Platonic Friendship Meaning: Exploring Platonic Friendships And Their Benefits

Updated October 7, 2024by BetterHelp Editorial Team

Throughout your life, you may experience many different types of friendships, which may vary in longevity and closeness. With some friends, you may become extremely close and feel love for them, similar to the love you feel for a family member. This type of love and friendship can be called a platonic friendship, meaning you are close friends without a desire to develop a romantic relationship.

Although platonic love or friendship may not start with sexual or romantic feelings, feelings can change over time, and a platonic relationship may become romantic. Below, explore platonic friendships in more detail and how non-romantic bonds can grow over time. 

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Defining platonic friendship

The word “platonic” stems from the Greek philosopher Plato and refers to a type of close friendship or love that does not involve developing a sexual relationship. Forming new platonic relationships is often part of developing a healthy support network, and platonic friends may improve mental health.

Platonic friends may love to spend time together and may be emotionally intimate. They may share deep emotional connections, confiding in each other and providing support without any romantic expectations. The bond is focused on mutual understanding and care, where both parties can be vulnerable and trust one another.

These connections offer a safe space for emotional support and personal growth without the complexities of romantic relationships. In addition, they can promote healthy boundaries and may last longer than romantic relationships due to their lack of romantic conflict. Platonic friends may also challenge and inspire each other intellectually and emotionally, enriching life uniquely and meaningfully. 

How are platonic friends different from friends with benefits? 

Friends with benefits is a relationship status that refers to forming a sexual relationship with a friend without expecting to build a romantic relationship. While emotional connection may exist, the focus is typically on maintaining casual, non-romantic interactions. The individuals may agree to keep emotions from complicating the relationship, though this agreement can be difficult to navigate. 

Emotional intimacy and connection may be at the core of platonic friendship, with each partner providing emotional support and respect for the other. While some platonic friends cuddle or hug, platonic friendship is not generally based on physical touch. In a platonic friendship, friends remain just friends, there is no sexual activity, and the bond is based on trust and care for the other person. 

What are the benefits of platonic friendships?

Entering a platonic friendship may come with benefits. Platonic friendship can provide a person with a support network that can last for a long time. This support network can improve mental health and increase overall happiness. Some of the other benefits of platonic friendships may include the following. 

Creating a safe space for sharing thoughts and emotions

Platonic friends can be a safe person with whom to share thoughts and emotions. Friendships may grow closer as each person is more willing to open up about how they feel and share their emotions. This safe space can help each person build trust. 

Long lasting bonds

A platonic friendship may create long-lasting bonds. Due to the emotional intimacy created between platonic friends, this type of friendship may withstand the test of time and overcome challenges and obstacles along the way. Platonic friends may spend time apart and return with the sense that they are picking up right where they left off. 

Encouraging independence 

Non-romantic friendships promote individuality and self-sufficiency and may help people avoid the emotional entanglements that come with relying solely on a romantic partner. This encouragement can guide a person to remain independent and may foster growth. A friend may push you or motivate you in different ways, which may help you reach your full potential or take healthy risks. 


Health benefits of platonic friendship

Studies have shown that deep connections or friendships may improve mental and physical health. Friendships may reduce stress and anxiety, which often arise from loneliness. In turn, they may also reduce instances of depression. Your close friends may be unable to perform emergency surgery or cure the common cold. However, connecting with friends may improve physical health by reducing blood pressure and some individuals’ risk of developing heart-related conditions

Misconceptions about platonic friendships

Individuals who engage in platonic friendships may experience various misconceptions about their relationship with their friends. These misconceptions may include the idea that platonic friends are friends who are involved in sexual relationships with one another or that most platonic friends fall in love. 

Platonic friends are friends with benefits

Some people may think platonic friends are the same as friends with benefits. However, not all platonic friends also have a sexual relationship. Friends with benefits may involve a sexual relationship without a romantic connection. Platonic friends, on the other hand, are friends who do not engage in sexual relations or have romantic feelings for one another. 

Platonic friendships always lead to love and romance

Another misconception is that platonic friendship may always be a stepping stone for love and romance. While platonic friendships may evolve and become romantic over time, they do not start with a romantic connection. Platonic friends may be close friends with a deep and intimate emotional connection. These friends may develop high trust and comfort with one another over time. 

Cultivating and maintaining platonic friendships

As with other relationships, platonic friendships may require active participation from all parties involved to cultivate and maintain the friendship. Communication is often at the heart of maintaining and building friendships. Strong communication skills can help friends avoid conflict and talk through issues or feelings as they come up. 

Setting strong and clear boundaries within platonic friendships may also be helpful. Due to the close nature of a platonic friendship, a strong understanding of the non-romantic nature of the relationship may be beneficial on both sides. By ensuring both people are on the same page, there may be a reduction in the risk of jealousy or misinterpretation by others. Platonic friends may benefit from intentionally spending time together and supporting each other.

Can platonic friends transition to love and romance?

Although the goal of starting a platonic friendship may not be to find love or romance, platonic friends can develop these feelings over time. This shift may depend on emotional readiness, mutual attraction, and friendship dynamics. As platonic friends become closer, both parties or one person may begin to feel a shift in how they perceive the other person. 

When both parties feel the same sense of attraction and want to move forward with transforming their relationship from platonic to romantic, they may set clear expectations. Doing so can ensure that each person’s feelings, needs, and wants are accounted for. In addition, individuals may consider and discuss how transitioning into a romantic relationship may impact their friendship. Returning to how the relationship was before may not be possible after a breakup.  

Two male friends place their arms around each others shoulders while smiling and walking outside.
Are you struggling to maintain friendships?

Seeking professional relationship support

Maintaining healthy relationships can be complex and challenging, whether between platonic friends or in a romantic relationship. You might decide to seek professional support in managing relationships or maintaining friendships. A therapist can help you with the skills and tools to communicate effectively and set boundaries. In addition, they may help you to discover what you are looking for in a relationship. 

Finding a therapist who fits your needs in your location can be challenging. With online therapy through a platform like BetterHelp, you can attend therapy sessions from anywhere with an internet connection and personal device. With this option, you can work with a therapist outside of your immediate location, which may add flexibility in determining who you work with and where you want to attend therapy sessions. 

Online therapy can be an effective way to develop healthy relationships or friendship-building skills.  An online therapist may provide you with communication tools, practice role-playing, or help you to reflect and develop mindfulness to build empathy. 


Platonic friendship is a type of friendship where two people develop a close and emotionally intimate connection without feelings of romance or a desire to form a romantic relationship. People who have platonic friends may experience mental health benefits such as reduced stress and anxiety, as well as physical health benefits such as lower blood pressure. Developing friendships may be challenging, and online therapy can be an effective way to grow and maintain a healthy platonic friendship over time.
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