Inspiring Friendship Through Friendship Poems
Friendship can be a special connection, but you may sense that it's difficult to find the words to describe what your friend means to you. Luckily, writers, poets, and other thinkers—everyone from William Shakespeare to Emily Brontë—have long written about the importance of friendship. Connecting with your feelings through poems about friendship may be a starting point.
Exploring friendship poems and poetry about friends, trust, and loyalty
On the love of a best friend
I did not live until this time
Crowned my felicity,
When I could say without a crime,
I am not thine, but thee.
This carcass breathed, and walked, and slept,
So that the world believed
There was a soul the motions kept;
But they were all deceived.
For as a watch by art is wound
To motion, such was mine:
But never had Orinda found
A soul till she found thine;
Which now inspires, cures, and supplies,
And guides my darkened breast:
For thou art all that I can prize,
My joy, my life, my rest.
No bridegroom's nor crown-conqueror's mirth
To mine compared can be:
They have but pieces of the earth,
I've all the world in thee.
Then let our flames still light and shine,
And no false fear control,
As innocent as our design,
Immortal as our soul.
This poem is a celebration of the closeness and joy of friendship. The poet, Katherine Philips, expresses the old idea that friendship is one soul in two bodies. Phillips is also known as "the Matchless Orinda." "Orinda" in the poem refers to herself by that name. Some people believe Katherine may have been a lesbian, so this poem may be a love poem, but it can also be interpreted through a friendship lens.
On friends and friendship as a source of strength
I think awhile of Love, and while I think,
Love is, to me, a world,
Sole meat and sweetest drink,
And close connecting link
Tween heaven and earth.
I only know it is, not how or why,
My greatest happiness;
However hard I try,
Not if I were to die,
Can I explain.
I fain would ask my friend how it can be,
But when the time arrives,
Then Love is more lovely
Than anything to me,
And so I'm dumb.
For if the truth were known, Love cannot speak,
But only thinks and does;
Though surely out 'twill leak
Without the help of Greek,
Or any tongue.
A man may love the truth and practice it,
Beauty he may admire,
And goodness not omit,
As much as may befit
To reverence.
But only when these three together meet,
As they always incline,
And make one soul the seat,
And favorite retreat,
Of loveliness;
When under kindred shape, like loves and hates
And a kindred nature,
Proclaim us to be mates,
Exposed to equal fates
And each may other help, and service do,
Drawing Love's bands more tight,
Service he ne'er shall rue
While one and one make two,
And two are one;
In such case, only doth man fully prove
Fully as man can do,
What power there is in Love
His inmost soul to move
Two sturdy oaks, I mean, which, side by side,
Withstand the winter's storm,
And spite of wind and tide,
Grow up the meadow's pride,
For both are strong.
Above they barely touch, but undermined
Down to their deepest source,
Admiring you shall find
Their roots are intertwined
One of the most famous poems about friendship, Henry David Thoreau's "Friendship," challenges some modern conceptions of friendship. Some may think of friends as people they can have fun with or vent to. Thoreau offers a vision of friendship as a source of strength that helps two people grow to their potential.
On the inspirational power of friendship
Will You Ever
By Kaitlin Yawn
I don't think you will
Ever fully understand
How you've touched my life
And made me who I am.
I don't think you could ever know
Just how truly special you are,
That even on the darkest nights
You are my brightest star
You've allowed me to experience
Something very hard to find,
Unconditional love that exists
In my body, soul, and mind
I don't think you could ever feel
All the love I have to give,
And I'm sure you'll never realize
You've been my will to live
You are an amazing person,
And without you, I don't know where I'd be
Having you in my life
Kaitlin's poem describes how profound connections and love can form in friendship. Some people may feel uncomfortable declaring this type of platonic intimacy from friendship. However, Kaitlin uses it to communicate how much her best friend's friendship means to her.
On the unique nature friendships and connection of friends
By Emily Bronte
Love is like the wild rose briar,
Friendship like the holly tree-
The holly is dark when the rose briar blooms
But which will bloom most constantly?
The wild rose briar is sweet in spring,
Its summer blossoms scent the air;
Yet wait till winter comes again
And who will call the wild briar fair?
Then scorn the silly rose wreath now
And deck thee with the holly's sheen,
That when December blights thy brow
He still may leave thy garland green.
Unlike Thoreau, who talked about "love" more generally by including the animating force of friendship, Bronte contrasts romantic love with friendship and love for friends. This poem offers a reminder not to neglect friends when you start a romantic relationship.
Friendship poems on prioritizing friendship
A Time To Talk
By Robert Frost
When a friend calls to me from the road
And slows his horse to a meaning walk,
I don't stand still and look around
On all the hills I haven't hoed,
And shout from where I am, What is it?
No, not as there is a time to talk.
I thrust my hoe in the mellow ground,
Blade-end up and five feet tall,
And plod: I go up to the stone wall
For a friendly visit.
This poem by Robert Frost is another short friendship poem with ten lines. Instead of expounding on the depths and joys of friendship, Frost reflects on the practical value of allowing time for friendly conversation with friends, even in the middle of a busy workday.
On the bond and diversity of friendships
If I were to live my life
in catfish forms
in scaffolds of skin and whiskers
at the bottom of a pond
and you were to come by
one evening
when the moon was shining
down into my dark home
and stand there at the edge
of my affection
and think, "It's beautiful
here by this pond. I wish
somebody loved me,"
I'd love you and be your catfish
friend and drive such lonely
thoughts from your mind
and suddenly, you would be
at peace,
and ask yourself, "I wonder
if there are any catfish
in this pond? It seems like
a perfect place for them."
Funny friendship poems can offer a whimsical nature to incite the imagination and portray a profound connection with a friend in a way that doesn't appear cliché.
Friend poems on losing a friend
Since Hanna Moved Away
By Judith Viorst
The tires on my bike are flat.
The sky is grouchy gray.
At least, it sure feels like that
Since Hanna moved away.
Chocolate ice cream tastes like prunes.
December's come to stay.
They've taken back the Mays and Junes
Since Hanna moved away.
Flowers smell like halibut.
Velvet feels like hay.
Every handsome dog's a mutt
Since Hanna moved away.
Nothing's fun to laugh about.
Nothing's fun to play.
They call me, but I won't come out
Since Hanna moved away.
Our connections with childhood friends can be vital when we’re young. Written from a child's perspective, this poem doesn't use fancy language or obscure references to express its appreciation for friendship. This poem can be relatable for those who have lost a childhood friend. In addition, the poem can be a testimony to the power of friendship.
On the fortifying effects of friendship
By Hauntie
That I could be this human at this time
breathing, looking, seeing, smelling
That I could be this moment at this time
resting, calmly moving, feeling
That I could be this excellence at this time
sudden, changed, peaceful, & woke
To all my friends who have been with me in weakness
when water falls rush down my two sides
To all my friends who have felt me in anguish
when this earthen back breaks between the crack of two blades
To all my friends who have held me in rage
when fire tears through swallows behind tight grins
I know you
I see you
I hear you
Although the world is silent around you
I know you
I see you
I hear you
This poem by Hauntie highlights the way friendships can be a primary source of support. Our best friends are often the people who are there for us during the most difficult times. Here, the author of the poem is reassuring her friends that she is prepared to provide them with the same care and compassion that her friends provided her during past challenges.
Support options for relationship, love, and friendship challenges
Whether you struggle to make friends or are living through a loss, feeling lonely can be challenging. Studies show that loneliness has a moderate effect on depression. If you can't relate to the emotions about friendship in these poems or sense that you're struggling to cope with a friendship-related challenge, consider reaching out to a licensed therapist.
If you face barriers to seeking professional support, like cost or distance, you can also try an online therapy platform like BetterHelp. Many people with depression may find it challenging to get out of bed, let alone make friends. With online therapy, you can meet with a qualified counselor from home. Some people who have participated in online treatment found it easier to talk to a therapist from behind a screen than in person.
Research shows that online therapy is effective for treating depression, too. One review found that online therapy may be more effective at treating depression than in-person therapy and that participants were equally as satisfied with online and in-person treatment.
The above poems discuss friendship and love for a friend for those wanting to connect with their emotions regarding friendship. If you have any challenging feelings coming up when you read these poems or are struggling with friendship in any way, you can also reach out to a counselor for further guidance and support.
What are examples of friendship poetry from famous poets?
There is a large body of poetry about friendship that has been written over the years. One well-known quote about friendship comes from Khali Gibran, who said:
“In the sweetness of friendship, let there be laughter and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things, the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.”
Another poetic option—particularly if you’re looking to express your feelings for “all the women” friends in your life—might be:
“Here’s to all the women in my life who I can count on for anything, especially a good time.”
Author and poet Theodora Goss had this to say about friendship:
“Friendship and chocolate cake - they do not heal all ills, but they certainly help.”
Naomi Shihab Nye spoke of putting kindness before judgment—and the importance of responding with compassion when a stranger appears in your life—in Red Brocade:
“The Arabs used to say, when a stranger appears at your door, feed him for three days before asking who he is, where he’s come from, or where he’s headed. That way, he’ll have strength enough to answer, or by then, you’ll be such good friends you don’t care.”
In an excerpt from Danez Smith’s poem “acknowledgments”, we can see how deep the connections and friendships between friends can be:
“at the function, i feel myself splitting into too many rooms of static
you touch my hand & there i am
do you want to be best friends?
a box for yes, a box for no
did our grandmothers flee the fields of embers so we could find each other here?
friend, you are the war’s gentle consequence
i am the prison that turns to rain in your hands
you, at my door the night my father leapt beyond what we know
you, dirt where i plant my light
the branches of silence are heavy with your sweet seed”
The way friendships can bring friends together is playfully described in Hug O’ War by Shel Silverstein:
“I will not play at tug o' war.
I'd rather play at hug o' war,
Where everyone hugs
Instead of tugs,
Where everyone giggles
And rolls on the rug,
Where everyone kisses,
And everyone grins,
And everyone cuddles,
And everyone wins”
What is a poetic saying about friends?
One poetic saying about friends and friendship comes from Albert Camus, a 20th-century French philosopher and author. The poetic saying reflects the equality and mutual solidarity between friends.
“Don’t walk in front of me… I may not follow
Don’t walk behind me… I may not lead
Walk beside me… just be my friend”
Another poetic turn describing friendship is likely To All My Friends by Hauntie:
“To all my friends who have been with me in weakness
when waterfalls rush down my two sides
To all my friends who have felt me in anguish
when this earthen back breaks between the crack of two blades
To all my friends who have held me in rage
when fire tears through swallows behind tight grins
I know you
I see you
I hear you“
Another moving poem about friendship is Ali Power’s “My Friends”:
“my friends
create the mood
by describing it
turning off all the lights
a place in our minds
wakes as in water
we dance alone and with each other
we make circles around each other
get close then step back
then get close again
my friends
the furniture is round
the furniture is covered
in bluets
there are drugs my friends
why be evasive
when you can listen to an audio book
about a biologist
on a mysterious expedition
to Area X
an area cut off from civilization
today I’ve spoken to no one
and I feel fine
but feelings aren’t facts my friends
and I’ve eaten the last of the cheese
and table water crackers
and I have no salary
but I will hold you”
What is a poem/poems about best friends and friendship?
Bill Watterson, creator of the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes, had this to say about best friends:
“Things are never quite as scary when you’ve got a best friend.”
Another poetic quote about friendship comes from William Carey:
“All my friends are but one, but he is all-sufficient”
Emily Dickinson offered similar sentiments about friends and friendship, expressing:
“Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.”
What is friendship? Defining the bond and support friendship brings
In simple words, friendship refers to a close relationship between two people based on respect, kindness, and platonic love. Friendships are reciprocal, meaning both people actively participate in the friendship. It is also voluntary; no one can be forced to be another person’s friend. Friendships sometimes resemble romantic relationships in terms of closeness and emotional intimacy, but sexual encounters are usually not part of the relationship.
For most people, friendship is an important part of life. Evidence suggests that friendship plays a significant role in helping someone maintain good mental health, find support, and receive validation. The absence of friendship and social support can lead to an increased risk of depression, and it is thought that friends help people safeguard themselves from difficult circumstances. When leaning on friends, tough times often melt away as laughter fills the air. Friends can be confidants, sources of support, and dear comrades. Friends can be there for you when you are struggling and when you feel fine.
What is a metaphor for friendship?
A metaphor for friendship might be catching sight of a safe harbor after sailing in a strong storm. Friends can help people feel better about their lives, even during adverse circumstances. Friends can offer support, validation, and kindness, which may significantly bolster a person’s resolve. The strength from social support is akin to finding a safe place in a storm, a place to recover and wait for the worst to pass.
How to write a poem for my friend or friends?
Some basic steps to writing a poem are listed below:
Come up with a topic. Think about what you want to express to your friend; how can that best be conveyed?
Journal. Sit in front of a page with nothing but the topic written at the time, set a timer for 15 - 30 minutes and write down everything you can about the topic.
Think about form. Poetry comes in many forms; select one that works best for you.
Write the poem’s first line. There are many ways to start poems, one of which is likely to resonate with you. Take time to play around with different openings for your poem.
Develop Ideas. Increase the information in the poem and add details where they are likely to end up in the final version. The poem does not need to be anywhere near complete but should have a rough structure.
Write the closing line. Some poems come full circle when ending. Others use different techniques. Try different options until you find something that works for you.
Edit and Revise. Go back through your poem multiple times. Make adjustments to the flow, structure, and details of the work until you are satisfied.
What is a heartwarming quote about friends?
One heartwarming quote about true friendship is this one by Elisabeth Foley:
"The most important discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart."
This quote is about how a true friend is also a faithful friend who will stay by your side throughout the different stages of modern life—from youth to old age. Lifelong friends will have many stories to share of time spent together.
Other quotes about friendship include:
“ In each of my friends there is something that only some other friend can fully bring out.“- C.S. Lewis
“I don't have to be so afraid of goodbye, because goodbye doesn't have to be forever.” – Jenny Han
“The death of a friend is equivalent to the loss of a limb.”- Unknown
What is true friendship one word?
There are many words that might encapsulate what it means to have a true and loving friendship. Some of these include:
What are the three most important qualities in a friend?
The three most important qualities of a friend could be loyalty, trustworthiness, and empathy.
What defines a good friend?
A good friend is like family. They’re always there for you, no matter what challenges you face in life. Just like a sister, a special friend might disagree with you sometimes, but they will never betray your trust. These loved ones will always be there to cheer you up when you’re sad and give you hope and inspiration for the future. With a true friend, you can always feel free to be yourself.
How do you handle disagreements with friends?
It’s normal to have disagreements with friends, even close ones. The important thing is that you communicate respectfully to resolve the conflict. Try to wait until you’re calm to voice your concerns, so that you don’t say something you’ll regret later. You’ll be glad you did once the argument is over.
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