What Is A Symbol For Friendship? Four Symbols And Their Meanings

Medically reviewed by April Justice, LICSW
Updated October 4, 2024by BetterHelp Editorial Team

The bond between friends can be valuable to one’s life, potentially providing a sense of joy, understanding, and care. Healthy friendships can improve a person’s life and positively contribute to their well-being. As such, it is not uncommon for a person to give their friends gifts that symbolize their friendship, such as a friendship bracelet or items involving symbols like the infinity sign, the Claddagh ring, or yellow roses. If you struggle to make or maintain healthy friendships, you may find it beneficial to address these challenges with a licensed therapist.

A woman and her male friend sit on a bench. together while chatting and holding cups of coffee.
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Are you experiencing friendship-related challenges?

Why is friendship important? 

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), healthy friendships can provide several benefits:

  • Higher life satisfaction
  • Lower likelihood of experiencing depression
  • Lower all-cause mortality
  • Lower risk of heart disease

Maintaining these relationships may involve a variety of practices, including providing symbols of friendship. While various symbols may represent friendship, some choose to provide physical tokens to their friends. These tokens can vary significantly depending on a person’s background and culture. 

What is a symbol of friendship?

A symbol of friendship is often a physical token that symbolizes your bond with another individual. These symbols are usually given after a person has known someone for a significant period of time, although some may choose to share a symbol of friendship early in their relationship. In many cases, symbols of friendship are exchanged, so that each party receives one that signifies their bond. 

Is there only one kind of friendship symbol?

The ways that individuals symbolize their friendships can vary around the world. Some of these symbols take the form of rings and other forms of jewelry, such as a necklace. In some cases, symbols may be small objects that a person can carry, or even something they need to care for, like a plant.

Infinity symbols, friendship bracelets, and other symbols of friendship

While there may be countless friendship symbols, a few common examples include infinity signs, friendship bracelets, Claddagh rings, and yellow roses. 

Infinity symbols

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, the infinity symbol was invented in 1655 by English mathematician John Wallis. The concept of infinity may have several definitions, including physical infinity, metaphysical infinity, and mathematical infinity. As a friendship symbol, infinity may be a metaphorical way to describe the eternal connection that two individuals may have. By giving your friend a necklace or ring with an infinity symbol on it, you may symbolically be saying that you want to be “forever friends.”

Friendship bracelets

Friendship bracelets can take a variety of forms and involve several colors, materials, and symbols. Some form of friendship bracelets may have existed for hundreds or thousands of years, but these bracelets became popular symbols in the United States during the 1970s. These bracelets can serve as a reminder of your friendship with another person and could be adorned with symbols that are specific to that friendship. 

Claddagh ring

The Claddagh ring originates in Ireland, with its original creation dating back hundreds of years. While the design of this Celtic symbol can vary, it typically includes two clasped hands with a heart in the middle and a crown on top. Though they were originally made of gold, these rings can now be made with a variety of materials. The Claddagh ring can symbolize a variety of relationships through its various parts. The heart often represents love, the hands typically represent friendship, and the crown normally represents loyalty. 

Yellow roses

While yellow roses may be a symbol of friendship in many countries, they may be more common in countries like Japan and China. As a Japanese symbol or Chinese symbol of friendship, these roses could represent not only the value that someone places in a friendship, but their inner strength or courage. Yellow roses can also symbolize the love that two good friends share and may be given on specific holidays or birthdays. 


Can you create your own symbols of friendship? 

There are no limits to the ways that you can symbolize your friendship with another person. While infinity signs, friendship bracelets, Claddagh rings, and yellow roses may be more common, customized symbols of friendship are often used. Examples may include souvenirs from a trip you took together, a photo album of valued memories, or an item that represents a shared hobby.

Does a symbol of friendship always have to be a physical object?

Although symbols of friendship may be commonly thought of as physical objects, this is not always the case. For example, some friends get tattoos to symbolize their friendship. The designs of these tattoos can vary, but they often involve both friends getting identical tattoos, tattoos of each other’s names, or two halves of an item, like a heart. You could also use specific cultural symbols in these tattoos, such as the olive branch. In Greek culture, this branch can represent peace and friendship. 

Other ways to strengthen friendships

While friendship symbols and gifts can show your loved ones that you care, there are many other ways to maintain strong friendships, with quality time and effective communication often being some of the most powerful. 

Some individuals may struggle with specific aspects of friendship, such as communication, while others might find it difficult to make new friends. Each of these challenges can require different techniques and, in some cases, may benefit from the insight and guidance of a professional. 

How to improve communication in friendships

According to Utah State University (USU), the following methods may enhance communication and strengthen friendships

  • Pay attention to emotions: In order for friends to understand one another, it can be important to pay attention to each other’s emotions. Learning to express your feelings and listening to your friends when they discuss the way they feel can be essential. 
  • Don’t make assumptions: While it can be difficult to discuss certain subjects, it can be crucial not to make assumptions about what someone is thinking or feeling. Instead of assuming that a friend is angry or feels a certain way, try to ask and get clarification.
  • Take responsibility and find solutions: If you make a mistake, it can be vital to take responsibility and find ways to reach a satisfying resolution. In some cases, no one has made a mistake, but these situations often require careful conversation and compromise.
  • Use “I” statements: Discussions may be more effective if individuals express their thoughts with “I” statements. Try to avoid saying, “You did this…” and instead say something like, “I felt upset when…”

How to make new friends

In some cases, individuals may not need help maintaining friendships but may instead want to make new friends. According to Colorado State University, three tips that may help adults make friends include the following:

  • Be patient, as making new friends can take a significant amount of time.
  • Try something new, such as a hobby or club. These can offer shared experiences, which may provide a space to form new friendships.
  • Use the internet, as it can provide a way to connect with individuals outside of your community.
  • While these tips may be helpful, maintaining friendships or making new friends can be a struggle in some cases. In these situations, it may be beneficial to seek professional help to address the root of the issue.

Can a therapist help you make friends or improve friendships? 

Therapy may offer a variety of tools that can enable you to strengthen existing friendships or form new ones. For some, individual struggles or untreated mental health conditions may impede their ability to maintain friendships. Several forms of therapy could prove helpful:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT can be helpful for a variety of mental health conditions and life challenges, including those related to friendship. A CBT provider can help a person address potentially harmful patterns of thought and understand how these patterns may contribute to certain behaviors. 
  • Friendship therapy: Friendship therapy can provide a space for friends to discuss the challenges they are facing and find solutions that work for both parties. A friendship therapist can highlight the strengths of your friendship and identify weaknesses to address.
A group of adults gether together on a roof top while chatting and laughing.
Are you experiencing friendship-related challenges?

While these and other types of therapy may benefit those looking to improve their friendships, in-person forms of therapy may not always be available or accessible. If in-person therapy isn’t convenient for you, it may be beneficial to explore online therapy options. 

Research suggests that online therapy can be as effective as therapy delivered in person. In a 2022 systematic review and meta-analysis, researchers reviewed data from multiple trials involving telehealth therapy and in-person therapy. They found no significant differences between these formats based on a variety of metrics, including overall improvement, function, working alliance, symptom severity, and client satisfaction. 


Friendships can be a valuable part of a healthy life, and they can provide several benefits for one’s physical and mental health. Friendship symbols, such as infinity signs, friendship bracelets, Claddagh rings, and yellow roses, can all show your friends how much you care. However, some friendships may require maintenance beyond what a friendship symbol can provide. In these cases, improving communication, learning how to make new friends, or seeking the help of a mental health professional in person or online may be necessary.

Form healthier friendships with support
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