Why Is It That Nothing Makes Me Happy? A Mental Health Perspective

Medically reviewed by Arianna Williams, LPC, CCTP and Julie Dodson, MA, LCSW
Updated February 28th, 2025 by BetterHelp Editorial Team

If your days drag on, merging into a gray nothingness, and you notice the things that used to bring you joy simply do not anymore, this could signify the beginning of a depressive episode. If you find that you’re also asking yourself why you are never happy, this could be a sign of depression, too. A common sign of early depression is the inability to feel pleasure from people and activities which used to provide you with it.

Do you sense that nothing can make you happy anymore?

Understanding the dual nature of depression

If you’re experiencing depression, it can be hard to identify exactly what’s causing it. Certainly, life circumstances can cause us to feel unmotivated, unfulfilled, or stagnant; however, there may also be a biochemical element to depression. Often, both situational and physical elements can play a role, each exacerbating the other.

Recognizing interplay between oneself and one’s circumstances highlights the importance of a holistic approach to treatment—it's not merely about addressing the symptoms, but also understanding and treating its underlying causes. 

This often involves:

  • Lifestyle modifications: Lifestyle modifications play a crucial role in managing depression. Mental and physical health are closely linked—while you may think of the mind as being separate from the body, the current body of scientific research supports the idea that mental health is a function of brain health. Thus, regular exercise, a nutritious diet, and plenty of sleep are crucial components of managing depression symptoms.

  • Therapy: Mental health professionals work at the intersection of the mind-body connection, helping you learn to align your thoughts and behaviors with practices that support both overall health and forward progress. Therapists and counselors are trained to identify both physical and circumstantial issues that may be causing feelings of sadness, low mood, or lack of contentment.

  • Medical interventions: In some cases, a chemical imbalance in the brain may play a role in depression. Research has identified some key neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine that significantly impact mood control. Medical interventions, including antidepressants, aim to correct these imbalances. If lifestyle and behavioral changes are not sufficient for managing symptoms, it may be advisable to talk to a doctor.

Possible causes of fading happiness

Your level of happiness depends on many variables. Your emotions are affected by your health, your thoughts, work-related stress, and your overall lifestyle. For example, you may feel sad after not sleeping well or after eating a diet that lacks essential nutrients. You may also have family genetics that predisposes you to depression. Regardless of the reason for your unhappiness, it's important to remember that there is help available to you. In this article, we'll look at reasons for feeling unhappy and ways to feel better.

Nothing makes me happy: Fading happiness is a growing occurrence

When you're struggling to feel happy, it's important to know you're not alone. Negative thoughts which produce negative feelings are a growing concern in our society.

Our society's current view on work is one reason for this trend. Many people work long hours and long weeks. They want to move forward in their careers, so their busy work schedules keep them from other areas of their lives. This can lead to a negative self-image and difficulties with families and social lives.

In addition, we're becoming increasingly dependent on screens. Social media leads us to compare our whole lives with only the positive moments in others' lives. We see their good and compare it to our bad, interpreting that our lives are lesser because of it. We also spend more time on computers and phones when we could be nurturing ourselves with things like sleep, self-care, social interactions, or time spent outdoors.


Despite feelings of unhappiness as a growing concern in our society, there are many resources that can help you. Other people have been in your shoes, and they've found ways to experience happiness again.

Exploring mental health: Finding joy when nothing makes you happy

If you find yourself feeling unhappy with your life, you'll want to find the root cause of your unhappiness, so you can make changes. First, look at your lifestyle and see if anything has changed in the recent past. If you experienced a big change around the time your unhappiness began, it may be the source of your negative perceptions and feelings.

For example, did you move to a home in a colder climate? If you've been getting less sun exposure than usual, your body may lack vitamin D. In this case, getting adequate time in the sun or taking a vitamin D supplement could help your mood. Alternatively, have you recently started a new job? Changes in routine can be overwhelming and can therefore lead to negative emotions. Give yourself time to adjust and indulge in self-care in the meantime. Sometimes, it takes a while to get used to a new lifestyle.

If no big changes have occurred recently, you'll want to dig deeper to find the source of your unhappiness. Look at your health, diet, sleep, stress levels, and social life. You may find that you need to make an adjustment to return to your normal level of happiness.

What can bring me back to happiness?

There are several things you can try to diminish your feelings of melancholy. Some of these treatments are very simple, such as getting enough rest. To feel happy, you need to make sure you're getting enough sleep at night. Too much or too little sleep can quickly lead to feelings of unhappiness. Even if you're stressed or short on time, it's far better to get the sleep your body needs, which can often lead to more energy throughout the day and, therefore, better focus and productivity.

Check your physical health before assuming depression

If you're struggling with sadness and sleep, you may want to see your primary care physician first. Other medical conditions can appear to be psychological disorder like clinical depression when they're actually a different underlying condition. Health concerns like an underactive thyroid, low levels of Vitamin D, and even dehydration can all resemble the symptoms of depression. See your physician and consider requesting blood work or other tests, if appropriate. This will help you find out if something physical is the source of your unhappiness.

Eat a balanced diet to boost your mood and well-being

You'll also want to be sure you're eating well. When we're busy, we tend to eat foods that are quick to make or highly processed. Fast food and sugary foods can have a negative impact on your mood. Because of this, it's important to take the time to eat a well-balanced diet full of whole foods. Many doctors believe that increasing plants in your diet will improve your overall health. Diets heavy in vegetables and fruits help your body obtain all of the vital nutrients and vitamins that you need to function properly.

Stay connected: The importance of social interaction for happiness

In addition to sleep and a healthy diet, we also need other people to be happy. When you begin to notice you're feeling sad, try not to isolate yourself. Get involved in social events and reach out to loved ones. One simple way to become more social is to take fifteen minutes or so a day to engage with family and friends. These little moments will provide emotional breaks as you connect and express yourself with people who care about you. This will mean less time spent experiencing stress at work and more time for your social life.

Practice gratitude to boost happiness and contentment

Furthermore, taking time to be thankful can help bring happiness back to your life. Steer clear of negative thoughts by reminding yourself about the good things in your life. Whether it's your family, your friends, your dog, or nature, you always have something for which to be thankful. Acknowledging what you have helps you create a sense of contentment and reduces the desire to compare yourself to other people. In fact, expressing gratitude has been shown to improve your mood and increase your psychological resilience.

Use a mood chart to identify triggers and emotional patterns

You may also want to consider keeping a mood chart. Most people think that only big events trigger depressive moods. These events might include a breakup, the death of a loved one, or losing your job. However, this is not always the case. You may be triggered by something as simple as a scent, a song, or a sad commercial. Tracking your moods with a chart allows you to identify emotional patterns and can prepare you for triggering events. If you recognize that thinking about a certain event triggers your feelings of unhappiness, you can practice addressing those specific thoughts.

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Do you sense that nothing can make you happy anymore?

Finally, getting involved in daily exercise can have a huge impact on your mood. Movement can charge your body and give you a boost of energy. Then, your brain will produce endorphins, which can help you feel happier and more awake. Exercise may also increase your confidence because it helps you stay in shape. Plus, it helps you concentrate, allowing you to finish your daily tasks, which feels good and can positively affect your overall happiness.

Therapy can help

If you've tried the ideas above and you're still struggling with a depressed mood, you may want to speak with an in-person or online counselor. You don't have to struggle alone. A licensed counselor can help you sort out what is happening in your life and what steps you can take to make it better.

How BetterHelp can support you

If you have a busy schedule and you want to meet with a counselor in the comfort of your own home, then online counseling might be the better option than face-to-face counseling. The therapists at BetterHelp have helped countless people escape the grasp of depression, and they can help you work through your negative emotions, too. 

Benefits of online therapy for managing depression and finding happiness

Online therapy has been shown to be as successful as in-person therapy—if not more successful—at helping people with a wide range of issues, including depression. An online therapist is licensed and trained to help you figure out what's keeping you from feeling happy.

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When nothing makes you happy, life can seem extremely hard. However, it's important that you have hope. Things can get better. You can begin right now to find the root of your sadness, make lifestyle changes, and seek professional help. With the right tools, you'll be better able to enjoy all of the activities that once made you happy. Take the first step now.

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