Facing Your Fears: Overcoming The Things That Scare You The Most
Everyone has something they’re scared of, even the strongest, bravest people. According to Robin Stern, associate director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, "Fear signals that there is danger and is a universal emotion experienced all over the world.” Fear is a natural part of the human psyche, and though it’s not entirely possible to completely eliminate fear, it is possible to manage your fears.
Learning your fears
Learning your fears often involves confronting them head-on and working to understand them. If you practice facing the things that scare you, you can develop better ways to manage that fear in your daily life, no matter what scary thing arises. By doing so, you won’t feel forced to avoid things or live in a constant state of worry because of a specific fear.
Facing your fears: Why it is important to face your fears
This is the true goal of overcoming your fears: identifying them, understanding them, and managing them in a healthy, productive way.
When it comes to fear, most people’s initial response when they happen to face the thing they’re afraid of is to continue avoiding it! It’s a natural emotional response to want to avoid contact with the thing or situation you’re afraid of. After all, that’s how fear works! But, if your fear is of something that doesn’t make logical sense (i.e., there’s not a threat of imminent danger), then facing your irrational fears can help you build your confidence and live a fuller and more fulfilling life.
Advantages of facing your fears and phobias
One of the most significant advantages of facing your fears is that you can develop courage in all areas of your life, not only when it comes to facing the thing you’re afraid of. Whenever something happens that’s concerning, or that touches on other fears, no matter how major or minor, you can be better equipped to manage your emotions and physical responses to the fear (or the anticipation of it).
Also, learning how to face and cope with your fears can help cultivate compassion. When you recognize and confront your own anxieties and fears with love and respect for yourself, you’re more likely to start working with other people in the same calm way, whether it be a loved one, employee, boss, or even just a person on the street.
So how do you begin to face your fear? If you’re afraid of something, there’s going to be resistance! You’ll have to develop a well-thought-out plan for facing your fears, and it never hurts to have the support of those around you. This article provides tips on some of the best ways to overcome the things that scare you the most.
Taking care of your mental health: How to face your fears
Let’s take a look at some of the most effective ways to confront fear.
Actively engage with or think about the fear or anxiety
Depending on the fear, this may be more or less difficult to actually do, and depending on the intensity of the fear, you may need to start by approaching the fear for only 2-3 minutes at a time. As a more tangible example, someone with a fear of spiders might read a book or a web article about spiders. In contrast, someone with glossophobia, a fear of public speaking, might sit and picture being in front of a large group of people while presenting on a topic. In either situation, it may help to focus on how you breathe, making sure your muscles are relaxed as you remind your mind and body that you are not at risk of any harm.
A study published in Science in 2019 demonstrated that mice had to be re-exposed to the thing they were afraid of to overcome it once and for all; this study advocated for the need to actively engage with a phobia to be able to overcome it successfully.
There are some essential things to remember when you’re actively engaging with specific fears. First of all, you should remember that you can always take a step back from the fearful situation to take a break. Second, it can be helpful to reward yourself after confronting your fear by engaging in a positive and enjoyable activity that will help you relax. This could be taking a bath, reading your favorite book, or spending time with loved ones.
Guarding your mental health: Learn from your fear
One thing that’s commonly overlooked regarding fear is that, often, they have something to teach us. Many people who struggle with phobias have some core, underlying set of beliefs, life events, or thought patterns that fuel the fear. By taking the time to try and honor the anxiety, learning about it, and trying to understand it, you may learn more about yourself and how your brain works. Consider asking your fear what it has taught you and what it can teach you in the future.
It’s important to have courage in overcoming and approaching the fear from the standpoint of wanting to learn about it; understanding it can be a form of courage and strength. Being able to acknowledge that fear can be instructive and that you’re strong and wise enough to learn what it has to teach you can be a powerful thing. Although it might seem counterintuitive to honor fear in this way, when you give the fear the respect it deserves and try to learn from it while you overcome it, the fear is no longer in charge. You and the fear may become equals, and suddenly, you’re back in control of your life and your situation.
Explore the fear with courage, and you might be surprised by what you find!
Give yourself the care you deserve
While you’re working on overcoming your fears, it’s vital to continue a healthy routine of self-care. Facing your fears is difficult, and you may need a bit of extra time each day to nurture your mind and body. You may also consider asking someone you have a close relationship with, such as a friend or family, to act as extra support while you work through your fear.
The human body manifests a physiological response in the face of fear, so it’s only natural that after facing your fears, you may need to wind down and relax. At the same time, it’s important to get enough exercise and movement during the day! Exercise releases endorphins and helps your body and mind to feel good. Create a routine that works for you.
Talk to a therapist
Anyone with a fear of anything can benefit from talking to an expert on the subject. There are many kinds of therapists who work with phobias with great success.
Consider exposure therapy
Cognitive-behavioral therapy involves a technique called “desensitization,” more often referred to as exposure therapy, to treat and manage fears by gradually exposing the patient to the fear over some time.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy involves regular talk therapy as well as other specialized techniques that target the fear directly; hypnotherapy, in contrast, works with the patient’s innermost thoughts, feelings, and experiences to find the root cause of the fear and reframe the situation so that the fear doesn’t exist anymore. Both cognitive behavioral therapy and hypnotherapy are effective in treating phobias, and it’s up to the patient which method they choose if they decide to get therapy to overcome their fears. Most often, with either therapy, the patient will need to attend more than one session.
Online therapy
Today, you don’t even have to go into a therapist’s office to receive the help you need. Online therapy has been proven to be just as effective as in-person therapy, especially when it comes to behavioral treatments. It may be useful for those who have complicated schedules or for those in a specific situation where fear makes it difficult for them to leave their home.
If you're currently struggling with a phobia, contact the team of licensed therapists at BetterHelp. You can match with a therapist who will work with you to help you overcome your fears. You can also message your therapist at any time, meaning you can record your reactions to fear stimuli in the moment for a more accurate response. There is never any shame in asking for help, regardless of your phobia. The BetterHelp team is here to support you.
What does it mean to face your fears and phobias? Can exposure therapy aid in doing so?
Facing your fears means overcoming the panic and instinct to retreat or freeze that usually comes with a perceived threat. Fear facing is commonly done with exposure therapy or other desensitization methods.
What does the idiom face your fears mean?
To “face your fears” is a phrase that means learning to recognize a fear response and appropriately manage it without allowing it to become debilitating or overwhelm you. It’s unclear where this exact phrase originates, but it may come from the idea of encountering something “face to face,” or in-person.
How can I overcome my fears and anxiety?
Though there is no one “best way” to overcome fears or “best thing” to do about fear, as everyone is different and will need different coping mechanisms, the UK-based NHS recommends ten methods to fight fear and panic.
Take a step away from the fear-inducing situation to center yourself.
Practice deep breathing exercises to quell panic responses.
Intentionally expose yourself to your fear in a controlled environment to desensitize yourself to it.
Try to imagine the worst-case scenario, then consider the more realistic version, to put your fear into perspective.
Explore the logical evidence behind your fearful thoughts. Is this actually dangerous or is your body seeing a threat that isn’t there?
Remember that no one is perfect and there will be times when the fear wins, and that this is okay.
Practice mindfulness or imagine a “happy place” to bring yourself to a more calm state.
Talk with friends, family, or a mental health professional about your fears and how they affect you.
Take care of your physical health to give yourself the best chance of a healthy emotional response. Drink lots of water, exercise regularly, and go to bed on time.
Reward yourself for successful fear-facing! Managing your fears is hard to achieve, so it’s okay to get yourself a treat afterward. This can also reinforce the calm behavior through conditioning.
What is facing your fears called?
You may have heard “facing your fears” also called desensitization or exposure therapy, though exposure therapy is usually a more specific and structured method.
How do you express your fear in your face?
Fear can be expressed via raised, pulled-together brows, wide-open eyes, and either a tensely shut or gaping open mouth. In the body, fear might look like shrinking away from the trigger or curling into one’s self. A person might whimper or scream, or they may feel like their throat is “stuck” and be unable to make noise at all.
What is an idiom for fear?
Some idioms for expressing fear include
Acting like a deer in the headlights
Having the daylights scared out of you
Soiling your pants or the bed (often using cruder language)
To have a horror of something
To become panic-stricken
To shake like a leaf
Other common idioms for fear describe some of the physical feelings that are often associated with fear, such as having butterflies in your stomach, your blood running cold, or feeling scared stiff.
What are the benefits of facing your fears?
There are many benefits to facing your fears. It can lead to a more confident outlook on life, allow you to participate in activities you might not otherwise be able to enjoy, create a reasonable action plan for exploring and defining your emotions, and make moving forward from trauma or disordered emotions easier.
Does facing your fears make you stronger?
Facing your fears can, in the short term and the long term, give you stronger control of your emotions and improve your resilience. Facing fears can be very difficult and something many people struggle with, so if you feel worried to tackle your fears head-on, know that you are not alone. But, taking just one small step at a time can help you reduce anxiety, cultivate resilience, and open up new doors for yourself.
Why is it difficult to face your fears?
You may have heard that overcoming fear is extremely difficult or even impossible. Many believe this because the panic associated with the emotion of fear is a strong psychological and physical response that can cause difficulty in regular functioning, making it harder to overcome than more mild emotions. That being said, it is possible to overcome fear with the right support.
Why is it important to overcome your fears? (In essay form)
Overcoming your fears can help limit your fight or flight response, meaning that your body is not under as much stress as it might be if your fears are left unchecked. Structured fear-overcoming plans can help people manage panic disorders and other conditions by providing them with the tools they need to fight off panic attacks and stabilize themselves quickly and effectively. This kind of plan may also be the best thing that a person who often lets themselves imagine worst-case scenarios (catastrophizing) can do to fight off these negative and unhelpful thoughts.
While it is natural to feel afraid in dangerous situations, if you frequently feel scared and anxious during normal parts of everyday life, finding ways to cope with the mental, emotional, and physical symptoms of anxiety can be crucial for improving overall well-being and quality of life. There are a variety of treatment options and steps you can take to help you manage anxiety. Seeking therapy, leaning on a trusted friend or family member for support, and practicing self-care can all be helpful. In addition, depending on your situation, there may be specialized small groups or programs available that might be a good fit, such as the Facing Your Fears program, designed for managing anxiety in children with autism.
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