensual. For consent to occur, one must have complete control and authority over their body and enthusiastically and verbally agree to sexual activities. Consent can also be withdrawn at any time during a sexual interaction.
Sexual assault, rape, harassment, or demeaning behaviors can all be considered sexual abuse. Forcing you not to use contraception or to get or not get an abortion can also be a form of sexual violence.
If you are experiencing sexual abuse or have experienced assault, note that the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) has a hotline dedicated to supporting individuals experiencing sexual assault, harassment, or intimate partner violence. You can contact them anytime by calling 800-656-HOPE (4673) or using the online chat.
Financial abuse
An individual who keeps their partner or dependent from getting a job, getting an education, or having finances is committing financial abuse. Financial abuse can also involve controlling someone else's money, giving an adult an "allowance" instead of letting them have their money or attempting to keep someone from leaving by taking away their financial resources. Financial abuse may be used alongside other types to control the survivor further.
Psychological abuse
Any behavior that intimidates or threatens a partner is considered psychological abuse. Psychological abuse could include preventing someone from talking to friends or relatives, threatening violence or harm, or keeping the survivors in the home. The individual acting abusively may threaten specific harm or behavior if the survivor does not meet their desires.
The effects of domestic violence
Domestic violence can have many effects on the survivor. Physical injuries can occur if physical abuse is present, including but not limited to bruises, scratches, cuts, broken bones, or damage to internal organs. Domestic abuse also poses a serious threat to one's life. Although anyone of any gender can die from domestic violence, over 4,000 women die from this cause each year, often due to a lack of safeguarding or being invalidated after leaving an abusive individual.
Emotional and psychological damage may occur, whether abuse is primarily emotional or physical. Being physically or sexually abused can cause damage to the mental state of survivors. The survivor may believe they deserve the abuse because of what their abuser tells them, which may lead to a lowered self-image, anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions.
The results of domestic violence can last past the relationship, as well. What an abusive person says may stay with you for years or a lifetime. The memory of the situation you were in and the words that were said may continue to replay in your mind. For those who enter a healthy relationship after living through abuse, it may be challenging to trust that the relationship is safe. For this reason, receiving mental health support can be essential for survivors.
Domestic violence legal help for women and children
If you are a survivor of domestic violence, you may have legal rights in your case. A lawyer can explain how the law works and how to ensure your safety.
Calling the Domestic Violence Hotline can also be vital if you are in a dangerous situation with a partner or another individual in a domestic setting. The advocates on the phone or chat can give you the details of resources in your area.
If you have children in your care
Some cities have shelters for women and children living in abusive situations who want to leave without their abusers knowing where they are.
Mental health support for survivors
Finding a trauma-informed therapist may be crucial to your treatment and recovery as a survivor. It may take some research to find someone that you feel comfortable with. However, if you're interested in finding quick support without a wait list, you can also try online therapy through a platform like BetterHelp.
Online sessions can be conducted wherever you are most comfortable with an internet connection and a smart device. It can be difficult to open up to a professional when you've been through abuse. However, it may seem safer if you can attend therapy from home, curled up on the couch or with your pet. Online therapy offers flexibility if you move, go on vacation, or aren't at home for a while.
In addition, online cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can be as effective as in-person CBT in supporting survivors of abuse or those living with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). One study found that people living with PTSD had a 55% reduction in trauma symptoms after using online CBT and EMDR programs.
What are the classifications of violence?
How many classifications of violence there are depends on reporting organizations. For example, the World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes four primary modes under which different types of violence occur: physical, sexual, psychological attack, and deprivation. The Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health published a glossary with classifications according to whom the violence is inflicted. These include self-directed, interpersonal, and as a group.
What is the main type of violence?
Violence statistics are subject to change by year, month, and even day. It’s also difficult to isolate the most common type of violence because some kinds of violence are reported more than others.
For example, murder, nonnegligent manslaughter, rape and sexual assault, robbery, and aggravated assault were the most reported in the U.S. in 2023. Some experts say intimate partner violence may be more common—but nearly half of domestic violence incidents go unreported, so it’s challenging to assess.
What is type three violence?
Type three violence refers to a type of workplace violence in which employees exhibit abusive behaviors toward another employee, such as threats or attacks.
What are the three levels of abuse?
Three levels of violence have been identified within the cycle of domestic abuse. In each phase, an abuser uses manipulative, controlling behaviors to subjugate their partners:
Phase One: The tension-building phase.
This is the phase in which irritability, frustration, and anger emerge. The abuser may lash out at their partner, potentially threatening physical harm, but typically stops before it escalates to physical harm. The abuser may also be aware that their behavior is wrong at this stage.
Phase Two: The violent incident.
This is the phase when the physical assault occurs. The violence inflicted during this phase typically stems from rage, and the abuser uses violence as a form of control over their partner. In some cases, the battering phase is exacerbated by substance abuse or mental health issues.
Phase Three: The remorseful phase.
The abuser attempts to repair the damage done due to their abusive behavior. They may do this by apologizing profusely and “making it up to them” by doing thoughtful things or displaying extra love and kindness.
What is type two violence?
Type two violence refers to a type of workplace violence where a customer, client, or patient inflicts violence against an employee.
What are two examples of physical violence?
Many types of abuse and assault fall under the umbrella of physical violence. When speaking in terms of violent behavior, this may refer to punching, kicking, slapping, biting, choking, and shoving. When referring to categories of violence, this may include domestic violence, sexual assault or unwanted sexual contact, neglect, homicide, and aggravated assault.
How many different types of domestic violence are there?
There are seven domestic violence types of abuse/family violence. They’re typically used by an abusive partner with the intent of isolating and controlling behavior. Domestic violence can occur in any relationship, regardless of gender, sexual orientation (i.e., same-sex or opposite-sex relationships), race, and economic status.
Different types of domestic violence
Physical abuse
This type of abuse refers to any kind of aggression that makes someone feel physically unsafe. It may include acts of physical force like punching, hitting, kicking, slapping, strangling, or physically restraining a partner without their consent. It can also involve invading another’s space with intent to intimidate. Denying a partner medical care after physical injury often falls under the category of physical abuse.
Sexual abuse
Rape (including marital rape) or other forced sexual activity are the most well-known forms of sexual abuse, but people can also use sex as a means of emotional and psychological abuse. For example, one may use sex as a type of weapon for withholding affection or to devalue a partner (“Sex is all you’re good for”; “You’re not good enough at sex”).
Verbal or emotional abuse
When a partner uses language to demean the other, it can have a significantly damaging emotional impact. The signs of verbal abuse may be harder to identify because they don’t leave the same kind of physical markers as physical abuse.
Mental/psychological abuse
This type of abuse refers to the process of damaging a partner’s mental health and well-being. Often, psychological abuse causes the partner to doubt their own judgment, such as with gaslighting.
Financial/economic abuse
Withholding or controlling a partner’s economic resources are trademark features of this type of abuse. In some cases, the abuser prohibits the partner from having a job to earn their own money. Some abusers use their partner’s identity to open credit accounts and accrue debt—making it extremely difficult for the survivor to get an apartment, a car, a job, or anything else required for self-sufficiency.
Cultural/identity abuse
Abusers may use their partner’s cultural identity to inflict mental and emotional suffering to control them. For example, an abuser may threaten to “out” someone to their friends and family as LGBTQ+ because they know it will cause problems. They may use racial slurs or prohibit their partner from observing their religion or dressing or eating according to their customs. They might also isolate their partner to keep them from learning the primary language of where they live.
Technological abuse
In this type of abuse, abusers use technology to control or stalk a partner. This might include monitoring a partner’s phone calls and social media interactions, hacking into their email and personal accounts, and demanding passwords. Technological abuse may also involve using tracking devices to monitor a partner’s calls, messages, and location.
What are the four causes of violence?
The causes of violence are often a source of debate among professionals in the schools of psychology, sociology, philosophy, criminal justice, and other types of human-behavior-focused sciences. One perspective is that violence can be categorized under biological factors, socialization factors, cognitive factors, and situational factors.
- Biological causes refer to those pertaining to physiological, chemical, or neurological influences on violence and aggression.
- Socialization factors pertain to the circumstances under which a person learns violence through patterns of behavior, thinking, and emotions from their early life experiences.
- Cognitive factors are the patterns of thinking, beliefs, and ideas that result from lifelong interaction with the outside world and lead to violence.
- Situational factors include influences from the outside environment that may lead to violent behaviors such as aggression in others, neighborhood violence, impoverished living conditions, and other aversive living circumstances.
What is the three-P model of violence?
The three pathways (three-P) model of violence refers to a model of violent extremism developed by Dr. James Khalil. It illustrates the overlapping pathways between nonviolent extremists, supporters of violent extremism, and contributors to violence.
What are the three Rs to break the cycle of violence?
The cycle of violence describes violent actions that repeat in a cyclical pattern. The National Domestic Violence Hotline provides a diagram called the Power and Control Wheel. It describes the various ways domestic abuse may manifest, ranging from name-calling and constant criticism to physical violence, all in an attempt to maintain power in a relationship.
This cycle of violence can carry on over the course of generations. Frequent exposure to witnessing domestic violence predisposes children not only to social and physical problems but also to later entering abusive relationships themselves.
The three Rs refer to a method people should use if they know someone impacted by abuse. It includes recognizing the behaviors and signs of abuse, responding safely and appropriately, and referring the survivor to resources for help.
If you or someone you know is experiencing abuse, contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline by dialing 7233 or calling 1-800-799-SAFE. Other resources include the National Center for Victims of Crime, among others.
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