BetterHelp Customer Service: Quick Answers To Your Questions

Medically reviewed by Elizabeth Erban, LMFT, IMH-E
Updated February 17th, 2025 by BetterHelp Editorial Team

Do you feel like your current therapy doesn't work for you? You might want to connect to a new one. BetterHelp is one of the leading online therapy platforms globally, and the customer service team is available to assist you with any concerns you might have.

Are you considering online therapy?

If you have a question about BetterHelp’s mental health services not covered in this article, check the frequently asked questions page to learn more. If you still need to ask for help, you can fill out the contact form to get in touch with the customer service team or send an email to

Quick answers to your questions 

As the world’s largest billed online mental health platform, BetterHelp offers care to a vast number of individuals around the world. Recent studies show that BetterHelp’s interventions are effective in treating various mental health conditions. One study showed that out of 318 BetterHelp users, all found a significant reduction in depression symptoms after utilizing the platform.

As BetterHelp is a significant face in the psychological world, you may have some questions about how the online therapy process works. Below, you will find answers to questions regarding:

  • Billing and payment
  • Feedback 
  • How BetterHelp gives back 
  • Subscriptions and refunds
  • BetterHelp therapy options
  • Hotlines and resources 

If you don’t see your topic on the list, you may find a more extensive list of questions on BetterHelp’s FAQ page.

If you are in crisis, please do not contact BetterHelp customer service. Several resources can provide you with immediate support.

How much does BetterHelp cost? 

Below are answers to commonly asked questions about the cost of BetterHelp phone therapy.

Is BetterHelp worth the money?

The American Psychological Association (APA) confirms the overall effectiveness of psychotherapy in treating mental health conditions and symptoms. Untreated mental health conditions, distressing symptoms, and general life stressors may cause mental and physical symptoms and stress. Utilizing treatment is an investment, and online counseling with BetterHelp is often more affordable than traditional therapy. 

With BetterHelp, you can address your concerns, goals, fears, and challenges with a licensed therapist who suits your needs and preferences. Making the decision to talk to someone is often the first step toward healing.

BetterHelp weekly counseling sessions range from $65 to $100 weekly and $260-$400 monthly (based on factors such as your location, referral source, preferences, therapist availability and any applicable discounts or promotions that might apply) to have sessions with a qualified therapist. According to Forbes research, the average cost of in-person counseling in the US since 2019 is $100-$200 per session. Without medical insurance, that may add up to $400-$800 per month. 

Due to cost barriers, many individuals find BetterHelp’s pricing more affordable than options in their area. If you require a lower rate due to financial barriers, contact our customer service team or let us know on the form when you sign up. We may be able to work with you. Additionally, if you decide you are not receiving the value you wanted from BetterHelp therapy, you can cancel your subscription anytime.

Why is BetterHelp so expensive?

BetterHelp’s mission is to offer available, affordable, and convenient therapy options. The website offers online therapy with real, accredited, and licensed therapists.

Although the cost may feel high, it could save you over $500 a month compared to traditional in-person counseling. When paying out of pocket, the difference can be substantial. 

BetterHelp is a legitimate therapeutic platform that offers services from over 25,000 fully licensed and experienced therapists, psychologists, and counselors in an online directory. Through the platform, you’re not restricted to finding a therapist in your city or state. You may also utilize BetterHelp from another country. 

With a handful of professionals to choose from, you may find one you connect with who has the skills, experience and approach you’re looking for. You can change your therapist at any time if you don’t feel a match, which may be more challenging in in-person therapy. 

BetterHelp works to make therapy affordable for millions of people worldwide. If the pricing doesn’t match your abilities, the company may grant financial aid for those who need additional assistance on a case-by-case basis. You may also qualify for a student discount. If your billing-related question was not answered above, please reach out to our customer service team, who can help you with your specific inquiry.


Why should I pay for BetterHelp? 

Online counseling with BetterHelp can be a valuable alternative to traditional therapy for a few reasons. 

Lower cost 

BetterHelp often offers a significantly lower cost than traditional therapy. It may be more affordable, even when compared to co-pays or insurance costs. 


Online therapy may be conducted anywhere you have an internet connection. If you want to participate in therapy from bed, on the couch, or in the car, you can, as long as you’re connected to the internet. Additionally, you can set your availability to what works for you. 

Ease of availability

Many individuals don’t have the ability to visit therapy offices or therapists with the expertise they require for their unique needs in their area. BetterHelp offers US counselors to clients around the world. 

High standards of care

BetterHelp maintains a high standard of mental health care. All contracted therapists are licensed, accredited, and experienced professionals with over 1000 hours of clinical work, three years of experience in clinical settings, and a master’s degree or higher in a relevant field. All counselors are interviewed and vetted before signing on to the platform. 

Medication and diagnoses

You may have questions about the types of services BetterHelp offers. 

Can BetterHelp prescribe medication?

BetterHelp therapists cannot prescribe medication to clients. BetterHelp does not hire psychiatrists. Like traditional in-person counselors, psychologists are not doctors. For this reason, they are not qualified to write a prescription.

Potential clients who are considering medication may choose to visit their primary care physician or a psychiatrist in their area to address any medication needs.

Can you be diagnosed through BetterHelp?

You cannot be diagnosed with a mental health condition through BetterHelp. However, you may be treated for symptoms of an existing diagnosis or speculation of a diagnosis by discussing it with your counselor. 

Many counselors and therapists are qualified to diagnose their clients, but the BetterHelp Terms of Service policy prohibits using BetterHelp online therapy to confirm a clinical diagnosis.

In particular, the Terms of Service outline: “The platform is not intended for the provision of clinical diagnosis requiring an in-person evaluation and you should not use it if you need any official documentation or approvals for purposes such as, but not limited to, court-ordered therapy or emotional service dog certification. It is also not intended for any information regarding which drugs or medical treatment may be appropriate for you, and you should disregard any such advice if delivered through the platform.”

What does BetterHelp do for the community?

Below are questions regarding the BetterHelp community and BetterHelp’s impact. 

BetterHelp serves millions of people worldwide with quality online therapy services and content. Additionally, they aim to support under-resourced individuals and provide equitable care for communities and companies in need. 

As of December 2022, BetterHelp has donated over $37,000,000 in financial aid to cover low-cost therapy for individuals requiring support. Additionally, over 22,000 months of free therapy have been donated to communities in need. 

As of 2022, BetterHelp has donated the following: 

  • 300 months of free therapy to Reform Alliance, a non-profit dedicated to the mental well-being of formally incarcerated individuals
  • 400 months of free therapy to parents impacted by poverty through the Baby2Baby organization 
  • 150 months of free therapy to the Okra Project, a project dedicated to supporting Black trans, non-binary, and gender nonconforming individuals 

BetterHelp has plans for upcoming years and continues to donate and stay active in the community. For updates on BetterHelp’s initiatives, visit the BetterHelp LinkedIn page.

Are you considering online therapy?

Canceling subscriptions and refunds

Below are some commonly asked questions on the topic of subscriptions and refunds through BetterHelp. 

Can you cancel your BetterHelp subscription?

If you decide you want to cancel your BetterHelp subscription, you may do so at any time. Follow these steps to cancel your subscription:

  1. Login to your BetterHelp account.
  2. If you are currently receiving therapy, head to Menu>My Account >Payment Settings >Quit therapy.
  3. Once you log on to complete these steps, head back to Menu >My Account>Personal Information, and click on Request Erasure.

Once you have successfully canceled your service, you will receive a confirmation email from BetterHelp. If you have further questions, please reach out to BetterHelp Customer Service.

Are you looking for a refund? BetterHelp offers refunds on a case-by-case basis. Please reach out to customer service to discuss the possibility. 

How do I get my money back from BetterHelp?

BetterHelp offers refunds to some customers, considering each case individually. You may need to meet specific criteria to receive your money back. Start by contacting BetterHelp at, and explain why you were dissatisfied with the services provided.

Ensure you mention the compensation amount you wish to be refunded. You might include screenshots, bank statements, or other documents in your email. If the team accepts your request, you may be directed to call them at 888-688-9296. Ensure you have your personal and account information on hand to verify. 


Get in touch with BetterHelp customer service through any of the following methods. The team can answer your questions, listen to your concerns, or receive feedback! 

If the frequently asked questions above don’t resolve what you’re looking for, you can:

If you’re ready to try online counseling with BetterHelp, sign up here. You will be matched with a counselor that meets your preferences within 48 hours.

Seeking to improve your mental health?
The information on this page is not intended to be a substitution for diagnosis, treatment, or informed professional advice. You should not take any action or avoid taking any action without consulting with a qualified mental health professional. For more information, please read our terms of use.
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