The Pressure To Be Productive: Implications For Mental Health And Stress
Many people lead lives with demanding schedules, tight deadlines, and heavy workloads. Balancing work, family, and friends can sometimes feel overwhelming and some of us may feel the weight more than others. Whereas many are able to “switch off” and shift seamlessly between productivity and relaxation, it’s not uncommon to feel pressured to get things done.
This drive can sometimes be all-encompassing, making it difficult to compartmentalize and draw firm boundaries. This phenomenon is sometimes referred to as toxic productivity. Here, we’ll explore this concept and its impact, as well as some ways to implement healthier boundaries in your life.
When does productivity become toxic?
Productivity is usually not considered a bad thing. Many people are familiar with the problems associated with a lack of productivity. For some, the search for motivation can be a significant struggle as they overcome barriers to productivity. Those people might scoff at the idea of toxic productivity, but evidence suggests that striving to be over-productive can have significant negative effects.
The research suggests that productivity should exist in a balance.
Dedicating too much time to work or other "productive" pursuits can be harmful, as can working too little. If that's the case, how can a person tell the difference between a high level of healthy productivity and toxic productivity?
First, it is important to note that there is no formal definition of toxic productivity. It is an increasingly common buzzword that generally refers to those with such a high dedication to productivity that it affects their well-being. Below are some signs that may indicate your productivity has become toxic:
- You frequently disregard the importance of rest in favor of completing productive tasks.
- You find it challenging to disregard your to-do list, even when it would be beneficial to do so.
- You often feel guilty for "wasting time" by prioritizing recreational activities, time with friends, or time with family.
- You often feel guilty when not currently engaged in a productive task.
- You feel excessive anxiety when thinking about missed accomplishments or being "lazy."
Generally speaking, if you feel that your work, family, and social pursuits are all valid priorities, your productivity likely isn't toxic. Still, even if you are able to find a balance, be cautious about the potential consequences of overwork.
Toxic productivity and perfectionism
While there is scant research exploring toxic productivity directly, many experts believe that it is closely related to perfectionism. Perfectionism is not the same as working hard or pushing yourself to achieve a goal; rather it refers to a tendency to strive for perfection at the expense of other aspects of your life.
Therapists tend to distinguish between the "pursuit of excellence" and perfectionism. Pursuing excellence is usually healthy behavior because it implies that your boundaries for your well-being are respected, while perfectionism implies an obsessive pursuit at the cost of mental and physical health.
A perfectionist often has unrealistic standards and works compulsively toward their goals, measuring their value based on what they can produce and achieve.
This tendency is likely a core defining feature of both perfectionism and toxic productivity. In psychology, a compulsion is a behavior that a person engages in to avoid feelings of anxiety or distress. For a perfectionist, the concept of "good enough" likely produces unpleasant negative feelings. Similarly, avoiding work or shirking a to-do list likely produces similar feelings for those experiencing toxic productivity, even if the person has completed a reasonable amount of work by other's standards.
The stress of the hustle: The cost of toxic productivity
A recent study found that perfectionism is increasing rapidly in Western countries. Toxic productivity may be rising at a similar rate, perhaps reflecting the rise of "hustle culture" in recent years. It is not uncommon for individuals to wear badges of perfectionism or productivity proudly; people may find working to the detriment of their well-being to be a sign of success or achievement.
While some may find overwork to be a sign of a successful, driven person, the reality is significantly different. A 2022 survey by Deloitte Insights and Workplace Intelligence of over 2,000 employees identified a considerable number of employees who are dissatisfied with over-productivity. Some notable results of the survey include:
- 70% of C-level executives surveyed are considering quitting their jobs in favor of employment that supports work-life balance and well-being.
- Over 40% of employees consider themselves to be exhausted or overwhelmed.
- Nearly a third of executive-level employees reported feeling lonely or detached from others due to work.
- Over 50% of those surveyed are experiencing mental health concerns and fatigue.
- At all levels, many employees believe that they struggle to prioritize their well-being over work obligations.
While toxic productivity – framed here as hustle culture – can certainly have some downsides, it does have some positive effects. Increased working hours often mean increased income, and in some employment environments, it may mean promotions and raises. As with many things, enjoying the benefits of hustle culture while avoiding the negative impacts likely comes down to balancing work and other priorities. One study found that workers experience benefits by working 50 hours per week but that productivity plummets when working more than 55 hours per week.
Productivity pressure, happiness, and mental health
Evidence suggests that forcing yourself to continue working can certainly increase productivity, but pushing yourself beyond your limits can lead to productivity losses. In addition, overwork is associated with numerous consequences for mental and physical health. Research into employee motivation reveals another potential link between well-being and happiness. Evidence indicates that happiness increases productivity, while stress and anxiety decrease it.
Thus, it is possible that working beyond your limits significantly reduces the gains associated with working longer hours. Toxic productivity may have the paradoxical effect of lowering your overall productivity by reducing work quality or increasing the frequency of revisions or corrections. Empirical research has already identified a keen drop-off in productivity once most people exceed 50-hours of work per week, and it is possible that a lack of life satisfaction, happiness, and overall well-being may be part of the cause.
How to be less productive
If you constantly feel the need to be productive, you likely feel as though you have little choice whether to comply. However, toxic productivity does not need to control your life, and there are strategies you can try to help you reduce the burdens of a constant drive to be productive.
Set strong boundaries.
Whether you are setting boundaries with your employer, a coworker, or yourself, strong boundary-setting is essential when trying to be less productive. Try to end your workday at a reasonable time, limit contact with people or things that make you want to work, and ensure you have time set aside for "non-productive" things.
Set S.M.A.R.T. goals in work and personal life.
Set goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. S.M.A.R.T. goals let you assess and re-evaluate your goals as needed, making it easier to avoid goals that expand your to-do list beyond your limits.
Prioritize doing things that aren’t productive.
Avoiding toxic productivity likely means embracing intentional unproductivity. If you're in a toxic productivity cycle, take time to prioritize doing nothing at all. It may be unpleasant or challenging at first, but learning to be unproductive is an important part of managing productivity.
Mind your "shoulds."
"Shoulding" is a form of cognitive distortion where a person focuses intently on what they should have done rather than what they did do. Take time to focus on what goals you achieved and how much you have accomplished on your to-do list rather than focusing intently on what you "should" have done.
Address underlying feelings.
Several personal factors, including a fear of failure, imposter syndrome, low self-esteem, and others, may cause toxic productivity. Take time to evaluate what factors may be contributing to your toxic productivity.
Can online therapy help with the pressure to be productive?
An online therapist may offer a convenient way to help you understand and manage your nonstop drive to be productive. Meeting with a therapist online removes some barriers to therapy, such as traveling to an office or being restricted to only therapists near you, making it especially helpful for those in an area experiencing a shortage of mental health professionals.
Benefits of online therapy in managing productivity pressure for better mental health
Online therapists use the same evidence-based techniques as traditional therapists, like cognitive behavioral therapy. They can help you better understand feelings of toxic productivity, identify underlying causes, and offer solutions to help you balance your priorities better. Although therapy services are delivered remotely, evidence indicates that online therapy is just as effective as in-person therapy.
How do I stop feeling like I need to be productive?
To let go of the need to be constantly productive, you might first want to identify why you feel that way. For example, if your need to be productive at all times stems from unrealistic expectations put on you by a work supervisor, parent, or spouse, your best course of action will be different than if your feelings stem from an anxiety disorder. Talking with a close friend or therapist might help you identify where these feelings originate.
That said, setting clear boundaries around your time might help you stop over-focusing on productivity. Figure out how many hours of the day you want to be productive, both at work and at home — be realistic here, allotting yourself plenty of time to sleep, eat, take a break, socialize, etc. Then, dedicate other hours to leisure time or relaxation. Finally, create a schedule, clearly delineating when you will be productive and when you will rest or relax, and try to stick to it. Try to treat your leisure hours as if they are just as important as your productive hours.
What is productivity anxiety?
Productivity anxiety refers to anxiety that stems from the idea that a person is not productive enough, even when they have been very productive. The term is not an official diagnosis. A person with productivity anxiety may have an anxiety disorder, or they may just be under increased stress or in a demanding environment.
Sometimes people experience productivity anxiety because they have low self-worth, and they only feel like others will like them or find them worthy if they are always productive. People with productivity anxiety may have a sense of anxiety or guilt when they try to relax or have fun, because they feel like they should be doing something productive, instead.
Why do I feel guilty when I'm not productive?
You may feel guilty when you aren't productive because either you or someone else has not set realistic goals for you. Unrealistic goal setting can lead to a sense that you are always "behind." Some people, such as those who are addicted to work, may feel guilty when they are unproductive, even if they routinely work much more than is required of them.
How do I feel productive all the time?
It is impossible to be or feel productive all of the time. The human brain and body are designed to require daily rest. Hours of productivity should be balanced with time dedicated to self-care. Self-care may entail sleeping, eating, exercising, socializing, relaxing, or engaging in something creative, playful, or fun.
If a person makes themselves overly busy, they may become stressed and eventually experience burnout. Burnout occurs when a person is chronically stressed and doesn't properly manage that stress. It involves feeling exhausted, feeling disconnected from or negative about work, and being unable to be as productive as before.
Do I have productivity dysmorphia?
You may have productivity dysmorphia if, even after being very productive, you still feel unproductive and as if you should be doing more. Productivity dysmorphia is not an official diagnosis, but it may accompany anxiety or another disorder, like attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Productivity dysmorphia can also result from unrealistic goal setting.
Why am I addicted to productivity?
Different people may be addicted to productivity for different reasons. One person may feel addicted to productivity because they have internalized the value of always being productive from a broader productivity culture. Others may feel addicted to productivity because they have been using being productive as a way to avoid unpleasant emotions, like anxiety, that may arise during moments of quiet or stillness.
What is toxic productivity?
Toxic productivity describes productivity taken to a degree that becomes unhealthy. When a person engages in toxic productivity, they prioritize being productive while neglecting important areas of life, like physical health, relaxation, or time with family and friends. Toxic productivity can suck the joy out of life as a person over-focuses on projects.
A person may be driven to engage in toxic productivity because of their own personal issues or as a result of a toxic work environment. Nineteen percent of the American Psychological Association's 2023 Work in America Survey respondents described their workplaces as toxic.
How do I get rid of productivity anxiety?
To counteract productivity anxiety, you may need to set realistic goals and divert some of your time to relaxation and healthy habits. Writing down goals is one way to help make them priorities. You can identify if a goal is realistic or not through experimentation. For example, if you set a goal for something you want to complete in one day, but realize you can only complete it if you work through lunch or stay late, then it was an unrealistic goal.
If you are in a toxic work environment and everyone is accustomed to you being unrealistically productive, you may have to have a discussion with your boss or someone in human resources in order to make the shift toward a more balanced life. If your motivation to overwork has come from within and you find it difficult to work less and relax more, talking to a therapist might help.
Is productivity part of mental health?
Mental health and productivity are closely related. When a person experiences a mental health disorder, they are likely to become less productive. However, the reverse is also true, meaning, when a person's workplace expects unrealistic levels of productivity and causes stress, mental health suffers and a person might experience burnout.
Is anxiety and ADHD related?
Anxiety and ADHD are often connected, with a person who has one disorder having the other. Both disorders can impact one another, as well. For example, when a person is experiencing more anxiety, they may also struggle to concentrate. And when a person experiences attention problems, that may impact their life in ways that trigger anxiety.
Sometimes, people with anxiety and attention issues fall into an unhealthy spiral regarding productivity. Perhaps ADHD or anxiety causes procrastination, then as a deadline looms, a person overextends themselves in order to meet the deadline. After the deadline, they may then be burned out or exhausted, which can lead to procrastination on the next project. With time, they might find themselves stuck in a cycle of overwork and burnout, instead of remaining consistently balanced.
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