Can I Evaluate Myself? The Benefits Of Self-Monitoring
Human beings have all sorts of emotions. We are constantly acting and reacting to the things around us. Those who have control over their emotions and behaviors are said to possess the skill of self-monitoring. People who self-monitor tend to be more aware of how others perceive their actions and often adjust them accordingly to create the desired public appearance they want to put forward. In some environments, this can be very useful.
What is self-monitoring?
Self-monitoring means being aware of your behaviors and their impact on your environment. Some personality types are more likely to use this behavior because they feel the need to tightly control their actions. These are known as high self-monitors, while others who are more spontaneous are referred to as low self-monitors.
Characteristics of a person who self-monitors
There are three characteristics needed for a person to be considered someone who self-monitors: a concern for the society around them, a sensitivity to the cues that society uses, and the ability to control behaviors and actions in response to those. To some degree, we all self-monitor at times to make sure we're doing what everyone else is doing or what we think we're supposed to do. You may be asked to self-monitor by a therapist for a short period to check for triggers with certain behaviors or to see if you have issues expressing yourself in different situations.
The process of monitoring: Self-monitoring techniques
Mindfulness can be one form of self-monitoring. However, there is also a more formulaic method. The self-monitoring scale was developed by psychologist Mark Snyder in 1974. It uses a respondent’s answers from 25 questions to determine how their thought process affects their actions based on self-monitoring within a given situation. The answers are simply true or false and reflect the process high self-monitors use as a personal checklist.
It is possible to be both a high and low self-monitor, but at different times. Some people are only high self-monitors in high-stress situations like at work or at social gatherings, while they’re low self-monitors when they're in a relaxed situation at home or with friends because there they feel comfortable being themselves.
When is self-monitoring useful?
Many people can choose to use self-monitoring behavior.
The following are situations in which self-monitoring can be a helpful practice.
Assessing the reactions of others
If you can choose to do it consciously in situations where you might need to keep a close eye on how people around you are reacting, then you may have an advantage over your peers in the same situations. In business, self-monitoring can be used in any situation where you must size up the competition.
Paying attention to health concerns
In a self-diagnosis situation, self-monitoring can help you determine any symptoms or behaviors within yourself so you can pass them on to a doctor or otherwise seek to understand and improve them.
Evaluating a target behavior
Many have no real idea of what their behaviors or triggers are. Self-monitoring can help you gather that information first before meeting with a professional. Self-monitoring is simply a way of noticing your behaviors and comparing them to those around you.
When is self-monitoring not useful?
Self-monitoring is sometimes used by people to self-diagnose different medical and mental health conditions. The problem with this comes when you're not a professional and don’t have the necessary training to make an accurate diagnosis.
While a self-monitoring checklist can be a useful tool to bring to a professional to help them understand your behaviors, it shouldn't be an excuse to say that you're managing a problem just because you're aware of it. Another time self-monitoring isn't useful is if you have issues with social anxiety. By being hyper-vigilant about your behavior, you may find that you're worsening those behaviors because you're more aware of how everyone around you is reacting.
Does self-monitoring work?
The short answer is that it depends on the person and scenario. For individuals who struggle to connect with others or display emotions correctly, self-monitoring can be an ideal way to ensure they're connecting properly. While the emphasis should be on persuading them to form their own reactions, knowing what is expected at a given moment can be useful in figuring out why they aren't responding in the same way. Many people don't realize that their actions affect others around them, and some lifestyle coaches are starting to notice that people who don't self-monitor are less likely to be successful.
Social psychology research on self-monitoring
Studies suggest that self-monitoring can be used to change various behavioral tendencies. In a systematic review and meta-analysis of 19 studies, researchers concluded that self-monitoring can help adults decrease sedentary behavior. The results of another study show that the self-monitoring of social media usage among college students can lead to improvements in mental well-being, including anxiety, loneliness, and depression. In a long-term systematic review of the benefits of self-monitoring for teacher performance, researchers found that such interventions helped increase target behaviors among students and fostered more positive student-teacher interactions.
How do I evaluate myself? Learning how to self-monitor
While it can be difficult to train yourself to become a high self-monitor, if you're not naturally inclined that way, it's not impossible. Recognizing your self-monitoring style and consciously choosing to react in a certain way can give the same results most of the time. In some situations, it is important to self-monitor; if the behavior isn't something you do naturally, it's something you may want to learn.
An example would be if you're in an important situation that you're not familiar with and you want to make sure your behavior is in line with everyone else’s or if you need to know more about your behaviors to tell your therapist. Another situation in which self-monitoring can be important is when you find that certain behaviors are problematic. By self-monitoring, you can catch your triggers, the behavior, and if a certain social situation might be setting you off.
Self-monitoring controversy
Self-monitoring as a psychological behavior has the potential to be harmful. The theory behind it tends to be quite confusing as many of the factors that are used to define self-monitoring can be seen in many different patients along a spectrum of diagnoses. Some also argue that because self-monitoring is so concerned with the outer world that many outside factors, such as physical location, can also influence a person's monitoring habits.
Psychologists also agree that there is a time and a place for self-monitoring. For example, if you are monitoring your thoughts and feelings through mindfulness, that's fine. However, if you're monitoring yourself in relation to everyone around you, it can be overwhelming. It's often more useful in finding true behaviors for someone to be monitored in situations where they're not aware of it.
What type of people self-monitor?
Research has shown that people who are high self-monitors tend to be more ambitious. They tend to be "social butterflies" who can adapt to any situation. People like this are more likely to be in multiple roles as leaders because they can span different groups. They're more likely to be found at the top of the corporate ladder in positions like HR, CEOs, or consultants. These people may tend to be effective at conflict resolution and acting as mediators because they can have the unique ability to see all sides of an argument without getting involved. They're also more likely to be able to ingratiate themselves with others by recognizing and then playing favorably to the important people who can help them move up.
Another group of people who self-monitor are those who have issues with hypervigilance. People with conditions that cause them to be very aware of everything around them or those who live with social anxiety often have an intense need to look around them and take everything in before comparing themselves to it or reacting. People who are high self-monitors also tend to look for people whom they can mirror in positions they want to emulate rather than those they have a genuine connection with. For example, when dating, the high self-monitor may be more likely to choose someone with a high social status over someone they connect with.
On the other hand, people who don't self-monitor are often more likely to show you their true selves and tend to be the same person in every situation even if social expectations are different. These, for example, can be the type of people who say that they "just can't change who they are" and need to be accepted for that.
Ensuring consistent self-monitoring: Self-monitoring checklists
Those who self-monitor often have an internal checklist that they use to measure their behaviors against others. For those who don’t have this internal system, a physical checklist could help. These checklists are frequently used in schools and for small children who need to learn behaviors. They're also used with adults or with people who have psychological dysfunctions that prevent them from creating those actions normally.
The difference with an internal self-monitoring checklist is that the person doing it is usually thinking things like "am I showing enough emotion?" or "should I be sadder about what is being said?" This is because they need to evaluate the correct response to the situation. An external checklist, in comparison, would be one that is used to compare behaviors, such as making eye contact or asking questions.
Online therapy with BetterHelp
If you’re wanting to develop your self-monitoring skills but are pressed for time, consider using online therapy. With online therapy, you can meet with a therapist over the internet at a time that works for you. BetterHelp's network of licensed counselors are available to you from the comfort of your own home. They can help you understand how your self-monitoring behavior affects your life and those around you or help you integrate self-monitoring into your life to help you become more successful in achieving your goals.
What the research says about the efficacy of online therapy
One way to develop your self-monitoring is by working with an expert. Meeting with a therapist can help you get started with understanding and implementing external and internal checklists while providing you with emotional support. If you find yourself in a self-monitoring mode due to social anxiety, a therapist can teach you techniques and offer guidance on how to reduce this intense form of vigilance.
One study examined the efficacy of online therapy for people who have social anxiety. Within a span of 12 sessions and a three-month follow-up, 24 participants found significant improvement in their social anxiety. This result is comparable to and in some cases more effective than face-to-face therapy. Online therapy was also found to be beneficial for people living with depression, disabilities, and quality of life issues.
Why is self-monitoring an important practice?
Interpersonal skills such as self-monitoring can help an individual adapt to different social situations and get along well with a variety of different people. Someone who is a high self-monitor is often better at self-presentation. Self-monitoring can also be used as a technique for behavior change.
What is a self-monitoring technique?
Self-monitoring techniques are a form of detail gathering. An individual observes thoughts, emotions, and body behaviors relating to a target behavior and find links between the behavior and these feelings. By making these connections, the individual can then make gradual changes to that specific behavior.
What are the social psychology implications of self-monitoring?
Self-monitoring can be a critical skill when it comes to socialization. It’s a way for someone to observe and control their own behavior. There are two types of self-monitoring: acquisitive self-monitoring and defensive self-monitoring. Acquisitive is when an individual assesses and alters their behavior to gain an end, such as attention, power, or status. Protective is more for the protection of the individual, using this assessment for social approval and avoiding embarrassment.
Low self-monitors tend to be non-conforming. Low self-monitoring can be a sign of individualism, but in some cases may be considered anti-social or combative. Excessive self-monitoring on the other hand, may be the cause of social anxiety as the individual worries about how others see them and becomes overly concerned about self-presentations.
How do you self-monitor?
An individual using self-monitoring to change his or her behavior may record behaviors by mentally noting their thoughts, feelings, and physical reactions to a certain behavior. For example, let’s say that you’re trying to change your eating habits. You notice that your eating behaviors are negatively impacted when you are stressed out due to work responsibilities. Observing this, you may decide to implement certain stress reduction to help promote your on task behavior.
Is it a good thing when a person self-monitors?
It can be. Self-monitoring is a personality trait that can be extremely useful in social situations, as well as helpful in changing different behaviors. For some people, an excessive amount of self-monitoring can become stressful as it leads to overthinking.
What is an example of paying attention to certain behaviors?
An example of monitoring activities would be using a designated sleep app to track sleeping patterns with the intention of making positive changes to sleep hygiene.
What is self-monitoring and self-awareness?
Self-monitoring is a form of self-observation used to conform to social situations. Self-awareness is a broader concept that allows an individual to understand the different qualities and characteristics that make them a unique individual.
What are some methods of monitoring myself?
Some common methods used for self-monitoring include:
- Using an app to track fitness goals
- Keeping a sleep journal to help improve sleep quality and quantity
- Using a gratitude journal
- Worksheets offered by a cognitive behavioral therapist
Why is self-monitoring important when changing target behavior?
Self-monitoring can be essential to making changes to different behaviors because it allows the individual to make connections between thoughts and feelings, and action.
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