Understanding Toxic Friendship: Identifying Toxic Relationships And Peer Pressure

Medically reviewed by Corey Pitts, MA, LCMHC, LCAS, CCS
Updated October 4, 2024by BetterHelp Editorial Team

Friendships can influence our lives in numerous ways, shaping our experiences, emotions, and well-being. While many relationships bring support, some may negatively impact our mental health.

Recognizing toxic friendship signs can be challenging, but understanding them may be a step toward fostering healthier connections and improving overall happiness. This article explores the potential signs of a toxic friendship and offers tips for managing or ending these relationships.

Is a toxic friendship damaging your mental health?

The importance of healthy friendships for mental health

Healthy friendships positively impact mental health. These relationships can provide emotional support, companionship, and a sense of belonging. Research suggests that positive social connections may also be associated with better physical health outcomes, including immune function and cardiovascular health.

In these relationships, people may also have opportunities to learn new perspectives, develop empathy, and improve communication skills. These elements can contribute to personal growth and development.

What defines toxic behavior in friendships

Toxic relationships in friendships are often characterized by patterns of behavior that consistently undermine the well-being of one or both individuals involved. These relationships might lack mutual respect, trust, or support, which are usually considered elements of a healthy friendship.

In some cases, there may be an imbalance of power, with one person consistently dominating or controlling the other. This control can manifest in various ways, such as emotional manipulation, excessive criticism, or a lack of reciprocity in the relationship.

Another potential feature of toxic relationships is the presence of constant conflict, with disagreements going unresolved or resulting in hurtful actions. This conflict can create a stressful and tense dynamic, leading to emotional and physical exhaustion.

Common characteristics of toxic behavior in friendships

Toxic behaviors in friendships can take many forms. Some common characteristics may include:

  • Frequent criticism or belittling
  • Disregard for personal boundaries
  • Jealousy or possessiveness
  • Manipulative actions or words
  • Consistent negativity or pessimism

These behaviors can create tension within the friendship. Over time, they may affect trust and mutual respect, potentially leading to a breakdown in the relationship. While many people may exhibit some of these behaviors, in toxic friendships, negative behaviors tend to be persistent and pervasive rather than isolated incidents.

The role of a clinical psychologist in identifying harmful patterns

Clinical psychologists are typically trained to recognize and understand complex human behaviors and relationships. They may be able to provide an objective perspective on friendship dynamics and help identify patterns that may not be immediately apparent to those involved.

Psychologists may offer tools and strategies for assessing the health of relationships and recognizing signs of toxicity. They may also assist in developing coping mechanisms and communication skills to address issues within friendships.

Furthermore, psychologists and therapists can often guide individuals in setting healthy boundaries and making more informed relationship decisions. With the help of a professional, individuals may learn to recognize and address toxic behaviors in their friendships.

Recognizing the signs of a toxic friendship

Identifying a toxic friendship can be challenging, especially when intense emotions are involved. However, several signs may indicate an unhealthy friendship.

One potential sign is persistent discomfort or anxiety when interacting with the friend. These feelings may manifest as a sense of unease or inability to be oneself around the person.

Another indicator may be a lack of reciprocity in the relationship. If one person consistently gives support, makes plans, or compromises, while the other rarely reciprocates, it could suggest an imbalanced friendship.

Some toxic friends may exhibit controlling behaviors, such as attempting to dictate who the other person can spend time with or expressing displeasure when they engage in other relationships. This behavior can indicate jealousy or possessiveness, both of which tend to be red flags for a toxic friendship.

Emotional manipulation and control in a toxic friendship

Emotional manipulation and control can be present in some toxic friendships. These behaviors may be subtle and difficult to recognize, but they can affect emotional well-being.

In some cases, individuals might use guilt, shame, or fear to influence the actions or decisions of others. Some may employ tactics such as gaslighting, whereby they deny or distort reality, potentially causing the other person to doubt their own perceptions.

Control in toxic friendships can manifest as attempts to isolate a person from other friends or family members. A person with toxic behavior may become upset when a friend spends time with others, potentially creating a sense of dependency on the friendship.


Constant criticism and negativity

In some toxic friendships, constant criticism and negativity can become pervasive elements of the relationship. One friend may frequently point out flaws, make disparaging comments about choices, or dismiss achievements.

This persistent negativity can affect self-esteem and confidence over time. A person may second-guess their decisions or feel inadequate in the presence of this particular friend.

Moreover, some individuals in toxic friendships may have a pessimistic outlook. They may consistently focus on problems without seeking solutions or dismiss any positive perspectives offered.

The impact of toxic friendships on mental health

Psychiatric research suggests that toxic relationships can harm physical and mental health. The emotional turmoil often associated with these relationships may negatively affect stress regulation, mood, and motivation.

Individuals in toxic friendships might experience anxiety, depression, or low self-esteem. The constant negativity and criticism can lead to a distorted self-image and a lack of confidence in one's judgment.

Furthermore, toxic friendships can impact other areas of life. The stress from these relationships may affect sleep patterns, work performance, or interpersonal connections. Some individuals in toxic friendships may withdraw from other relationships or activities they once enjoyed.

How peer pressure contributes to toxic dynamics

Peer pressure can play a role in the development and maintenance of toxic friendships. Individuals may sometimes feel compelled to engage in behaviors or activities that make them uncomfortable to maintain a friendship.

This pressure can manifest in various ways, from subtle encouragement to more direct coercion. A toxic friend might pressure others to engage in certain behaviors, make choices that go against their values, or prioritize the friendship over other relationships or responsibilities. 

Peer pressure in toxic friendships can also involve social manipulation. For example, some people might use their influence within a social group to isolate another person or turn others against them if they don't comply with their wishes.

Recognizing unhealthy peer pressure in toxic relationships

Identifying unhealthy peer pressure in toxic relationships typically involves being aware of feelings and boundaries. If you frequently feels uncomfortable or conflicted about decisions that you’re making to please a friend, it may indicate unhealthy peer pressure.

It can be helpful to notice how a friend reacts when you express different opinions or decline to participate in certain activities. In healthy friendships, differences are often respected. In toxic relationships, disagreement may be met with anger, guilt-tripping, or social consequences.

Peer pressure doesn't always involve explicit demands. Sometimes, it can be more subtle, such as a friend consistently modeling negative behaviors or attitudes that the other person finds themselves adopting over time.

Setting boundaries: A step toward healthier relationships

Establishing and maintaining boundaries can help foster healthier relationships. Boundaries typically help define acceptable behaviors within a friendship and protect emotional well-being.

Setting boundaries often involves communicating needs, limits, and expectations within the friendship. Some friendship boundaries might include:

  • Expressing when space is needed
  • Being open to discussing issues and finding solutions together
  • Respecting each other's time and priorities
  • Spending time with mutual friends or other relationships
  • Refusing to engage in behaviors that cause discomfort

Implementing boundaries can be challenging, especially in long-standing friendships where certain patterns have become established. However, in a healthy relationship, friends typically respect each other's boundaries and work together to create a balanced dynamic.

The challenge of ending toxic friendships

Ending a toxic friendship can be difficult, even when the negative impact on one's life is evident. There may be feelings of guilt, fear of loneliness, or hope that the relationship will improve.

It can be common to experience a variety of emotions when considering ending a friendship. These might include sadness over the loss of positive aspects of the relationship, anxiety about potential social repercussions, or relief at the prospect of moving away from a negative influence.

Ending a toxic friendship is often a process rather than a single event. It may involve gradually distancing oneself, setting firmer boundaries, or having direct conversations about your concerns.

How to distance yourself from harmful behavior and improve mental health

When distancing yourself from harmful behavior in a friendship, having a plan can be helpful. The following are some strategies that may be effective:

  • Gradually reducing contact
  • Focusing on self-care activities
  • Exploring other social connections
  • Seeking support from a therapist or trusted friend

The process of distancing yourself may bring up difficult emotions. Some individuals find it helpful to seek support from other friends, family members, or a mental health professional during this time.

Cultivating healthy friendships for improved well-being

As one moves away from toxic friendships, cultivating new, healthier relationships can contribute to improved well-being. In a healthy friendship, both individuals typically feel comfortable being themselves. There's often a balance of give and take, with both friends contributing to the relationship.

Building healthy friendships often takes time and effort. While not every friendship is perfect, prioritizing mutual respect, clear communication, and healthy boundaries can contribute to more fulfilling and supportive relationships.

A woman sits near a window while sadly looking at the phone resting on the windows ledge.
Is a toxic friendship damaging your mental health?

When to consult a clinical psychologist for toxic relationships

Professional help may be necessary when toxic friendships begin to significantly impact your mental and emotional well-being. Some signs that it may be time to get professional support include:

  • Having difficulty setting boundaries or standing up for yourself
  • Feeling constantly drained or emotionally manipulated by a friend
  • Experiencing significant changes in mood or behavior as a result of the friendship

If friendship issues are leading to mental health challenges like anxiety or depression, it may help to see a therapist. If you feel hesitant to sign up for traditional in-person therapy, you might consider online therapy. The ability to schedule sessions at convenient times can make it easier to consistently engage in therapy. Furthermore, the affordability of many online therapy services allows individuals to seek help without incurring significant financial burden, potentially enabling longer-term support.

Recent research examining online therapy found significant reductions in symptoms of anxiety and depression among participants. Online therapeutic interventions may be effective for individuals experiencing mental health concerns related to unhealthy friendship dynamics or other interpersonal problems. A therapist may be able to help you differentiate between a healthy relationship and a toxic one and then help you make a plan to protect your emotional health.


Healthy relationships often contribute to a sense of fulfillment and support rather than feelings of guilt, fear, or discomfort. Understanding the dynamics of a toxic friendship may help you recognize and address harmful behaviors before they negatively impact your well-being. If a toxic friendship is causing you distress, therapy can offer evidence-based support to help you overcome these challenges and build healthier relationships. Take the first step toward getting support with developing healthy friendships and reach out to BetterHelp today.

Form healthier friendships with support
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