Covid-19 News: Ease Symptoms Of Chronic Mental Health While Indoors
The novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has generally given the entire world a “scare” as it spread and altered the way many live their lives. This never-before-seen strand of the family of coronaviruses led many of us to take shelter, limit exposure to public areas, or remain under quarantine in an effort to stay safe and stop the spread of COVID-19.
Even now, many of the changes the pandemic has brought about may change the way we socialize and connect with others. For many, this might include spending far less time in public, working from home, or otherwise being distant.
Ease symptoms of chronic mental health while indoors
In most cases, the natural result of isolation can be changes in mood, feelings of boredom, and even the development of mental health symptoms.
In this article, we discuss activities you can do indoors to help ease symptoms of boredom, depression, anxiety disorders, and other chronic mental health disorders that may be aggravated during this unprecedented time. You can do several activities to take care of your mental health while staying indoors.
Physical exercise and activities you can do indoors
Taking part in exercise can be a free and easy way to get your mind and body in shape.
People who experience mental health conditions can help ease unwanted symptoms and increase blood flow to the brain via exercise. Exercise has also been shown to boost mood, as the release of endorphins can naturally reduce stress. Even a few minutes of indoor exercise daily can ease stress, increase your self-esteem, and help you sleep better.
If you're looking for ways to keep fit and get moving indoors, it may help to turn to options available on your phone. Both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store can offer a wide variety of entertainment and exercise-based apps that you can do from the comfort of your home. Health and wellness apps may also include resources for healthy nutrition information and targeted workouts that are guided by fitness experts.
Training sessions on fitness apps can normally be completed in seven-to-15-minute bursts that can provide a quick physical and mental boost. You can also find longer workouts if desired. Popular apps to download for guided and self-guided indoor exercise are listed below:
Nike Training Club: Fitness training at all levels
The Nike Training Club app is considered by many to be a full-featured app that can provide effective workouts for people at all fitness levels. The fitness training app comes equipped with interactive video workouts to follow along with if you choose.
Whether you're looking for an intensive indoor workout, a light stretching routine or basic yoga, the free version of Nike Training Club might have options available for you.
We do want to note that the premium version includes a live video upgrade option that allows you to connect with other fitness trainers and other users. However, the Nike Training Club can be conveniently available as a free download on the App Store and Android Store.
Adidas training by Runtastic home workout
The Adidas Training app is thought by many to be designed to help people achieve their fitness goals without using traditional exercise equipment. Users can set their workout plan by their fitness goal or fitness level using this customizable indoor fitness app.
Beginners and experts needing a quick fitness boost can take advantage of 7-minute interactive exercise plans. These quick bursts of exercise can help you quickly improve your mood and release endorphins that can provide a natural source of stress relief for many.
The Adidas Training App can be found on the App Store, Google Play, iOS, and Apple TV.
More ways to get moving indoors
If you don't want to use technology to burn off excess energy, boredom, and nervousness, using calisthenics can be an easy and free way to give your mind and body relief.
Science suggests that simple exercises like squats, pushups, and jumping jacks can be easy forms of exercise for most that can also provide a few health benefits.
Before starting a new exercise program, however, it may be wise to seek the advice of your primary care physician or other medical professional.
Mental exercise: Train your brain to relax
You may be surprised to learn that many of your favorite board games, which can be great ways to stimulate the mind, are also available in electronic versions and apps. You can consider taking time on these apps frequently to exercise your mental muscles in a positive way to ward off boredom, excess stress, and other signs of social isolation.
Popular games like Monopoly, Words With Friends, and similar games can allow you to chat and play simultaneously, possibly helping you feel more connected with family, friends, and general opponents.
Generally speaking, when you're focused on completing simple tasks and mental exercises, your brain might have less time to worry. While these sorts of activities may not eradicate mental health symptoms, they can be a fun and easy way to take your mind off things and connect with others.
Games to ease symptoms of chronic mental health while indoors
Examples of apps and games you can use for mental exercise indoors include:
A mental health professional can improve mental health conditions
The indoor activities mentioned above are helpful strategies to improve your mental health. However, if you feel that your worry and stress are already affecting your daily life, it would be best to seek support from mental health professionals. These experts can help you heal from stress, worry, or fear brought on by the pandemic.
How online therapy can help in the aftermath of COVID-19
Though many of us may be through the most intense part of the pandemic as of 2023, there might still be some obstacles that can linger from years of quarantining that might impact your mental health. Likewise, the pandemic may have brought loss, pain, or fear into your life that doesn’t disappear just because of social restrictions.
No matter how you may have been impacted by COVID-19, it can help to remember that online therapy options are available to help.
Some benefits of online therapy
Online therapy can make it simple to receive support by allowing you to attend sessions from the comfort of your own home. That means it may be ideal for those with busy schedules, as sessions can take place anytime, anywhere. It can also be handy for those who are still maintaining precautionary distance in the wake of COVID-19.
Is online therapy effective for stress, anxiety, and depression?
A study conducted by the University of Berkeley Well-Being Institute found details that suggest that 98% of BetterHelp users have made significant progress in their mental health journeys. Additionally, the study suggested that 94% prefer it to in-person therapy, and 70% have reduced depression symptoms that they attribute to the online therapy session(s). Besides depression, several other studies also mentioned the effectiveness of online therapy in reducing stress and anxiety.
Why are mental health professionals important?
Mental health professionals have the right skills to help their clients overcome mental health issues. Their approaches to therapy are evidence-based. They can guide you in understanding yourself better and help you deal with the symptoms of your disorder, enabling you to enjoy a better quality of life.
How do you manage health conditions like chronic stress and anxiety while indoors?
To reduce mental disorder symptoms while at home, it is important to practice self-care habits like getting enough sleep, exercising, and eating healthy foods. You can also spend your time gardening, baking, or doing yoga. If stress or anxiety is difficult to handle despite the helpful activities, it is a good idea to consult a mental health professional. If you cannot easily access face-to-face therapy, online therapy is a great option.
How do you deal with mental health at home?
How you cope with mental health challenges at home can depend on the mental health problems you’re experiencing. Stress, minor anxiety, and mild depression may be managed through techniques like frequent self-care, practicing healthy habits, and getting in physical activity daily. However, mental illnesses generally do not go away or get significantly better without professional help, especially if you are experiencing severe mental illness. Lifestyle habits at home may work best to manage stress and other concerns when you are also working with a mental health professional or doctor to support your symptoms.
How does being indoors affect your mental health?
Research shows that being indoors may make mental health worse. In one study, 60.11% of people experiencing the stay-at-home policy during the COVID-19 pandemic reported increased depression, and almost 47% experienced increased irritability. Although some of these numbers may have been applicable due to the difficult situations most people experienced during the pandemic, being inside for long periods can often cause one to feel bad, as they aren’t getting as much social interaction with other adults and their ability to distract themselves or cope effectively may be limited to only what’s in their direct environment. Some people may build resilience and connect with themselves through their time alone, but being indoors for a long time can generally lead to reduced well-being.
What are the 10 common warning signs of a mental health crisis?
According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), the 10 warning signs of a mental health crisis are as follows:
- Sadness or a lack of motivation that lasts for over two weeks
- Suicidal thoughts or planning
- Extreme risk-taking behaviors
- Sudden, overwhelming fear for no reason, often accompanying physical symptoms
- Not eating or eating extensive amounts
- Severe mood swings that cause problems in relationships with others
- Excess use of substances
- Drastic changes in behaviors or ability to get a good night’s sleep
- Extreme difficulty in concentration or staying still
- Worries and fears that get in the way of spending time with loved ones
Is cabin fever a real thing?
Although not a real diagnostic category in any diagnostic manual for emotional health or physical health, cabin fever is a real phenomenon that can occur in anyone, including healthy people. When a person spends a significant amount of time inside, they may be at a higher risk of depression, anxiety, irritability, and other symptoms. People feel trapped, unsafe, and bored when inside for a long time. To boost mood and reduce feelings of stress when you have to spend a lot of time inside, practice self-care by taking a warm bath, practicing physical forms of movement (such as tai chi), and trying mindfulness. If you can leave home, walking outside for 10 to 30 minutes may also be helpful.
Be aware of the symptoms you’re experiencing, and seek help if you notice yourself starting to experience significant negative thoughts or any of the above ten signs of a mental health crisis. Talk to someone you love about what you’re experiencing, as well, as they may be able to give you some tips to help you develop a routine that gets you through this time.
What happens if you stay indoors all the time?
If you stay indoors all the time, you might be at a higher risk of depression, anxiety, stress, and irritability. However, staying active and continuing to socialize with your loved ones may help you get through this time without any detrimental effects. A skill called resilience can also be helpful, reminding you to work through these challenges. Regardless of the reason you’re indoors for a significant amount of time, take care of your body and mind by choosing healthy habits, avoiding sugary snacks, and getting enough sleep (but not too much). If you’re in the hospital or a medical facility, you might ask the staff if there’s any way for you to get outside for a few minutes a day to breathe in the fresh air.
Is stir-crazy a real thing?
“Stir-crazy” is a popular culture term and not a diagnosis, but the phenomenon behind it is real. Also referred to as cabin fever, this term describes the way someone may become emotionally volatile, stressed, or depressed from spending a significant amount of time inside or within confinement. The reason being inside for so long may be harmful is because it significantly reduces social interaction, including with people in your environment that you don’t know, such as strangers you would naturally pass in the grocery store or on a walk outside. When you’re alone at home or only seeing the same person every day, you aren’t getting as much social interaction, which can be detrimental to your mental well-being.
What is the first stage of a mental breakdown?
Sources generally cite different stages of a mental breakdown, but many agree that early stages include warning signs like changes in personality or behavior and difficulty practicing self-care. If you notice a significant change in yourself or a loved one, talking to a professional may be helpful, even if you don’t think a full mental breakdown will occur.
Can mental health issues go away on their own?
Mental illnesses generally do not go away on their own, as they require professional treatment and supportive strategies. For example, depressive disorders generally worsen or stay the same unless one seeks therapy or medication to treat their symptoms. Mental health challenges that are not diagnosable conditions may go away with time, such as chronic stress or relationship conflict. Becoming distressed from spending a lot of time at home and getting cabin fever may also go away on its own when you start spending more time outside again.
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