Does Your Mental Set Need A Tune-Up?
The term “mental set” generally refers to the tendency to fall back on past solutions rather than create new ones. While a mental set may not be automatically good or bad, you can adjust your mental set to be more flexible through various practices. These practices can include developing problem-solving skills, practicing mindfulness and meditation, setting and achieving goals, and engaging in positive self-talk. Another effective method of enhancing your mental set may be to work with a licensed therapist in person or online.
What is a mental set?
In general, everyone problem-solves, whether they’re at work, at home, or out in the world. There can be many different ways to solve a problem, but sometimes, there is a tendency to fall back on solutions that have worked in the past instead of innovating new ways. This is often called a “mental set.”
One study explains, “A mental set generally refers to the brain’s tendency to stick with the most familiar solution to a problem and stubbornly ignore alternatives. This tendency is likely driven by previous knowledge (the long-term mental set) or is a temporary by-product of procedural learning (the short-term mental set).”
Enhancing your mental set
While a mental set may not be inherently good or bad, it can be helpful to remain aware of it. For individuals interested in enhancing their mental set to be more flexible, there are mental habits that can be easily incorporated.
- Mindfulness and meditation
- Goal-setting and positive self-talk
- Stress management
- Professional help
Mindfulness and meditation
Mindfulness and meditation can be used separately or together to improve mental well-being and flexibility. Even though these practices are often recommended for stress management, they can also enhance a mental set through increased problem-solving skills and open-mindedness.
What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is usually referred to as the practice of staying in the present moment without judging what is happening around you. Specifically, this can refer to paying attention to your thoughts and emotions without judging them. By not judging emotions as they occur, it can free us from the idea that a feeling is “right” or “wrong” or “good” or “bad”.
Benefits of mindfulness and meditation
One significant benefit of mindfulness (especially for enhancing a mental set) is that it can be practiced anywhere. Since the idea is to be fully engaged in the moment, that moment can be out at a restaurant, hanging out at home, or chatting with a friend. Training your mind to tune out distractions through mindfulness can help you see solutions more clearly when solving problems.
Mindfulness can also promote mental flexibility and open-mindedness. Individuals who practice mindfulness often find it easier to switch between perspectives and tasks. This can directly correlate to an enhanced mental set because someone already accustomed to looking at a problem from multiple angles will likely approach new issues the same way.
Similarly, meditation and mindfulness can reduce the influence of personal bias or the tendency to fall back on old patterns. Because both practices usually emphasize acknowledging each thought as it appears, it can become easier for individuals to “sort” through their thoughts and determine which might lead to the most effective solution.
How can meditation enhance mental sets?
Meditation is another practice that can strengthen problem-solving skills and enhance the mental set. Individuals practicing meditation often become more comfortable focusing on something specific. Many meditators use their breath, while others may use a mantra or thought. Regardless of what they focus on, the intentional focus over time can train the mind to concentrate.
Individuals who meditate may find it easier to create multiple solutions to a problem instead of remaining stuck on one. Meditation can also make individuals more empathetic and compassionate. Staying in touch with emotional states and experiences typically makes it more likely for an individual to be open-minded about the emotions and experiences of those around them. These traits can lead to better collaboration and overall problem-solving skills.
Goal-setting and positive self-talk
If you want to be more open-minded and make problem-solving easier, setting goals and engaging in positive self-talk can both be important. Setting goals and speaking positively to oneself can help you overcome negative thought patterns and prioritize solutions.
Forbes quotes Carol Dweck, Stanford psychologist and author of Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, as saying, “Your beliefs and thoughts play a pivotal role in success. Whether conscious or subconscious, they strongly affect what we want and whether we succeed in getting it. Much of what we think we understand of our personality comes from our ‘mindset.’ This both propels us and prevents us from fulfilling our potential.” A mental set can be similar to a mindset in that both can be positive or negative when overcoming challenges, but it depends on the perspective.
Goal setting and its psychological impact
Goal setting can be approached from a variety of perspectives, but SMART goals are often especially popular. SMART goals are normally specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound so that they can be easily tracked for progress. Goals should align with personal values and aspirations when possible, potentially making the individual more likely to complete them.
Accomplishing goals often leads to improved confidence and increased motivation, which can both be beneficial in enhancing the mental set. Goals can encourage open-mindedness because individuals must usually evaluate different methods of accomplishing the goal before starting the journey. Considering different approaches can help them be more open to other solutions when problem-solving.
Positive self-talk
Self-talk typically refers to the way an individual speaks to themselves. Those who engage in positive self-talk tend to be likelier to use uplifting and empowering language to encourage themselves. By repeatedly choosing positive ways to describe themselves, they can replace negative thought patterns with positive ones. Positive self-talk is also usually linked to high self-esteem and confidence, which can enhance mental flexibility and help achieve goals, both of which can be important for enhancing mental sets.
Finally, positive self-talk can increase open-mindedness because individuals may be more likely to question negative beliefs they may be holding onto. Replacing negative self-talk with positive self-talk can result in approaching challenges with a growth or solution-oriented mindset.
Mindset shift
Sometimes, tools may not be enough to enhance the mental set, and a total mindset shift may be necessary. A mindset can be indicative of an individual’s approach to problem-solving and is usually a fixed mindset or a growth mindset.
What is the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset?
Fixed mindsets typically involve the belief that abilities are innate and cannot be changed, while a growth mindset usually believes that abilities can be developed through effort and learning. Individuals with a growth mindset are often more open-minded and tend to improve their problem-solving skills constantly.
Some may find it helpful to approach a problem with a different mindset altogether. If past solutions and fixed mindsets aren’t working, Forbes recommends trying one of the following:
- “Beginner's mindset—one that remains open to learning and seeing things with a fresh set of eyes every time. Evolving as a leader requires this openness to change, to dynamic interpretations of situations that would otherwise be quickly and easily dismissed. There's also a sense of playfulness that I believe comes with approaching business challenges in this way, allowing for creative solutions that might be overlooked by a more stringent, traditional way of thinking.”
- “In addition, applying the growth mindset—which, by definition, is one where the entrepreneur embraces challenges and leverages pitfalls or setbacks along the way as learning experiences rather than limitations—is especially critical for leaders to accept because hurdles to success are inevitable when starting a new business venture.”
Support for enhancing mental sets and psychological well-being
Seeking the help of a professional can be a beneficial next step for those wishing to enhance their mental set. Online therapy can connect you with a therapist who may help you identify challenges or biases, create strategies to overcome them and enhance your mental set for future problems. Whether you are looking to overcome a specific issue or improve your overall mental set, a professional can be valuable in achieving those goals.
How online therapy can help
Online therapy can be especially convenient because of its availability and flexibility. Individuals who have a busy schedule or do not have geographical availability to mental health services near them can schedule appointments and speak to their therapist using the internet. Additionally, online therapy usually offers appointments outside regular business hours to ensure patients can reach mental health support at a time that is convenient for them.
One study investigated adherence to online and face-to-face (F2F) interventions and found, “Past studies have consistently found that online treatments can save the therapists time and support relapse prevention after F2F therapy. Additional strengths of online interventions over F2F interventions are that they are deliverable from remote locations, need less time commitment, and provide more flexibility for therapists and patients. Another advantage may be that the risk of stigma due to a mental disorder and seeking treatment is reduced.” These benefits can make online therapy an effective choice for those looking to enhance their mental set.
What are the symptoms of being addicted to social media?
Social media addiction symptoms may be similar to those traditionally associated with substance use. These may include mood changes, preoccupation with social media use, tolerance, withdrawal, and relapse. Someone addicted to social media sites may experience disruption in other areas of their life. For example, they may ignore real-life relationships or have problems at work or school. People who’ve had negative previous experiences with social media may be at a greater risk of these issues.
What causes social media addiction?
Some experts feel that social media addiction may be related to dopamine in the brain. Generally, humans are social animals, and the ease of connecting on social media apps may have made us vulnerable to this kind of behavioral addiction. Interacting, searching, or scrolling through social media apps can cause large amounts of dopamine to flood our brains and trigger our internal reward system, similar to the effects of alcohol or heroin. When we log off a social media site, our brains can experience a dopamine deficit as they try to adapt to the high levels of dopamine released by excessive social media usage.
In one study, researchers determined that people who experiment who have a history of mental illness may be at the greatest risk of negative effects. In other words, something in the mind involving dopamine is triggered by social media use.
What are the psychological side effects of social media?
The side effects of social media and social media apps are still being studied, but some recent research shows that anxiety and depression are the most common. This research also found that more females are addicted to social media than males and passive activity—for instance, reading posts—was more likely to lead to depression than active use, like making posts.
Social media algorithms can unintentionally promote expectations that young people must look a certain way, which they’re unable to achieve. Some subjects can explicitly model unhealthy behaviors that increase the risk of eating disorders or other mental disorders.
How do I fix my social media addiction?
There are a few things you can do to try to reduce your dependence on addictive social media. Take a break and try to notice the parts of your life you might ignore with excessive time spent on social media. Set boundaries for yourself about how much time you want to spend on social media and hold yourself accountable. Use any newfound free time to try a new hobby or other things you enjoy. Limit the accounts that you follow, blocking any that make you feel bad about yourself.
When you’re back online, turn off notifications. That way, you won’t be tempted to check your socials every time you get a notification. If you feel that social media is the only way you have to connect with people, find other ways to keep in touch with friends and family and form real life relationships. In-person meetups or classes are great ways to meet new people, but if you have social anxiety or prefer to meet with people online, you can do virtual meetups, too.
If you have tried these things and they’re not working or if you want to talk to someone who can offer you advice and support and your addiction to online social networking sites, consider reaching out to an online therapist. They can help people become better problem solvers and find simple solutions that challenge cognitive biases, like perceptual sets.
Is social media addiction a disorder?
Social media addiction is not a recognized specific type of disorder in the DSM-5, but researchers worldwide are studying it as it has familiar patterns of addiction, so that may change in the future. Problematic internet usage has been an object of much discussion amongst psychologists for many years.
However, the severity of the social media problem, context of the problems caused by social media use, and the way it impacts daily life and sleep, factors into whether the issue is significant enough to require professional help.
What is the most harmful effect of social media?
The most harmful effect of social media platforms may be the mental health issues they can cause, including increased risk of depression and anxiety, low self-esteem, greater chance of relationship issues, increased potential for stress, increased isolation-aligned behaviors, and potential for a lowered body image. On the positive side, users of social media may look at social media as an outlet for creativity, but they also might imagine that their friends are doing something more interesting or worry about missing out. Teens, whose brains are developing in a particular way, may experience a heightened risk of these effects.
How does social media affect students' lives?
Problematic social media use can have a significant impact on students’ lives. One recent study found that the negative effects of social media on students may include reduced learning and research capabilities, time wastage, reduction in real human contact, loss of motivation, and low grades.
However, the impact of social media on students depends on the context and culture. For example, participants in some studies have demonstrated significant effects, whereas a study that represents other groups may not find the same effect.
How long does social media addiction last?
In the current context of psychology, there is no “normal” amount of time to resolve social media addiction. Social media affects people differently, and everyone will respond to treatment in their own way, so it is difficult to determine how long social media addiction will last. Some recent research shows that weekly sessions of CBT over 10 weeks may be sufficient for internet addiction or 15 weeks for group therapy.
For some, a two-week social media detox process may be a significant enough procedure to help people heal. In support, some studies have provided the explanation that short detoxes may help participants become more aware of problematic usage.
Who is affected by social media addiction?
Anyone can experience social media addiction, but some research shows that this particular problem may be particularly damaging to teens and young adults. This may be because of the difference between their brains. Social media does activate the brain’s reward center in adults, but adults tend to have a fixed sense of self that is less affected by feedback from peers and adults have a more mature brain, which helps control the emotional response to social rewards.
An article published in MDPI found that negative past experiences can impact the likelihood that a child develops social media addiction in the future.
What does social media do to your brain?
Our brains release dopamine when we make connections with other people, which encourages us to do it again. With excessive social media use, the constant connection and validation can leave us vulnerable to overconsumption, which releases large amounts of dopamine in the brain, stimulating our reward pathways. This effect is similar to what happens when people use meth, alcohol, or heroin, and it amplifies the feel-good properties that attract us to other people in the first place.
People with an entrenched mental set (also called the “Einstellung effect”) have a functional fixedness in their problem-solving approach even when it proves ineffective. For example, they may try to cut out social media cold turkey repeatedly. But rather than trying to cut out social media on its own, it can be helpful to search for healthy alternative solutions that also release dopamine, such as spending time with friends, working on a puzzle, or working in the yard. This strategy, of regrouping behavior patterns—called chunk decomposition—can help people manage social media usage.
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