Broken Friendship Quotes: 14 Quotes To Help You Heal From The Worst Pain

Medically reviewed by Corey Pitts, MA, LCMHC, LCAS, CCS
Updated October 4, 2024by BetterHelp Editorial Team

Research shows that friendship can provide a variety of benefits, including a lower likelihood of experiencing depression and chronic disease as well as greater overall well-being and longevity. The benefits of friendship may be why losing a friendship can be so difficult. While this situation can make you feel alone, countless individuals have experienced broken friendships, and many people have written about this type of loss. Whether they come from fiction or real life, quotes about losing a friend could help alleviate your grief and provide insight about this experience. Below are a few broken friendship quotes that may be beneficial. 

Have you recently lost a friend?

“The worst pain in the world goes beyond physical”

Writer Zac Brewer wrote in the book Ninth Grade Slays that “the worst pain in the world goes beyond physical. Even further beyond any other emotional pain one can feel. It is the betrayal of a friend.” This fictional book details the adventures of Vladimir Tod, who is half-human, half-vampire, as he enters high school. The book touches on various themes, including how to navigate friendships and the specific ways that a friendship breakup feels during youth. 

What can we learn from this “worst pain in the world” quote?

While this quote may be up to interpretation, one lesson that may be learned concerns the potential vulnerability of friendship. While there can be numerous benefits to a healthy friendship, it may also be beneficial to consider what can happen if we form connections with untrustworthy individuals. This quote could also reference other potentially painful parts of friendship, such as a friend slowly replacing you with someone else. 

“Some people only enter your life as a temporary happiness”

“Sometimes, you just have to accept the fact that some people only enter your life as a temporary happiness.” Although the source of this quote may not be certain, some sources attribute it to Bob Ong, a Filipino author known for his humorous depictions of life.

What can we learn from this “temporary happiness” quote?

Although this quote may have different meanings for different individuals, one potential lesson to be learned is that not all friendships will last for your entire life. In some cases, a friend breakup may not occur due to betrayal or conflict, but for external reasons. Examples of such friends include those who move away, friends you meet while traveling, and individuals who pass away. 

Friendship and social media quote

“Social media has given us this idea that we should all have a posse of friends when in reality, if we have one or two really good friends, we are lucky.” -Brené Brown

This quote comes from writer and researcher Brené Brown, who may be best known for her TEDx Talks and New York Times bestselling books. Brown is likely discussing the difference between how the term “friend” is used online world and how it exists in real life. While a person may have a large number of “friends” or “followers,” this quote could imply that these are unlikely to translate to what Brown considers to be a good friend.

How can social media affect friendships? 

Social media can have a variety of positive and negative impacts on friendships. In some cases, social media may offer a way for individuals to connect, particularly those who are separated by a significant distance. However, social media may also put strain on relationships, as it can allow the spread of misinformation or provide a platform for cyberbullying. 

Science fiction quote about friendship

“‘Friend’ can be a dangerous word.” -Red Sister

The fantasy/sci-fi novel Red Sister by Mark Lawrence is not only about adventure but also about friendship. In this quote, the protagonist Nona is talking to another character, Clera, who asks if they are friends. Nona responds by saying that “friend” can be a dangerous word, especially “if you mean it.”

What can we learn from this science fiction quote? 

Although the quote may feel like an exaggeration (and likely could be, for dramatic effect), this quote could shed light on the fear that some people have of intimacy. Healthy friendships often involve a significant amount of emotional intimacy, typically through common experiences and meaningful discussions. Some individuals may worry about this level of connection and subsequently avoid friendships that may involve this type of intimacy. 

A woman sits on the couch with a book and a cup of coffee in her hands as she gazes off deep in thought.
Getty/Delmaine Donson

Friendship quote from historical fiction 

“It cannot have escaped your notice that for some time past the friendship I have had in my heart for you has ripened into a deeper feeling, a feeling more beautiful, more pure, more sacred.”

  • Gone With the Wind

This quote comes from the romance film Gone with the Wind, a historical fiction story set during the American Civil War. The line is said by Rhett Butler to Scarlett O’Hara. This quote alludes to the way that friendships can sometimes evolve into romantic relationships. 

What can we learn from this historical fiction quote? 

In some cases, a friendship may end not due to conflict or loss, but because the friendship has evolved into a different kind of relationship. This quote discusses a friendship in which a person has developed romantic feelings for a friend. While these feelings may not always be reciprocated, in some situations, both parties may decide to pursue a romantic relationship. While this could be seen as the end of the friendship, it could also be seen as the start of something “deeper,” as referenced in the quote. 

More broken friendship quotes

  • “Somebody asked me if I knew you. A million memories flashed through my mind but I just smiled and said I used to.” -Wiz Khalifa
  • “Sadly enough, the most painful goodbyes are the ones that are left unsaid and never explained"..." -Jonathon Harnish
  • “Hard times will always reveal true friends.” -Unknown
  • “Every time I get the urge to talk to you, it suddenly hits me that we’re strangers.”  Unknown
  • “It doesn’t hurt to feel sad from time to time.” -Willie Nelson
  • “It takes effort to be a real friend and to find a true friend.” -Peyton List 
  • “The heart was made to be broken.” -Oscar Wilde
  • “It’s sad when someone you know becomes someone you knew.” -Henry Rollins
  • “That was what a best friend did: hold up a mirror and show you your heart.” -Kristin Hannah

Getting help with a broken friendship 

If you believe that a friendship can be saved, there may be several ways to repair your relationship. To start, it may be beneficial to write down your feelings and experiences in a journal. This can allow you to reflect on where your friendship may have gone wrong and how you could improve in the future. Improving communication skills can also be helpful, as one of the most significant causes of relationship challenges may be miscommunication. Also, in some situations, you may need the help of a professional to navigate a challenging friendship. 

Have you recently lost a friend?

Can a mental health professional help with my friendship? 

Several forms of mental health therapy may help a person experiencing friendship difficulty. These may include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): For those facing personal challenges that may be affecting their friendships, CBT may be a valuable tool to address these challenges. CBT providers may be able to help individuals identify potentially harmful patterns of thought, learn how they may connect to specific behaviors, and find ways to restructure these patterns for their own benefit. 
  • Friendship therapy (FT): FT may take inspiration for many of its methods from marriage and family therapy, which often focuses on improving communication and strengthening key areas of a relationship. If your friend is willing to attend, you can both sit down with a friendship therapy provider and discuss your friendship with a neutral third party. 

While these and other types of therapy may help individuals repair a friendship, sometimes one person may not agree to attend therapy. In these cases, individuals may benefit from seeing a therapist individually. For those who feel hesitant to attend traditional in-person therapy, online therapy may be a viable option. Online therapy allows individuals to communicate with a therapist about their friendship challenges through video chats, texting, or phone calls. They can also reach out to their therapist 24/7 via in-app messaging, which may be helpful if they experience feelings of grief about a broken friendship in between therapy sessions.

Research suggests that online therapy can be as effective as in-person therapy. A 2022 systemic review and meta-analysis showed no significant differences between online therapy and in-person therapy. 


While broken friendships can be an isolating and challenging experience, many individuals have been in this same situation. This is evident through the numerous quotes about friendship and loss that can be found in science fiction, historical fiction, and other literary works. If you’re wondering whether to repair a broken friendship, you might consider connecting with a counselor, either in person or online. A therapist may be able to help you reflect on what challenges your friendship faces and find a path forward that protects your emotional health. Take the first step toward getting help with friendship challenges and reach out to BetterHelp today.

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