Symbols For Friendship: Exploring Friendship Symbols And The Infinity Symbol

Medically reviewed by April Justice, LICSW
Updated October 8, 2024by BetterHelp Editorial Team

There may be no shortage of symbols and representations of romantic love throughout history and in today’s society. However, romantic love is not the only type of meaningful relationship in life – friendship, for many people, can be just as important. If you are interested in learning more about ways to honor your friendship with symbols, it can be helpful to learn about the cultural and historical context of certain representations of this type of relationship. For professional assistance in navigating friendship struggles, consider working with a licensed therapist. 

Four adult friends sit side by side outside while all smiling down at their phones in their hands.
Getty/Eduard Figueres
Learn to cultivate meaningful friendships

Historical and modern friendship symbols

Friendship can be seen as a key part of human interaction and survival, and as such, it has been memorialized in a number of symbols throughout history. 

Ancient symbols of friendship

Two classic concepts of friendship come from ancient Roman and Greek culture. In Roman culture, the phrase “amicitia” was often used to indicate people were forever friends, and most symbols representing amicitia involved circles and other forms of infinite continuity. 

In ancient Greece, the word “philia” described the kind of platonic love friends often share, and it could also be represented by a range of friendship symbols, including clasped hands. 

Ancient Asian cultures also depicted friendship in various ways. Both the Chinese symbol and the Japanese symbol for friendship resemble two hands close together, intended to signify friendship’s close bond. 

Modern interpretations of friendship symbols

A common modern method used to symbolize friendship is friendship bracelets, which build on the circles and continuity associated with the Roman idea of amicitia. The pop star Taylor Swift can be said to have given new popularity to the classic friendship bracelet by inspiring her fans to swap bracelets with each other at her concerts. 

Another modern evolution of various symbols of friendship builds on the clasped hands and connected hands of Greek, Chinese, and Japanese culture: the pinky promise. This popular and potent symbol of friendship generally involves linking pinky fingers to symbolize dedication and commitment. 

Popular symbols of friendship

Learn about additional symbols of friendship, such as the Claddagh ring and friendship knot, below.

The Claddagh ring: A traditional symbol of friendship

The Claddagh ring is an older symbol of friendship that is still in style today. The Claddagh ring incorporates the traditional Irish Celtic symbol in which two hands hold a heart with a crown on top. This symbol can represent friendship, love, and loyalty, and as a result, Claddagh rings are often given as gifts between friends and intimate partners. 

The timeless friendship knot

The friendship knot may be one of the most popular symbols of friendship. Like many of the symbols previously discussed, it represents eternal connection, as the knot has no apparent beginning or end. Unlike a simple circle, though, the friendship knot is complex, which can be seen as a symbol of how friendship can endure despite life’s complications. 

A group of adult friends walk together outside on a sunny day while looking at the phone in one of the girls hands while smiling and laughing.

The infinity symbol of friendship

The infinity symbol, a horizontal figure eight, may be more closely associated with math than with friendship. Still, what it represents can apply to friendship, too – a state of connection that stretches onward indefinitely and is unchanged by external factors. 

How the infinity symbol can represent a lifelong bond

The infinity symbol can be seen as a representation of how friendships may have no clear beginning or end, since they can continuously grow and evolve as the people in the friendship continue to develop themselves and their relationship. 

Because many people are familiar with the infinity symbol, it may be one of the more recognizable representations of friendship, and as such, it can be a popular choice for friends looking to commemorate their relationship through tattoos, an exchange of jewelry, or another method. 

How to choose which friendship symbol best represents your bond

You may have noticed many overlapping themes represented by the symbols discussed above. 

Continuity, connection, bonding, platonic love, loyalty, endurance, and commitment can all be communicated by both ancient and modern friendship symbols. 

Which symbol best represents your friendship? If you and a friend want to pick a symbol to wear in matching jewelry and tattoos, you might want to reflect on what sets your friendship apart. Have you maintained a connection over decades or through stressful circumstances? Did you become close friends while having shared experiences, like going to college or working a job together, and has your friendship persisted even though what brought you together has come to an end? Tailoring a symbol to your unique bond could help you narrow your options. 

Understand yourself and your relationships by speaking to a therapist

Friendships tend to be an important part of mental, emotional, and physical health – recent research has found that a lack of connection to other people is usually associated with an increased risk of mortality. Even if you are currently satisfied with your social support system, it could be helpful to speak to a therapist for additional support and to address any mental health challenges you may be experiencing. Addressing underlying concerns and learning effective communication skills in therapy could further strengthen your friendships.  

Two adult female friends go for a run together on the beach.
Learn to cultivate meaningful friendships

Online therapy with a mental health counselor

In today’s busy world, it can be tough to satisfy all of your commitments, especially if you are trying to maintain a number of close friendships. Adding an in-person therapy appointment to the mix might overwhelm your already packed schedule. In these situations, online therapy could be a beneficial alternative option. With online therapy through a platform like BetterHelp, clients can connect with a therapist from the comfort and convenience of their own homes and on their own schedules, including the potential for therapy appointments in the evenings and on weekends. 

Research has indicated that online therapy can be as effective as traditional in-person therapy when it comes to addressing a variety of life concerns, including those related to relationships and friendships. A 2023 study found that people who participated in an online therapeutic intervention typically reported lower levels of social anxiety, higher levels of intimacy in their close relationships, and stronger connections with others overall


There can be many meaningful ways to symbolize friendship. You could draw from the ancient Greek, Roman, Chinese, Japanese, and Irish cultures, or you could take inspiration from more modern depictions of friendship, like friendship bracelets or infinity symbols. If you are hoping to learn more about yourself and ways to strengthen your friendships, you may find it helpful to connect with an online or in-person therapist.

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