What Can You Learn From A Friendship Test Or Quiz?

Medically reviewed by April Justice, LICSW
Updated October 7, 2024by BetterHelp Editorial Team

Friendship quizzes and tests are widely available online, but what can these tests tell you? Can a quiz about friendship offer insight into your relationships? Keep reading to learn more about friendship tests, other ways to learn more about your loved ones, and tips for having difficult conversations. If you struggle to develop or maintain friendships, working with a licensed therapist to enhance your communication skills may be beneficial.

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What is a friendship quiz?

Friendship quizzes generally aim to reveal information about how well you and a friend know one another. Some may use your score to calculate the level of closeness between yourself and your friend. Friendship quizzes may offer some insight into your relationships, but it can be important to remember that these quizzes are generally just for fun and aren’t necessarily accurate.

What you won’t learn from a friend quiz

Some online quizzes claim to give you valuable insight into yourself or your relationships, but these quizzes cannot take the place of professional advice or the input of a person who has been trained to analyze relationships. Here are some things to remember the next time you take a friendship quiz. 

There is no such thing as a friendship score

Some friendship quizzes may ask you to tally up a score and then use that score to determine how well you and your friend know one another or how strong your friendship is. It can be crucial to remember that authentic friendship cannot be evaluated and scored. Multiple factors contribute to a friendship, with many of them being difficult or impossible to quantify, and an online quiz generally cannot measure all of them accurately.

A BFF friendship test will not tell you who your BFF is

Just as a score from an online friendship test cannot necessarily tell you how strong your friendship is, it also cannot tell you who your best friend is. These quizzes may offer generic insights, but they usually cannot classify or assign real value to your relationship.

Friendship quizzes cannot predict what will happen in the future

People and relationships tend to change over time, which means that it generally isn’t possible to predict exactly what will happen in the future. While quizzes may promise that you and a friend will remain close forever, there isn’t necessarily any truth or validity to these predictions.

What a friendship test can tell you

Friendship tests may not be able to quantify your friendship or predict the future, but they can give you some insight into your relationship. Depending on the questions the quiz asks, the answers may help you get to know one another better, either because the questions are particularly insightful or because they discuss topics you may have never thought to consider.

Here are some examples of questions on these tests that may help you and your friend learn something new about one another: 

  • What’s your favorite memory of us?
  • What was the most important lesson you learned in school?
  • If I died, which of my belongings would you want?
  • What is your biggest fear?
  • What is your dream vacation destination?
  • What was your first impression of me?
  • If you were a ghost, who would you haunt?
  • What is the best compliment you’ve ever received?
  • When did you feel the most alone?
A woman sits at the breakfast table and eats from a bowl while looking down at the phone in her hand.
Getty/Daniel de la Hoz

Should you take a friendship test?

Friendship tests can be fun and a good way to get to know your friends better. As long as you take the test for entertainment purposes only or to start a conversation and learn something new about your friend, friendship tests can be an entertaining way to pass the time.

Other ways to strengthen a friendship

If you want to get to know your friends better, there are actions you can take in addition to completing friendship quizzes.

Being a good listener

Asking questions, whether you’re taking a quiz or just having a conversation, can be an effective way to learn more about your friends, but being a good listener can be vital. Actively listen to what your friends say, paying attention to their facial expressions and tone of voice. Ask follow-up questions to clarify their answer and show interest, and try to remember the details you learn.

Spending time together

Making plans to spend time together can give you opportunities to learn more about what your friends like to do and what is important to them. Whether you spend the afternoon shopping in their favorite thrift stores or spend a holiday with their extended family, seeing your friends in different scenarios can help you better understand their lives outside of your friendship and create a closer bond.

Staying connected

Friendship can provide many benefits, but busy schedules and other obligations often mean you may not see your friends as frequently as you’d like. In the time between meeting up with one another, try to stay connected. Whether you send a text or email, make a quick call during your commute home from work, or video chat while you’re cooking dinner, staying connected when you’re apart can maintain the strength of your friendship.

Having difficult conversations and asking for help

Sometimes, you may need to talk to a friend about challenging topics. For instance, you may want to ask for support due to struggles with mental health or concerns that your alcohol use has become unhealthy. If you are having trouble navigating these types of conversations with your friends, it can be helpful to remind yourself that your friend will likely be able to provide support and encouragement, and they may help you get the professional assistance you deserve to manage these difficulties.

When you decide to share your challenges with a friend, it can help to choose the right place and time. Some people may find it easier to have these conversations face-to-face, while others may be more comfortable with a phone call or video chat. 

Try your best to stay calm during the conversation. Deep breathing or grounding techniques may be helpful. Talk to your friend about what you’ve been experiencing, and be specific about what you need. For example, you might ask them to help you find a meeting or local support group, or you may want them to check in every few days to see how you feel or to encourage you to keep making progress. Many friends may be willing to help but may not always know how to do so, so being specific can be essential.

A man in asweater stands in a large room while looking down at the phone in his hand with a smile.
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Get support in therapy

Friendship quizzes can help you get to know your friends better and may be a fun way to start new conversations. However, sometimes, the conversations you need to have may be more difficult. Friends can be a helpful support system, but if you need help with a mental health challenge, it may be time to reach out to a professional. 

Therapy can provide one-on-one, tailored support to overcome your mental health challenges. If you’re not comfortable talking to a mental health professional face-to-face, consider online therapy. With an online therapy platform like BetterHelp, you can get support from a licensed mental health professional from the comfort of your home. Most people are matched with a provider within 48 hours, and you don’t have to worry about long waiting lists or commutes. 

Research has found that online therapy can be effective, with a 2018 review reporting that online interventions usually led to a 50% improvement in symptoms of several conditions, including generalized anxiety disorder and depression. 


Friendship quizzes can be a fun way to get to know your friends better, but they may not be able to accurately evaluate or quantify your friendships. While the questions in these quizzes may be fun conversation starters, it may prove challenging for some people to speak up about more difficult topics. If you’re having trouble connecting with your friends, or if an underlying mental health concern is impacting your relationships, consider scheduling an online or in-person therapy session.
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