Recognizing The Signs Of Social Media Addiction

Medically reviewed by Andrea Brant, LMHC and Melissa Guarnaccia, LCSW
Updated February 28th, 2025 by BetterHelp Editorial Team

Social media has become increasingly popular worldwide, with over 4.89 billion individuals using it in 2023. Many adolescents and adults have social media accounts in the US. However, the impact may not be exclusively positive for everyone. 

Although social media has many uses, including those that lead to positive outcomes, it can be challenging to balance adverse and positive impacts. While an imbalance doesn't necessarily indicate a formal difficulty with social media, it can contribute to dependency on social media.   

Understanding what leads to dependency on social media and how to challenge these patterns can be beneficial if social media seems to have a damaging or all-encompassing presence in your life.

Getty/Xavier Lorenzo

Social media addiction: What is dependency on social media? 

A dependency on social media isn't an established mental health diagnosis in the DSM-5. However, dependency on social media and other mental health impacts of social media are real and are researched in depth by medical providers and psychologists worldwide. For many, social media dependency is similar to other types of dependency, including those on gambling, substances, or relationships. 

If you are struggling with substance use, contact the SAMHSA National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357) to receive support and resources. Support is available 24/7.

Social media usage can light up the reward centers in the brain. However, when these reward centers are activated multiple times daily, and an individual craves more to receive the same initial impact, they might be experiencing dependency. 

Signs of social media dependency can include the following: 

  • Using social media so much that it negatively impacts your work, education, or relationships
  • Losing sleep due to social media usage
  • Thinking about social media when completing other tasks or spending leisure time with others  
  • Attempting to reduce social media usage with little success
  • Putting your mental well-being into how well you are perceived on social media 
  • Feeling restless, irritable, or troubled if you can't reach social media 

Experts believe that around 5% to 10% of the general population may be experiencing symptoms of social media addiction

The impact of social media on the brain and mental health

Whether one considers themselves dependent on social media or not, there are a few potential impacts of social media overuse, including the following. 

Increased risk of depression 

Various studies have found that social media usage is linked to depression in adolescents and adults.

Low self-esteem 

Social media can negatively impact self-esteem and life satisfaction, potentially due to comparison to others. When people see unrealistic or edited portrayals of the lives of others that they deem "more successful" or "more beautiful," they might start to form harmful ideas about their appearance or life. 

Increased risk of an anxiety disorder 

According to research, social media usage is linked to a higher prevalence of anxiety disorder development. For some, social media usage can lead to adverse online experiences, which may increase anxiety, such as cyberbullying or unkind online comments. 

Increased chances of relationship issues 

Many studies have found a link between excessive social media usage and conflict in relationships, as well as a decrease in relationship satisfaction. If one is dependent on social media, they might struggle to put their phone down during a date, focus on their partner, or spend time with their family, which could lead to relationship strain

Increased potential for stress 

20% of people in the United States report that social media usage is a significant or "very significant" source of stress in their lives. Stress might come from the urge to use social media if it's impacting areas of functioning in daily life, such as work performance or relationship skills. 

Increased isolation-aligned behaviors

Although social media has the potential to aid connectedness, it can also have the opposite effect. Overuse of social media can be scientifically linked to increased feelings of loneliness. Individuals may feel left out when viewing the highlights of other people's daily lives on social media, or it may not meet their social needs completely. 

Potential for negative body image 

Image-related content can negatively impact an individual's relationships with their body or food, leading to dissatisfaction with one's appearance and possible eating concerns


How to reduce dependency if you feel addicted to social media 

There are a few strategies you can use to attempt to reduce your dependency on social media for reward processing, including the following. 

Take a break for your brain health

Whether they intend to return to social media or not, taking a break may benefit those who feel they can't live without social media or are experiencing negative impacts. While taking a break, notice the areas of your life that you have more appreciation for when you're not using a device. If you have more time in your day after cutting out social media, consider a leisure activity with friends or family, or try to restart a hobby you put on the sidelines. 

Reflect on your needs 

You may choose to take time to reflect honestly on what your ideal relationship with social media would look like. Ask yourself the following questions: 

  • How many hours do I want to spend online each day? 
  • What about social media do I least want in my life? 
  • What do I most value about social media? 
  • What would my life look like without any social media? 
  • What would I use to replace social media if I didn't use it? 
  • How could I improve my relationships in my offline life? 

Set personal boundaries for your mental health 

Boundaries are limits and rules you set for yourself, your belongings, or your relationships. Setting social media boundaries may help you hold yourself accountable if you continue to use these sites when you've committed to not doing so.

For example, you can choose what times of the day or week you can allow yourself to use social media. You can commit to spending your days social-media or internet-free at all other times. Another boundary you might use on social media is limiting the types of accounts you follow. If you notice that one account makes you feel poor about yourself, consider blocking or unfollowing it.  

Turn notifications off on social networking sites

To support healthier patterns with social media, turning social media notifications off may be helpful, especially if you keep your phone nearby to check your notifications throughout the day. That way, you may be less tempted to check social media except for the scheduled times you want to use it during the week. 

Connect outside of social media 

If you feel that social media isn't healthy for you, but it's your primary avenue for connection, you may consider exploring other ways to connect with people. These can be virtual or face-to-face. For example, virtual meet-ups, events, or support groups offer connectedness for people who can't attend in-person events at the rate they'd like to. You could also try making friends through local meet-ups or classes.


Talk with a professional about being addicted to social media

A mental health professional, such as a therapist or counselor, may benefit those with social media dependency. You aren't alone if you find it challenging to curb social media usage or find a healthy balance independently. It may take trial and error to determine what an ideal relationship with social media looks like for you. A therapist or counselor may be able to support you through the process, and you can work with one online or in-person. 

Online therapy platforms like BetterHelp provide a safe and convenient way to work with a mental health professional from your home or anywhere else with a reliable connection to the internet. This capability can be beneficial for those who may experience a fear of judgment or general nervousness about leaving home. It can also be a more cost-effective way of seeking help for the symptoms associated with social media dependency.  

Virtual therapy for social media addiction

A recent study identified patterns and trends of treatment for social media addiction and found that virtual therapy was as effective as in-person treatment methods for test group participants. Researchers also learned that relaxation therapy and stress management support may complement the effects of online therapy. 


Social media isn't inherently unhealthy. However, if misused or overused, it can promote unhealthy thought processes and compulsions. Understanding what healthy use of social media looks like may minimize your risk of developing social media dependency.  

Setting boundaries, limiting use, and working with a therapist can all positively influence your social media use and habits. Consider contacting a mental health professional at any time to get started.

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