Exploring The Ways Different Types Of Humor Impact Personality

Medically reviewed by Majesty Purvis, LCMHC
Updated October 22, 2024by BetterHelp Editorial Team

Humor is a part of almost everyone's life. Humor can lighten the mood, help us express ourselves, and even introduce different perspectives. Knowing how people use different types of humor may help us better understand how we communicate and how to interact more effectively with others.

Looking for help exploring your understanding of humor?

The four types of humor and the personalities behind them

Understanding how different types of humor are used might help you better understand how your personality interacts with other people's personalities. It may also help you interact more effectively with those around you, allowing you to build stronger relationships based on mutual respect.

Humor may come in many forms, and how it is used may depend on the individual's personality. However, experts generally consider most humor to fall into one of four categories, including the following.

Self-defeating humor

Self-defeating humor is about making light of one's shortcomings and difficulties. It often involves poking fun at oneself, implying inadequacy or incompetence. People who use self-defeating humor may try to make themselves appear more socially acceptable, but it can sometimes have the opposite effect and cause people to distance themselves from them.

Self-enhancing humor

Self-enhancing humor is about laughing at life's misfortunes and celebrating small victories. People who use this type of humor are able to find laughter in even the most difficult situations, and they tend to be optimistic and resilient. They may also have high self-esteem, as they don't need to put other people down to make jokes.

Aggressive humor

Aggressive humor involves using sarcasm or teasing to put others down to gain a sense of superiority. This type of humor may often come off as hurtful and might lead to social isolation. People who use this type of humor may seek power and control, or they could be trying to cover up their insecurity.

Affiliative humor

Affiliative humor is about finding common ground with others and establishing meaningful connections. People who use this type of humor may have a strong desire to be liked and accepted by their peers. They tend to be more compassionate and understanding, as they don't need to rely on jokes at other people's expense for laughter.


The benefits of understanding different types of humor

Understanding the different types of humor may be beneficial in many ways, including: 

  • Improving communication between people of different personalities 
  • Providing an opportunity for people to learn how to express themselves in a variety of ways
  • Exposing people to different perspectives
  • Helping people become better listeners, an essential quality for any relationship 
  • Creating a more empathetic and compassionate society by helping people understand how others may react to certain forms of comedy and jest 
  • Building relationships
  • Finding common ground 
  • Connecting people 
  • Breaking down barriers
  • Fostering understanding 

Being familiar with different types of humor might be an invaluable asset in social situations, whether you are looking to make new friends or build stronger relationships with those around you.

Identifying your types of humor

Identifying what type of humor a given person relies on isn’t always easy, since people may use different forms in different situations or depending on their mood. If you’re not sure what type of humor you typically use or whether your humor style might be problematic, it can help to ask close friends or family members for their honest opinion. You could also meet with a therapist to discuss humor as a coping mechanism or to explore how it can relate to mental health.

What the research says about humor, jokes, and comedy in relationships

Psychologists have conducted a number of studies into the role humor plays in social interactions. One study found that the use of positive humor may correlate with “various domains of social competence” as well as emotional intelligence. Another study points to the connection between positive types of humor and satisfaction in romantic relationships, as well as negative types of humor and relationship dissatisfaction. These findings point to the utility of understanding humor and different humor styles, since they can have a significant impact on crucial social relationships.

The risks and responsibilities of using humor and comedy

Try to be mindful of the context in which comedy is used and the potential audience. Using certain types of humor might present risks, such as offending people or not connecting with the audience. Also, humor may sometimes be misconstrued as aggressive or insulting if not communicated respectfully. Understanding different types of humor might help avoid these misunderstandings and provide insight into how to approach a situation best.

Avoiding problematic types of humor

There are ways humor may become problematic; try to be aware of how humor may be interpreted. Always pay attention to how your jokes are received and how they shape your interaction with others. Understanding how different types of humor may be used effectively might help create a more positive and enjoyable experience for everyone.

Looking for help exploring your understanding of humor?

Jokes as a mask: How therapy can help

Humor is often used as a mask to hide how one feels. If you find yourself relying heavily on humor or believing you may be using humor to cover up how you feel, it might be beneficial to seek professional help. A mental health professional can provide guidance on understanding how your humor affects you, how others might interpret it, and what might lie beneath the surface of your humor. 

Exploring online therapy as an option

If you don’t have time to travel to and from in-person therapy appointments, online therapy can be a more convenient option. You can get matched with a licensed therapist and then meet with them remotely from anywhere you have an internet connection. Research suggests that online therapy can be as beneficial as in-person therapy in many cases, so you can typically choose whichever format feels right for you.

"Excellent listener, provides advice and techniques based on individual personality and lifestyle, open minded, and great sense of humor."
— BetterHelp member’s review of their therapist


Humor can be a helpful way to connect with people, and it is ideal to understand how different types of humor may be used effectively and how others might interpret it. Seek help if you feel your sense of humor is masking how you feel. Online therapy may be an excellent option for gaining insight into how to approach these situations most effectively.
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