Types Of Intellectual Disabilities And Developmental Disabilities: How To Get Support
Intellectual or developmental disabilities can impact anyone of any age, gender, race, class, or background. They may cause difficulty attaining knowledge, partaking in daily routine, problem-solving, and sometimes living independently. Each person with a disability can be different, and not every person with the same condition will necessarily experience the same symptoms or concerns.
Intellectual and developmental disabilities can have a variety of causes, including genetic disorders such as Prader-Willi Syndrome, environmental factors like exposure to toxic substances, and health problems like whooping cough.
Although people may first show signs of an intellectual or developmental disability as an infant, child, or teen, adults must also live with these conditions. They may face mental, emotional, and physical challenges as they navigate adult life.
What is an intellectual disability?
Diversity exists in many ways, including differences in age, gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. One type of diversity is called neurodiversity, meaning the differences in brain function and behavioral traits.
Some people may be considered neurotypical (with no variation in typical brain function) and others may be considered neurodivergent (with a range of variations in brain function).
It’s important to recognize that neurodiversity within humans offers opportunities for creativity, innovation, and understanding. Research shows that when organizations include more diverse team constituents, they benefit from being more innovative.
Intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities
One example of neurodiversity is intellectual disability. The DSM-5 defines intellectual disabilities as “neurodevelopmental disorders that begin in childhood and are characterized by intellectual difficulties as well as difficulties in conceptual, social, and practical areas of living”.
While we tend to have similar needs (such as shelter, belonging, and respect) we sometimes require different methods to meet our needs. Disabled people may require specific tools to navigate daily life and meet these needs. This may include assistive devices, adapted housing, or increased availability in places like the workplace.
Understanding different types of intellectual disabilities
What types of intellectual disabilities are there?
There are many types of intellectual disabilities and they are categorized under the broader term “developmental disabilities” which encompasses physical and intellectual disabilities. The following conditions are some of the most commonly discussed, but this is not a complete list. If you suspect you or someone you know may have a developmental disability, consider contacting a qualified medical professional for support and more information.
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is an intellectual or developmental condition that occurs in early childhood and occurs throughout an individual’s life. The condition is considered a spectrum as individuals who have autism might require varying levels of support in different categories, such as social function, problem-solving, verbal speech, self-care, communication, interests, learning, and more. One autistic person may find verbal speech challenging but may otherwise excel in learning, writing, and hobbies. Another who excels in verbal speech may need more support in self-care, problem-solving, or daily living skills.
Life as an adult with autism spectrum disorder or a syndrome
Although often considered a childhood condition, adults with autism also experience symptoms that can make navigating their daily life more difficult. Many autistic individuals lack availability to healthcare, school, and employment. They also face discrimination, bullying, and social exclusion- all of which can result in decreased mental health and eventual burnout in adults. They might also navigate eye contact, physical closeness, or sensory input differently than neurotypical people. Although each person with autism falls on a different part of the spectrum, studies show that people with autistic people communicate with each other just as effectively as those without autism communicate with each other.
Children and adults with autism often benefit from a variety of accommodations, such as noise-canceling headphones, sensory-friendly shopping nights, clothing without tags or seams, and unique learning environments. Many autistic adults have relationships, university degrees, jobs, homes, and independent living situations. Others may live with family, require long-term support, or struggle to form relationships.
Down syndrome
Down syndrome, also referred to as Trisomy 21, is a condition that results from receiving an extra copy of chromosome 21 during fetal development. Since this extra copy impacts the brain and body during early development, people born with this condition can face a combination of physical and mental challenges and may need varying degrees of support. Common signs of people born with this condition include similar physical characteristics, such as:
- Wide-set, upturned eyes
- Flat nose
- Short neck
Some physical health risks associated with the condition are:
- Heart defects
- Hearing loss
- Sleep apnea
- Ear conditions
Children and adults with Down syndrome may experience cognitive and intellectual delays but can excel in areas such as socialization, emotional control, and personal organization.
Some adults with Down syndrome live with caregivers, while others live independent lives and have romantic relationships, obtain secondary education, and integrate into the workforce. Each person’s life with Down syndrome can differ and you can learn more at the National Down Syndrome Society website.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Although not always considered an intellectual disability, ADHD is a condition that describes a pattern of developmental delays or deficits that are most often diagnosed during childhood and may be concurrent with ASD.
The three types of ADHD include:
ADHD Primary Inattentive Type, which can be characterized by
- Less attention to detail compared to children of the same age
- Avoiding, not completing, or rushing through tasks (executive dysfunction)
- Inattentive or unfocused demeanor
- Being disorganized
- Forgetfulness or frequently losing things (difficulty with short-term memory)
ADHD Hyperactivity Type, which can be characterized by
- Fidgeting, difficulty keeping still, and restlessness
- Feeling driven by an “internal motor”
- Speaking loudly, excessively, or interrupting
ADHD Combined Type, which can be characterized by
Combination of Inattentive and Hyperactive behaviors
Children and adults with ADHD may also experience learning disabilities (covered below) and difficulty recognizing the passage of time and keeping a set schedule (time blindness). People with ADHD may also have positive experiences such as increased creativity, high energy, determination, openness to new experiences, and hyperfocus. The higher levels of mental, emotional, and physical energy often associated with people who have ADHD can contribute to beneficial traits like quick thinking, empathy, and flexibility.
ADHD can impact adults, teens, and children. One global literature review estimated that over 366 million adults worldwide were living with ADHD in 2020. If you believe you may be experiencing ADHD, treatment may be available through counseling, medication, and outpatient therapy.
Cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy is a term that covers a group of motor disabilities that can impact posture, movement, and muscle function. The source and intensity of motor dysfunction varies between individuals. Some people with cerebral palsy may use mobility devices, such as wheelchairs, walkers, or canes, while others can walk unaided, use their limbs, and physically care for themselves.
Although cerebral palsy is a condition that describes issues with motor functions, 30 – 50% of people with the condition also have an intellectual disability. They may also experience seizures, vision concerns, speech difficulties, or scoliosis. Although some people with this condition cannot speak verbally, many utilize assistive technology to communicate thoughts and ideas.
People with cerebral palsy are at a higher risk for bullying, stereotypes, or ableism as a result of their condition, which can all contribute to poor mental health. Counseling, peer education, and bullying prevention can be valuable resources to address the resulting mental health challenges.
Fetal alcohol syndrome
Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is a group of conditions that can be caused by exposure to alcohol in the womb. They can result in physical differences, challenges with learning, and intellectual struggles. Common symptoms of these conditions include:
- Poor coordination, memory, or judgment
- Speech delays
- Low IQ score
- Difficulty in school (math, particularly)
- Hyperactivity
- Difficulty with socialization
- Short height
- Low body weight
- Difficulty with the heart, kidneys, or bones
- Smooth philtrum (the groove between the bottom of the nose and the top of the lip)
If you are struggling with substance use, contact the SAMHSA National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357) to receive support and resources. Support is available 24/7.
If you believe you or your child is experiencing this condition, there are medical professionals that can provide you with evaluations and additional resources.
Learning disorders
There are many learning disorders, and each can impact an individual in their school, work, and home environments. Common conditions under this category include:
- Dyslexia: Difficulty reading, writing, and forming sentences. It may involve visual challenges regarding words.
- Dysgraphia: Difficulty converting thoughts into words, ideas, graphs, or pictures.
- Dyscalculia: Difficulty solving math equations, understanding numbers, and reasoning in a logical sense.
- Auditory Processing Disorder: Difficulty processing and understanding auditory input, especially regarding words and sentences.
Learning disorders may occur beside another intellectual disability or occur on their own. Individuals with learning difficulties may struggle with one or more areas of adaptive behavior, which can make it challenging to navigate school, work, and social situations. However, many accommodations are available to those who struggle with these conditions.
Fragile X syndrome
Fragile X syndrome is a condition that is present from birth due to early changes in the FMR1 gene. These changes impact the body’s ability to make a protein that is necessary for brain development and can ultimately lead to developmental delay and social and behavioral challenges. Individuals with Fragile X syndrome may have a range of intellectual functioning levels, from mild to severe. Individuals with this condition may also have ASD or experience other learning disabilities and delays.
This condition can detect an affected person with DNA blood testing. Talk to your primary care provider (PCP) if you believe you or a loved one is experiencing this condition.
Turner syndrome
Turner syndrome is a genetic condition caused by an abnormality in the X chromosome. It affects about one in 2500 female births and is associated with delayed development, short stature, infertility, poor muscle tone, hearing loss, and other related conditions. It can also lead to learning difficulties and mild intellectual disability.
If you believe you or a loved one is experiencing this condition, talk to your PCP. They may refer you to a genetics counselor who can provide more information and resources regarding supportive care.
Other intellectual disabilities
Other disabilities can also cause symptoms like those commonly seen in developmental conditions. For example, a traumatic brain injury (TBI) may cause intellectual disability, even if it was not present from birth. Strokes and long-term seizure disorders may also cause these symptoms.
If you believe you might be experiencing an intellectual disability, meeting with your primary care physician can be the first step to understanding your experiences and the available resources. You can also reach out to a neuropsychologist for complete psychoanalysis testing to learn if you may be experiencing ADHD, autism, or other related conditions.
Getting support for intellectual and developmental disabilities
There are many ways to find support for intellectual disabilities, including the following:
For yourself
There are a few options for adults who believe they may have an intellectual disability or have been diagnosed and do not know how to reach out for support. There are often organizations dedicated to the research of certain conditions and reaching out to organizations that specialize in your condition can help you learn more about the resources in your area and, potentially, find a support system amongst people with similar experiences.
If you were diagnosed by your primary care provider, you can ask them for resources about your symptoms or for a specialist referral. Some providers might offer referrals to further treatment options like medication, therapy, or physical therapy.
You could also benefit from looking into alternative care options if you do not have an opportunity for economic or social support, such as affordable healthcare or family care. Although some adults with intellectual disabilities feel safe and confident living independently, others might struggle to care for themselves. In these cases, group homes, inpatient hospitals, treatment centers, or adult disability centers may be worth considering depending on your social and financial situation.
Adults may find additional resources at the following sites:
- The Arc
- The Autistic Self-Advocacy Network
- Developmental Disabilities Resources Center
- American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
- National Disability Rights Network
- Baddour Center
- A Voice Of Reason
- Best Buddies (Jobs for people with disabilities)
For your child or dependent
If you are a parent or caregiver who has recently discovered or suspects your child or dependent is experiencing an intellectual disability or delay, here are a few of the many resources you may refer to:
- Administration on Disabilities
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- National Association of Counsels on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD)
- The Arc
- American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine
You can also talk to your child’s provider about resources specific to your area, including funding, accommodations, physical therapy, and mental health treatment.
Gain professional coping mechanisms personalized to your symptoms
Counseling options for intellectual disabilities
Outside of medical, community, and developmental support, disabled people (and their non-disabled loved ones) may benefit from mental health counseling. Adults and children can discuss how symptoms affect their day-to-day lives with a mental health professional through sessions with a compassionate, licensed counselor.
Although in-person therapy may be available, online therapy may be more available for those who face barriers due to mobility aids or caregiving needs. With just a solid internet connection, clients can choose between phone, video, and live chat therapy sessions and attend them from home. Not only is it more available, but online therapy can also help those with intellectual disabilities complete household activities with increased independence versus in-person treatment. As technology advances to meet the needs of disabled users, online therapy may become the most effective treatment option in many cases.
Support for caregivers of people with an intellectual disability
Parents or caregivers of loved ones with intellectual disabilities may also benefit from counseling. Caregiving can cause symptoms of compassion fatigue or burnout, which can be distressing. A caregiver or parent can also talk to a counselor to learn more about their dependent's symptoms and how to best care for them. Whether you are a caregiver, parent, family, or person with a disability, you may want to consider signing up through a platform like BetterHelp, which offers a network of over 30,000 licensed therapists.
Understanding the many conditions that can affect intellectual function or development, their symptoms, and treatment options can be beneficial in receiving support, whether you are an individual with a disability, a friend, a partner, a parent, or a caregiver. Intellectual disabilities can impact several areas of life, including physical and mental health, and are considered normal variations within human diversity. If you are seeking further guidance and support, consider reaching out to a therapist to discuss your options and understand standard treatment methods for the mental health symptoms associated with intellectual disabilities.
What are the types of intellectual disabilities?
According to the American Psychiatric Association, intellectual disabilities are neurodevelopmental conditions characterized by significant limitations on functioning, including both cognitive functioning (like learning and problem-solving) and adaptive functioning (such as communication and social skills).
Examples of intellectual disabilities (ID) include:
Down syndrome
Fragile X syndrome
Spina bifida
Prader-Willi syndrome
Fetal alcohol syndrome
Williams syndrome
Intellectual disabilities—formerly called mental retardation—are types of developmental disabilities, a broader category of conditions that impair physical, behavioral, learning, and/or language development. To meet diagnostic standards, intellectual disability starts before a person turns 22, though they often develop at a much earlier age or even before birth.
What causes intellectual disability?
There are a wide range of things that may cause intellectual disabilities. Here is a partial list:
Family history: Some people experience inherited intellectual disability from a biological parent.
Teratogen exposure: Exposure to substances in the womb can cause intellectual disabilities. For example, maternal alcohol use can result in fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
Genetic defects: Genetic mutations can cause disorders like 5p syndrome (or Cri du Chat syndrome), which is triggered by a deletion of a portion of chromosome 5.
Infections: Infections, like meningitis, can cause intellectual disabilities like cerebral palsy.
Traumatic brain injury: Some traumatic brain injuries increase the risk that an intellectual disability happens.
Lack of oxygen at birth: Birth asphyxia can lead to hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) and increase the risk of intellectual disability development.
Medical conditions: Some conditions, like seizures, can cause brain damage that may lead to an increased risk of intellectual disability.
Is intellectual disability a disease?
No, an intellectual disability is not considered a disease. Here’s a definition of the two terms:
Disease: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a disease is an illness or sickness that causes specific symptoms.
Intellectual disability (ID): An intellectual disability is a condition characterized by limits to learning and the development of life skills, such as practical skills, academic learning, social skills, and communication skills. Some people with IDs require minimal support, whereas others may need significant support for basic life skills.
How common is intellectual disability?
Intellectual disability is the most common developmental disability. Approximately 2-3% of the children are diagnosed with an intellectual disability, though severe intellectual disability is much less common than mild cases.
How does intellectual disability affect a person?
Intellectual disability symptoms can have significant effects on learning, social, and practical skills. For example, people may experience limited communication skills that impact social relationships, the ability to carry out daily tasks, and occupational opportunities.
Is intellectual disability mental health?
No, intellectual disabilities and mental disorders commonly co-occur, but they are not the same thing:
Intellectual disability: Intellectual disabilities are the most common developmental disability, characterized by impairments in areas like learning, problem-solving, social interactions, and self-care skills. These disorders manifest during the developmental period.
Mental disorder: A mental disorder, or mental illness, is a disorder that affects the thoughts, feelings, and behavior of an individual, leading to significant distress or impairment to daily functioning.
According to research in adolescent psychiatry, mental disorders occur three to four times more often in people with intellectual disabilities than the national average.
When do intellectual disabilities begin?
According to the National Institutes of Health, an intellectual disability must develop before the age of 22 to be diagnosed. However, on average, a child develops symptoms before age eight.
Is intellectual disability a brain injury?
Brain injuries, such as traumatic brain injuries, brain injuries due to infection, or hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) due to lack of oxygen at birth can lead to intellectual disabilities. However, an intellectual disability itself is not a brain injury, and it may occur even if someone does not experience a brain injury. For example, some genetic mutations can lead to intellectual disabilities in the absence of an injury.
How can I help someone with an intellectual disability?
Here are some tips that can help you support someone with an intellectual disability:
Use their preferred terminology: The term “mentally retarded” was replaced with the term “intellectual disability,” which more accurately describes the complex nature of these disabilities and reduces stigma. Word choice matters.
Provide non-judgmental support: Empathy, active listening, and emotional validation can help.
Learn about the disability: Learn about how the disability impacts your loved one and provide support appropriate for their developmental level and needs.
Find further support: If you’re a caregiver of a child with an intellectual disability, check in with your child's healthcare provider about support resources. It may be helpful to use a tool like the Supports Intensity Scale (SIS) to identify mismatches between the child’s needs and abilities.
Which type of intellectual disability is the most common?
Down syndrome, fragile X syndrome, and fetal alcohol syndrome are some of the most common types of intellectual disabilities. Down syndrome is considered the most common genetic intellectual disability, with about 1 in every 700 newborns diagnosed.
How do you describe learners with intellectual disabilities?
Clinical characteristics, such as challenges with abstract thinking, learning new information, communicating, problem-solving, and processing information quickly are common among learners with intellectual disabilities.
When referring to people with intellectual disabilities, it’s important to use inclusive, person-first language.
What are the learning needs of students with intellectual disabilities?
Students with intellectual disabilities may need different types of support, depending on their disability and the severity of impairment. For example, students may need:
Tasks and assignments that are broken down into smaller parts
Concrete activities
Visual or hands-on activities
Opportunities for practice and repetition
Accommodation, such as extra time for testing, access to quiet spaces, smaller class sizes, or note-takers
What challenges do people with intellectual disabilities face?
Some challenges a person with intellectual disabilities might face include:
Stigma, marginalization, and discrimination
Challenges with learning new information, problem-solving, or processing information quickly
Communication and social connectedness
Loneliness, social isolation, and mental health challenges
Lack of proper training for healthcare providers, which can contribute to disparities in healthcare
How can I help my child with an intellectual disability?
Some approaches that you might use to help your child include:
Be an advocate for their needs
Provide positive feedback
Collaborate with their teachers
Teach them daily skills, like managing finances and cooking
Set expectations appropriate for their developmental level
Prioritize self-care and consider seeing a therapist or joining a support group
Encourage their independence
Watch for signs of mental health challenges
Is an intellectual disability lifelong?
Yes, intellectual disabilities are lifelong conditions. Though it is not “curable,” there are many interventions and strategies that can help people carry out daily functioning and maintain high quality of life.
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